Ward 2015 Australopitecinos

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Chapter 10

Carol V. Ward
Department of Pathology and Anatomical Sciences, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, USA

Australopithecines are an adaptive radiation of early hominins, all of which to some extent were bipedal, had brains only
slightly larger than those of apes, and developed adaptations to a diet that involved at least occasionally difficult-to-chew
foods. They are known from perhaps 10 species that existed between about 4.2 million and 1.0 million years ago and inhab-
ited at least central, eastern, and southern Africa. It is out of this radiation that our genus Homo likely evolved, although we
are not certain from which species, so understanding australopithecines is key to interpreting not only the diversity of early
hominins but also the origins of Homo.

Basics in Human Evolution. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-802652-6.00010-4

Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 129
130 PART | III Hominins

FIGURE 1 Timeline of australopithecine species. Bars represent the range of dates for which each species is known. (See color plate section). Dates
summarized from Brown et al. (2013) and Herries et al. (2013).

The term “australopithecines” refers to a collection of per- to other genera, such as Paranthropus or Kenyanthropus.
haps as many as 10 Plio-Pleistocene hominin species from This chapter reviews australopithecine species, and what
eastern, central, and southern Africa from about 4.2 mil- we know about their adaptations, biology, and behavior.
lion to 1.0 million years ago (mya) (Figure 1). They are not
members of the genus Homo, but are hominins that share
a suite of morphologies with Homo including terrestrial
bipedal locomotion, reduced canine and incisor sizes as Australopithecus was first discovered in South Africa. The
compared with earlier hominins (e.g., Ardipithecus, Sahel- genus Australopithecus was identified by Raymond Dart
anthropus, and Orrorin), smaller brains than in Homo, thick in 1925 with the Taung skull, which he named Australo-
dental enamel, and to varying extents, craniodental adapta- pithecus africanus (“southern ape from Africa;” Dart, 1925)
tions to processing a diet consisting of hard and/or tough (Figure 1). This child’s skull has a foramen magnum, the
foods. Thus australopithecines represent a grade rather hole through which the spinal cord exits the skull, tucked
than a clade of early hominin. Because of these features, underneath the cranium, demonstrating that this animal
we know that australopithecines are more closely related to stood and moved upright on two feet. It also has expanded
Homo than they are to earlier hominins or apes. molar teeth, reduced anterior teeth, and a shorter face com-
The specific evolutionary relationships among these pared with those of apes. Together, these features identified
species are not completely clear, but together they represent the Taung skull as being from a hominin. However, it differs
an adaptive radiation of small-brained, thick-enameled ter- from our genus Homo in having a much smaller brain and
restrial bipeds out of which our genus Homo likely evolved. larger postcanine teeth, which is why Dart assigned it to a
Although the genus Australopithecus is used to character- new genus.
ize some or all of these species, technically it is not a valid The Taung specimen was found by workers at a lime-
taxon, as it would not include a single ancestor and all of stone quarry, the type of cave deposit that has yielded all
its descendants, since Homo likely evolved from one of South African hominins. Over subsequent decades, more
the species in this radiation (see chapters by Simpson and specimens were recovered from South Africa at other quarry
Holt in the present volume). Still, until evolutionary rela- sites, first from a cave site called Sterkfontein. The Sterk-
tionships among the australopithecine species and Homo fontein fossils were initially referred to as Australopithe-
are clear, the broad genus name is retained for pragmatic cus transvaalensis (Broom, 1936) and then Plesianthropus
purposes. Over the years, all have been attributed at one transvaalensis (Broom, 1938), but are now generally rec-
time or another to the genus Australopithecus itself, but ognized as belonging to A. africanus as well. These initial
the recognition of considerable morphological variability specimens included an adult cranium as well as some post-
among species has resulted in some species being attributed cranial elements. They confirmed the morphology seen by
Australopithecines Chapter | 10 131

FIGURE 2 Four Australopithecus africanus specimens, from left to right: Taung 1, Sts 5, Sts 71, and StW 505. Reconstructed CT scan images courtesy
of F. Spoor.

the Taung skull (Broom and Schepers, 1946). Australopithe- in the region where A. africanus fossils have been found
cus africanus is now known from Makapansgat (Dart, 1948; included open forests and scrublands, and was wetter than the
White et al., 1981; Schmid, 2002) and Gladysvale (Berger region is today (Rayner et al., 1993; Pickering et al., 2004).
et al., 1993) as well. More than 20 skulls have been recov-
ered, along with at least two partial skeletons and many
isolated postcranial bones (Robinson, 1972; Partridge et al.,
“Robust” Australopithecines
2003; Haüsler and Berger, 2001; Lockwood and Tobias, In 1938, a second kind of hominin (Robinson, 1956, 1968)
2002; Toussaint, 2003; Clarke, 2013), making A. africanus was found at Kromdraai, also in South Africa, and referred
the most well represented australopithecine species in the to a new genus, Paranthropus (Broom, 1938). The Krom-
fossil record in terms of skulls, and one of the best in terms draai cranium had a shorter face than that of the Sterkfon-
of postcranial remains (Figure 2). A partial skeleton from tein and Taung fossils, smaller anterior teeth, and flatter,
lower in the Sterkfontein site, in a deposit known as Jacovec squarer premolars and molars. Still, it differs from Homo in
Cavern (Clarke, 1998, 1999, 2008), may also represent A. retaining a smaller brain coupled with larger posterior teeth.
africanus, but most of it remains unpublished in detail aside In the 1940s more Paranthropus fossils were recovered
from some information about the foot (Clarke and Tobias, from the nearby site of Swartkrans and originally assigned
1995), so little more can be said about it at present. to Paranthropus crassidens (Broom, 1949), but are now
Morphologically, A. africanus is distinguished from recognized as sufficiently similar to Paranthropus robustus
other australopithecines by pronounced anterior pillars of to be attributed to that species as well. Since that time, more
bone flanking either side of the nasal aperture (Rak, 1985; specimens have been found at Gondolin (Menter et al., 1999;
Kimbel et al., 2004) and a concave face when viewed lat- Grine et al., 2012), Drimolen (Keyser, 2000; Keyser et al.,
erally (White et al., 1981; Kimbel and Delezene, 2009) 2000), and Cooper’s Cave (Berger et al., 2003) (reviews in
(Figure 3). It also had a strong anterior temporalis chew- Wood and Constantino, 2007; Wood and Schroer, 2013). All
ing muscle, as evidenced by visible attachment lines on the of these fossils display adaptations to heavier chewing—
frontal and parietal bones near the anterior (front) portion even though the molar teeth are not necessarily larger than
of the braincase. They probably weighed between 30 and those of A. africanus (Figure 3)—with large cheekbones for
45 kg and stood about 105–142 cm tall (McHenry, 1986). attachment of the masseter muscle, large temporal fossae
They had brains ranging from 440 to 515 cc (Falk et al., for passage of a massive temporalis muscle, and large sagit-
2000), slightly larger than those of apes for their body tal and nuchal crests for attachment of these muscles. Also
size, with evidence of some level of neural reorganization present is a very shallow glenoid fossa—the temporal half
(White, 2002; Holloway, 2008; Schoenemann, 2013) (also of the temporomandibular joint—that would allow for con-
see chapter by Holloway). siderable transverse movement during chewing. The mandi-
Dating of the South African sites is notoriously difficult ble is also large and robust. Molar microwear studies (Scott
due to the complex depositional environment of these caves, et al., 2005) and analysis of carbon isotopes preserved in the
but comparative biostratigraphy, paleomagnetic, and uranium teeth (Sponheimer et al., 2006) suggest an eclectic diet that
dating all yield dates between 3 and 2 mya for A. africanus, included hard objects as well as softer foods. Hence, the P.
though they may extend in a range as wide as 3.3 to 1.5 mya robustus fossils were termed “robust,” in contrast to the A.
(Berger et al., 2002; Walker et al., 2006; Pickering et al., 2010; africanus fossils that were termed “gracile” by Robinson
Herries et al., 2013). The paleoenvironment in South Africa (1954); general descriptions still often used today. Despite
132 PART | III Hominins

molarized premolars with very little occlusal relief (very

flat chewing surfaces). The mandibles are especially large
and robust, the zygomatic bones where the masseter chew-
ing muscle would attach is huge, and the skulls have large
flaring zygomatic arches with strong crests on the braincase
reflecting a hypertrophied temporalis muscle. Thus, they
show even more extreme adaptations to heavy mastication
than does P. robustus (Wood and Constantino, 2007). Inter-
estingly, microwear on the molars and evidence from carbon
isotopes trapped in the tooth enamel suggest that they were
not eating hard foods (van der Merwe et al., 2008; Cerling
et al., 2011; Ungar et al., 2008, 2012), despite the extreme
morphological adaptations in their faces, teeth, and jaws.
A third species of “robust” australopithecine is also
known from East Africa, dating back to discoveries in the
Omo River valley in Ethiopia during the 1960s. These
fossils were assigned to Paraustralopithecus aethiopicus
(Arambourg and Coppens, 1968), now recognized as Aus-
tralopithecus or Paranthropus aethiopicus (Figure 5). It is
known best from West Turkana, Kenya (Walker et al., 1986),
and is also found at Laetoli, Tanzania (Harrison, 2011).
This species has a similar dentition to A. (P.) boisei, but a
more prognathic face, perhaps a smaller brain, and better-
developed posterior attachments for the temporalis muscle
FIGURE 3 Comparison photographs of original fossils: Australopithecus
(Arambourg and Coppens, 1968; Rak and Kimbel, 1991,
africanus cranium (Sts 5) above, and Australopithecus robustus (SK 46) 1993; Suwa et al., 1994; Walker et al., 1993, White and Falk,
below. The A. robustus specimen displays the large zygomatics and sagit- 1999; Wood and Constantino, 2007; Wood and Schroer,
tal crest typical of “robust” australopiths. Photographs courtesy of M.H. 2013). It dates to an earlier period, however—2.6–2.35 mya
Wolpoff. (summary in Wood and Schroer, 2013)—and therefore
could at least hypothetically be an ancestor of A. (P.) boisei.
these differences, because of its clearly hominin status com- As the reader will have noted by now, nomenclature of
bined with the shared retention of primitive features not the “robust” australopithecines is far from settled. The uncer-
seen in later Homo, even then Paranthropus was referred to tainty stems from debates regarding the phylogenetic relation-
informally as one of the “australopithecines.” ships among these species. According to proper zoological
Only later were australopithecines discovered in East nomenclature, a genus must include an ancestor and all of
Africa, with some teeth in 1955 and a skull in 1959 (Leakey, its descendants, termed a monophyletic clade. Most formal
1959, 1960; Leakey and Leakey, 1964). These specimens phylogenetic analyses do in fact interpret the “robust” species
had even smaller anterior and larger posterior teeth than P. Australopithecus (P.) robustus, boisei, and aethiopicus as a
robustus, and the skull showed an even more robust face monophyletic clade supported by their numerous similarities
and skull than South African specimens, so they were attrib- in dental and craniofacial features. As such, they should most
uted to a new taxon, Zinjanthropus boisei (Leakey, 1960), correctly be placed in their own genus, Paranthropus (dis-
now generally referred to Australopithecus (or Paranthro- cussions in Wood and Constantino, 2007; Wood and Schroer,
pus) boisei (review in Wood and Constantino, 2007; Wood 2013) (also see Hunt in the present volume).
and Schroer, 2013) (Figure 4). Since this time, numerous Significant regional differences exist between the East
crania and mandibles have been found at Koobi Fora, Kenya and South African taxa (Tobias, 1967; see also Delson, 1997),
(Leakey and Walker, 1988; Wood, 1991; Brown et al., 1993; raising doubts about their monophyly. The East African spe-
Prat et al., 2003); Chesowanja, Kenya (Szalay, 1971; How- cies have even smaller anterior and larger posterior teeth than
ell, 1978; Gowlett et al., 1981; Wood, 1991); Omo, Ethiopia the South African one (but there is one similarly sized molar
(Coppens and Sakka, 1983; Alemseged et al., 2002); Konso from Gondolin, South Africa; Grine et al., 2012), with even
Gardula, Ethiopia (Suwa et al., 1997) and perhaps Malema, more heavily built skulls. The South African species tends
Malawi (Kullmer et al., 1999); that are attributable to A. (P.) to have molar teeth that look “puffier,” and the remnants of
boisei. These fossils all date to between 2.2 and 1.3 mya anterior pillars flanking the nasal aperture, somewhat like
(summary in Wood and Schroer, 2013). All show extremely A. africanus. All of the features uniting a “robust” clade
small anterior dentition, very large molars, and quite large are related to adaptations for heavy mastication and appear
Australopithecines Chapter | 10 133

FIGURE 4 Australopithecus boisei crania KNM-ER 406 (left) and KNM-ER 732 (right) in anterior (above) and lateral views (below). KNM-ER 406
is widely regarded as belonging to a male individual and KNM-ER 732 to a female, suggesting strong sexual dimorphism in this species. Photographs
courtesy of B.A. Wood.

That said, the genus Australopithecus itself is certainly

not monophyletic and so itself is an invalid taxon. It is the
opinion of this author that although it is technically invalid
to assign any more than A. africanus to the genus Australo-
pithecus, it is also confusing to adjust an uncertain phylogeny
until we can be more certain about the relationship among the
members of the australopithecine grade of hominin. Assign-
ing some taxa to a particular genus name makes a phyloge-
netic statement that may not be supported in the future, which
would add further confusion to an already difficult situation.
Therefore, the genus name Australopithecus is retained here
as a pragmatic approach to a currently thorny problem.

FIGURE 5 Australopithecus aethiopicus cranium KNM-WT 17000. In 1974, the type mandible of a second species of “gracile”
Photograph courtesy of B.A. Wood. australopithecine was found in East Africa at Laetoli, Tanza-
nia by Mary Leakey (Leakey, 1987). The species A. afarensis
to be functionally integrated. Therefore, it is also likely that was formally described by Johanson and colleagues upon the
there may be homoplasy (independently evolved but superfi- discovery of additional similar fossils from Hadar, a site in
cially similar) traits that evolved separately in East and South the Afar region of Ethiopia that gives the species its name
Africa in response to a similar selective pressure, the need to (Johanson et al., 1978). Further fieldwork at Hadar in the
chew harder and/or tougher food items. If the “robust” taxa 1970s yielded the famous “Lucy” skeleton, the “first family,”
are not monophyletic, it is inappropriate to refer to all of them over 200 fossils from between five and nine individuals rang-
as Paranthropus, but rather we should continue to use the ing in age from juvenile to adult, along with numerous other
traditional genus name Australopithecus. dental, mandibular, and postcranial remains of A. afarensis.
134 PART | III Hominins

Fieldwork throughout the 1990s and the first part of the the “robust” australopithecine species. It has robust mandi-
twenty-first century yielded the first nearly complete cranium bles and expanded postcanine teeth similar to those of A. afri-
of this species (Kimbel et al., 1994; Figure 6), other dental canus overall (Kimbel and Delezene, 2009). The braincase
and mandibular remains (review in Kimbel and Delezene, displays morphologies consistent with masticating hard and/
2009), as well as 59 more postcranial fossils (Ward et al., or tough foods, although not to the extent seen in “robust”
2012). Australopithecus afarensis is also known from cranio- species, including large crests for attachment of the tempora-
dental and postcranial remains from Maka, Ethiopia (White lis muscle, a shallow glenoid fossa, and a forward-positioned
et al., 1993, 2000), a cranium and partial skeleton of a child masseter muscle resulting in greater leverage for producing
from Dikika, Ethiopia (Alemseged et al., 2006), another par- powerful bite forces. The lower face is prognathic (project-
tial adult skeleton from Korsi Dora, Ethiopia (Haile-Selassie ing) as in A. africanus, and more so than in A. robustus or
et al., 2010a), partial calvaria and teeth from East (Kimbel, A. boisei. Microwear data suggest differential usage of the
1988) and West (Brown et al., 2001) Turkana, Kenya, and anterior and posterior teeth for processing food, specifically
more fossils from Laetoli (Puech, 1986). Some enigmatic preparation of leaves, seeds, and rhizomes on the incisors
hand bones from South Turkwel, Kenya were provisionally (Ryan and Johanson, 1989), and tough or hard food on the
attributed to A. afarensis, but there is no real way to know to molars (Teaford and Ungar, 2000); carbon isotopic analysis
which taxon they properly belong (Ward et al., 1999a). There suggests a range of diets (Sponheimer et al., 2013). Aus-
is a set of hominin footprints likely made by A. afarensis at tralopithecus afarensis inhabited a variety of habitats, from
Laetoli as well (Leakey and Hay, 1979; Leakey, 1981; recent wooded at some sites to more open at others, although all
review in Raichlen et al., 2010). Across all these sites, A. afa- sites show a mix of closed and open settings (Bonnefille
rensis is known from 3.6 to 2.9 mya (Kimbel and Delezene, et al., 2004; Wynn et al., 2006; Campisano and Feibel, 2007).
2009; Brown et al., 2013). Body size estimated for this species ranges from
Most of the skeletal elements are known for A. afaren- about 28 to 50 kg, and stature from about 105 to 151 cm
sis, and there are multiple examples of most bones, making (McHenry, 1992). The postcranial skeleton of A. afaren-
A. afarensis by far the most well represented australopithe- sis is also highly dimorphic in size, with males almost
cine species in the fossil record for everything except skulls. twice the body weight of females (McHenry, 1986, 1991,
Because of this, much of our understanding of the biology 1992; Kimbel et al., 1988; Richmond and Jungers, 1995;
and adaptations of this radiation derive from studies of A. Lockwood et al., 1988; Plavcan et al., 2005; Gordon et al.,
afarensis. Australopithecus afarensis also forms the basis 2008; see also Haile-Selassie et al., 2010a; but see Reno
of our understanding of australopithecine origins, because et al., 2003). High levels of body size dimorphism are only
it predates A. africanus, and until 1994 with the discovery found in extant primates that have high levels of male–male
of the earlier Australopithecus anamensis (below), was the competition over access to females, but not in species with
earliest australopithecine species known. a monogamous social system (as in Lovejoy, 1981; Plavcan,
The A. afarensis brain was about the same size as that of 1997) (see chapter by Watts).
other australopithecines, ranging from about 400 to 550 cc The A. afarensis postcranial skeleton displays numerous
(Holloway and Yuan, 2004) (see chapter by Holloway). Like derived characters related to committed terrestrial bipedal
A. africanus, A. afarensis was specialized for heavy chewing, locomotion (reviews in Stern, 2000; Ward, 2002, 2013a,b;
compared with modern apes and humans, but not as much as Richmond and Hatala, 2013; see also Ward et al., 2011,
2012) (see chapter by Hunt). This evidence includes an
anteriorly situated foramen magnum showing that the head
sat atop a vertical vertebral column. The spine exhibits pro-
nounced humanlike sinusoidal curvatures and the thoracic
(rib-bearing) vertebral column is invaginated into the rib
cage, providing increased leverage for the spinal muscula-
ture to hold the body upright. The pelvis has laterally facing
and widely flaring ilia, positioning the hip muscles to bal-
ance side to side over one leg at a time, which occurs during
human bipedal gait. The femur (thigh bone) is angled in at
the knee so that the knee is positioned directly above the foot
and directly under the body’s center of gravity when an indi-
vidual is standing on one foot, and the shank is vertical rather
than angled to the side as it is in climbing apes. The femoral
condyles, or joints where the femur articulates at the knee, are
FIGURE 6 Australopithecus afarensis cranium A.L. 444-2. Photograph elliptical in contour, providing a flattened bottom surface to
courtesy of W.H. Kimbel. dissipate high loads during heel strike in gait. They had arches
Australopithecines Chapter | 10 135

in their feet, and the feet were stiff like ours, providing a firm et al., 2013). The specimens known for this species do not
platform for pushing off when walking. Perhaps most impor- display any derived characteristics distinct from those of A.
tantly, they had a large hallux (big toe) in line with the other afarensis, and so are generally included within A. afaren-
digits, not divergent and opposable as in all other primates. sis (see White et al., 2000; Alemseged et al., 2006; Kimbel
Australopithecus afarensis was not built exactly like and Delezene, 2009; MacLatchy et al., 2010). It is possible,
humans, though. The pelvis, though unambiguously indicative though, that recovery of further fossils in the future from
of habitual bipedalism for this taxon, is nevertheless distinct these localities will provide more information confirming
from that of modern humans, who underwent further selec- the separate status of A. bahrelghazali.
tion for obstetric sufficiency in giving birth to larger-brained The major significance of A. bahrelghazali is that it con-
offspring (Tague and Lovejoy, 1986). Compared with mod- firmed what had been long suspected—australopithecines
ern humans, A. afarensis also had longer arms relative to its inhabited a much greater part of Africa than just the areas
thighs, longer and more-curved finger and toes bones, a more for which we have fossil records. They even may have been
cranially oriented (upward-facing) shoulder joint, and smaller found across the entire continent.
hind limb joints and vertebral bodies (reviews in Stern, 2000;
Ward, 2002; Ward et al., 2012; Kimbel and Delezene, 2009; AUSTRALOPITHECUS ANAMENSIS
see also Alemseged et al., 2006; Green and Alemseged, 2012;
Larson, 2013; Richmond and Hatala, 2013). These features For many years, A. afarensis was the oldest known australo-
are considered primitive for Australopithecus, as they also pithecine and indeed one of the earliest hominins, and formed
characterize apes and Ardipithecus (see chapter by Hunt). the basis of our understanding of hominin origins. Today,
There has been debate in the literature about what the even earlier hominin genera are known (Sahelanthropus,
retention of these primitive features of Australopithecus Orrorin, and Ardipithecus; summary in MacLatchy et al.,
means for its biology and adaptation, with some suggesting 2010; also see chapter by Hunt), and recently an earlier spe-
that the presence of some ancient apelike traits must mean at cies of Australopithecus was identified from Kanapoi as well
least partial retention of tree climbing, the locomotor behav- as Allia Bay, Kenya, A. anamensis (Figure 7) (Leakey et al.,
ior that distinguishes apes (reviewed in Stern, 2000). Cer-
tainly A. afarensis would have been a more capable climber
than are humans, but without key morphologies such as a
grasping big toe, their ability to move about easily in the
trees, particularly for females holding infants, would have
been severely compromised compared with apes (see Ward,
2002, 2013a,b and references therein). This demonstrates
that selection for terrestrial bipedality was far more signifi-
cant than that favoring arboreal climbing. It has also been
argued that certain aspects of their anatomy that differ from
those of humans, including widely splayed iliac blades,
large navicular tuberosity in the foot, and long pedal pha-
langes, would have made bipedal walking less efficient than
and kinematically distinct from that of humans. However,
the presence of a well-developed lumbar lordosis, femoral
bicondylar angle, and pedal arches demonstrates that A. afa-
rensis was adapted for walking with fully extended lower
limbs. If A. afarensis was a less efficient bipedal walker than
are humans, it would have been simply that they had shorter
lower limbs, bulkier upper bodies, and a smaller body size,
but not different limb or joint postures during walking or
running (see also Hammond and Ward, 2013).

In 1995, the first australopithecine fossils west of the Rift
Valley was recovered from Chad in central Africa. Australo-
pithecus bahrelghazali is a species named for a mandible
from this site (Brunet et al., 1995). It is contemporaneous FIGURE 7 Australopithecus anamensis holotype mandible KNM-KP
with A. afarensis 3.0–3.4 mya (Brunet et al., 1995; Brown 29281 in occlusal and right lateral views. Photo credit: C.V. Ward.
136 PART | III Hominins

1995, 1998). It is now known from these Kenyan sites (Coffing that these species represent two ends of a single evolving
et al., 1994; Heinrich et al., 1993; Ward et al., 1999b, 2001; lineage. Thus, some scholars could argue that they be com-
Manthi et al., 2012; Ward et al., 2013), plus Asa Issie, Fejej, bined into a single species, but because at least the early and
and Woranso Mille in Ethiopia (Fleagle et al., 1991; White, later parts of this lineage are morphologically distinguish-
2002; White et al., 2006; Haile-Selassie, 2010; Haile-Selassie able, most scholars maintain their status as separate species
et al., 2010b; MacLatchy et al., 2010). This species ranges for pragmatic reasons (Kimbel et al., 2006; Haile-Selassie,
in age from 4.2 to 3.8 mya (McDougall and Brown, 2008; 2010; Ward et al., 2010, 2013; Manthi et al., 2012).
Haile-Selassie et al., 2010b; Brown et al., 2013). Thus, A.
anamensis is the earliest Australopithecus and the earliest AUSTRALOPITHECUS GARHI
member of the Australopithecus-Homo clade, so its morphol-
ogy and adaptations are key evidence of those that character- In 1999, Australopithecus garhi was announced from Bouri
ized the origins of this genus. Hata, Ethiopia, dating to 2.5 mya (Asfaw et al., 1999; Brown
Australopithecus anamensis shares, with later Australo- et al., 2013) based on a cranium and dentition. This speci-
pithecus, molars that are larger and more thickly enam- men differs from other australopithecines by having very
eled than seen in African apes and Ardipithecus (White large postcanine teeth like the “robust” species, but with
et al., 1994; White, 2002; Suwa et al., 2009), signaling an relatively large canine teeth and a facial skeleton that is less
adaptation for the ability to process tough and/or abrasive heavily built and more prognathic than A. (P.) robustus, A.
foods, possibly opening up greater ecological niches than (P.) boisei, and A. (P.) aethiopicus. Thus it does not fall eas-
were available to African apes, perhaps even being key to ily into the general “robust” versus “gracile” dichotomy. Its
the origins of the genus (White et al., 2000, 2006). Still, cranial capacity is 450 cc, similar to that of other australo-
A. anamensis retained narrower jaws, larger canine tooth pithecines. Postcranial bones with Homo-like proportions,
roots, more primitive canine and premolar crown shapes, having relatively shorter upper limbs and longer hind limbs
lower crowned molars, and other morphologies not only than typical for australopithecines, were found at the site,
distinguishing it from later A. afarensis, but also suggest- but are not necessarily associated with the skull and so can-
ing that the dietary adaptations were not the same in these not be attributed to A. garhi.
species (Ward et al., 2010; Manthi et al., 2012). Differences
in the chemical stable carbon isotopes in dental enamel sug- KENYANTHROPUS (AUSTRALOPITHECUS)
gest a dietary difference as well, with A. afarensis eating
a greater range of foods than consumed by A. anamensis
(Sponheimer et al., 2013). Another fossil was discovered in 2001 that could be con-
In most postcranial regions published so far, A. anamen- sidered an australopithecine (Leakey et al., 2001). A nearly
sis appears to be similar to A. afarensis, although only a complete cranium and a maxilla were found at Lomekwi,
handful of postcranial fossils are known for this species. Kenya (Figure 8), and this fossil is sufficiently different
Australopithecus anamensis appears to have been bipedal
(see both chapters by Hunt), as its tibia was oriented ver-
tically relative to the ankle joint as in all later hominins,
indicating knee placement directly over the ankle during
single-limb stance during bipedal walking (Latimer et al.,
1987; Ward et al., 1999a; DeSilva, 2009). The upper limb of
A. anamensis is similar to that of A. afarensis (Patterson and
Howells, 1967; Lague and Jungers, 1996; Ward et al., 2001).
However, a middle phalanx from Asa Issie is described as
longer than those from Hadar (White et al., 2006), and the
capitate, a bone from the wrist, may be more African ape-
like than that of A. afarensis in the joints between the wrist
and metacarpals (Leakey et al., 1998). These small features
may indicate some differences in locomotor or manipula-
tory function, but until more fossils are recovered our abil-
ity to infer postcranial variation between species is limited.
As one examines the samples of A. anamensis and A.
afarensis through time, the distinctive derived features of A.
afarensis appear to change throughout the period known for
each species, and A. anamensis appears to grade into A. afa- FIGURE 8 Kenyanthropus (Australopithecus) platyops holotype mandi-
rensis morphologically. For this reason, it is hypothesized ble KNM-WT 40000 in anterolateral view. Photo courtesy of M.G. Leakey.
Australopithecines Chapter | 10 137

from all other Australopithecus and Homo fossils that its and its body size was roughly similar as well. Its teeth were
discoverers attributed it to a new genus and species, Kenyan- morphologically similar to those of other Australopithecus
thropus platyops. They note, however, that the genus name species but perhaps smaller on average, falling within the
“Kenyanthropus” is only appropriate if one places the lower range of A. africanus.
“robust” species into the genus Paranthropus. If not, as in Australopithecus sediba is noted for sharing some appar-
this paper, these Lomekwi fossils should most appropriately ently derived features with Homo. It seems to have had a less
be referred to as A. platyops (Leakey et al., 2001). A. (K.) strongly developed masticatory system than other australo-
platyops differs from other australopithecine taxa in hav- piths (Berger et al., 2010; Pickering et al., 2011; de Ruiter
ing much smaller postcanine teeth, deeper mandibular fossa et al., 2013b). The sagittal crest for attachment of the tempora-
(the cranial portion of the temporomandibular joint), and lis is smaller, and the mandible is more gracile with a relatively
anteriorly placed zygomatic bones flanking a fairly vertical, narrow and vertical symphysis. The anterior pillars that char-
flattened lower face, from which its species name derives. acterize the A. africanus face are lacking. The cranium also
In the latter feature it seems to resemble Homo rudolfensis, shares similarities in shape with Homo, with a transversely
raising the possibility of a close phylogenetic relationship wide braincase and widely spaced temporal lines, as well as
between the two (but see Strait and Grine, 2004). It dates minimal postorbital constriction. The phylogenetic position
to 3.5–3.3 mya, and so is one of the earliest members of of A. sediba relative to Homo is unclear, but it is unlikely to
the australopithecine radiation (Leakey et al., 2001; Brown have been ancestral because it postdates other Homo fossils in
et al., 2013). The environment of A. (K.) platyops was a East Africa (Pickering et al., 2011; Dirks et al., 2010).
partly wooded landscape similar to that at the A. afarensis Postcranially, A. sediba was similar to other australo-
sites, although perhaps wetter, as suggested by the presence piths, with relatively long forearms, large upper limb joint
of more water-dependent fauna (Leakey et al., 2001). surfaces, cranially oriented shoulder joints, and long and
curved hand phalanges (finger bones). The pelvis is wide
and has small joints, but may have an expanded posterior
region like that of Homo (Berger et al., 2010; Kibii et al.,
Australopithecus sediba (Figure 9) is the most recently 2011). The foot appears more primitive than that of A. afa-
discovered australopithecine species, with two remarkably rensis, with perhaps a more mobile midfoot and calcaneus
complete partial skeletons and other bones known from the with less inflated tuberosity (Zipfel et al., 2011). These
site of Malapa, near Sterkfontein in South Africa (Berger features and other details of foot anatomy have been cited
et al., 2010; de Ruiter et al., 2013a). Malapa appears to date as indicating a unique kinematic pattern of locomotion
to 1.98 mya (Pickering et al., 2011; Dirks et al., 2010), mak- (DeSilva et al., 2013), although there is evidence of unusual
ing A. sediba the youngest known gracile australopithecine. soft tissue pathologies near the hip and knee, raising ques-
Australopithecus sediba is similar to other gracile aus- tions of whether the species itself would have differed in
tralopithecines, especially A. africanus, in a number of locomotor mode. The hand and wrist bones of A. sediba
ways. Its brain size was about 420 cc (Carlson et al., 2011), have Homo-like proportions and were likely capable of pre-
cision grasping (Kivell et al., 2011). As there has not been
a stone tool industry associated with Malapa hominins, it is
unclear whether these features relate to stone tool use and
production or something else entirely.

Although there is a great deal of morphological variability
among species, overall the samples constituting the “grade”
of australopithecines share a basic pattern of features. Nota-
bly, all samples display adaptations throughout the post-
cranial skeleton for upright terrestrial bipedal locomotion.
That said, not all taxa are known from postcranial elements,
though (Australopithecus/Kenyanthropus platyops, A. aethi-
opicus, and perhaps A. garhi) are known for these elements,
so there is possibly more postcranial diversity within this
adaptive radiation than currently appreciated. Only the recov-
ery of more associated fossils will answer this question.
FIGURE 9 Australopithecus sediba cranium MH 1. Photograph cour- Australopithecines include a variety of species, each
tesy of L.R. Berger. experimenting in being a bipedal capable of exploiting a
138 PART | III Hominins

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