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A Review of Ant Colony System Algorithm

Arslan Aslam FA18-MPE-004, Muhammad Hamza Amjad FA18-MPE-008

Department of electrical Engineering, Mirpur University of Science & Technology, Mirpur AJK.

S, and Ω is a set of constraints. The solution is belonging to the

Abstract- Ant colony optimization (ACO) is a meta-heuristic set of candidate solutions that satisfy the constraints Ω are
approach that is used to solve various combinatorial optimization called feasible solutions. The goal is to find a globally optimal
problems. Real ant colonies behavior is main inspiration for this feasible solution s*.
meta-heuristic optimization technique. Decision making processes
of ant colonies as they search for food and find the most efficient
routes from their nests to food sources is the main component of
ACO for solution construction and find the most efficient routes
from their nests to food sources. This is a review report on ant
Real ants find their food by finding the best path from a food
colony optimization with its algorithms in consecutive order and source to their nest. While walking along that best part ants
Estimation-based ACO using TRAVELING SALESMAN place pheromone on the ground followed by pheromone
PROBLEM. deposited by other ants previously. The important part of ACO
algorithms is the combination of promising solutions with
information about the structure of previously obtained good
Keywords- Ant Colony Optimization, Meta-heuristics, ACO solutions [10]. To find a best path, a moving ants lay some
Algorithms, Estimation-based ACO pheromone on the ground, so an ant that following it can detect
and decide with high probability to follow. As a result, the
I. INTRODUCTION collective behavior that emerges is a form of a positive
feedback loop where the probability with which an ant chooses
The routing protocols plays very important role for
a path increases with the number of ants that previously choose
solving different problems such as calculating, choosing and
the same path.
selecting the relevant path for solving the problem efficiently.
There are routing algorithms [2] to find the shortest path and
also to increase the efficiency of the system. Combinatorial
optimization problems are fascinating due to the fact that they
are often easy to state but very difficult to solve. Many of the Ant colony optimization is a meta-heuristic optimization
problems are such hard that is it is strongly believed that they technique which operates on mechanism in which a colony of
cannot be solved. Hence, to practically solve such hard artificial ants cooperates with each other for finding good
problems one often has to use approximate methods to find solutions to difficult discrete optimization problems.
near-optimal solutions in a relatively short period of time. Such Cooperation is a key design component of ACO algorithms.
kind of methods or algorithms are said to be heuristics. To The process is to provide information to a set of relatively
improve the system they use some problem-specific knowledge simple agents (artificial ants) that communicate indirectly by
which will help to find best optimal solution. We can say that stigmergy, which is an indirect communication mediated by the
meta-heuristic is a set of algorithms that can be used to define environment. Good solutions are an emergent property of the
heuristic methods. The use of meta-heuristics has significantly agents’ cooperative interaction [1]. ACO algorithms can be
increased the ability of systems for finding very high quality used to solve both static and dynamic combinatorial
solutions to hard combinatorial optimization problems in a optimization problems. Static problems are those in which the
reasonable time [14] characteristics of the problem are given once and for all when
the problem is defined, and do not change while the problem is
Combinatorial optimization problems involve finding values
for discrete variables such that the optimal solution with An ACO algorithm is the combination of three procedures:
respect to a given objective function is found. According to the Construct-Ants-Solutions, Update Pheromones, and Daemon
Actions [8].
problem order combinatorial optimization problem is either
maximized or a minimized to find best optimal solutions. More a) ConstructAntsSolutionsmanages a colony of ants
formally, an instance of a combinatorial optimization problem that visit adjacent states of the considered problem by
∏ is a triple (S, F, Ω), where S is the set of candidate solutions, moving through neighbor nodes of the problem’s
F is the objective function which assigns an objective function construction graph GC. They move by applying a
value F(s) to each candidate solution. random probability distribution of local decision
policy that makes use of pheromone trails and
heuristic information [4]. In this way, ants build their Algorithm:
solutions to the optimization problem in a increasing Procedure ACO Metaheuristic
manner. Once an ant has built a solution, or while the Schedule-Activities
solution is being built, the ant evaluates the (partial) Construct-Ants-Solutions
solution that will be used by the Update Pheromones Update-Pheromones
procedure to decide how much pheromone to deposit Daemon-Actions % optional
[6]. End-Schedule-Activities
b) Update Pheromones is the process by which the End-procedure
pheromone trails are modified. The trails value can
The ACO meta-heuristic is described in pseudo-code. Above
either increase, as ants deposit pheromone on the
discussed three procedures are managed by ACO meta-
components or connections they use, or decrease, due
heuristic via the Schedule Activities construct: (1) management
to pheromone evaporation from a practical point of
of the ants’ activity, (2) pheromone updating, and (3) daemon
view. The deposit of new pheromone increases the
probability that those components/connections that actions. The Schedule Activities does not specify how these
were either used by many ants or that were used by at three activities are scheduled and synchronized. In other words,
least one ant and which produced a very good solution it the designers if free to specify the way by which these
will be used again by future ants. In this process procedures should interact.
evaporation plays a useful part which results in
forgetting to avoid a too rapid convergence of III. Max-Min Ant System
MAX–MIN Ant System (MMAS) introduces four main
algorithm to a less optimal solution region and
modifications with respect to AS. The main modifications
encourages the algorithm for exploration of new areas
introduced by MMAS with respect to AS are the following
of the search space.
c) Daemon Actions procedure is used to implement
centralized actions which cannot be performed by a) It strongly exploits the best tours found: That is either
single ants. For example activation of local the ant that produced best tour in the current iteration
optimization procedure for finding local best solutions or the best so far is allowed to deposit pheromone. But
or going for global procedure to decide either it will this can results in an inactive situation in which all the
be useful or not to deposit additional pheromone to ants may follow same path because of excessive
make the search process to go for non-local pheromone track on a good but not best optimal tour.
prospective. As a practical example, the daemon can b) To counter this effect, a second modification
observe the path found by each ant in the colony and introduced by MMAS is that it limits the possible
select one or a few ants (e.g., those that built the best range of pheromone trail values to the interval
solutions in the algorithm iteration) which are then [rmin,fmax].
allowed to deposit additional pheromone on c) Third, the pheromone trails are initialized to the upper
components they used. pheromone track limit, which increases the
exploration of tours at the start of the search due to
small pheromone evaporation rate.
d) Finally, in MMAS, pheromone trails are initialized
again each time when the system approaches inactive
situation [13].

A. Update of Pheromone Trails

After all ants have constructed a tour, pheromones are updated

by applying evaporation as in Ant system followed by the
deposit of new pheromone as follows:

rij ← rij + ∆rijbest,

Where ∆r ijbest=1/cbest, the ant which is allowed to add

Figure 1 The working of the ACO metaheuristic pheromone may be either the best-so-far, in which case
∆rijbest=1/cbs, or the iteration-best, in which case ∆rijbest=1/cib,
where Cib is the length of the iteration-best tour. General, in
MMAS implementations both the iteration-best and the best-so-
far update rules are used, in an alternate way [9].
B. Pheromone Trail Limits having the minimum total weight. In the Travel Salesman
Problem hamiltonian cycles are commonly called tours. There
In MMAS, lower and upper limit rmin and rmax on the possible are two cases of Travel salesman Problem based on
pheromone values on any arc are imposed in order to avoid search arrangement of distance between cities.
stagnation. In particular, the imposed pheromone trail limits Symmetric Travel Salesman Problem is the case of the TSP
have the effect of limiting the probability p ij of selecting a city j where the distances between the cities are independent of the
when an ant is in city i to the interval direction or distance between two cities is same in each
[pmin,pmax] , with 0<pmin≤pij ≤pmax≤1. direction forming an undirected graph. Whereas in,
Asymmetric Travel salesman Problem distance between two
Only when an ant k has just one single possible choice for the cities is different or there might be no path exists in both
next city, that is
direction forming a directed graph. Hence number of tours in
│Nik│=1, we have pmin = pmax = 1. STSP and ASTSP are (n-1)!/2 and (n-1)! respectively.

C. Pheromone Trail Initialization and Re-


At the start of the algorithm, the initial pheromone trails are set
to an estimate of the upper pheromone trail limit. This way of
initializing the pheromone trails, in combination with a small
pheromone evaporation parameter, causes a slow increase in the
relative difference in the pheromone trail levels, so that the
initial search phase of MMAS is very explorative. As a further
means of increasing the exploration of paths that have only a
small probability of being chosen, in MMAS pheromone trails
are occasionally reinitialized. Pheromone trail re-initialization
is typically triggered when the algorithm approaches the A complete weighted graph G= (N, E) can be used to represent
stagnation behavior (as measured by some statistics on the a TSP, where N is the set of n cities and E is the set of edges
pheromone trails) or if for a given number of algorithm (paths) fully connecting all cities. Each edge (i,j)∈E is assigned
iterations no improved tour is found [9]. a cost dij, which is the distance between cities i and j. dij can be
defined in the Euclidean space and is given as follows:
IV The Travel Salesman Problem
The Travelling Salesman Problem is a problem in
combinatorial optimization where the list of cities and their dij = [(xi_xj)2 +(𝑦𝑖_𝑦𝑗)2]½
distances are given. Our task is to find a shortest possible tour
that visits each city exactly once. It is one of the most .
Initially, m artificial ants are placed on randomly selected
intensively studied problems in optimization. The problem was cities. At each time they move to new cities and modify the
first defined in the 1800s by the Irish mathematician W.R. pheromone trail on the edges used this is known as local trail
Hamilton and the British mathematician Thomas Kirkman.It updating.
was however first formulated as a mathematical problem only When all the ants have completed a tour the ant that made the
in 1930 by Karl Menger.The name Travelling Salesman shortest tour modifies the edges belonging to its tour known as
Problem was introduced by American Hassler Whiteney. global trail updating by adding an amount of pheromone trail
The travelling salesman problem is the problem of finding a that is inversely proportional to the tour length.
shortest closed tour which visits all the cities in a given set. An ant k currently at city i choose to move to city j by applying
Travelling salesman problem is one of the well-known and the following probabilistic transition rule: The probability rule
extensively studied problems in combinational optimization. between two nodes i and j, called Pseudo-Random-Proportional
Now days these traditional methods are not adaptive to real Action Choice Rule, depends on two factors: the heuristic and
time. So as to make it dynamic, artificial intelligence techniques meta-heuristic.
like Genetic algorithm, Neural Network, Ant Colony
Optimization and Particle Swarm Intelligence can be used.
TSP can be defined as: If there are N cities and salesman starts
from his house and have to travel all cities only once then the
order in which salesman tour will cost minimum is our required
solution, The data consist of weights assigned to the edges of a
finite complete graph and the objective is to find a Hamiltonian where τ is the pheromone, η is the inverse of the distance
cycle.A cycle passing through all the vertices of the graph while between the two cities, q is a random variable uniformly
distributed over [0, 1], q0 is a tunable parameter in the interval is useable for solving problems occurring in practical
[0, 1], and J belongs to the candidate list and is selected based
on the above probabilistic rule.

Local trail updating:

As the agent moves between cities it updates the amount of
pheromone on the edge as
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