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Natural cutters

-Anirudh Chaudhary, shreya sri

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur


This term paper explores three different natural cutting mechanisms in the kingdom of
plants: prickles, spines, and thorns. Each characteristic has a distinct purpose, such as
supporting climbing or defense against herbivores. It is finely tailored to the particular
ecological setting of the plant that possesses it. The goal of the study is to shed light on the
various ways that plants have evolved these innate cutting structures to improve their
chances of surviving. To do this, the paper thoroughly analyzes the shape, function,
evolutionary background, and ecological roles of spines, prickles, and thorns. A detailed
examination of the morphological features and functions of thorns, spines, and prickles
within the context of the plants that bear them is necessary to comprehend their mechanisms.
The paper will explore the specific adaptations that have developed over the course of
evolution, clarifying the complex interaction between form and function. With the
understanding that comes from this, we will investigate how these ideas may be applied in
the modern human environment to promote better development.

Natural cutters are extraordinary adaptations that have allowed species to flourish in their
specific ecological niches. They are frequently formed by millions of years of evolution.
These specialized structures perform crucial roles in defense, predation, foraging, and
manipulation in the animal and plant kingdoms, influencing interactions and survival
strategies of several species. This research study explores the fascinatingly complex world of
natural cutters, concentrating on four different categories: thorns, talons, beaks, and predator
teeth. These cutting processes are each one-of-a-kind biological engineering marvels that
have evolved over eons of natural selection. We explore the interesting histories of these
natural cutters, learning about their genesis, purposes, evolutionary paths, and ecological
importance. We will examine the complexities of these natural wonders, from the intricate
serrations of thorns that deter herbivores to the powerful talons of raptors that enable
precision hunting, from the adaptable beaks that facilitate various bird feeding strategies to
the fearsome predator teeth of carnivorous mammals and reptiles.
We explore the interesting histories of these natural cutters, learning about their genesis,
purposes, evolutionary paths, and ecological importance. We will identify similarities and
differences between these natural cutters through comparative study, revealing light on the
adaptations that have independently developed in the natural world. We also gain insights
into the intricate web of life on Earth, where the capacity to cut, grasp, or defend plays a
crucial role.

Thorns, spines and prickles:

These are one of nature's most efficient defense mechanisms. They are those pointed,
frequently needle-like structures that adorn the branches and stems of plants. In order to fend
off herbivores, defend themselves from environmental hazards, and ultimately assure their
survival in a variety of habitats, plants have evolved these strong structures.

Structure and Functions :

From the powerful spines of cactus to the delicate prickles of rose bushes, thorns come in a
variety of sizes and shapes. Although they may look different, protection is still their primary
purpose. The toughness and sharpness of thorns, which are often extensions of a plant's
epidermis, serve to dissuade herbivores from grazing on the plant's leaves or stems. The
structural diversity of thorns, which is tailored to the particular biological setting of the plant,
is one of its interesting characteristics. Some thorns are hard and straight, puncturing the
jaws of herbivores when they come into contact. Others are curved, making it harder for
herbivores to get around them. Thorns are frequently tipped with tiny barbs or hooks, which
increases their potency by making them challenging to remove after becoming lodged in the
flesh of a herbivore.

Evolutionary adaptations:
These are a result of the dynamics of co-evolution between plants and herbivores. Thorny
plants during geological time periods gained a competitive advantage by discouraging
herbivores, enabling their survival and reproduction. As a result of herbivores' adaptation to
avoid or endure thorns, a continual evolutionary arms race began.
1. Rose Bushes: Roses are famous for their prickles, which are modified thorns. These
prickles discourage herbivores and contribute to their beauty. Rose bushes do not
have thorns; they have prickles, as do raspberry and blackberry bushes. Prickles are
like thick hairs on our arm, and in roses and other prickly plants, the prickles grow
from their epidermis, or “skin”.
2. Durian thorns: Durian is a fruit native to Indonesia. The thorns function as a
protective mechanism and a deterrent to natural predators. In addition, when a durian
is ripe and falling from the tree, the thorny part of durian sinks into the ground to
reduce the effects of impact on the inside flesh. Thus, the structure of its thorns is
naturally designed to withstand an impact load. The outer layer of the thorn is
categorized by hardness into three
substructures: Thorn tip - a dry hard apex,
Thorn skin – its greenish exterior shell, and
Thorn core – a white soft material under the
skin. Thorn skin is found to have tensile
strength of 20.07 MPa which is much more
than 8.527 MPa of Thorn core.
3. Cactus spines: Cacti, which are well
recognized for surviving in harsh conditions, have evolved an amazing adaption to
ward against herbivores and conserve water: spines. Cacti's spines serve as a prime
illustration of how plants have developed specialized features to meet the demands of
their ecological niches. Like thorns, cactus spines are modified leaves, but their main
purpose is different. The main function of these organisms is defense, not
photosynthesis. These spines' rigidity, pointedness, and frequent waxing help to
reduce water loss through transpiration. Depending on the species of cactus, they
might vary in size and shape, but their sharpness and robustness are constant

Evolution of thorn’s sharpness:

1. Finger Testing: One of the initial methods for determining a thorn's sharpness is
still tactile evaluation. One can determine a thorn's potential to pierce skin or
leave noticeable markings by lightly touching the thorn's tip with a fingertip.
When applied to durian thorns, which have a strong, pointed morphology, the
finger test frequently results in an immediate awareness of their sharpness.

2. Gloved Hand Test: Using a gloved hand is a safer option to direct finger touch for
safety reasons. The gloved hand test reduces the possibility of harm while
simultaneously giving a tangible feeling of how sharp the thorn is. This is
particularly important in the case of cacti spines, which are well known for their
capacity to dissuade herbivores.
3. Microscopic Examination: optical microscopy or scanning electron microscopy
enables microscopic investigations to provide a magnified view of thorn surfaces.
These investigations reveal the thorn's edge's intricate microstructure. The finely
serrated or barbed features that contribute to the intimidating sharpness of durian
thorns may be visible by SEM analysis.

4. Force Gauge: Another tried-and-true method is to measure the force required to

make the thorn penetrate a standard substance (like rubber or foam, for example).
Due to their considerable efficiency in this area, rose prickles have been shown to
require relatively less effort than their blunter competitors, which reflects how
effective their defenses are.
Out of the four methods shown above, we choose the microscopy method for this term paper
which will be discussed further.
Optical microscopy:
We randomly selected thorny plants for the experiment, meticulously examining each one to
find similarities and differences. After careful study, we divided the plants into two groups,
designated as Samples A and B.

The observation of thorns reveals a noteworthy design feature – the small surface area at
their tips. This mechanical adaptation contributes to their piercing nature, serving as a
deterrent against potential threats and offering protection to the plant. It exemplifies how
nature tailors structures to fulfill specific roles. When external pressures, such as potential
dangers, come into contact with the high-density arrangement of thorns, particularly at their
small tip areas, they can induce discomfort or injury. Analyzing images, it becomes evident
that the surface of these thorns is smooth, exhibiting a relatively even and flat profile. This
smoothness enhances their effectiveness at piercing due to reduced friction as they penetrate
surfaces. Consequently, they prove
efficient at deterring herbivores and
puncturing potential threats.
The structural effectiveness and piercing
capacity of smooth thorns provide plants
with an additional line of defense. Their
design minimizes the likelihood of
breakage or damage when encountering
external pressure. This concentration of
force over a limited surface area, along with
reduced friction, increases mechanical
efficiency, drawing parallels with human
cutting tools. Smooth thorns, characterized
by their efficiency in piercing and cutting,
can be observed in various plant species,
including citrus trees such as lemon and
orange trees, Bougainvillea, and Blackberry and Raspberry Bushes. The shared functionality
between these thorns and human cutting tools underscores their effectiveness in protective
and functional capacities within both the plant and tool kingdoms.

Similar to the observations in Sample-A, we notice a distinct sharp end in Sample-B,
contributing to its enhanced piercing capability. However, upon examining the images of
Sample-B, it becomes evident that the surface is not smooth; instead, it displays rough
textures. This roughness can augment the thorn's ability to grip onto a surface, making it
more challenging for animals or objects to be dislodged once impaled. This characteristic
serves as an additional deterrent or a means to anchor the thorn firmly in place. It is
important to note that the primary function of rough thorns in plants is not cutting, but rather
defense, protection, and deterrence. Unlike sharp blades or knives designed by humans for
precise cutting purposes, rough thorns are
not specialized cutting tools. Their rough
texture can lead to abrasion, gradually
tearing or wearing down surfaces over
time. Plants can leverage this quality to
their advantage by decomposing or
wearing down objects they come into
contact with.
While these rough thorns may not be
designed for cutting, they serve as a
physical barrier, shielding the plant's
tissues. They play a crucial role in
restricting the abilities of herbivores by
causing irritation on the skin and
effectively protecting the plant's more
vulnerable parts, such as leaves and stems.
This type of thorn, characterized by its
rough texture, is commonly found in plant
species such as wild rose, Duranta, and
certain species of cactus. Their unique features contribute to the diverse strategies employed
by plants for defense and protection in various ecological niches.
Factors that are involved when a thorn pierces a surface:
1. Pressure Distribution: The application of force by a thorn onto the surface it pierces
exhibits a non-uniform distribution. The maximum pressure is concentrated at the
thorn's tip, where the force is most intense. This deliberate non-uniform pressure
distribution is a critical element contributing to the thorn's effectiveness in
penetrating surfaces with precision. As one moves away from the tip, the pressure
gradually diminishes, ensuring a strategic and efficient application of force.
2. Material Properties: The characteristics of the material being pierced significantly
impact the stress analysis during thorn penetration. Softer and less resistant materials
tend to yield more easily to the concentrated force applied by the thorn, contrasting
with harder and tougher materials that offer more resistance. The mechanical
properties of the material, including its hardness and elasticity, dictate its response to
the thorn's penetration, influencing the overall effectiveness of the piercing process.
3. Thorn Sharpness: The sharpness of the thorn's tip emerges as a pivotal factor in its
functionality. A sharper thorn possesses the ability to initiate penetration more
effortlessly, requiring less force for effective piercing. The sharpness is intricately
connected to the thorn's geometric configuration and edge properties, emphasizing
the importance of these characteristics in optimizing the thorn's piercing capabilities.
4. Friction and Cutting: Beyond mere piercing, friction and cutting mechanisms may
also come into play. The thorn's shape, angle, and surface properties influence its
interaction with the material. Cutting occurs when the thorn's shape and sharpness
synergize to separate material layers efficiently. This multifaceted approach
highlights how the thorn, through its geometry and properties, can engage with
various materials, underscoring the versatility of its functions in addition to piercing.

Some potential applications and inspirations for human technology and engineering
from natural cutters:
1. Leveraging the sharp tips and edges found in natural cutters provides engineers with a
valuable blueprint for designing cutting tools and blades across diverse industries,
ranging from manufacturing and construction to agriculture. Incorporating these
natural principles into engineering practices can pave the way for the development of
cutting equipment that is not only more precise but also highly efficient. The inherent
efficiency of natural cutters becomes a source of inspiration for engineers seeking to
enhance the effectiveness of cutting tools in various applications.
2. This principle extends to the medical field, where the design of surgical devices can
benefit from the efficiency of natural cutters. By creating surgical instruments that
require less energy to penetrate tissues, surgeons can minimize trauma during
procedures, ultimately leading to improved patient outcomes. The application of
natural cutting efficiency in surgical tools represents an innovative approach to
enhancing medical practices and patient care.
3. Furthermore, the influence of natural cutters extends to the realm of food processing.
Engineers can draw inspiration from the cutting efficiency observed in the natural
world to develop innovative food processing equipment. This includes the design of
machinery specifically tailored for cutting, slicing, and processing food with
heightened efficiency, precision, and reduced energy consumption. By mirroring the
effectiveness of natural cutters, engineers contribute to advancements in food
processing technology, addressing the demand for more efficient and sustainable
methods in the food industry.

In conclusion, the examination of natural cutters, such as thorns, yields valuable insights that
can significantly inform and influence engineering and technology in the human domain. The
effective cutting capabilities observed in natural cutters serve as a wellspring of inspiration
for the design and development of a myriad of instruments and processes across various
sectors. Thorns, in particular, emerge as a noteworthy model for innovation due to their
remarkable adaptations, showcasing their relevance in both sustainable design and precision
cutting applications. The insights gained from the study of natural cutters empower us to
enhance our technological solutions. By comprehending and emulating the mechanisms at
play in natural cutters, we have the potential to create instruments and processes that are not
only more accurate and efficient but also ecologically friendly. This seamless integration of
natural concepts into human technology underscores our commitment to innovation aligned
with values of sustainability, resource efficiency, and harmonious coexistence with the
Furthermore, the study of natural cutters serves as a guiding model for the future of
technology. It suggests pathways to improve efficiency and elegance, drawing from the
finely tuned adaptations of the natural world. This holistic approach not only advances
technological innovation but also fosters a deeper connection between human endeavors and
the delicate balance of nature, emphasizing a harmonious and sustainable coexistence. In
essence, the study of natural cutters provides a blueprint for a future technology that is both
efficient and attuned to the principles of the natural world.

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