9.1 The Most Holy of Caves (Free)

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The Most Holy of Caves While Skum-Beetle looks on suspiciously, Tangle-Top

readily introduces herself and explains the situation:

The characters come across a tribe of desperate goblins Dead Shaman. Clan Blue-Burn’s shaman, Yelzeblub,
looking to resurrect their spiritual leader – but will the was crushed in a tree-felling accident three days ago.
characters be willing to risk their lives to aid the goblins? Yelzeblub was the clan’s formal and spiritual leader
In this encounter for 1st- to 5th-level adventurers, and the goblins are all but lost without her leadership.
the characters encounter a tribe of goblins that have With her dying breaths, she urged the clan to fetch
recently lost their shaman. To resurrect her, the goblins “sun water” from The Most Holy of Caves and give it
have to get into a holy cave but the only one who knew to her, so she could be resurrected.
how to bypass the cave’s puzzles and traps was the The Most Holy of Caves. The cave is, as the name
very shaman they’re trying to revive. indicates, a very sacred place to the goblins. Who
The characters can run into this encounter as they’re built it or why, the goblins don’t know, and, quite
traveling overland, or they may be motivated to seek ironically, only the shaman Yelzeblub knew how to
the goblin tribe out after learning that: get past the cave’s puzzles and traps – information
she never saw fit to share with the rest of the clan.
• A shaman in a nearby goblinoid cave has knowledge For two days, the goblins have been trying to do
the characters need to continue on their main quest. Yelzeblub’s bidding, losing half-a-dozen goblins in
• A nearby cave contains a magic relic that the the process.
characters need on their main quest. The Blue-Burn Marks. Some of the clan’s goblins
• A city official in a nearby town offers the characters a have ingested potions of spellfire, which Yelzeblub
reward of 100 gold pieces if they’ll aid the goblins in has gathered from The Most Holy of Caves, in such
resurrecting their shaman, as they fear that the tribe large quantities that they have become permanently
will succumb to their violent tendencies without the infused with spellfire, turning them into spellfire
shaman’s guidance. goblins.
After giving this explanation, Tangle-Top beseeches
Beginning the Encounter the characters to aid Clan Blue-Burn, ensuring them
The encounter begins as the characters are traveling that Yelzeblub, upon her resurrection, will reward them
down the road near the goblin’s holy cave. As they richly. Behind her, Skum-Beetle scoffs dismissively,
come within 300 feet of the cave, they hear shrill but doesn’t protest.
voices arguing in Goblin. Read or paraphrase the
following: Approaching the Most Holy of Caves
If the characters accept, Tangle-Top eagerly takes
The arguing voices grow louder as two small shapes
one of their hands and leads them half-running to the
come tumbling through the brush. Green-skinned and
wide-eyed, the goblins look much like any other goblin mouth of The Most Holy of Caves, where more goblins
you’ve seen, except that faint blue and pink flames from Clan Blue-Burn are gathered (see Adjusting
seem to dance along their naked skin. Difficulty to determine their number and types).
If one or more characters speak Goblin, they hear the
Adjusting Difficulty
following snippet of the goblins’ argument:
This encounter is designed for 1st–5th-level
“Is lost cause! Yelzeblub nay be livin’, is lost cause!” characters. Below is advice on adjusting the
says one goblin with a leather patch over one eye. encounter to the desired difficulty and CPL*:
“You’s idiot, Skum-Beetle! We’s keep tryin’ – soon we’s • Easy. 2 spellfire goblins, 1 goblin/2 CPL
goin’ to get in, I’s know it!” says the other, smaller • Medium. 2 spellfire goblins, 1 spellfire goblin/2
goblin, who has intricately braided hair. CPL
“Bah! Is lost cause! Is me gonna be new shaman, yes!” • Hard. 2 spellfire goblins, 1 spellfire goblin/2
retorts Skum-Beetle and the argument continues. CPL, 1 goblin/2 CPL
*Combined Party Level (CPL) is the sum of the characters’
As the two spellfire goblins spots the characters, the levels, i.e. four 3rd-level adventurers have a CPL of 12.
braided-haired goblin – Tangle-Top – turns its eyes on
the characters and says in Goblin or Common:
“Uh... Is big-folk here,” the goblin says warily. “You’s
come to help? Yes, you’s can help! Big trouble for Clan
Blue-Burn – Shaman Yelzeblub be dead!”
Most of them seem as distraught as Tangle-Top and The Most Holy of Caves
meet the characters with a mixture of suspicion, fear,
and tentative hope. Read or paraphrase the following: The goblin tribe waits outside as the characters head
into The Most Holy of Caves, relieved that they won’t
A crowd of goblins have gathered outside a 10-foot- have to brave the dangerous traps themselves.
diameter opening in the small, rocky hill. Chattering
excitedly in goblin, they stand back as you make your General Features
way through toward the cave. All chambers within the cave have the following
Tangle-Top walks up to a tall goblin and snatches a general features unless otherwise noted.
crumpled piece of parchment from it and hands it to
you. “Is Yelzeblub’s paper! We’s found it in her pocket. Illumination. The caves are completely dark.
Clever riddle, too clever. Is make no sense to Tangle- Walls. The cave’s sheer and slippery walls are
Top, but maybe is make sense to you, yes?” magically reinforced and impenetrable. Pitons and
hooks can’t find a hold, and a creature climbing the
The note is written in Goblin and offers hints at how
walls must succeed on a DC 13 Strength (Athletics)
to traverse the cave’s challenges. Meant only as a check for each 15 feet it climbs or fall down.
reminder to herself, the note is deliberately confusing
Weird Gravity. Gravity is warped within the cave. A
so the other goblins wouldn’t be able to understand it.
flying creature must succeed on a DC 13 Intelligence
If the characters can’t understand Goblin, Tangle-Top saving throw for each 15 feet it flies or fall down and
happily translates the note to Common for them. it can’t fly until the start of its next turn.
Wild Magic. The cave is permeated by Wild Magic.
Any spell of 1st-level or higher cast within the cave
Twice the opposite of wrong, triggers a random magical effect, determined by
Straight ahead but skip one, rolling on the table below:
Ahead and across in a line, d4 Effect
And all will be fine! 1 Any spells or magical effects on you end.
The frog clears the
pit, 2 For the next minute, your proficiency bonus is
The spider doesn’t ge
t spit, doubled.
The snake won’t get
hit! 3 For the next minute, the effective range,
duration, and area of effect of spells you cast
In the end you will bathe, (including the triggering spell) is doubled.
In the beast’s greatest ha 4 You teleport in a random direction to the
furthest away unoccupied space within 30
These effects are an excerpt from the enhanced Wild Magic
Yelzeblub ’s N ote Effects table in Milando’s Guide to Magical Marvels.
C1. Balance of the Fates C2. Triple-Trapped Tunnel
The wide tunnel ends at an overhang over a deep The tunnel turns a sharp corner stretching on for
chasm filled with bright light, before continuing on the another 30 feet, narrowing into a width of around 3
other side of the chasm. Rows of glowing disks hover feet at its narrowest point. Halfway down the 10-foot-
in the air 30 feet above the chasm’s floor, which is high tunnel lies the corpse of a goblin.
covered by multicolored liquid. The corpses of several
dead goblins float in the shallow water. This narrow tunnel is fitted with three magical traps
that trigger when a creature moves down the tunnel.
This chamber is 50 feet high from floor to ceiling. The Spiked Pit Trap. A few paces feet into the tunnel, a
characters can jump from disk to disk to get across, 5-by-5 feet square pit is concealed by illusory magic.
though only some of the disks are safe to step on. Two A creature who can see through illusions or who can
goblins have successfully made it across (both lie dead sense magical auras notices the pit and can easily
in area C2. Triple-Trapped Tunnel), but the rest of the jump across it. The pit is otherwise undetectable. A
clan can’t remember which route they took. creature that falls into the pit must succeed on a DC
Magical Disks. The hovering disks of force are 13 Dexterity saving throw or fall 10 feet down, taking
strong enough to carry several thousand pounds safely 1d6 bludgeoning and 1d6 piercing damage. A character
– except that most of them are enchanted to briefly who can see into the pit or falls into it finds a dead
blink out of existence if more than 10 lbs are placed goblin at the bottom.
upon them, sending unlucky creatures tumbling 30 feet Poison Dart Trap. Halfway down the tunnel,
down to land prone in the sludge below. almost imperceptible holes fill the bottom and top
Wild Magic Sludge. The water at the bottom of the four feet of the tunnel’s walls on both sides. When
chamber has been warped by wild magic. Any creature a creature moves in front of the holes, spring-loaded
that starts its turn in the sludge or enters it for the first tubes shoot out 1d4 darts at it (each dart has +5 to hit
time on its turn takes 1d6 force damage and must make and deals 1d4 + 1 piercing damage plus 1d6 poison
a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. On a failed saving damage). A creature with a passive Perception of 17
throw, the target suffers a random magical effect, or who is searching for traps and succeeds on a DC 13
determined by rolling a d4 on the table below. The Intelligence (Investigation) check notices the holes just
effect lasts for 1 hour, during which the character can’t before moving in front of them. Because the tunnel is
take damage or gain new effects from the magic sludge. so narrow here, a Small or Medium creature who sees
d4 Effect the trap can suspend itself by its arms between the
1 You become poisoned. While poisoned in this walls and climb past the holes without any part of its
way, you have disadvantage on saving throws body being in front of the holes.
against spells and other magical effects.
Lightning Bolt Trap. At the end of the tunnel sits a
2 You transform into a random creature as with
5-foot tall dragon statue with its fanged maw open,
the spell polymorph for 1 hour. Roll a d4 to
determine which beast you turn into (1: ape; 2: facing toward the tunnel. When a creature comes
bat; 3: frog; 4: giant scorpion). within 10 feet of the statue, it exhales lightning in a
3 You can’t take reactions, and you have 15-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that
disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and line must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw,
saving throws that use Intelligence, Wisdom, or taking 2d6 lightning damage on a failed save, or
Charisma. half as much damage on a successful one. A creature
4 Your speed is halved and you have with a passive Perception of 17 or higher, or who is
disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and searching for traps and succeeds on a DC 13 Wisdom
saving throws that use Strength or Dexterity. (Perception) check notices sparks of lightning in the
There are three likely ways the characters can cross: dragon’s mouth just before coming close enough to
Climbing. The characters can attempt to climb along trigger the trap. A creature that is prone on the ground
the chamber’s walls, though doing so is risky as most when the trap is triggered automatically succeeds on its
climbing equipment is unhelpful and the walls are saving throw against the lightning.
sheer and slippery (see General Features). Yelzeblub’s Markings. To jog her memory, Yelzeblub
Jumping. Aided by Yelzeblub’s Note, the characters has scribbled a small sign on the wall just before each
can get across by jumping on the safe disks (marked trap is triggered: a frog before the spiked pit trap, a
with an X on the map of The Most Holy of Caves). spider before the poison dart trap, and a snake before
Magic. The characters may employ magic such as the the lightning bolt trap. A creature with a passive
spells misty step and flying to get across, though using Perception of 13 or higher notices each marking as it
magic in the caves is risky (see General Features). comes within 5 feet of it.
C3. The Most Holy of Fountains Adjusting Difficulty
The Most of Holy of Caves is designed with a party
The tunnel opens up into a round chamber. In the
middle of the chamber is a small, empty water basin of 1st-level characters in mind. At higher levels,
with a stoppered glass flask on its edge. Before the you can adjust difficulty by increasing the DCs
basin sits three stone figurines: a beautiful angel, a and damage of all traps and effects as such:
fearsome vampire, and a grotesque troll. • 2nd Level. Increase damage by 1d6.
• 3rd Level. Increase DCs by 1.
The basin in this room is magical and can produce • 4th Level. Increase damage by 1d6 (+2d6 total).
different types of magical materials. • 5th Level. Increase DCs by 1 (+2 total).
Stone Figurines. Each figurine is 1-foot-tall and • 6th Level. Increase damage by 1d6 (+3d6 total).
weighs 10 lbs, and has AC 8 and 10 hit points. If a • 7th Level. Increase DCs by 1 (+3 total).
figurine is destroyed, removed from the chamber, or • 8th Level. Increase damage by 1d6. (+4d6 total).
placed within the basin, all three figurines vanish. The • 9th Level. Increase DCs by 1 (+4 total).
figurines reappear only after the next full moon. • 10th Level. Increase damage by 1d6 (+5d6 total).
Filling the Basin. When one of the three figurines is
placed within the basin, the figurine crumbles (as does
the other two) and dissolves as the basin slowly begins SpellFire GOblin
to fill with one of three types of material: Small Humanoid (Goblinoid), Typically Chaotic Neutral
Necrotic Sludge. When the angelic figurine is placed Armor Class 15 (studded leather)
within the basin, the basin fills with a syrupy, black Hit Points 13 (3d6 + 3)
liquid. A creature can fill the glass flask with the Speed 30 ft.
sludge to make a potion of liquid death or drink from STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
the basin to gain the potion’s effect. 8 (–1) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 8 (–1) 14 (+2)
Radiant Water. When the vampire figurine is placed Skills Stealth +5
in the basin, the basin fills with glowing, radiant Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9
liquid. A creature can fill the glass flask with the Languages Common, Goblin
liquid to make a potion of radiant revival or drink Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)  Proficiency Bonus +2
directly from the basin to gain the potion’s effect. Warped. When a spell or other magical effect targets the
Spellfire. When the troll figurine is placed within goblin or would deal damage to the goblin, it causes a
the basin, the basin fills with blue-and-pink flames. random magical effect, determined by rolling a d4:
A creature can fill the glass flask with the flames to 1. The goblin has advantage on any saving throw it makes
against the spell or magical effect and resistance to all
make a potion of spellfire or submerge themselves in
damage dealt by it before the end of the goblin’s next turn.
the basin to gain the potion’s effect. 2. The goblin has disadvantage on any saving throw it makes
Once a potion has made from the basin, or a creature against the spell or magical effect and vulnerability to all
has gained its effects by drinking from or submerging damage dealt by it before the end of the goblin’s next turn.
3. The goblin gains 5 temporary hit points and it can
itself in the basin, the basin becomes empty again. immediately use its reaction to make one weapon attack.
4. The goblin takes 3 (1d6) fire damage and 3 (1d6) force
Conclusion damage as spellfire explodes from it. Each creature within
5 feet of it must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw
When the characters have retrieved a potion from the
or also take 3 (1d6) fire damage and 3 (1d6) force damage.
basin, they can retrace their steps to get out safely.
If they managed to obtain a potion of radiant revival, Actions
the characters can use it to revive Yelzeblub. Alive Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
once more, the shaman thanks the characters profusely target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage.
and offers them three potions of spellfire she has Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 80/320 ft.,
gathered during previous visits to the cave. one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.
If the characters retrieved one of the other potions, Bonus Actions
or refuse to use the potion of radiant revival to bring the Nimble Escape. The goblin takes the Disengage or Hide
shaman back to life, the goblins become agitated and action.
can only be dissuaded from attacking the characters Spellfire. The goblin envelops a weapon or missile it is
with a successful DC 13 Charisma (Deception, holding in magical flames that last until the end of its turn.
While ablaze, the weapon or missile deals an additional 3
Intimidation, or Persuasion) check. If an attempt (1d6) fire damage and 3 (1d6) force damage on a hit.
to calm them fails, the goblins attack. They fight
zealously, but flee if more than half of them are slain.
Magic Items Potion of Spellfire
Potion, Uncommon
Potion of Liquid Death This glass flask contains liquid spellfire. When you
Potion, Rare drink it, you gain the following benefits for 1 minute:
This glass flask contains a small amount of death made • As a bonus action, you can sheathe one weapon or
liquid. When you drink this potion, you gain the missile you are holding in magical flames that last
following benefits for 1 hour: until the end of your turn. While sheathed in flames,
• Your creature type becomes Undead. You no longer the weapon or missile deals an additional 1d6 fire
need to breathe, eat, drink, or sleep. damage and 1d6 force damage on a hit.
• You gain resistance to necrotic damage. • You become warped. When a spell or other magical
• You are immune to the poisoned condition and have effect targets you or would deal damage to you, a
immunity to poison damage. random magical effect is caused, determined by
• If damage reduces you to 0 hit points, you can make rolling a d4 on the table below:
a Constitution saving throw (DC of 5 + the damage d4 Effect
taken), unless the damage is radiant or from a critical 1 You have advantage on any saving throw you
hit. On a success, you drop to 1 hit point instead. make against the spell or magical effect and
resistance to all damage dealt by it before
Potion of Radiant Revival the end of your next turn.
Potion, Rare 2 You have disadvantage on any saving throw
This glass contains a shimmering, golden liquid. you make against the spell or magical effect
When you drink this potion, you gain the benefit of and vulnerability to all damage dealt by it
a regenerate spell. If poured into the mouth of a dead before the end of your next turn.
creature that has died within the last 10 days, it instead 3 You gain 5 temporary hit points and can
functions as a raise dead spell. immediately use your reaction to make one
weapon attack.
4 You take 1d6 fire damage and 1d6 force
damage as you explode with spellfire. Each
creature within 5 feet of you must succeed
on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or also take
1d6 fire damage and 1d6 force damage.

Potion of
L iquid D eath Potion of
S pellfir e

Potion of
R adiant R evival

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