Elt02 Module9

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Q1. What is a block diagram? Write an explanation to your answer.

The block diagram is used to show the relationship between the various
component groups or stages in the operation of a circuit

Q2. What are some of the uses for block diagrams? Describe first.

Block diagrams are frequently used by electricians, electronic technicians,

and engineers as a first step in designing and laying out new equipment. To
show how easy it is to understand a circuit’s operation by means of a block

Q3. What did you observe in the electric drive system

block diagram Fig. 1?

The electric drive system is have more detailed symbols on how to function
their components.

Q4. What did you observe in the Fig. 1 block diagram of an electric drive? 2?

The electric drive diagram their names are connected to each other and it’s
simplest diagram that easiest to understand this diagram.

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