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Published May, 2001

Potassium Placement and Tillage System Effects on Corn Response

following Long-Term No Till
Tony J. Vyn* and Ken J. Janovicek

ABSTRACT exploited by corn roots during the rapid dry matter

Stratification of immobile nutrients in long term no-till (NT) fields accumulation phase of corn growth before pollination
may reduce corn (Zea mays L.) yield potential. Five field studies were can result in inadequate K nutritional status and may
conducted from 1995 to 1998 to evaluate corn response to different K result in reduced yields (Heckman and Kamprath, 1992).
placements and rates when fields with a NT cropping history were Potassium stratification may increase the likelihood of
either fall zone-tilled (ZT), fall moldboard-plowed [conventional till- inadequate K nutrition because K is concentrated close
age (CT)], or continued in the NT system. The silt loam to silty clay to the surface where soil may be too dry for optimal
loam soils had medium or high soil-test K (0–15 cm) ratings with
root function. During years with extended early season
varying degrees of K stratification to the 30-cm depth. Fall-applied
dry periods, this can lead to low K concentrations in
K at rates of 0, 42 and 84 kg ha⫺1 was surface-broadcast in the NT
system, deep-banded to 15-cm depth in the ZT system, and surface-
corn tissue and loss of yield potential.
broadcast and incorporated in the CT system. Potassium was also MacKay et al. (1987) suggested that placing K deeper
shallow-banded with the planter at rates of either 0 to 8 kg ha⫺1 (low) in the soil profile in stratified NT fields should minimize
or 42 to 50 kg ha⫺1 (high). Average concentrations of corn ear-leaf the likelihood of inadequate K nutrition for corn. Ran-
K near silking increased from 10.9 g kg⫺1 with no K to 15.2 g kg⫺1 dall and Hoeft (1988), after reviewing a number of K
with highest fall plus spring K rates on the three sites with soil-test K placement studies for corn production, concluded that
levels of ⬍100 mg kg⫺1. For these same sites, ear-leaf K concentrations significant corn yield increases can be obtained when a
averaged 1.2 g kg⫺1 higher in CT compared with NT or ZT. On four given rate of K fertilizer is subsurface-banded rather than
of the five field sites, corn yields in the NT and ZT systems were surface-broadcast, especially on soils that have inade-
maximized by applying the high rate of starter K, even when no K
quate K fertility or during dry years. Subsequent K
fertilizer was applied the previous fall. On long-term NT soils with
medium soil-test K, corn producers may derive most K fertility benefit fertility research for NT corn also has indicated a yield
from shallow banding at planting. advantage from banding K fertilizer using traditional
planter-band placement (i.e., 5 cm beside and 5 cm be-
low seeding depth), especially under conditions where
initial K fertility is low or surface soil moisture is de-
T he lack of soil mixing for extended periods of time
(i.e., ⬎5 yr) associated with continuous no till (NT)
has resulted in stratification of relatively immobile nutri-
pleted because of either low rainfall or low residue levels
(Yibirin et al., 1993). In addition, deeper placement of K
ents such as K (Ketcheson, 1980; MacKay et al., 1987). (15 cm beneath the row) was reported to increase NT
Potassium stratification in longer term NT fields is a phe- corn yield, especially during years with less than normal
nomenon where the lack of soil mixing, coupled with June rainfall (Bordoli and Mallarino, 1998). In ridge-
crop uptake of K from soil depths plus subsequent K till systems, deep placement of K in the center of ridges
release from surface-placed plant residue, has resulted also has been reported to increase corn yields on fields
in higher K concentrations in the surface 5 or 10 cm and with a history of K deficiency (Rehm, 1995).
lower concentrations below 10 cm than that which would In environments where corn yields under NT are less
have occurred if fields had been tilled conventionally. than those under conventional tillage (CT), modifying
Potassium stratification associated with NT is of con- the in-row seedbed characteristics of the NT system by
cern because adequate K nutrition for corn is not only reducing the quantity of residue (Kaspar et al., 1990)
dependent on the available K concentrations in the bulk or strip-tilling zones 15 to 25 cm wide by 10 to 15 cm
soil, but also on the availability of K in soil volumes deep (Vyn and Raimbault, 1992) can result in yields
where roots are actively growing during periods of rapid similar to those obtained in the CT system. Opoku et
uptake. Most K uptake occurs before pollination, and al. (1997) demonstrated that aggressive fall zone tillage
uptake corresponds closely to corn vegetative growth. (ZT) on clay-textured soils following wheat (Triticum
For example, Hanway (1962) reported that 38% of the aestivum L.) resulted in corn yields that were greater
total K uptake by corn for the whole growing season than those in NT and similar to those in CT; corn yield
occurred 38 to 52 d following planting. Any deficien- gains with ZT were correlated with reduced in-row resi-
cies in K availability in soil volumes that are actively due and improved seedbed soil physical properties rela-
tive to NT. Reduced corn yield potential associated with
NT following wheat also has been reported by other au-
T.J. Vyn, Dep. of Agron., Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN 47907- thors (Lund et al., 1993; Schreiber, 1992). However, if K
1150; and K.J. Janovicek, Dep. of Plant Agric., Univ. of Guelph,
Guelph, ON, Canada N1G 2W1. Research supported by Ontario Corn stratification is limiting corn yields in the NT system, then
Producers’ Association; Potash and Phosphate Institute of Canada; limitations may also occur in the ZT system because 70%
Pioneer Hi-Bred International; and Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, of the field area is not tilled and remains stratified. Little
Food, and Rural Affairs. Received 3 Jan. 2000. *Corresponding au-
thor (
Abbreviations: CT, conventional tillage; NT, no tillage; ZT, zone
Published in Agron. J. 93:487–495 (2001). tillage.


information is available regarding the consistency of tillage systems, including the method of K application, are as
corn yield response to ZT, especially in high-residue follows:
environments (such as those following wheat) and when 1. Conventional tillage (CT): Fall moldboard plowing (15
soil K concentrations are stratified because of a NT cm deep) with two spring passes with a field cultivator and
cropping history. packer. Potassium was broadcast-applied just before
Uncertainty over the most appropriate K fertility and plowing.
tillage system combination to use for corn in fields with 2. Fall zone tillage (ZT): Fall tillage was restricted to strips
a history of continuous no-till production and evidence approximately 20 cm wide by 17 cm deep on 76-cm cen-
ters using a Trans-Till (Row-tech, Snover, MI). The
of soil K stratification prompted the present study. The Trans-Till was modified to apply K in a band 15 cm deep
research objectives were: (i) to evaluate corn response in the center of the ZT strip.
to fall K fertilizer rates in combinations of specific tillage 3. No tillage (NT): Fall-applied K was surface-broadcast.
and K placement systems and (ii) to determine corn Corn was planted to NT.
response to starter-banded K fertilizer when alternate Corn was planted using a John Deere (Moline, IL) Model
tillage and fall-applied K treatments had been imposed 7000 row crop planter in 1996 and 1997 and a John Deere
after long-term NT. Model 1760 row crop planter in 1998. The corn planters were
equipped with unit-mounted tined row cleaners, a single 5-cm
MATERIALS AND METHODS fluted coulter positioned directly in front of the seed openers,
and a NT fertilizer coulter. The NT fertilizer coulter was posi-
Field experiments evaluating corn response to method, tim- tioned to deliver starter fertilizer in a band 5 cm beside and
ing, and rate of K application in conservation tillage systems below seeds. The same coulter arrangement was used for
were conducted from 1995 to 1998 in southern Ontario near planting corn in all three tillage systems.
Kirkton, Perth County and Belmont, Elgin County. Before Spring K was applied as part of a starter fertilizer blend in-
treatment initiation, the fields had been in continuous no till cluding urea [(NH2 )2CO] (46–0–0), monoammonium phos-
for at least 6 yr. All field sites were systematically tile-drained. phate [NH4H2PO4] (11–52–0), and muriate of potash (0–0–60).
The growing season is rated as receiving 2800 Ontario Crop The low K application rate was either 8 (1996) or 0 (1997 and
Heat Units at Kirkton and 2900 Ontario Crop Heat Units at 1998) kg K ha⫺1. The high K application rate was either 50
Belmont (Brown and Bootsma, 1993). (1996) or 42 (1997 and 1998) kg K ha⫺1. Each of the two
The soils were classified as a Listowel silt loam (medium, starter fertilizer formulations applied 30 and 13 kg ha⫺1 N and
mixed weakly to moderately calcareous Typic Hapludalf) at P, respectively.
Kirkton and a Toledo silt loam to silty clay loam (medium, Approximately 10 d before corn planting, a glyphosate burn-
mixed weakly to moderately calcareous Typic Humaquept) down was applied to the NT and ZT plots at a rate of 1.1 kg
at Belmont. Description of soil textural properties (percentage a.i. ha⫺1. Corn (cv. Pioneer 3752) was planted in 76-cm wide
of sand, silt, clay, and organic C) and fertility (pH, available rows at a seeding rate of 74 000 seeds ha⫺1. The planting dates
P, soil-test K, and plant available Mg) are presented in Table 1. were 30 May 1996, 30 May 1997, and 8 May 1998 at Kirkton
The preceding year’s crop was soft white winter wheat, which and 30 May 1997 and 8 May 1998 at Belmont.
was grown using recommended production practices for Ontario Weed control consisted of a pre-emergence broadcast ap-
(OMAFRA, 1997). Wheat was harvested using commercial plication of cyanazine {2-[[4-chloro-6-(ethylamino)-1,3,5-tri-
harvesting equipment, and straw was baled leaving a standing azin-2-yl]amino]-2-methylpropionitrile} at 2.0 kg a.i. ha⫺1 and
stubble height of 20 cm. Whenever necessary, glyphosate [iso- metolachlor [2-chloro-N-(2-ethyl-6-methylphenyl)-N-(2-meth-
propylamine salt of N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine] was applied oxy-1-methylethyl)acetamide] at 2.6 kg a.i. ha⫺1. Dicamba (3,
at a rate of 1.1 kg a.i. ha⫺1 during early October (before tillage 6-dichloro-2-methoxybenzoic acid) was applied postemer-
operations) to control volunteer wheat or perennial weeds. gence, whenever necessary, at a rate of 0.3 kg a.i. ha⫺1 to
The experimental design was a randomized complete block control broadleaf weed escapes. Additional N was sidedress-
split-split plot with four replications. Tillage system was the applied when corn was at the seven- to nine-leaf stage as urea
whole-plot treatment, fall K rate was the split-plot treatment, ammonium nitrate solution (28% N) at 150 kg N ha⫺1.
and starter K rate was the split split-plot treatment. The split Soil-test K was determined in the fall before conducting
split-plot dimensions were 21 m long by 3 m (4 corn rows) wide. tillage or applying K fertilizer. The sampling of each split plot
Fall K was applied as muriate of potash [KCl] (0–0–60) at consisted of a composite of at least 10 cores collected randomly
rates of 0, 42, and 84 kg K ha⫺1. Fall K was applied in a manner from three depths (0–10, 10–20, and 20–30 cm). Samples were
that was specific to each of the tillage practices. Therefore, thoroughly mixed, and soil-test K was extracted using ammo-
the various tillage systems not only describe the nature of soil nium acetate [NH4(C2H3O2 )].
disturbance, but also the method of fall K application. The Corn ear-leaf K and aboveground biomass were measured

Table 1. Soil texture and initial fertility characteristics in the surface 15 cm at the Belmont and Kirkton experimental sites (1995–1998).
Belmont Kirkton
Property 1996–1997 1997–1998 1995–1996 1996–1997 1997–1998
Texture class Silty clay loam Loam Silt loam Silt loam Silt loam
Clay, g kg⫺1 289 157 176 158 170
Silt, g kg⫺1 539 500 700 711 728
Sand, g kg⫺1 172 342 124 131 103
Organic matter, g kg⫺1 37 30 39 30 32
pH 7.7 6.4 7.0 7.2 6.4
Soil-test K, mg kg⫺1 160 100 65 85 90
Available P, mg kg⫺1 10 6 12 16 11
Available Mg, mg kg⫺1 170 140 340 140 220

shortly after (within 7 d) of achieving 50% silking. Corn bio- a nonresponse (horizontal) line when the curve reached it’s
mass at silking was measured by harvesting 15 consecutive minimum; the model is described as follows:
plants from the center two rows; plants were dried in forced-
air ovens for at least 3 d at 80⬚C. Row length of the harvest Y ⫽ A ⫺ BX ⫹ CX2 for X ⬍ Xm
area was recorded and used to calculate total dry matter on
an area basis. Ear-leaf K concentration was determined by
removing the ear leaves from the same 15 plants used to estimate Y ⫽ A ⫺ BXm ⫹ CXm2 for X ⬎ Xm
silking dry matter. After drying, the ear leaves were ground to
pass through a 1.0 mm screen and digested in 1.0 M HCL for where Y is the yield response to starter K, X is the soil-
determination of K concentration using atomic absorption. test K concentration, and Xm is the minimum point of the
Corn grain yields were determined by hand-harvesting two quadratic curve, which can be calculated using the following
adjacent 5-m lengths of the center two rows; yields were ad- formula:
justed to a moisture content of 155 g kg⫺1. Plant population
at harvest and percent of lodged corn plants were estimated Xm ⫽ ⫺b/2c
from the same sampling area as that for grain yield. Because
covariate analysis indicated that corn yield responses to K
rate and placement were not affected by plant population RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
differences among treatments, all yield data presented are Initial Soil Potassium Fertility
actual yields (i.e., not adjusted for population).
Corn data were analyzed using an analysis of variance ap- Four of the five sites in this study were classified as
propriate for a randomized complete block split split-plot de- having soil-test K concentrations in the medium range
sign. Significant effects of fall K rate were determined using (soil-test K in the surface 15 cm between 61 and 120
the appropriate linear and nonlinear (quadratic) contrasts. The mg kg⫺1 ) (Table 1). The other site (Belmont, 1996–1997)
significance of spring K rate was determined using the appro- was classified as having high soil-test K concentrations
priate t-tests. Differences among tillage systems were identified
using a protected LSD test at the 0.05 level of probability.
(160 mg kg⫺1 ).
A regression model was developed to relate the yield re- Potassium stratification was evident at both the Bel-
sponse associated with increasing starter K rate by 42 kg K mont and Kirkton sites during 1996–1997 and 1997–1998
ha⫺1 with initial soil-test K within the various tillage systems with initial soil-test K in the surface 10 cm about 1.5 to
and depth increments sampled. Soil-test K for the 0- to 15- 2.5 times higher than concentrations present at 20 to 30
cm depth was estimated by computing a weighted average for cm (Table 2). However, the Kirkton 1995–1996 site had
soil-test K concentrations in the 0- to 10- and 10- to 20-cm relatively uniform soil-test K concentrations throughout
depth intervals where the 0- to 10-cm depth interval was the 0- to 30-cm layer.
weighted two times higher than the 10- to 20-cm depth interval. Soil-test K concentrations for each of the three depth
Yield response to starter K (at a fall K rate of 0 kg K ha⫺1 ) increments, which were measured on a subplot basis
was regressed with the soil-test K concentrations on a subplot
basis. The yield response to starter K was the difference be-
(n ⫽ 36), were normally distributed at each site. The
tween corn grain yields of adjacent split split-plots receiving coefficients of variation for soil-test K ranged from 10
the high and low rates, respectively, of starter K. The regres- to 26% (Table 2). Soil-test K concentration in the sur-
sion analysis was conducted using data combined over all five face 10-cm layer was positively correlated to concen-
site-years; this resulted in 20 data points for each tillage system. trations deeper in the soil profile at four of the five
The regression model was a quadratic curve, which became site-years (Table 2); thus, variations in soil-test K con-

Table 2. Soil-test K concentration and associated variability, and correlations of soil-test K across the various sampling depths at Belmont
and Kirkton (1995–1998).
Soil-test K
Belmont Kirkton
Depth increment
Statistic 1996–1997 1997–1998 1995–1996 1996–1997 1997–1998
mg kg⫺1
0 to 10 cm
Mean, mg kg⫺1 175.9 121.1 71.1 98.1 106.1
SD, mg kg⫺1† 32.0 22.1 8.8 16.7 28.1
CV, %‡ 18.2 18.2 12.4 17.0 26.5
10 to 20 cm
Mean, mg kg⫺1 136.2 63.3 61.1 63.8 52.6
SD, mg kg⫺1 30.5 12.5 6.7 9.4 8.3
CV, % 22.4 19.7 10.9 14.8 15.8
20 to 30 cm
Mean, mg kg⫺1 118.4 47.8 65.0 63.0 44.6
SD, mg kg⫺1 23.9 6.2 11.2 12.4 8.3
CV, % 20.2 13.0 17.3 19.6 18.6
Correlations 0 to 10 cm vs.
10 to 20 cm 0.87** 0.62** 0.64** 0.58** 0.55
20 to 30 cm 0.83** 0.39* 0.31 ⫺0.13 0.29
* Significant at the 0.05 level.
** Significant at the 0.01 level.
† Mean SD for n ⫽ 36.
‡ Mean CV for n ⫽ 36.

Table 3. Mean squares from an analysis of variance combined over years for ear-leaf K concentration, biomass yield at silking, plant
population, and final grain yields at Belmont and Kirkton.
Belmont Kirkton
Biomass Grain Biomass Grain
Source df Ear-leaf K yield Population yield df Ear-leaf K yield Population yield
Error A 6 20.9 3.69 6.4 2.9 9 11.0 1.03 10.3 0.30
Tillage (T) 2 20.1† 12.77** 270.2** 1.04 2 41.3* 29.26*** 116.1** 6.08***
T ⫻ Yr 2 7.4 2.16 33.2 0.20 4 4.4 2.97** 23.0* 1.82*
Error B 12 7.1 1.55 18.2 1.48 18 9.9 0.34 7.8 0.42
Fall K (FK) 2 2.6 0.31 26.7† 0.14 2 97.1*** 0.10 6.2 1.12*
FK ⫻ Yr 2 0.1 0.52 5.7 0.13 4 1.2 0.35 2.9 0.25
T ⫻ FK 4 1.6 0.68 13.7 0.75 4 2.4 0.31 6.6 0.24
T ⫻ FK ⫻ Yr 4 2.9 0.23 18.8 1.10 8 2.7 0.22 6.1 0.19
Error C 36 2.8 0.58 11.1 0.62 54 1.9 0.32 11.0 0.24
Spring K (SK) 1 15.1** 0.05 0.2 1.20* 1 201.4*** 3.17** 9.3 7.14***
T ⫻ SK 2 3.7 0.04 37.8* 0.73† 2 2.9* 0.16 0.3 0.25
FK ⫻ SK 2 0.1 0.12 6.7 0.49 2 3.0* 0.03 4.5 0.33†
FK ⫻ SK ⫻ Yr 2 0.8 0.01 1.7 0.05 4 3.3** 0.24 9.5 0.20
T ⫻ FK ⫻ SK 4 1.6 0.13 9.0 0.11 4 0.5 0.63† 16.7 0.34*
T ⫻ FK ⫻ SK ⫻ Yr 4 1.2 0.57 22.2* 0.22 8 0.6 0.33 17.2 0.20
Error D 54 2.1 0.50 9.0 0.28 81 0.9 0.30 10.9 0.12
* Significant at the 0.05 level.
** Significant at the 0.01 level.
*** Significant at the 0.001 level.
† Significant at the 0.10 level.

centrations in the surface 10 cm were associated with The high starter rate consistently increased ear-leaf
similar variations deeper in the soil profile. K concentrations at Kirkton, regardless of the tillage
system or fall K rate (Table 4). Increases in ear-leaf K
Midseason Corn Potassium Nutrition with high starter averaged ⬎3 g kg⫺1 during 1998 but
Because the method of fall K application was different ⬍2 g kg⫺1 during 1996 and 1997. Similarly, increasing
for each tillage system, corn plant responses (such as the fall K rate from 0 to 84 kg ha⫺1 resulted in linear
ear-leaf K, midseason biomass, and yield) to tillage may increases in ear-leaf K concentrations at Kirkton, re-
not only be due to the degree of soil loosening associated gardless of the spring K rate, tillage system, or year.
with tillage, but also may be the result of K fertilizer The fall K ⫻ spring K and fall K ⫻ spring K ⫻ year
placement in fall. Therefore, interpretation and discus- interactions were primarily due to larger increases in
sion of corn responses to tillage systems in the present ear-leaf K concentrations with the higher spring K rate
study is not attributed solely to soil loosening associated during 1998, especially when fall K had not been applied.
with tillage, but rather to the combined effects of soil Ear-leaf K concentrations at Belmont were signifi-
loosening and K placement (whenever tillage compari- cantly affected by spring K rate but not by fall K rate
sons are based on those treatments where fall K was (Table 3). The high starter rate raised ear-leaf K concen-
applied). trations by an average of 0.8 g kg⫺1 in 1997 (Table 5).
Analysis of variance indicated that the majority of Ear-leaf K concentrations at Kirkton were higher in
the variation in ear-leaf K concentrations observed at the CT system compared with either the ZT or NT
Kirkton could be explained by the main effects of tillage
system, fall K rate, and spring K rate (Table 3). When Table 5. Tillage and K application effects on ear-leaf K concentra-
interactions with year occurred (i.e., spring K ⫻ year tions, dry matter at silking, plant population, and final grain
and fall K ⫻ spring K ⫻ year), the cause was mainly yield at Belmont for 1997 and 1998.
due to differences in the magnitude of the increase in Tillage/fertility Dry matter Population
ear-leaf K attributed to the higher spring K rate among treatment Ear-leaf K at silking at harvest Grain yield
years (Table 4). g kg⫺1 Mg ha⫺1 1000 plants ha⫺1 Mg ha⫺1
Table 4. Effects of fall- and spring-applied K on ear-leaf K con- NT 17.1a‡ 7.09b 66.2b 11.09a
centrations at Kirkton. ZT 16.9a 7.03b 69.8a 11.29a
CT 18.1a 7.95a 70.7a 11.38a
Starter K rate
Fall K
1996 1997 1998 0 kg ha⫺1 17.2 7.31 69.7 11.27
42 kg ha⫺1 17.3 7.31 68.2 11.19
Fall K rate Low High Low High Low High 84 kg ha⫺1 17.6 7.45 68.9 11.30
kg ha⫺1 Ear-leaf K, g kg⫺1 Linear NS NS NS NS
0 12.3† ** 13.9 10.1 ** 12.0 10.4 ** 14.1 Nonlinear NS NS NS NS
42 13.6 ** 15.0 12.1 ** 13.0 12.2 ** 15.4 Spring K 1997
84 14.4 ** 15.5 12.4 ** 14.5 14.1 ** 15.7 Low 18.0b 7.75a 61.1a 9.63a
Contrasts High 19.2a 7.67a 61.2a 9.62a
Linear ** ** ** ** ** ** Spring K 1998
Nonlinear NS‡ NS NS NS NS NS Low 16.0a 6.93a 76.8a 12.70b
High 16.2a 7.08a 76.6a 13.07a
** Significant at the 0.01 level.
† Means separated by * and ** are different at P ⫽ 0.05 and P ⫽ 0.01, re- † NT, no till; ZT, zone till; CT, conventional till.
spectively. ‡ Within column tillage or spring K by year means followed by the same
‡ NS, not significant. letter are not different according to a protected LSD test at P ⫽ 0.05.

Table 6. Tillage and spring K rate effects on ear-leaf K concentra- Table 7. Effects of tillage and spring K rate on aboveground corn
tions at Kirkton from 1996–1998. biomass (determined within 1 wk of silking) and grain yields
at Kirkton.
Spring K rate
Spring K rate
Tillage† Low High
1996 1997 1998
K conc., g kg⫺1
NT 11.8b‡ ** 13.9b Tillage† Low High Low High Low High
ZT 11.9b ** 14.1b
CT 13.5a ** 15.0a Biomass, Mg ha⫺1
NT 6.71b‡ 6.91b 7.72a 7.64ab 5.19b 5.48a
** Means separated by this symbol are different at P ⫽ 0.01. ZT 7.28a 7.29b 6.91b 7.16b 4.66c * 5.28b
† NT, no till; ZT, zone till; CT, conventional till. CT 7.61a ** 8.57a 8.11a 8.17a 6.68a 6.54a
‡ Within-column means followed by the same letter are not different
Yield, Mg ha⫺1
according to a protected LSD test at P ⫽ 0.05.
NT 8.91a† ** 9.31a 7.71a * 7.98a 12.18b ** 12.99a
ZT 9.21a 9.26a 7.52a 7.76a 11.75b ** 12.47b
systems (Table 6). Average concentration increases as- CT 9.04a * 9.43a 8.10a * 8.41a 13.16a 13.20a
sociated with CT were 1.6 g kg⫺1 at the low starter rate * Significant at the 0.05 level.
and 1.0 g kg⫺1 at the high starter rate. The tillage ⫻ ** Significant at the 0.01 level.
spring K interaction was significant at Kirkton (Table 3), † NT, no till; ZT, zone till; CT, conventional till.
‡ Within-column tillage means followed by the same letter are not different
primarily due to greater increases in ear-leaf K concen- according to a protected LSD test at P ⫽ 0.05.
tration associated with the higher spring K rate in the
NT and ZT systems than for CT corn. At Belmont, ear-
ZT system was not consistently greater than accumula-
leaf K concentrations were also about 1.0 g kg⫺1 higher
tion in the NT system at either site. Corn biomass advan-
with CT than with NT or ZT (Table 5), but the differ-
tages before grain filling with CT, relative to NT, after
ences were significant only at P ⫽ 0.10.
winter wheat have also been observed by Opoku et al.
Previous research has demonstrated that K uptake by
(1997). In this study, the relative gains in corn biomass
relatively young corn plants can be increased by either
associated with ZT was observed to be dependent on
deep- or shallow-banded K in NT fields (Mallarino et
levels of wheat residue cover; ZT corn was less likely
al., 1999). The latter occurred even in high soil-test K
to be higher than NT corn when surface residue cover de-
fields, which was also observed in our studies (Belmont,
1997) for shallow banding although not for deep banding.
Biomass accumulated by silking was weakly corre-
The higher ear-leaf K concentrations when K fertil-
lated with ear-leaf K concentrations at Kirkton in 1997
izer was applied at Kirkton (Tables 4 and 6) suggests
(r ⫽ 0.38, P ⫽ 0.0008, and n ⫽ 72) and at Kirkton in
K availability was limiting at this site. Ear-leaf K concen-
1998 (r ⫽ 0.24, P ⫽ 0.05, and n ⫽ 72). These correlations
trations, especially where no K fertilizer was applied,
suggest an association between higher K nutrition levels
were often ⬍12 g kg⫺1, and therefore, below the critical
(as indicated by ear-leaf K concentrations) and the
level in Ontario (OMAFRA, 1997). At Belmont, corn
quantity of biomass accumulated by silking at Kirkton
ear-leaf concentrations responded less to K fertilization,
in 1997 and 1998. However, significant correlations could
and concentrations with no K fertilizer exceeded 16 g
not be identified at the other three sites.
kg⫺1; K fertility was less limiting for corn at Belmont
than at Kirkton.
End-of-Season Populations and Grain Yields
Midseason Corn Growth Harvest corn plant populations at Belmont and Kirk-
Fall K application did not significantly affect the ton were significantly affected by tillage but not by K
quantity of aboveground biomass accumulated by silk- treatments (Table 3). The tillage effect at Kirkton was
ing in each of the tillage systems at either site (Table 3). predominantly due to lower NT populations during 1996
However, the high starter rate increased corn biomass at when populations were 67 700 plants ha⫺1 in NT and
Kirkton by 13% in the CT system in 1996 and the ZT more than 71 200 plants ha⫺1 in ZT and CT systems
system in 1998 (Table 7). (data not presented). Population differences at Kirkton
Corn biomass response to tillage systems varied with during other years were fewer than 1500 plants ha⫺1.
location, year, and K treatments. At Belmont, biomass Tillage effects on harvest population at Belmont (Table 5)
accumulated in either the NT or ZT systems averaged were similar to those at Kirkton in 1996. Although the
about 88% of that accumulated in the CT system and tillage ⫻ spring K interaction was significant at Belmont,
was not significantly affected by K treatments (Table 5). plant population differences between spring K rates did
At Kirkton, the magnitude of the corn biomass response not differ by more than 2000 plants ha⫺1. Percent of
to tillage system was affected by spring K rate and year lodged plants at harvest were not affected by K treat-
(Table 3); however, biomass accumulation in the CT ments at either site (data not shown).
system was consistently the highest regardless of the Potassium fertilization was associated with higher
spring K rate and year (Table 7). Corn biomass accumu- corn grain yields only on fields that had soil-test K
lated in the ZT system varied, depending on the year concentrations ⬍120 mg kg⫺1 (Tables 5, 7, and 8). On the
and spring K rate, from 70 to 95% of the accumulation one site with high soil-test K concentrations (Belmont,
in the CT system. Similarly, accumulation in the NT 1996–1997), K fertilization did not increase corn yields
system ranged from 77 to 95% of the accumulation in (Table 5).
the CT system. Biomass accumulation by silking in the At Belmont, corn yield response to K fertilization

Table 8. Fall- and spring-applied K fertilizer effects on grain corn K (Table 8). Grain yield response to fall K application
yields for three tillage systems at Kirkton (avg. over 1996–1998). was affected by both tillage system and spring K rate
Tillage and spring K rate† (Table 3). When spring K was not applied, a small (0.3
NT ZT CT Mg ha⫺1 ) linear response to increasing fall K rate from
0 to 84 kg K ha⫺1 occurred in the ZT (P ⫽ 0.10) and
Fall K Low High Low High Low High
CT (P ⫽ 0.05) systems. Fall-applied K also increased NT
Kg ha⫺1 Yield, Mg ha⫺1 corn yields when the low rate of spring K was applied;
0 9.26‡ ** 10.13 9.36 ** 9.84 9.94 10.15 however, the yield response was maximized at the inter-
42 9.84 10.02 9.49 ** 9.90 10.10 10.28
84 9.70 ** 10.13 9.63 9.75 10.26 ** 10.67 mediate rate of fall K.
Contrasts Although deep-banding 84 kg K ha⫺1 in ZT increased
corn yields by 0.3 Mg ha⫺1, the yield increases associated
with deep-banding K in the present study probably were
* Significant at the 0.05 level. not great enough to recover application costs. Bordoli
** Significant at the 0.01 level. Means separated by this symbol are signifi-
cantly different at P ⫽ 0.01. and Mallarino (1998) reported similar conclusions with
† NT, no till; ZT, zone till; CT, conventional till. regard to yield response and economics for deep-band-
‡ Tillage yields, within the same fall and spring K application treatment,
greater than 0.37 Mg ha⫺1 are statistically different according to a LSD ing K for NT corn in Iowa.
test at P ⫽ 0.05. When the higher rate of spring K was applied, CT
§ Significant at the 0.10 level. corn yields also increased (0.5 Mg ha⫺1 ) linearly with
increasing fall K rate (Table 8). However, increasing
occurred only in 1998 where the higher spring K rate the fall K rate did not affect corn yields in the ZT and
increased yield (Table 5). Fall K rate did not affect grain NT systems at the high starter rate. In fact, applying 42
corn yields at Belmont in either 1997 or 1998. or 50 kg K ha⫺1 as part of the starter blend maximized
At Kirkton, tillage system, fall K rate, and spring NT and ZT yields. In contrast, the highest CT yield was
K rate all had significant effects on corn grain yields produced (response of 0.7 Mg ha⫺1 over where no K
(Table 3). However, yield responses to tillage system was applied) when both highest fall and spring K rates
and spring K application were not consistent over years; were applied.
interactions of tillage ⫻ year and tillage ⫻ spring K ⫻ At Kirkton, ear-leaf K concentrations at silking were
year were significant. The latter interaction was pre- positively correlated with grain yield (r ⫽ 0.41, P ⫽
dominantly due to: (i) greater yield increases with spring 0.0004, and n ⫽ 72 in 1996; r ⫽ 0.62, P ⫽ 0.0001, and
K application in the NT and ZT systems in 1998 com- n ⫽ 72 in 1997; and r ⫽ 0.39, P ⫽ 0.0008, and n ⫽
pared with either 1996 or 1997 and (ii) relatively small 72 in 1998). These significant correlations suggest that
yield responses to spring K in the CT system, especially inadequate K nutrition was potentially limiting corn
in 1998 (Table 7). When yield responses to spring K grain yields at Kirkton. Similar correlations did not oc-
were significant, the higher spring K rate resulted in cur at Belmont.
higher corn yields. However, significant yield responses The lack of significant yield increases in the NT and
to starter K did not occur each year in either the ZT or ZT systems with the highest K application rates (84 ⫹
CT systems; this factor also contributed to the significant 42 kg K ha⫺1 in fall and spring, respectively) relative to
tillage ⫻ spring K ⫻ year interaction. high starter K alone (Tables 5 and 8), suggest that the
Tillage system and spring K effects on grain yield higher K rates in these systems were not yield limiting.
response at Kirkton, which were consistent over years, However, significant yield increases with the highest K
included observations that: (i) significant yield increases application rate occurred in the CT system at Kirkton,
occurred when the high spring K rate was applied in and thus no conclusions can be made concerning corn
the NT system (Table 8) and (ii) yields in ZT were never
greater than those obtained in the NT and CT systems.
When soil-test K concentrations were ⬍100 mg kg⫺1
(Kirkton sites), fall-applied K also increased NT and
ZT yields but not to the same extent as spring-applied

Table 9. Coefficients of determination (R 2 ) for regression of yield

response to starter K (where fall K had not been applied)
regressed on initial soil-test K concentrations within each till-
age system.
Depth NT ZT CT
cm R
0–10 0.48* 0.01 0.05
10–20 0.45* 0.10 0.00
0–15 0.52* 0.01 0.00
0–20 0.53* 0.00 0.00
20–30 0.00 0.17 0.09
* Significant at the 0.05 level. Fig. 1. Relationship between soil-test K in surface 15 cm and NT corn
† NT, no till; ZT, zone till; CT, conventional till. yield response to applying 42 kg K ha⫺1 in a starter band at planting.

response to even higher rates of fall K in the CT system value within 0.10 Mg ha⫺1 of zero. For the standard soil
for that soil. fertility sampling depth (surface 15 cm), the minimal
In the NT system with zero fall K, the magnitude of starter K yield response occurs at a soil-test K level of
the yield increase associated with applying the higher 160 mg kg⫺1, and the break-even concentration occurs
spring K rate was inversely related to the initial soil- at 112 mg kg⫺1 (Fig. 1). The break-even concentration
test K concentration in the surface 20 cm. A regression is defined as the point on the quadratic curve where the
model consisting of a quadratic curve (which becomes yield response was 0.2 Mg ha⫺1 (an assumed minimum
a horizontal line at its minimal point) explained approxi- yield response where the value of the corn grain is equiv-
mately 50% of the variability in the size of the NT yield alent to the cost of applying 42 kg K ha⫺1 as part of the
increase associated with starter K (Table 9). The NT starter fertilizer blend). Similar relationships could not
yield response curves to starter K reach their minimal be identified for the ZT and CT systems or for NT

Fig. 2. Summary of May through September weekly mean and normal air temperature and precipitation during corn production years at Belmont
and Kirkton. Dates represent the middle of each week.

when yield response was regressed against the soil-test K was not applied, NT yields were 7% less than those
K concentrations below 20 cm. obtained in the CT system while ZT yields were 6%
The relatively strong relationship between the size less (Table 8). However, adding 42 kg K ha⫺1 as part
of yield response to starter K and initial soil-test K of the starter blend as the only source of K fertilizer
concentrations in the surface 10 cm (Table 9) suggest increased NT and ZT yields such that all three systems
that, at least for the environmental conditions prevalent produced statistically similar yields. Even so, substantial
in this study, soil K positioned close to the surface is yield differences among tillage systems did occur at the
readily available for corn uptake in NT systems. Corn highest rates of K application (84 kg K ha⫺1 in fall ⫹
roots have been observed to have a more horizontal high K starter) where CT corn yields were 5% greater
orientation and occur in greater densities close to the than NT corn yields and 9% greater than those of ZT.
soil surface in NT compared with CT systems (Ball- The latter suggested that corn in CT systems (or perhaps
Coelho et al., 1998), which may in part explain the ap- just corn grown in the 1st yr of plowing after a period
parent availability of near-surface soil K and shallow- of continuous NT) may continue to yield higher than
banded fertilizer K that was observed in the NT system. NT corn on similar silt loam soils when K is not limiting.
Also, the presence of relatively high amounts of mulch It also suggests, under the soil fertility and environmen-
in NT systems has been observed to promote greater tal conditions prevalent in this study, that deep-banding K
root proliferation close to the surface, thus enhancing in conjunction with fall ZT will not necessarily produce
availability of near-surface placed K in NT systems (Yi- yields greater than NT when K is either surface-broad-
birin et al., 1993). The relatively uniform mulch layer cast or when ⬎40 kg K ha⫺1 was applied as part of the
associated with NT following wheat stubble also may starter fertilizer blend.
have contributed to the apparent availability of near- On sites with medium soil-test K, CT was often associ-
surface placed K in NT systems in the present study. ated with both higher ear-leaf K concentrations (Table 6)
Four of the five sites received significant rainfall dur- and higher yield (Table 8) than NT with 0 K or at the
ing the 4-wk period before silking (Fig. 2), which coin- maximum fall-plus-spring K rate applied. This suggests
cides with the onset of the rapid growth phase and that moldboard plowing of long-term NT fields may
period of maximum K uptake. This 4-wk period oc- improve K uptake by corn when fields are below the
curred at both sites from 13 July to 3 August in 1996 critical K levels, regardless of the degree of stratification
and 1997 and between 22 June and 13 July in 1998. The in soil-test K. The apparent limitation on K uptake in
rainfall received during the 4-wk period increased the NT corn produced in the season immediately following
liklihood of favorable surface soil conditions for root K fertilizer application could not be overcome solely by
function and K uptake. The latter, plus the possibility increasing the rate of K fertilizer.
that root density is greater near the surface in NT sys-
tems, may have enhanced availability of near-surface
placed K in NT systems in the present study. It is inter- CONCLUSIONS
esting to note that the Kirkton site in 1997 was relatively
dry during the 4-wk period before silking and had ear- On long-term NT fields with soil-test K concentra-
leaf K concentrations (Table 4) and yield response to tions ⬍120 mg kg⫺1, the addition of K in the N-plus-P
spring K (Table 7) that were among the lowest of the starter band maximized (with respect to K fertilization)
five sites in the present study. The Kirkton site in 1997 corn grain yields in both NT and ZT systems. Moldboard
started to receive normal levels (Canada Atmos. Envi- plowing long-term NT fields consistently resulted in
ron. Serv., 1993) of precipitation after silking. higher corn biomass and ear-leaf K concentrations at
silking but no grain yield increases relative to NT corn
with the high rate of starter K, except at the highest fall
Yield Response to Tillage System K rate. Corn yield increases associated with the addition
of 42 kg K ha⫺1 to starter fertilizer averaged 0.78 and
At Kirkton, tillage system effects on yields were the 0.54 Mg ha⫺1 in NT and ZT, respectively, when no K
smallest during 1996 and largest during 1998 (Table 7). was broadcast or deep-banded before planting. No fur-
For example, yields in the ZT and CT systems did not ther corn yield increases resulted when up to 84 kg K
differ by more than 0.2 Mg ha⫺1 (2%) during 1996; yields ha⫺1 was either fall broadcast in the NT system or fall
in the ZT system were 0.6 Mg ha⫺1 (7%) lower than deep-banded in the ZT system. Both NT and ZT corn
CT in 1997, and yields in the ZT system were 0.73 to producers may benefit from adding K as part of their
1.41 Mg ha⫺1 (6 to 11%) lower than CT during 1998. starter fertilizer blend when they plant corn on long-
The largest yield difference between the NT and CT term NT fields with medium soil-test K levels.
systems also occurred in 1998, especially with no starter
K where NT yields were 0.98 Mg ha⫺1 less than CT.
However, when starter K was applied, NT yield in 1998 REFERENCES
was only 0.21 Mg ha⫺1 less than CT (statistically not [OMAFRA] Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Af-
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Extraction of Subsoil Nitrogen by Alfalfa, Alfalfa–Wheat, and Perennial Grass Systems

Martin H. Entz,* W. John Bullied, David A. Forster, Robert Gulden, and J. Kevin Vessey

ABSTRACT N by leaching not only increases the environmental haz-

The role of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) in extracting NO3–N from ard, but it reduces N available for assimilation by crops.
deep soils of areas with cold, short growing seasons, such as western The movement of NO3–N through a soil profile is
Canada, is not well understood. A study was established in 1990 to directly linked to the movement of water through the
determine NO3–N extraction ability to 300 cm; initial soil NO3–N soil profile (Nielsen et al., 1982). Preferential flow of
concentrations were high (⬎8 mg kg⫺1 ). Systems included continuous soil water down structural pathways in the soil profile
alfalfa; annual rotations of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), field can also be responsible for the rapid movement of ap-
pea (Pisum sativum L.), and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.); a native- plied N fertilizers (Coles and Trudgill, 1985). Although
grass system [big bluestem (Andropogon gerardi Vitman) and western
NO3–N movement is primarily downward, Boswell and
wheatgrass (Agropyron smithii Rydb.)]; and continuous fallow. The
annual rotation effectively lowered NO3–N to ⬍2.3 mg kg⫺1 in the
Anderson (1964) indicated that upward movement of
30- to 90-cm depth. By the 4th yr, alfalfa had reduced NO3–N concen- NO3–N might also occur when evaporation exceeds pre-
trations to ⬍3.8 mg kg⫺1 for the 30- to 240-cm increment. The greatest cipitation. Leaching of NO3–N is often greatest in wet
NO3–N extraction benefits of alfalfa were realized in the 4th yr at a climates and irrigated cropping systems under intensive
maximum soil depth of 270 cm. Subsoil NO3–N concentration in- crop management where a significant proportion of wa-
creased in the continuous alfalfa between the 4th and 6th yr. Greater ter moves downward through the soil profile (Catch-
NO3–N extraction occurred with the native-grass treatment compared poole, 1986). However, Campbell et al. (1984) stated
with continuous alfalfa in the 0- to 120-cm soil depth; however, similar that in spite of a net annual water deficit, NO3–N leach-
extraction patterns existed below 120 cm. A system involving 4 yr of ing beyond the root zone of annual crops occurs more
alfalfa followed by two wheat crops resulted in the lowest subsoil
readily than previously suspected under dry, subhumid
NO3–N concentration, even lower than the continuous alfalfa and
native-grass systems. It was concluded that subsoil NO3–N extraction
cropping conditions such as those found in the prairie
with alfalfa was maximized when alfalfa was rotated with annual crops. provinces of western Canada. Jung et al. (1989) noted
that NO3–N leaching occurred mainly during periods of
winter fallow or after incorporation of perennial legume
residues into the soil.
C ropping systems that reduce NO3–N losses to
ground water are important to sustainable agricul-
ture. Rising NO3–N concentration in ground water is
The amount of NO3–N in the soil profile has been
shown to vary considerably with the type of cropping
the result of an increase in N fertilizer use in agricultural system (Papendick et al., 1987; Weed and Kanwar,
systems (Hallberg, 1986; Harris et al., 1994; Papendick 1996). Diversified cropping systems tend to result in less
et al., 1987) and the shift in cropping patterns away NO3–N leaching and lower subsoil NO3–N concentra-
from sod-based rotations (Olsen et al., 1970). Loss of tions than monoculture grain crops. For example, Varvel
and Peterson (1990) found that rotating continuous corn
(Zea mays L.) and grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor
Dep. of Plant Sci., Univ. of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3T L.) with soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] or clover
2N2. Received 14 July 2000. *Corresponding author (m_entz@
Abbreviations: AA-WWWW, wheat following 2 yr of alfalfa; AAAA-
Published in Agron. J. 93:495–503 (2001). WW, wheat following 4 yr of alfalfa.

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