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The proximate analysis is a set of methods to get information about the nutritional

value of feed /food. The proximate nutrition analysis developed around 1850 in
Germany especially for animal feed. They are use some chemical-physical properties
of a special group of nutrients in their methods. The analysis contain: dry matter by
drying at 103C; ash by incineration at 550C, crude protein by kjeldahl determination
of nitrogen, crude fibre as the organic fraction remaining after acid and alkaline
hydrolysis and crude fat as the fraction extracted with petroleum ether. The
advantage of this set of analysis is that they are easy to conduct and therefore
cheap. The disadvantages are that they not always selective, ammonia is also
determined as protein and that the nutritional value of the carbohydrate fraction is not
good determination. In the past, the remaining fraction of the feed is considered to be
starch and sugar which showed to be untrue. In the present situation, starch and
sometimes sugars are also analysed to get a better nutritional value for the feed.

Five tests conducted at the biochemical department of the veterinary research

institute include food and animal analysis, toxicology, water quality and milk including
clinical chemistry. Food analysis is divided into several tests, namely raw protein, raw
fat, raw fiber, calcium and phosphorus. Before the analysis test is carried out, the
food served by the food chain should be mixed using the blender machine to obtain
the appropriate particles. In addition, the milled food is weighed and put in an
aluminum plate for drying process called humidity and placed in an incubator for 4
hours at 103 degree temperature. when this process completes the aluminum plate
in the cold at the desiccator and its weight.

In addition, the fat test is the same as the moisture test but the fat test uses
petroleum bezine (boiling point of 40-60 degrees celsius) and put into the soxhlet
system to obtain the quantity of oil produced by the sample and put in a 103 degree
oven for 2 hours . In addition, a crude ash test is performed to determine the mineral
contained in the food in which the sample is placed in a 4 hour burning at a
temperature of 500 degrees after the process is ready to cool and weigh. and the
crude protein test was performed to determine the nitrogen sample digested using
sulfuric acid with the presence of a catalyst to convert the sample nitrogen to
ammonium sulfate. acid solution is made alkali with sodium hydroxide solution.
ammonia is distilled and collected over boric acid solution, followed by titration with
sulfuric acid solution. for the determination of crude protein, nitrogen multiplied by

What importance to analysis nutritional for livestock is to Maintain health

Requires all nutritional classes in the correct proportions and quantities. The body's
defense system and body function is stable / perfect. Form a body's immune system
to act against pathogens and parasites. Meet growth requirements Increased body
size involves the enhancement of interselular materials, new layers of skin and cell
development The growth process requires carbohydrates, proteins, calcium, copper,
zinc and vitamins Meet production and breeding requirements. Production is
influenced by nutrition taken by livestock Milk production requires carbohydrates,
proteins, calcium and phosphorus in quantities more than usual The food factors
associated with breeding are energy levels, protein content, minerals and vitamins
High energy levels accelerate the age of sexual maturity and increase the rate of

Crude Protein is a very important parameter, both from nutritional and from
quality perspective. Sufficient protein in a ration ( at least 15% ) is crucial for a good
metabolism of the cow. Too much protein can cause health-problems (>18%).Crude
Fiber is very informative to evaluate the fiber content in a product. Crude Fiber says
something about the carbohydrates and fibers present in the product. Basically the
higher the crude fiber levels the lower the quality and digestibility. Crude Ash Informs
about the quantity of minerals and sand in the product. Contamination with soil
increases the level of crude ash. Crude Fat: in the analysis of forages not that
relevant as forages are generally low in fat

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