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Drugs M- Much money are wasted

-Any chemically active substance rendering a specific O - Organs of the body are injured
effect on the central nervous system of man.
K- Kills both smokers and non smokers (Killing me softly)
-A chemical substance that affects the functions of living
cells and alters body or mind processes when taken into I - Infants are poisoned.
the body or applied through the skin.
N - Nervous system deranged
-Is a chemical substance that brings about physical,
G - God’s Temple is ruin (defiled) 1 Cor 3:16,17
emotional or behavioral change in a person taking it.
Drug are harmful
About 18.7 million people, or 7.7% of the population, are
Any drug may be harmful when taken in:
dependent on or abuse alcohol, and 12,000 more try it for
-Excess; the first time every day. Alcoholics Anonymous has 2
million members – impressive, but only a small fraction of
-Dangerous combinations; those who need help.

-By hypersensitive (allergic) person CAFFEINE

DRUG ABUSE It’s the most widely used mood-altering drug in the world
and is routinely ingested by about 80% to 90% of
=Is the overuse or consumption of drugs other than for Americans, primarily through soda and coffee. A daily
medical reasons. brewed cup of joe, with 100 mg of caffeine, can lead to
physical dependence. Withdrawal symptoms are
=Any non-medical use of drugs that cause physical,
experienced by 40% to 70% of those trying to quit.
psychological, legal, economic, or social damage to the
user or to the people affected by the user’s behavior. TOBACCO

= Using drugs without prescription. There are about 71.5 million users of tobacco products in
the U.S. About 23.4% of men and 18.5% of women are
= Abuse of drugs and other substances can lead to physical
cigarette smokers, with cigarette use lowest in Western
and psychological dependence.
states and highest in the Midwest; 44.3% of young adults
ages 18 to 25 use tobacco, the highest rate of any age
S- smoking
A- alcoholism
An estimated 3.6 million people are dependent on drugs.
D- drugs On average, 8,000 try them for the first time each day, and
700,000 are undergoing treatment for addiction. More
TOBACCO (Cigarettes) and Alcohol are “gateway” drugs. than half of first-time users are female and younger than
18. Marijuana, cocaine and pain relivers are the leading
No Child and or adolescent ever smoke mariuana without drugs of abuse.
learning how to inhale tobacco smoke first.
Ask a drug abuser whether or not they started with
alcohol, or cigarette; the answer is always “YES”. 1. Parental influences- unhappy home, parents showing
little or no interest in their children, Abuses committed by
SMOKING parents such as harsh physical punishments; Lack of
parental values; parents who are permissive and liberal; -It is a cluster of physiological, behavioral and cognitive
parental neglect; domestic violence; role modeling. phenomena of variable intensity in which the use of
psychoactive drug takes on a high priority thereby
2. Peer influences- Drug using friends encourage, pressure involving, among others a strong desire or a sense of
even, a youth to experiment with drugs. compulsion to take the substance and the difficulties in
controlling substance taking behavior in terms of its onset,
3. Personality Factors- Curiosity or the desire to
termination, or levels of use. (RA 9165) WHO
experience a new state of consciousness; Escape from
physical and mental pain, relief from boredom and FORMS OF DRUG DEPENDENCE
frustration, and desire to escape from harsh realities;
unable to conform with social standards; weak personality 1.Tolerance- A form of physical dependence, occurs when
or low sense of self esteem. the body becomes accustomed to a drug as the drug is
repeatedly taken in the same dose. It now requires ever-
HEREDITY = the transmission of physical and mental traits increasing larger doses to achieve the same desired effect.
from the parents to the offspring. Tendency to increase dosage to maintain the same effect
in the body.
ENVIRONMENT = the sum total of the dissimulation
acquired from the person’s surroundings. TYPES OF DRUG DEPENDENCE

EDUCATION= the sum total of the dissimulation acquired 1. Physical Dependence- can only be discernible when drug
from formal learning in an institution. intake is decreased or stopped and an involuntary illness
called the withdrawal syndrome occurs.
2. Psychological Dependence- Exhibited when a user relies
-Lack of parental guidance
on a drug to achieve a feeling of well- being. The most
extreme from of this is the obsession of the user with the
-Peer pressure
drug, thus focusing virtually all his interest and activity on
-Curiosity obtaining and using it. It is also arises from the ability to
satisfy some emotional or personality needs of an
-Weak personality individual.

-Desire to escape from reality In the brains of addicts, there is reduced activity in the
prefrontal cortex, where rational thought can override
-Frustration (due to personal, family or work problems) impulsive behavior.

-BoredomPoor self-image Addiction has a specific definition: You are unable to stop
when you want to, despite (being) aware of the adverse
4. Habituation- A form of psychological dependence,
consequences. It permeates your life; you spend more
characterized by continuous desire for a drug. A person
time satisfying (your craving).
believes that the drug is needed to function at work or
home because drugs often produces an elated/ excited Addiction is not just about substances. Addiction is about
emotional state. disrupting the processing of pleasure; the balance point is
shifted so you keep creating more and more urges, and
5. Addiction- a form of physical dependence, severe
you keep wanting more and more.
craving for the drug even to the point of interfering with
the person’s ability to function normally. Addiction occur when behaviors start to become
excessive. They are driven by our systems that stand up,
shake us and say, “The brain is saying this is good; we
-Characterized by the compulsion to use a drug to should do it again”.
experience psychological or physical effects despite
deterioration in health, work, and social activities.
Drugs that are commonly abused depending on their include crimes committed by those addicts which abuse
pharmacological effects may be classified into: drugs other than narcotics (Siegel and Senna, 1997).

-Stimulants = drugs which increase alertness and physical Considering that there are 1.8 million regular
disposition. E.g. Amphetamine, Cocaine, Caffeine, users (drug addicts) and 1.6 million occasional users of
Nicotine. dangerous drugs in the country or a total of 3.4 million,
based on the 1999 survey of the Dangerous Drugs Board
-Hallucinogens ( also known as Psychedelics) = drugs which (DDB), we can estimate that more than 360 million crimes
affects sensation, thinking, self-awareness and emotion. are committed every year in this country by the 1.8 regular
E.g. LSD, Mescaline and Marijuana. drug abusers alone. This does not include crimes that may
be committed by 1.6 occasional users.
-Sedatives = drugs which may reduce anxiety and
excitement. E.g. Barbiturates, Tranquilizers, Alcohol SOME OF RECOGNIZABLE SIGNS OF DRUG ABUSED

-Narcotics = drugs that relieve pain and often induce sleep. -Sudden shift in attitudes and demeanor
E.g. Opium and its derivatives such as Morphine, Codeine,
Herein. -Mood swings

COUNTRIES AND PRODUCTION -Highly excitable and displays fits of rage and aggression

Colombia : Coca/Cocaine -Unusual effort to conceal needle marks.

-Wearing dark eyeglasses to conceal constricted or dilated

Afghanistan : Opium pupils and bloodshot eyes

Burma/Laos/Thailand: Opium -Sudden regression from usual and normal capabilities

Philippines : Methamphetmine/Shabu -Neglect of personal grooming, hygiene and appearance

Golden Triangle (Opium-Heroin) Borders of Burma, Laos -Engaging in petty crimes to support illicit habit
and Thailand
-Association with known drug users
Silver Triangle Peru- Columbia- Bolivia
Malnutrition = the lives of drug dependents revolve
Golden Crescent (Heroin)Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan around drug abuse. They miss their regular meals because
they loss their appetite.
Panic Reaction = the loss of thought processes can cause
In one study, it was estimated that between 35 percent panic reactions or feelings of invulnerability. Both of these
and 40 percent of New York’s homicides are drug related states can lead to injury and death. Prolonged harmful
(Siegel and Senna, 1997). reactions include anxiety and depressive states, or breaks
with reality which may last from a few days to months.
In another study conducted in Miami, 573 narcotics users
annually committed more than 200,000 crimes, including Physical Damages = In addition to those diseases which
6,000 robberies, 6,700 burglaries, and 70,000 larceny accompany the use of unsterile syringes and contaminated
offenses. drugs may cause certain medical problems. Such as:

A similar study conducted showed that a sample -Liver and Kidney Damage due to large dosage;
of 356 addicts were found to be responsible for 118,000
crimes committed every year. According to one -Neglect personal hygiene;
observation, the estimated half a million heroin addicts in
-Kidney failure;Hepatitis;
the U.S. at the time of the study, could be committing
more than 100 million crimes annually, and these do not -Drastic weight loss;
- andVitamin deficiencies TYPES Of DANGEROUS DRUGS

PERSON CAN DO TO PREVENT DRUG ABUSED 1. Depressants- Also known as “downers”, are drugs which
act on and depresses the central nervous system causing
-Understand your own self. initial relaxation leading to drowsiness and sleep. Used of
downers results to impairment of judgment, hearing,
- Accept and respect yourself for what you are.
speech and muscle coordination. They dull the minds, slow
down the body reaction to such extend that accidental
-Develop your potentials.
deaths and suicides usually happen. E.g. Barbiturates,
-Engage in wholesome, productive and fulfilling activities. tranquilizers, alcohol.
(make yourself busy)
Types of depressants
-Maintain good physical and mental health.Use drugs
•Narcotics- The term narcotic basically refers to drugs that
produces a depressant effect on the CNS. Medically they
-Develop strong moral and spiritual foundation. are potent pain killers, cough suppressant and active
component of anti-diarrhea preparations. Narcotics
-Learn to cope with your problems and other stresses relieves pain by acting on specific structures, called
without the use of drugs. receptors, located on the nerve cells of the spinal cord or
brain. The usual method of administering these drugs into
-Learn to relate effectively to whom you can communicate the body is by injecting, ingestion or inhalation. E.g.
your problems freely. Opium and its derivatives such as Morphine, Codeine and
-Seek professional help if you feel you cannot cope with
your problems. •Opium- Refers to the flowering plant of the species
papaver somniferum. It is derived from the oriental poppy
plant which is grown in Asia and can also be found in other
The Controlled Substance Act of 1970 separates drugs
areas such as Mexico. The plant is usually 3 or 4 feet high,
that maybe abused into five Categories (Schedule) based
raw opium is dark brown in color and is bitter in taste. A
on the use and biological effects of the drugs.
number of alkaloids are derived from this substance, the
Schedule 1 – Almost all the drugs in this schedule are most of which are morphine, heroin, and codeine. The
illegal. All have a high potential for dependence and abuse, plant displays a beautiful flower that ranges in color from
and it is illegal to have them in your possession. Ex. white to purple.
Heroin, LSD, Mj
•Morphine- It is the most important alkaloids and
Schedule 2 – These drugs are highly addictive but, despite constitutes about 10 % of the use raw opium. It is
the risk, they remain in medical use because no converted from raw opium through a relatively simple
satisfactory non-addictive alternative medication is boiling and filtering process. One of the most significant
available. Ex. Cocaine, AMP, morphine and barbiturates. development in history took place in the early 19th
century, when Friedrich Serturner, a German scientist
Schedule 3 – this schedule includes drugs that have some isolated morphine from opium.
potential for abuse or dependence. Ex. Acetaminophen or
aspirin with codeine and some appetite suppressants. •Heroin- It is the most commonly abused narcotic in the
world. To produce heroin, the chemist takes an equal
Schedule 4 – These drugs are considered less likely to amount of morphine and acetic anhydride and heats them
cause dependence or to be abused as much as the drugs in together for six hours. It was discovered by Alder Wright
Schedule 3. Ex. Diazepam, Chloral Hydrate, Phenobarbital (1896), a British chemist. It promised to cure addiction
from opium and morphine. It is a white, odorless,
Schedule 5 – These drugs are included in the regulations crystalline powder with a very bitter taste.
because they contain small amounts of narcotics and are
least likely to be abused. Ex. Some anti diarrhea •Codeine- Also known as Methylmorphine. It is similar to
medications and cough medicines. morphine , but its effect is weaker in intensity. Cough
preparations generally contain one grain of codeine per various designs and shapes hence it is dubbed as “designer
fluid ounce. It is also available in tablet or powder form. It drugs”. It was first became popular in the US as
was isolated from morphine in the year 1832. recreational drug, followed later by European and
eventually gained popularity in other parts of the world
•Methadone- a synthetic narcotic used as treatment of including in the Philippines. Owing to its expensiveness,
heroin dependence but also fallen to abused. Other than most abusers are categorized among the elites, yuppies
methadone, other most commonly known synthetic opiate (young urban professionals) and nocturnal party goers.
substitute are meperidine (demerol) and darvon.
•Methamphetamine hydrochloride- Commonly known as
EFFECTS OF NARCOTICS “shabu”. It is a white odorless and crystalline powder with
bitter taste. It is popularly known as poor man’s cocaine. It
-Produced a short lived feeling of pleasure, euphoria and a
is considered as the most abused stimulants in the
positive sense of well being known as “thrill”, “rush”, or
Philippines. At present, this chemical has no known
medically acceptable use.
-Constrict pupil of the eye causing difficulty in vision
Effects of Stimulants (Amphetamines)
-On a large dose, it causes nausea, vomiting, and difficulty
-Causes irritability, restlessness, hyperactivity, anxiety etc.
in breathing
-Impairs judgment and causes deep depression and
-It induces sleep with a slow, shallow respiration
physical exhaustion after single dose of moderate strength
wears off
-Overdose cause convulsion, followed by cessation of
respiration leading to death
-Causes undesirable, acute psychotic consequences such
as suspiciousness, hostility, persecutory delusions, violent
2. STIMULANTS- Drugs which induce alertness,
and destructive behavior and recklessness
wakefulness, elevated mood, increased speech, mental
and motor activity, relieve fatigue or boredom and
-Physiological effects like hypertension, chest pain,
decreased appetite. E.g. Shabu, Cocaine, Ecstasy
irregular heart rate, convulsion and cardiac arrest leading
to death.
•Cocaine- The drug taken from the coca bush plant.
(Ertyroxylon coca) which usually grows in South America.
Cocaine, in its pure form, is also white and made up of
shiny, colorless crystal and understably called “snow” in more popularly known as psychedelics, is a group of
the junkie jargon. It is one of the strongest short acting natural or synthetic psychoactive drugs that produce
stimulants. reactions such as perceptual alterations and changes in the
state of consciousness. These drugs generally produced
•Amphetamines- usually prescribed to reduce appetite
marked distortion of the senses and alter the way time is
and to relieve minor cases of mental depression. This drug
perceived by the user. They produce hallucinations or
is representative of a broad class of stimulants known as
visions, hence the name. Chronic use lead to bizarre and
“pep pills”. The most common and widely used
anti-social thoughts as well as to disorientation and
preparations of the drug are methamphetamine,
confusion. These drugs work by exciting the CNS and
amphetamine sulfate, dextroamphetamine, which are
inhibiting the flow of serotonin, an important
known and sold under such trade names as Benzedrine,
neurotransmitter in the brain.
and Dexedrine. These drugs achieve their effect by
increasing the amount and activity of the neurotransmitter Type of HALLUCINOGENS
(noradrenaline) within the brain thus causing psychic
effects. •Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD)- a compound produced
from lysergic acid, a crystalline substance derived from the
•Methylenedioxymethamphetamine - (MDMA)- It is fungus claviceps purpurea which infects wheat. It was
commonly known as “Ecstasy” It is a white, yellow or discovered by Dr. Albert Hoffman while working in a Swiss
brown in color with a bitter taste and comes in the form of Pharmaceutical company. Known on the street as “acid”, it
either a tablet, capsule or powder. Its tablet form comes in is the best known and most potent hallucinogens.
•Mescaline- aka STP which stands for serenity- tranquility- -Cobalt Thiocyanate Test- Ephedrine
peace- a drug derived from the dried tops of the peyote
cactus, a small cactus native to Mexico. -HNO3 Test- Opium Alkaloids

•Psilocybin- hallucinogenic compound obtained in -Zwikker’s Test- Barbiturates

mushroom, psilocybe mexicana.
-FBS Test- Marihuana
•Phencyclidine (PCP)- considered as a menace and highly
-Micro-Diffusion Test- Volatile Substance
dangerous drug because it can be easily synthesized, this
drug has no medical purpose for humans but it is
occasionally used by veterinarians as an anesthetic and
sedative for animals. It is popularly known as angel dust. -Marijuana- Duquenois- Levine test (Red)

•Marijuana (Cannabis Sativa)- Marijuana is a Mexican term -Shabu- Symone’s test (purple)
meaning pleasurable feeling. It is a mixed preparation of
the flowering tops, leaves, seeds, and stem of the hemp -LSD- Van urk test (Blue purple)
plant. The plant may grow from 3 to 10 ft high. The
flowering tops of both male and female plant produce a -Opium- Marquis Test (violet)
sticky resin which contains Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC.
-Amphetamines- Marquis test ( red/ orange)
It is known as the world oldest cultivated drugs used by
the incas of Peru. -Barbiturates- Dilli Koppanyi/ Zwikkers test (violet/ blue)

EFFECTS OF MARIJUANA -Cocaine- Cobalt thiocynate (blue)

-Faster hear beat and pulse rate NATIONAL DRUG SITUATION

-Blood shot eye -As early as 1996, the United Nation has noted the rising
popularity of amphetamine- type stimulants (ATS) among
-Dry mouth and throat
drug users, and termed ATS as the “Drugs of the 21st
-Altered sense of time or disorientation Century”. In its 2005 world drug report, The UN office on
Drugs and crime reported that the largest number of
-Forgetfulness and inability to think methamphetamine clandestine laboratories dismantled in
East and south East Asia in 2003 was recorded by the
-Impaired reflexes/ coordination Philippines. In a survey conducted by the DDB in 1999,
there were around 1.8 million regular users and 1.6 million
-Acute panic – anxiety reaction- extreme fear of losing
occasional users of Dangerous drugs in the country. In
2004, the country’s rehabilitation centers reported 5, 787
admissions reflecting a decreased of 32% compared with
7, 113 admission in the previous year. Statistics from
weight / volume these rehabilitation centers show the following trends:

Appearance: color, texture, odor, homogeneity pH

Solubility microscopic
-1. majority of patients are in the 20- 29 age group

-Marquis Test – Amphetamines

-The ratio of male users to female is 9:1
-Simon’s Test – Methamphetamines

-Chen-Kao’s Test- Ephedrine -Shabu is the most popular drug of choice, abused by 84%
of patients
PHILIPPINE DRUG ENFORCEMENT AGENCY( PDEA) •Dispense. – Any act of giving away, selling or distributing
medicine or any dangerous drug with or without the use of
For thirty years, RA 6425, otherwise known as the prescription.
Dangerous Drug Act of 1972, had been the backbone of
the Philippine drug Law enforcement system. Recognizing •Sell. – Any act of giving away any dangerous drug and/or
the need to strengthen or replaced the existing anti- drug controlled precursor and essential chemical whether for
laws, Pres. Gloria Arroyo signed RA 9165 or the money or any other consideration.
Comprehensive Dangerous Drug Act of 2002, on June 7,
2002 and it took effect on July 4, 2002. The new anti- drug • Trading. – Transactions involving the illegal trafficking of
law defines more concrete course of action for the dangerous drugs and/or controlled precursors and
national anti- drug campaign and imposes heavier essential chemicals using electronic devices such as, but
penalties on offenders. not limited to, text messages, email, mobile or landlines,
two-way radios, internet, instant messengers and chat
The enactment of RA 9165 as reorganized the Philippine rooms or acting as a broker in any of such transactions
Drug Law Enforcement System. While the DDB remains as whether for money or any other consideration in violation
the policy making body, it created the PDEA under the of this Act.
office of the Pres. The new law also abolished the National
Drug Law Enforcement and Prevention Coordinating •Pusher. – Any person who sells, trades, administers,
Center, PNP Nargrp, NBI narcotics unit, and the customs dispenses, delivers or gives away to another, on any terms
interdiction office. Personnel of these abolished agencies whatsoever, or distributes, dispatches in transit or
were to continue to perform their tasks on detail service transports dangerous drugs or who acts as a broker in any
with the PDEA subject to a rigid screening process. of such transactions, in violation of this Act.

The PDEA was officially activated on July 30, 2002 when •Protector/Coddler. – Any person who knowingly and
the Pres. Appointed its first director Gen, Undersec. willfully consents to the unlawful acts provided for in this
Anselmo Avenido Jr. One year after the creation of the Act and uses his/her influence, power or position in
PDEA, the Pres. Issued E.O. 218 on June 18, 2003 to shielding, harboring, screening or facilitating the escape of
strengthen the support mechanism for the PDEA as the any person he/she knows, or has reasonable grounds to
lead agency in the campaign against illegal drugs. The PNP believe on or suspects, has violated the provisions of this
organized the PNP AIDSOTF, NBI Anti- drug task force. Act in order to prevent the arrest, prosecution and
conviction of the violator.
•Screening Test. – A rapid test performed to establish
•Administer = Any act of introducing any dangerous drugs potential/presumptive positive result.
into the body of any person, with or without his/her
knowledge, by injection, inhalation, ingestion or other •Confirmatory Test. – An analytical test using a device,
means, or of committing any act of indispensable tool or equipment with a different chemical or physical
assistance to a person in administering a dangerous drug principle that is more specific which will validate and
to himself/herself unless administered by any duly confirm the result of the screening test.
licensed practitioner for purposes of medication.
•Chemical Diversion. – The sale, distribution, supply or
•Use. – Any act of injecting, intravenously or transport of legitimately imported, in-transit,
intramuscularly, of consuming, either by chewing, manufactured or procured controlled precursors and
smoking, sniffing, eating, swallowing, drinking or otherwise essential chemicals, in diluted, mixtures or in concentrated
introducing into the physiological system of the body, and form, to any person or entity engaged in the manufacture
of the dangerous drugs. of any dangerous drug, and shall include packaging,
repackaging, labeling, relabeling or concealment of such
•Deliver. – Any act of knowingly passing a dangerous drug transaction through fraud, destruction of documents,
to another, personally or otherwise, and by any means, fraudulent use of permits, misdeclaration, use of front
with or without consideration. companies or mail fraud.
•Clandestine Laboratory. – Any facility used for the illegal A drug from the leaves of the Coca plant, a shrub that
manufacture of any dangerous drug and/or controlled originated in South America. This drug affects the central
precursor and essential chemical.
nervous system as a stimulant. The name comes from
•Confirmatory Test. – An analytical test using a device, "coca" and the alkaloid suffix -ine, forming cocaine. It is a
tool or equipment with a different chemical or physical stimulant, an appetite suppressant, and a topical)
principle that is more specific which will validate and anesthetic,
confirm the result of the screening test.
2) Opiates/Narcotic
Group of drugs that are used medically to relieve pain, but
Also known as "uppers" Drug that excite the central have a high potential for abuse.
nervous system, increasing alertness, decreasing fatigue,
delaying sleep, also impale appetite and cause weight loss. In medicine, the term opiate describes any of the narcotic
opioid alkaloids found as natural products in the opium
Ex. Shabu & Cocaine poppy plant,

a) Shabu Narcotic-substance that lessens pain or induces stupor

street names, poor man's cocaine, S, ice, Shabs, Ubas, a). Opium is the dried latex obtained from the oplum
bato, Siopao poppy datur commiferim, Opium contains up to 12%
morphine, an alkaloid, which is frequently processed
Methamphetamine hydrochloride/SHABU - a type of chemically to produce heroin. The latex also includes
amphetamine also known as "poor man's cocaine". Other codeine.
names are Shabu. Ubas, Siopao, Sha and Ice.
Opium poppy, Papaver somniferum, is the species of plant
-Shabu is a white, odorless crystal or crystalline powder from which opium and poppy seeds are derived. Opium is
with a bitter numbing taste. the source of many narcotics, including morphine (and its
derivative heroin). The Latin botanical name means the
"sleep-bringing poppy".referring to the sedative properties
of some of these opiates.
Ephedrine- Classified as Dangerous Drugs) Main ingredient
of Shabu causing brain damage
b) Morphine
Toluene -Chemical used for paints, adhesives, etc.
Is a potent opiate analgesic drug that is used to relieve
severe pain. It was first isolated in 1804 by Friedrich
Acetone-Nail cleaner
Serturner, first distributed by him in 1817, and first
Lithium Batteries -Cancer causing component commercially sold by Merck in 1827.

Battery Acid- Corrosive chemical It took its name from the Greek god of dreams Morpheus.

Drain cleaner- Liquid Soap The most abundant alkaloid found in Oplum, the dried sap
(latex) derived from shallowly slicing the unripe seedpods
Hydrochloric acid -(Muriatic Acid) of the opium, or common and/or edible, poppy.

Chloroform - Cancer causing solvent Morphine can usually be found in tablet form, a syrup,
injection suppository form. or as a
b) Cocaine
Morphine is usually taken orally via a syrup, tablet or
An agent that produces a temporary increase of the capsule, however, it can come in an injectable form.
functional activity or efficiency of an Organism or any of its
parts. Street names - Coke, Snow, Flake, Bow c) Heroin
Is processed from morphine, a naturally occurring drugs that reduce the activity of the central nervous
substance extracted from the seed pod of certain varieties system
of poppy plants.
Ex: sedatives, sleeping pills, tranquilizer
It is typically sold as a white or brownish powder or as the
black sticky substance known on the streets as "black tar a) Sedatives
Sedative-hypnotics such as tranquilizers, sleeping pills, and
3) Hallucinogens sedatives are drugs, which depress or slow down body
functions. These drugs can be dangerous when not taken
• Drugs that are derived from plants chemical substances according to physician's instructions.
which affects the perception, sensation, behavior and
produces hallucination on the user. 5) Inhalants

Or any natural or synthetic psychoactive drugs that Drugs whose volatile vapors are taken in via the nose and
produce marked distortion of the senses and changes in trachea.
Includes solvents, bases and aerosol, rugby, gasoline, hair
Also called "psychedelics" spray, lighter fluid and air freshener

First developed as appetite suppressant Other Dangerous Drugs

Ex: ecstasy, MJ, LSD, KETAMINE Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) or commonly

known as "Ecstasy", "X-TC", "Adam", "Eden Tablet", or by
a) Marijuana its any other name refers to the drug having such chemical
composition, including any of its isomers or derivatives in
Is the term used to describe all the plant material like any form;
leaves, tops, stems, flowers and roots from a cannabis
plant (Cannabis sativa), dried and prepared for smoking or Amphetamines -is a psychostimulant drug of the
taken orally as "brownies". phenethylamine class that produces increased
wakefulness and focus in association with decreased
The mind altering component is the tetrahydrocannabinol; fatigue and appetite.
THC for short, which is concentrated in the resin.
Drug that is stimulant to the central nervous system. It is
b) Ketamine colorless and maybe inhaled, injected or swallowed. It may
be used medically to treat depression, and obesity.
Is an anesthetic that is abused for its hallucinogenic
properties. Its predominant legitimate use is as a Routes of Drug Administration
veterinary anesthetic. Can cause dream-like states and
hallucinations. Users report sensations ranging from a 1) Oral Ingestion-Taken by the mouth and must pass
pleasant feeling of floating to being separated from their through the stomach before being absorbed in the
bodies. Some ketamine experiences involve a terrifying bloodstream.
feeling of almost complete sensory detachment that is
likened to a near-death experience 2) Inhalation -Drug in gaseous from enters the lungs and is
quickly absorbed by the capillary system.
4) Depressants/Sedatives
3) Injection- Administered into the body by the use of a
Drugs that have mild-calming or sleep-producing effect stringe or hypodhermic needle.
upon the central nervous system.
4. Snorting- Inhalation through the nose of drugs in
also called as "Downers" or "barbs" gaseous form.

any drug or chemical that decreases the activity of any 5. Buccal-Drugs is administered by placing it in the buccal
bodily function. The term is most often used to refer to cavity just under the lips.


2. REGULAR USE Nearly 4 percent of pregnant women in the United States

use illicit drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, Ecstasy and
3. SUBSTANCE ABUSE/ RISKY BEHAVIOR other amphetamines, and heroin. These and other illicit
drugs may pose various risks for pregnant women and
their babies. Some of these drugs can cause a baby to be
born too small or too soon, or to have withdrawal
symptoms, birth defects or learning and behavioral
•Health Problems problems, Additionally, illicit drugs may be prepared with
impurities that may be harmful to a pregnancy.
The impact of drug abuse and dependence can be far-
reaching, affecting almost every organ in the human body. 1. PHYSICAL EFFECTS OF SUBSTANCE ABUSE
Drug use can:
-Organ damage
Weaken the immune system, increasing susceptibility to
-Hormone imbalance
-Cancer (caused by nicotine or steroid use)
Cause cardiovascular conditions ranging from abnormal
heart rate to heart attacks. Injected drugs can also lead to
-Prenatal and fertility issues
collapsed veins and infections of the blood vessels and
heart valves. -Gastrointestinal disease

•Effects on the Brain -HIV/AIDS

Although initial drug use may be voluntary, drugs have 2.NEUROLOGICAL & EMOTIONAL EFFECTS
been shown to alter brain chemistry, which interferes with
an individual's ability to make decisions and can lead to -Depression
compulsive craving, seeking and use. This then becomes a
substance dependency. -Anxiety

All drugs of abuse - nicotine, cocaine, marijuana, and -Memory loss

others- effect the brain's "reward" circuit, which is part of
the limbic system.
-Mood swings
Drugs hijack this "reward" system, causing unusually large
amounts of dopamine to flood the system.
This flood of dopamine is what causes the "high" or
-Large fines
euphoria associated with drug abuse.
-Extensive jail sentences
Behavioral Problems
-Arrest record that make it difficult to find a job
-Restrictions on living in a certain communities.
-Job loss
-Relationship changes between both - friends and family
• Impulsiveness
-Aggression towards friends and family members


-Suspension or exclusion from organised activities such as

sport's team






Family Problems

-Parents who always quarrel in front of the children.

-Irresponsible parents who don't have time for their


Peer Pressure/Curiosity

BAD Influence by friends

Weak Personality, Desire to Escape From Reality

Lack of self-confidence and inferiority complex

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