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✨ how to make French fries✨


3-4 large potatoes

1 tsp fine salt

1 tbsp sugar

1 tbsp sweet corn

2 tbsp wheat flour

3 cloves of garlic, crushed

Oregano powder to taste (can be skipped)

Broth or fine salt to taste

Enough water and salt to soak the potatoes


1.Prepare all ingredients to make french fries. After that, peel the skin of the potatoes and make sure
the potatoes are completely clean of skin. Then, cut the potato not too thick and not too thin into
several pieces.

2. If you have, cut the potatoes lengthwise according to taste. However, do not be too thin so that the
potatoes do not crumble easily. Do this for all the potatoes. Set aside for a moment.

3. Prepare a large enough container and pour water into it. Then, add a pinch of salt to the water.
4. Put the potato pieces into the salt solution. Stir gently by hand so that all parts are exposed to the salt
solution. If so, rinse the potatoes with running water until clean.

5. Then, boil the water until it boils and add the crushed garlic, garlic, sugar, and salt. After that, stir to
mix well. Boil for 3-5 minutes or 1/4 cooked.

6. If you have, turn off the stove, lift, and drain. You can also wipe the potatoes with a paper towel.
Then, put the potatoes in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes.

7. While waiting, prepare the flour mixture by mixing the cornstarch and flour in one bowl. Stir until the
two flours are evenly mixed.

8. After that, remove the potatoes from the refrigerator. Sprinkle the potatoes with the flour mixture.
Stir until well mixed. Make sure all sides are coated with flour. Then, put the potatoes in the freezer for
1-2 hours.

9. After 1-2 hours, remove the potatoes and prepare the pan. Heat a lot of oil. Fry the potatoes until half
cooked in hot oil. Make sure the oil is really hot and the potatoes are submerged in the oil. Remove,
drain and let cool.

10. Then, heat the oil until it is really hot. When the oil is hot, reduce the heat and fry the potatoes until
they turn golden brown in color. Lift.

11. While the potatoes are still hot, sprinkle with the oregano and stock powder. Stir until well mixed.
Serve the potatoes along with the dipping sauce. Crispy French fries are ready to be enjoyed.

✨how to make fried oreo cheese banana✨


1. 7 steamed bananas

2. 50 gr grated cheese

3. 4 tbsp Flour

4. 1/2 tsp Salt

5. Oreos to taste

Dyeing Material:

1. 4 tbsp Flour

2. a little salt

3. Enough air

4. Panir flour to taste

How to make:

1. Mash the bananas using a fork.

2. When the bananas look smooth or mashed, mix all the ingredients.
3. Take a little dough, flatten it and fill it with Oreos, then round it.

4. Dip in the dye, then roll in the breadcrumbs.

5. Fry until cooked and the fried oreo cheese banana is ready to be served.

✨Coriander fried chicken✨


- 1 chicken, add salt and lime, wash and set aside

- 1/2 lime, squeezed

- 1 tbsp sweet soy sauce

- 1 tbsp soy sauce

- 1 tsp salt

- 2 tbsp sugar

Ground spices:

- 4 red onions

- 8 pieces of garlic

- 3 tbsp coriander grains

- 1 tsp pepper powder

- 1 piece of ginger

How to make:

1. Marinate the chicken with ground spices plus soy sauce, sweet soy sauce, sugar, salt, and lime juice.
Leave it for at least 30 minutes for the flavors to infuse.

2. Fry until cooked (medium heat).

✨How to make cassava chips✨


2 kg cassava (clean the skin, peel and then thinly slice)

Soaking Ingredients:

1 tsp baking soda

1 liter hot water (not freshly boiled water)

1 tsp salt

The oil for frying

How to make crispy cassava chips not hard:

1. Wash the cassava that has been thinly sliced until clean.

2. Prepare the marinade. The hot air wasn't freshly boiling. Add salt and baking soda mix well.

3. Enter the cassava into the marinade. Soak approximately 45 minutes-1 hour.

4. Drain the cassava then rinse again with clean water drain again.

5. Heat enough oil to be submerged. Fry the cassava until evenly distributed, stirring until cooked. Once
cooked, sprinkle with seasoning to taste.

6. serve

✨How to make donuts ✨


1. 250 grams of wheat flour

2. 125 ml of warm water

3. 2 tsp instant yeast

4. 2.5 tbsp sugar

5. 50 grams of margarine

6. Melted chocolate or powdered sugar for topping

How to make:

1. Combine instant yeast with sugar and warm water, stir until dissolved. Let it rise.

2. Sift flour and pour yeast water into it, mix well. Add margarine and knead until smooth or no longer
sticks to hands.

3. Cover the dough with a damp cloth and wait for it to rise for 1 hour.

4. When it has doubled in size, deflate and knead briefly. Divide the dough equally and round it.

5. Wait for the dough to rise again for about 15-20 minutes while being covered with a damp cloth

6. Heat the oil, take the dough, give the donut hole with the index finger. It doesn't have to be too big.
Gently fry in hot oil but use medium heat.

7. Turn once when it is browned, remove. Do it until the donut dough runs out. Give topping according
to taste.

✨How to make pudding✨


- 2 packs of gelatin powder (chocolate)

- 1 tsp chocolate paste

- 100 ml of water

- melted chocolate bars (200 grams)

- 5 tablespoons chocolate milk (choose sweetened condensed milk chocolate)

- 50 grams of sugar

- salt to taste

How to make:

a. Add the agar powder to a pot of water. Add white sugar and salt to taste. Stir all ingredients until
smooth. Cook over low heat while stirring constantly.

b. Add the melted chocolate bars, milk and pasta powder. Stir well. Wait until it boils, remove.

c. Pour into the mould. Wait until it cools down. Put the pudding in the refrigerator.

✨How to make cut eggs✨


6 quail eggs

1 tbsp wheat flour

salt to taste

3 tbsp water

cooking oil

Finely chopped scallions

How to make

Step 1

Beat the quail eggs then add the flour, beat continuously until it is increased with reduced flour

Step 2

Add boiled water, then whisk constantly and add salt to taste. Then add the scallions

Step 3

Heat a baking sheet over low heat that has been given cooking oil in each hole, about 1/2 of the hole

Step 4

Then pour the egg mixture into each hole. let it cook at the bottom then turn it over. Cook on low heat
so it doesn't burn

✨How to make jelly✨


1. 1 pack of plain jelly

2. 7 teaspoons of Cocoa Powder

3. 100 ml Sweetened Condensed Milk

4. 4 tablespoons of granulated sugar

5. 600 ml Boiled Water

How to make

Step 1

Pour cocoa powder, gelatin, sweetened condensed milk and 200 ml of water. Stir well until the
chocolate doesn't clump.

Chocolate jelly cooking.

Step 2

Heat a pan, add sugar and remaining water. Cook until boiling while adjusting the taste

Chocolate jelly cooking.

Step 3

Pour into a container

let it cool, put it in the fridge.

Ready to serve

✨ How to start the car ✨


1. Insert the key into the ignition. However, don't turn it on just yet – if you turn it on right away,
nothing will happen. ...

2. Get to know the clutch, brake, and gas. In a car with a manual transmission there are three pedals –
clutch, brake and gas. ...

3. Make sure your car is in neutral. ...

4. Turn on contacts.

✨How to turn on tv✨

How to Turn on the Television with the Remote

1. Connect the Cables. The first step, make sure the power cable from the television is connected to the
socket. ...

2. Press the Power Button. If the indicator light is on, you can press the power button on the remote. ...

3. Wait for the Screen to Light up.

✨How to turn on the projector✨

1. Make sure the projector is plugged in

2. Look at the indicator light on the projector if it is orange, the projector is ready to operate

3. Press the power button for about 2 seconds

4. after the green indicator light waits 20-30 seconds until the screen appears on the screen

5. Connect the VGA or HDMI Cable to your laptop

6. The projector is ready to use

✨How to turn on the fan✨

1. Plug the plug into the socket.

2. Press the ON button to turn on the fan.

3. Pull the lever at the top to move the fan. And press the lever if you want the fan not to move.

4. Set the speed by pressing the number keys 1,2,3.

5. Press the OFF button to turn off.

6. Keep out of reach of children.

✨ How to turn on computer✨

1. Connect the computer to the mains. ...

2. Install the required devices. ...

3. Turn on the monitor. ...

4. Turn on the computer. ...

5. Wait for the boot process. ...

6. Connect the device to a power source. ...

7. Turn on the device. ...

8. Knowing the computer is on.

✨How to turn on ac✨

Open the upper indoor casing of the air conditioner, then look for the manual button (small button to
turn on or turn off the air conditioner). If the manual power button has been found, press the button
and the AC will turn on (when the AC is off) or off (when the AC is on).

✨How to turn on the radio✨

Instructions for Turning On the Radio (1) Adjust the volume by turning the volume knob. (2) Turn the
seek finder dial. (3) Turn/press the power button (on/off). (4) Stop turning the dial after finding the
desired radio band.

✨How to turn on electric stove✨

How to turn it on is by plugging the plug into the socket so that the stove is electrified.

Then, press the on/off button listed on the stove.

After that, you can directly direct the frying pan or pan on the stove.
✨ How to start the car ✨


1. Insert the key into the ignition. However, don't turn it on just yet – if you turn it on right away,
nothing will happen. ...

2. Get to know the clutch, brake, and gas. In a car with a manual transmission there are three pedals –
clutch, brake and gas. ...

3. Make sure your car is in neutral. ...

4. Turn on contacts.
✨How to turn on tv✨

How to Turn on the Television with the Remote

1. Connect the Cables. The first step, make sure the power cable from the television is connected to the
socket. ...

2. Press the Power Button. If the indicator light is on, you can press the power button on the remote. ...

3. Wait for the Screen to Light up.

✨How to turn on the projector✨

1. Make sure the projector is plugged in

2. Look at the indicator light on the projector if it is orange, the projector is ready to operate

3. Press the power button for about 2 seconds

4. after the green indicator light waits 20-30 seconds until the screen appears on the screen

5. Connect the VGA or HDMI Cable to your laptop

6. The projector is ready to use

✨How to turn on the fan✨

1. Plug the plug into the socket.

2. Press the ON button to turn on the fan.

3. Pull the lever at the top to move the fan. And press the lever if you want the fan not to move.

4. Set the speed by pressing the number keys 1,2,3.

5. Press the OFF button to turn off.

6. Keep out of reach of children.

✨ How to turn on computer✨

1. Connect the computer to the mains. ...

2. Install the required devices. ...

3. Turn on the monitor. ...

4. Turn on the computer. ...

5. Wait for the boot process. ...

6. Connect the device to a power source. ...

7. Turn on the device. ...

8. Knowing the computer is on.

✨How to turn on ac✨

Open the upper indoor casing of the air conditioner, then look for the manual button (small button to
turn on or turn off the air conditioner). If the manual power button has been found, press the button
and the AC will turn on (when the AC is off) or off (when the AC is on).

✨How to turn on the radio✨

Instructions for Turning On the Radio (1) Adjust the volume by turning the volume knob. (2) Turn the
seek finder dial. (3) Turn/press the power button (on/off). (4) Stop turning the dial after finding the
desired radio band.

✨How to turn on electric stove✨

How to turn it on is by plugging the plug into the socket so that the stove is electrified.

Then, press the on/off button listed on the stove.

After that, you can directly direct the frying pan or pan on the stove.

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