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the CAT & ECA

Simple Present  Permanent states (daily routines, habits, repeated actions) and state verbs (believe, belong,
understand, like, love) (see, have, smell, taste, think)
ex. He lives in Madrid.
 State verbs- Describing present states and conditions and talk about ideas /possessions/
ex. This belongs to me.

Time Expressions (every week, usually, once a month, etc)

When/After/Before + Sentence, Sentence
Ex. When I wake up, I turn the music on.

Wh- questions for inquiry
Ask and answer simple questions

Subject & Object questions

Present  To describe actions happening now/at the moment of speaking

Ex. I am reading a magazine now.
 Actions happening around the time of speaking
Continuous Ex. She is studying for the final exams.

Time expressions (at the moment, these days, tomorrow, at 6 o’clock, on Monday)

Wh- questions for inquiry

Subject & Object questions

Linkers  Simple cause/effect, contrast-exemplification/addition:

Linking actions with results/comparing ideas/giving supporting details
“so, (in order) to (infinitive of purpose), however, also, in addition, for example”

“because, but” (revision of previous level objectives)

Articles  First and second mention of nouns: to emphasize nouns mentioned for the first time or
second time
Ex. She has two children, a girl and a boy. The girl is 12 and the boy is 15.
Simple Past  A series of Completed Actions (actions which happened or finished at a definite time in the
Ex. Lisa bought her house last year, decorated it and moved in a month.

 Habits in the past

Ex. We went to the same beach every summer.

Time expressions (yesterday, last night, year/week/two months ago, in 1964)

When/After/Before + Sentence, Sentence

Wh- questions for inquiry

Subject & Object questions

Past  A past action which was in progress at a stated time in the past
Ex. I was cooking dinner at 5 o’clock yesterday.
 A past action which was in progress when another action interrupted it (when clause)
Continuous Ex. She was having breakfast when the phone rang.
 Two or more actions which were happening at the same time in the past (simultaneous
actions) (while clause)
When/While/As (Short action/Long Action)
Wh- questions for inquiry

Subject & Object questions

Used to  To talk about past habits that do not happen anymore

Ex. She used to exercise every day. However, she doesn’t exercise anymore.
Ex. She did not use to healthy food. After her visit to the doctor, she no longer eats fast
(used to/didn’t use to/however/but/anymore/any longer/no longer)
Future Simple  Predictions based on what we believe or think
Ex. Robots will do most of the work in the future.
 On the spot decisions or promises
Ex. It is cold in here. I will close the window.
 To express certainty with adverbs –definitely (will + inf without to)
Ex. He will definitely pass the exam

Time expressions (next week, soon, in a month, tonight etc.)

Wh- questions for inquiry

Subject & Object questions

Be Going To  Plans/intentions we have for near future

Ex. Susan is going to move her house.
 Predictions based on present evidence
Ex. Look at him! He’ going to jump out of the train.

Time expressions (next week, soon, in a month, tonight etc.)

Wh- questions for inquiry

Subject & Object questions

Simple Present  Timetables and scheduled events (leave / arrive / come / return / begin / end / start / finish)
ex. The train to Istanbul leaves at 9 o’clock this evening.
for timetables +
Wh- questions for inquiry
and scheduled Ask and answer simple questions
Subject & Object questions

Modals-  May / might / could- Possibility

To express degrees of certainty
possibility ex. “Where is Sarah?” “She may / might / could be at the beach.” (to express
may/ might/
If Clause  Type 0: to express something which is always true or to talk about something which
happens as a result of something else (If/When)
Conditionals Ex. If/When the temperature falls below 0 degrees, water turns to ice.

Type 0 & 1  Type 1: to express a real or probable situation in the present or future (will/ can/ may/

Ex. If Tom studies hard, he will pass the exam.

Ex. If you drop that glass, it might break.
Ex. The students can be successful if they study hard enough.
Ex. If my mother helps me, I may finish my homework on time.
Modals  Must/have to: present obligation and necessity
Ex. You must stay in bed.
I have to go to the post office.
 Mustn’t/can’t: prohibition
Ex. You mustn’t/can’t park here.
 Don’t have to: lack of necessity
Ex. You don’t have to buy any oranges. We’ve got plenty
 Should/shouldn’t: Suggestions/giving advice
Ex. You should eat plenty of fruit and vegetables.
You should not eat junk food.
Present Perfect Indefinite past actions
 Actions which happened at an unstated time in the past
Ex. I have read this book.
 To talk about an experience
Ex. I have travelled through Europe.

Time Expressions: never, yet, already, just/ Have you ever...?

been vs gone
How long….?

 Unfinished actions since and for

Duration of past states relevant to now
Ex. She’s been a teacher since 2000.
I’ve known him for ten years.

for + time expression (a year, two months)
since + a year (1996)
since + a clause (I was a child)
since + noun phrase (my childhood)
since + full sentence
Wh- questions for inquiry
Subject & Object questions
Comparatives  To compare two things, people and places
 Irregular comparatives (good, bad, much, many, little, far, etc.)
 ‘than’ used with object pronouns

Ex. Her grades are better than mine.

 Other comparative structures

(Not) as + adjective + as
Ex. He is not as clever as his sister.
Less + adjective + than
Ex. Izmir is less crowded than Ankara.
Much + comparative form + than
Ex. Living in Istanbul is much more expensive than living in Ankara.

Passive Voice  To show that the action of the verb is more important than the agent
Passives (with/without by)
(Simple Present /Simple Past)
Ex. She was brought up by her grandparents.
The books are brought by the teachers.
Present  Present Cont. for fixed arrangements in the near future
Ex. They’re leaving for Cairo tomorrow.
Continuous for
Time expressions (tomorrow, tonight, etc.)
Future +
Wh- questions for inquiry
Arrangements +
Subject & Object questions

Prepositions of  Prepositions- Direction of movement (by, past, through, over, under, around, inside, outside,
below, above, beside, opposite, along, across, against, onto, off, into, out of, towards
 Ex. He drove past his old school.
Movement Ex. He walked by the lake and through the forest.
Ex. She drove under the bridge.
Ex. The play flew over the city.
Quantifiers  Availability/existence to describe amount/number of things

Some- Any
Ex. I want some strawberries and ice cream.
Ex. There isn’t any salt left.
Ex. Have you got any biscuits?

Ex. Is there much sugar in the bag?
The isn’t much milk in the carton.
Have you got many records?
She hasn’t got many friends.
A few / a little
Ex. We’ve got a few eggs.
Ex. I want a little orange juice.

Few/ Little
Ex. He is really sad because he has just few friends.
Ex. We have very little time so let’s start working.

All/ None/ No
Ex. All flowers are beautiful.
Ex. I have no money.
Ex. I thought I had some money, but I have none.

Too + adj/adv
Ex. He walks too fast.

Too + many + countable plural noun

Ex. There were too many at the party.

Too much + an uncountable noun

Ex. There is too much food in the fridge

Enough + noun
Ex. I have enough money

adj/adv + enough
Ex. She isn’t old enough
Reflexive  Emphasis / to describe personal details /actions (myself, herself)
Ex. She cut herself with a knife.
Pronouns He looked at himself in the mirror.

Gerunds and  Gerunds and Infinitives after certain verbs (Verb + gerund, Verb + to + infinitive) Please
refer to PIN word list
 Adjective+ infinitive, Preposition+ gerund
Infinitives Please refer to PIN wordlist
 Gerunds: As subject of a sentence and object of a sentence to form nouns from verbs
Ex. Smoking is forbidden in this building.
I like jogging.
 Infinitive of purpose
Ex. She went to the chemist’s to buy some aspirin.

Prism 1 Listening and Speaking UNIT 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Prism 1 Reading and Writing UNIT 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Prism 1 Listening and Speaking UNIT 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Prism 1 Reading and Writing UNIT 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

 Understanding specific information
 Understanding supporting ideas

 Understanding main ideas / gist


 Identifying specific information

 Identifying supporting ideas

 Identifying speakers and/or relationship between them

and/or context

 Recognising the relationships between sounds and spelling

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