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 it is a form of energy that transfers from the higher
temperature object to the lower temperature object.
 It is energy transfer between two systems only due to
temperature difference.
 It is the total energy in a substance that is made up of both
kinetic and potential energies of the molecules.
 There will be no transfer of heat when the temperature of
both the bodies becomes the same.
 It is the degree of hotness or coldness of a body.
 It is a number that is related to or directly
proportional to the average kinetic energy of the
molecules of a substance.
 The temperature of a system is the property that
determines whether or not it will be in thermal
equilibrium with other systems.
 When two or more systems are in thermal
equilibrium, they are said to have the same
When two bodies at different temperatures
are placed in contact, heat flows from the
one at the higher, to the one at the lower
The size of the bodies does not matter. The
heat flows until the temperatures are the
Thermal equilibrium
 If a body A and a body B
are in thermal
equilibrium with each
 then a body C which is
in thermal equilibrium
with body B will also be
in equilibrium with body
Thermal equilibrium

 Placing the thermometer against object A, It reaches thermal equilibrium with object A
and measure its temperature.
 Placing the thermometer against object B until thermal equilibrium is reached; the
temperature of B is measured.
 If the two thermometer readings are the same, we can conclude that object A and object
B are in thermal equilibrium with each other.
 If they are placed in contact with each other, there is no exchange of energy (heat)
between them.
In order to understand the concept of
temperature, two phrases have to be defined:
 i) Thermal contact: if energy exchange occurs between
bodies in the absence of work done by one on the other.
 ii) Thermal equilibrium: if no net energy exchange
between bodies in thermal contact.
 Thus, temperature is the property that determines whether or
not a body in thermal equilibrium with other ones.
 A system is said to be in thermal equilibrium when its
temperature does not change over time
Thermodynamic Equilibrium
law of equilibrium
equilibrium principle
Zeroth law of Thermodynamic

stated as follows: “Two thermodynamic

systems (bodies) in thermal equilibrium with
the same environment are in thermal
equilibrium with each other”.
Joule’s Experiment
Joule’s Experiment

investigation of
the relationship
heat developed
mechanical work spent
Joule’s Experiment
Joule’s Experiment
 James Prescott Joule found that :
The mechanical work (W)done on a system
was equal to the heat produced (Q).
W= J Q
J : Joule’s mechanical equivalent of heat
is the amount of work that must
be performed to produce
a unit quantity of heat.
Joule’s Experiment
 Always “the same amount of heat was
produced by spending a given amount of
mechanical work”.

 Every time he found that W/Q ratio is a

constant quantity; this ratio is called the
"mechanical equivalent of heat" and denoted J.
Thermoelectric Effects
The direct conversion of heat into electric
energy or vice versa.
(A) Joule Effect
(B) Peltier Effect
(C) Seebeck Effect
(A) Joule Effect
Work done by an electric

Using ohms law (V = IR),

/R W = I2Rt

W = V2/R t
Electric power
(Heat power)
W/t = I2R= V I= V2/R
(A) Joule Effect
 Heat generated when electric current passes a resistive
conductor, which is referred to as Ohmic heat.
 An electric current is the flow of free electrons through
the conductor. These electrons suffer frequent collisions
with the atoms (or ions) in the conductor and continually
transferring their kinetic energy to them.
 This causes the atoms to vibrate with greater energy,
raising the temperature of the conductor.
 In this way the kinetic energy of the free electrons is
converted into thermal energy.
(A) Joule Effect
W done by an electric source (power supply) in driving an
electric current I (in ampere, A), through a resistor R (in ohms,
Ω) in a time interval t (in seconds), is given as:
W = VIt
 Using ohms law (V = IR), this result can be expressed in terms
voltage as:
W = V2t/R,
 in terms of current as:
W = I2Rt
 or in terms of heat (power) P (in Watt) as:
P = W/t = I2R
(B) Peltier Effect
 when an electric current flows across a junction of two
dissimilar metals, heat is liberated or absorbed depending
on the direction of this electric current.
(C) Seebeck Effect
 ifa closed loop is formed by joining the ends of two strips
of dissimilar metals and the two junctions of the metals
are at different temperatures, an electromotive force,
e.m.f. (or voltage) arises.
(C) Seebeck Effect
Thermoelectric Applications
 the Seebeck effect is widely used in
thermocouples to measure temperature.
 the Peltier effect is occasionally used for air
conditioning and refrigeration units.
 A) Thermoelectric power generator.
 B) Thermoelectric cooling.
A) Thermoelectric power generator
 Based on the principle of Seebeck
effect thermoelectric power
generator can be constructed.

 The junctions of two different

metals are maintained at different
temperature then the emf is produced
in the circuit.
B) Thermoelectric cooling:
 Based on the principle of Peltier effect thermoelectric
cooling can be constructed.

 Thermoelectric cooling is a way to remove thermal

energy from a medium, device or component
by applying a voltage of constant
polarity to a junction between
dissimilar electrical conductors
or semiconductors.
B) Thermoelectric cooling:
 Thermoelectric cooling is used in electronic
systems and computers to cool sensitive

 The technology can also be useful in a satellite or

space probe to moderate the extreme temperatures
that occur in components on the sunlit side.
 Thermal equilibrium is a situation in which two objects
would not exchange energy by heat or electromagnetic
radiation if they were placed in thermal contact. ( )

 If
the two readings are the same, we can conclude that
object A and object B are in thermal equilibrium with
each other. ( )
 If
objects A and B are separately in thermal equilibrium
with a third object C, then A and B are in thermal
equilibrium with each other. ( )

 Two objects in thermal equilibrium with each other are at

the same temperature. ( )

 iftwo objects have different temperatures, they are not in

thermal equilibrium with each other.( )

 temperature is something that determines whether or not

energy will transfer between two objects in thermal
contact.( )

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