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(Service in the Sky)

Abad, Ralph Lauren TMSS106 TTH (2:00-4:30 PM)

BSTM-IT 3 / HCQ November 16, 2023

Instruction: Having attended the Service in the Sky Seminar workshop, answer all the 3 guide questions, to sum
up your experience. Please upload your outputs in the assigned Canvas Course Assignment until November 18,
2023; 5:00 P.M. – NO EXTENSIONS.

1. Provide main concepts/topics/ideas included in the SERVICE IN THE SKY that was observed during the
seminar workshop, please discuss. (10 sentences ONLY, 40 POINTS)

The topics that I observed during the seminar workshop were the important roles of the Cabin Crew
and Emergency Procedures. First is the Cabin Crew’s important role following the 3S-Service, Safety, and Security.
Their responsibility is to keep passengers safe, ensuring that everyone follows security regulations and that the
flight deck is secure. Flight attendants also try to make flights comfortable for passengers, like providing the
needs and wants of the passengers. Responsible for educating the passengers especially in safety
demonstration procedures. Be familiar with procedures because what the passengers see in you they also
follow or do the same thing. Make sure that they have enough knowledge about the safety procedures.
Second is the Emergency Procedures, you need to be attentive and use your common sense. Don’t panic and
stay calm in any situation. Lastly, don’t hesitate to help if a passenger feels any conditions and also learn to do
the CPR procedures.

2. What is your biggest take away from the seminar workshop and how do you think it will affect your
careers in the future? (10 sentences ONLY, 20 POINTS)

I enjoy watching the practices performed by my other classmates. To be honest, performing

procedures like the Passenger Safety Demonstration is not that easy, but as time goes on and Ms. Jenneth Soller
continues to teach us, we get better and better. We will also use this procedure in our subject Tmss106 for our
demo. Ms. Jenneth Soller also showed and taught us the Evacuation Commands, how loud the voice is and
how distant passengers should be able to hear it. She also taught us about Cabin Crew Bracing Positions such
as Aft Facing and Forward Facing. I will pursue this course not only because I want to travel to different
countries when I become a Cruise Attendant but also to show that being a tourism student is not that easy
because there is also a lot to go through. I will not only finish this course because I want to but because I love it
and I can use it in my future to become a Cruise Attendant. I will pursue this to help and provide what my
passengers want and need. I will pursue this for my family to be with me and travel for free. I will pursue it
because it is what the Lord has given me and will give me a good life and a better future.
3. Attach 4 photos of you attending and actively participating in the seminar workshop with a
comprehensive caption. (20 POINTS)

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