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STEAM Lesson Plans

Adaptable Lesson Plans for Any STEAM Project

- To understand the basic concepts of STEAM and how
they apply to today's STEM project.
- To be able to identify examples of STEAM in their
everyday lives
- To be able to identify how today's STEM project can be
applied in the real world.
- To learn about and appreciate different careers in the
STEAM field today's project can prepare them for.
- To be able to utilize and improve critical thinking and
creative problem-solving skills.

- computer or tablet/phone
- internet access
- the STEAM activity of your choice
- scientific method worksheets (below)
- pencils
- notebook for each student
- whiteboard or easel
- markers or chalk
STEAM Lesson Plans
1. Introduce the students to the concepts of STEAM and how they relate
to today's STEM project.
2. Have the students identify examples of STEAM in their everyday lives.
3. Follow the instructions for today's STEM project or activity.
4. If time allows, have the students complete the scientific method
worksheet to document their process.
5. Have the students identify which subjects from STEAM today's project
touched on. (science, technology, engineering, art, math)
6. Have the students brainstorm various applications today's STEM
project could have in the real world. For example: A child builds a very
tall structure out of colorful foam blocks. The child could explain that
an engineer might design buildings or bridges using a similar
engineering design process. The child could also explain how an artist
might use color to create mood or feeling in their work. A
mathematician might be interested in the shapes used in the child's
structure or in the patterns created by the colors.
7. Discuss how today's STEM project can help students prepare for
future careers in STEM.
8. Have the students brainstorm careers that would utilize the skills
used today. For example: If students worked on coding for a robotics
project, they could discuss careers such as computer programming,
game design, app development, or computer science. Encourage kids
to use their imagination and come up with answers that might not be
9. If you included the scientific method worksheets in your project,
discuss the results with the students.
10. Wrap up the lesson by discussing what they learned through today's
experiment, entertaining STEAM projects and ideas, and answering
any questions the students may have.
11. If you decide to grade students, give grades based on participation
and effort rather than correct or incorrect answers. (Since STEAM
projects, lessons, and resources are typically open-ended, this is the
best approach.)
STEAM Lesson Plans
This lesson plan assesses students on their understanding of STEAM
concepts and how they apply to today's STEM activity. Students will be
asked to identify examples of STEAM in their everyday lives, follow
instructions for a STEM project, and identify the different subjects and
disciplines from STEAM that were touched on by the project. Critical
thinking and problem-solving skills will also be assessed and writing skills
will be utilized.

Differentiated Instruction
Some students may need more guidance from homeschool parents or
educators than others when it comes to identifying examples of STEAM in
their lives. You may want to have a short ideas brainstorming session
with the whole group to get them thinking or give them a list of possible
examples to choose from.
If your STEM project involves a lot of hands-on work, you may want to
provide some students with worksheets to help them document their
Some students may be interested in careers in STEM that weren't
mentioned in the lesson. Encourage them to do further research on their
own and discuss what they find with the group.
STEAM Lesson Plans

Guided Practice
- How can STEAM help students in other subjects?
- What projects can students do to explore different aspects of STEAM?
- What careers can students pursue with a STEAM education?
- Have students research and write about a career in STEAM that
interests them.
- Have students choose a project from another subject and find ways to
integrate STEAM concepts.
- Have students create their own STEM project and document the
process using the scientific method
- Do you know somebody who has a career in the STEAM fields you
discussed today? See if you can take a field trip and observe them in

- What was your favorite part of the project?
- What did you learn from this project?
- How could you improve your work on this project?
- What would you do differently next time?
- Would you like to try a similar project again? Why or why not?

Enrichment Activity
For homework or as a follow-up enrichment activity, ask students to find
a picture of a deciduous tree and label the parts of the tree that are
necessary for photosynthesis to occur. Students could also research the
different types of trees that lose their leaves in winter and write a report
on what they learned.

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