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Faculty: Engineering Time: one hours

Year: 2021/2022 Semester: First

Level: Preparatory Model A Lecturer: Dr. Mohammed Ali
Course: Physics 1
Total Marks: 10

Choose the correct answer:

1-The ability to cause a change in object motion called:

a- Heat energy
b- Temperature
c- Kinetic energy
d- Potential energy
2-The SI unit of energy called:
a- Calorie
b- Joule
c- Dyne
d- Newton
3-The potential energy happens when the … changed
a- Position
b- Heat
c- Motion
d- Velocity
4-The law of conservation of energy states:
a- Energy can create or destroyed but not transformed
b- Energy can’t be created, destroyed or transformed or transformed
c- Energy cannot be created or destroyed , it can only transformed
5- The ability to cause change or do work is called:
a- Energy
b- Force
c- Friction
Faculty: Engineering Time: one hours
Year: 2021/2022 Semester: First
Level: Preparatory Model A Lecturer: Dr. Mohammed Ali
Course: Physics 1
Total Marks: 10

d- Motion
6- The factor that effect on kinetic energy:
a- Time and energy
b- Mass and speed
c- Power and mass
d- Time and work
7 –The Lay of Conservation of Energy states that energy cannot be ________
or ________, but it can change from one form to another.
a- Create, destroyed
b- Heat, created
c- Gravity , force
8- Heat is another name for:
a- Thermal energy
b- Magnetic energy
c- Mechanical energy
d- Electrical energy
9- Potential energy depends on the ________ and ________ of the object.
a- Height and mass
b- Mass and movement
c- Friction and movement
d- Height and friction
10- Energy can cause an object ……. the position and its motion
a- Energy
b- Speed
Faculty: Engineering Time: one hours
Year: 2021/2022 Semester: First
Level: Preparatory Model A Lecturer: Dr. Mohammed Ali
Course: Physics 1
Total Marks: 10

c- Change
d- Stored
11- The total of all kinetic and potential energy of atoms in object called:
a- Thermal energy
b- Nuclear energy
c- Work
d- Force
12- The ……. Can change of material phase from solid to liquid:
a- The heat energy
b- The mechanical energy
c- None of the above
d- All of the above
13- when the material gains heat energy:
a- The particles speed become slower and slower
b- The particles speed become at the same speed
c- The particles speed become increased
14- If two objects have different temperatures, heat will flow from the warmer
object to the cooler one UNTIL:
a- One reaches a temperature of zero
b- They both have an equal temperature
c- One runs out of energy
15- ………… is older metric unit of heat energy
a- Calorie
b- Newton
Faculty: Engineering Time: one hours
Year: 2021/2022 Semester: First
Level: Preparatory Model A Lecturer: Dr. Mohammed Ali
Course: Physics 1
Total Marks: 10

c- Joule
d- erg
16- The average kinetic energy of the particles that make up a material is the
…. Of the material.
a- Temperature
b- Thermal energy
c- Mechanical energy
17- The heat energy cause the particles speed to become:
a- Faster
b- Slower
c- The same
18- A situation in which two objects would not exchange energy by heat or
electromagnetic radiation if they were placed in thermal contact called:
a- Internal energy
b- Temperature
c- Thermal equilibrium
d- Heat energy
19- The rate at which heating occurs depends on the difference in
temperature between two objects; the ________difference, the faster the heat
is transferred.
a- Greater

b- Lesser

c- The same

d- None of the above

Faculty: Engineering Time: one hours
Year: 2021/2022 Semester: First
Level: Preparatory Model A Lecturer: Dr. Mohammed Ali
Course: Physics 1
Total Marks: 10

20- Which of the following is NOT true about heat:

a- Heat moves from hot to cold
b- Heat is a form of energy
c- Heat cannot be transferred
d- Heat makes molecules speed up
21- A measure of how hot or cold something is; specifically, a measure of the
average kinetic energy of the particles in an object.
a- Thermometer
b- Absolute zero
c- Temperature
d- Specific heat
22- An instrument that measure and indicates temperature.
a- Thermometer
b- Energy
c- Temperature
d- Heat
23-If objects A and B are separately in thermal equilibrium with a third
object C, then A and B are in thermal equilibrium with each other it called:
a- First law of thermodynamics
b- Celsius scale
c- Zeroth law of thermodynamics
d- An absolute temperature
24-Two objects, with different sizes, masses, and temperatures, are placed in
thermal contact. Energy travels:
(a) from the larger object to the smaller Object
(b) from the object with more mass to the one with less
(c) from the object at higher temperature to the object at lower temperature
Faculty: Engineering Time: one hours
Year: 2021/2022 Semester: First
Level: Preparatory Model A Lecturer: Dr. Mohammed Ali
Course: Physics 1
Total Marks: 10

25-What is the difference between heat and temperature?

a-Temperature measures the motion of molecules, and heat is the energy
of that motion.
b- Temperature is measured by a thermometer, and heat is measured by
a barometer
c-Heat is measured in calories, and temperature is measured in joules
d-Heat is caused by the sun, and temperature is caused by conditions in
the atmosphere
26- Temperature is a way we …………. Energy
a- Eat
b- Gain
c- Measure
d- Lose
27- In what direction does heat flow:
a- Cold to hot
b- Hot to hot
c- Cold to cold
d- Hot to cold
28- What is the zeroth law of thermodynamics?
a-Two objects placed next to each other will never reach thermal
b- Two objects placed next to each other will eventually reach thermal
c-Two objects placed next to each other will form a wormhole if the
temperature is high enough.
29 – when two block comes in contact with each other:
a- Atoms in hot block lose kinetic energy
b- Atoms in cool block gain kinetic energy
c- Heat transfer from wormer to cooler block
d- All of the above
Faculty: Engineering Time: one hours
Year: 2021/2022 Semester: First
Level: Preparatory Model A Lecturer: Dr. Mohammed Ali
Course: Physics 1
Total Marks: 10

30- When two block at the same temperature:

a- Heat transfer remains constant
b- No further heat transfer occurs
c- Two blocks achieve thermal equilibrium
d- (b&c)
31- Which of the following physical properties depend on temperature:
a- The phases of matter
b- Density
c- Conductivity
d- All of the above
32-The temperature scale on which water freezes at 0 and boils at 100
a- Conduction
b- Celsius scale
c- Fahrenheit scale
d- Kelvin scale
33- The physical properties that changes as temperature changes:
a- The volume of liquid
b- Dimension of a solid
c- The electrical resistance
d- All of the above
34- The good thermometer is:
a- Safe to use
b- Able to measure a wide range of temperature
c- Sensitive to any temperature changes
Faculty: Engineering Time: one hours
Year: 2021/2022 Semester: First
Level: Preparatory Model A Lecturer: Dr. Mohammed Ali
Course: Physics 1
Total Marks: 10

d- All of the above

35- In liquid glass thermometer when bulb comes in contact with a hot
object, the liquid inside it:
a. expands
b. contracts
c. remains same
d. none of above
36- On the Fahrenheit scale, the interval between the lower and upper fixed
points is divided into
a. 100 equal parts
b. 180 equal parts
c. 50 equal parts
d. 90 equal parts
37- If the temperature on the Celsius scale is 20 °C the temperature in kelvin
scale is:
a. 294 K
b. 293 K
c. 292 K
d. 300 K
38-On the Celsius scale, the lower fixed point is marked as:
a. 100 °C
b. 0 °C
c. 32 °C
d. 212 °C
39- If we convert 400K into the Celsius scale of temperature, we get:
a. 100 °C
b. 0 °C
c. 150 °C
d. 127 °C
Faculty: Engineering Time: one hours
Year: 2021/2022 Semester: First
Level: Preparatory Model A Lecturer: Dr. Mohammed Ali
Course: Physics 1
Total Marks: 10

40-100 degrees Fahrenheit is very...

a- Cool
b- Cold
c- Happy
d- Hot
41- we measure temperature in degrees:
a- Fahrenheit
b- Celsius
c- Both(a&b)
d- Nothing
42- Freezing point is...
a- 32 degree Fahrenheit
b- Zero degree Celsius
c- All of the above
d- None of the above
43- The liquid in the thermometer is called...
a- Water
b- Mercury
c- Juice
d- Glycerol
44- Convert 35⁰F to Celsius
a- 1.6
b- 2
c- 1.7
d- 16.6
45 –What tool do we use to measure temperature:
a- Thermometer
Faculty: Engineering Time: one hours
Year: 2021/2022 Semester: First
Level: Preparatory Model A Lecturer: Dr. Mohammed Ali
Course: Physics 1
Total Marks: 10

b- Ruler
c- Balance
d- Magnifying glass
46- The following features makes good thermometer:
a- Measure wide range of temperature
b- Safe to use
c- Easy to read scale
d- All of the above
47- The range of temperature in a clinical thermometer:
a- 32- 45 degree
b- 35- 46 degree
c- 35- 42 degree
d- None of the above
48- The lowest temperature in a clinical thermometer:
a- 34 degree
b- 35 degree
c- 32 degree
d- None of the above
49- the element used in the clinical thermometer:
a- Mercury
b- Calcium
c- Aluminum
d- Iron
50- The most suitable device for measuring range of temperature from-250 -
1600 degree:
a. thermopile
b. thermocouple
Faculty: Engineering Time: one hours
Year: 2021/2022 Semester: First
Level: Preparatory Model A Lecturer: Dr. Mohammed Ali
Course: Physics 1
Total Marks: 10

c. thermistor
d. all of the above
51- How do we measure temperature?
a- In degrees
b- In centimeter
c- In inches
d- In pounds
52- Which of the following temperature is the highest?
a. 100 K
b. -13 F
c. -20 ºC
d. -23 ºC

53- On a day when the temperature reaches 50°F, what is the temperature in
degrees Celsius and in kelvins?
a. a-10,283
b. b-12,273
c. c-15,238
d. d-10,273
54-A laboratory thermometer has only the Celsius scale ranging from
a. +10o C to 110 o C.
b. -10o C to -110 o C.
c. -10o C to 110 o C.
d. None of the above

55-the resistance thermometer covers range of temperature from:

a- -250 to 700 degree
b- -10 to 1100 degree
c- 32 to 45 degree
d- -250 to 1600 degree
56- Chlorine boils at 239 K. What is the boiling point of chlorine expressed in
degrees Celsius?
a- 93 degrees Celsius
b- 34 degrees Celsius
c- -61 degrees Celsius
Faculty: Engineering Time: one hours
Year: 2021/2022 Semester: First
Level: Preparatory Model A Lecturer: Dr. Mohammed Ali
Course: Physics 1
Total Marks: 10

d- -34 degrees Celsius

57- Convert 30°C to Fahrenheit:
a. 860°F
b. 86°F
c. 63.8°F
d. 56°F
58-Convert: 186.5 K to C:
a. -86.4 C
b. -68.4 C
c. -50 C
d. 180 C
59-Thermometers work because of:
a- Thermal Expansion
b- Thermal contraction
c- Thermal equilibrium
d- All of these
60- Which is not the scale to measure temperature?
a- Kelvin scale

b- Celsius scale

c- Kline scale

d- Fahrenheit scale

61- Helium condenses into the liquid phase at approximately 4 K. What

temperature, in degrees Celsius, does this correspond to?
a. -269
b. -273
c. -452.2
d. None of the above

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