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MARKS: 100 Copyright Reserved Basic Education KwaZulu-Natal Department of Basic Education REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA MATHEMATICS P2 COMMON TEST JUNE 2016 7 NATIONAL SENIOR CERTIFICATE TIME: 2 hours This question paper consists of 8 pages and 3 diagram sheets, Please turn over Mathematios P2 2 Common Test June 2016 sc INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATION Read the following instruction carefully before answering the questions, 1. The question paper consists of 6 questions. 2. Answer ALL the questions. 3. Cleasly show all calculations and diagrams that you have used in determining your answers. 4. You may use an approved scientific calculator (non-programmable and non-graphical). 5. If necessary round off answers to TWO decimal places, unless otherwise stated. 6. Answers only will not be awarded full marks. ( 7. Diagrams not necessarily drawn to scale. 8. Number the answers correctly according to the numbering system used in this question paper. 9. Write neatly and legibly. Copyright Reserved Please turn over | Mathematics P2 } 3 Common Test June 2016 NSC QUESTION 1 | 1.1 In the diagram below PQRS is a square with sides of 5 units. The coordinates of R is (b-2). PQ is parallel to the x-axis. 1.2 Inthe sketch below A(0;4), B(-4;~3) and C(4;—2) are the vertices of AABC. J cI re 5 units so -2) Write down the coordinates of Q. Write down the coordinates of S. Write down the equation of PQ. Write down the equation of QR. (1) a) () (1) K is the midpoint of AC. AT is drawn with T a point on the x-axis, such that the acute angle between AT and the x-axis is equal to 26,6". S(p; 1) is a point on AT, 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 1.2.5 1.2.6 Determine the coordinates of point K. Calculate the length of AC, correct to 2 decimal places. Calculate the gradients of BK and AC and then show that BKC = 90° . Determine the equation of line BK. Calculate the area of AABC, correct to 2 decimal places, Calculate the value of p. Copyright Reserved Q) Q) 6) G) 6) 6) [26] Please tum over Mathematios P2 Common Test June 2016 4 NSC QUESTION 2 2.1 PORS is a parallelogram, The equation of PQis y= ‘The gradient of SP is equal to=1. R is the point (3; 2). 2.1.1 Write down the gradient of RQ. to) 2.1.2 Determine the equation of RQ. Q) 2.1.3 Calculate the coordinates of point Q. (4) 2.1.4 Calculate the size of SPQ. (5) 2.2 Given A (6; 7), B(0;~1)and C (4p). Calculate € 2.2.1 The length of AB. Q) 2.2.2 The value of pif AB=2BC, p<0 6) 9] Copyright Reserved Please turn over Mathematics P2 5 Common Test June 2016 NSC N.B: Give reasons for your statements and calculations in Questions 3 - 6. QUESTION 3 3.1. COMPLET! ‘The line drawn from the centre of a circle to the midpoint of a chord a) 32 is the centre of the circle, AB is a chord and OP LAB. OP is extended and intersects the circle at N. AB = 16 em and PN=2em, Let OP = x. N 3.2.1 Calculate the length of AP. @) 3.2.2 Calculate the length of the radius of the circle 65) [8] Copyright Reserved Please turn over Mathematics P2 6 Common Test June 2016 NSC QUESTION 4 4.1 Inthe figure below O is the centre of the circle and A, B and C are three points on the circumference of the circle. Use the figure and prove the theorem that states that BOC=2A. 4.2 Inthe figure O is the centre of the circle and ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral. DA is produced to F such that FA = AC and CB is produced to meet DF at F. F 4.2.1 If F =x, write down, with reasons, in terms of x, (@ the size of Aj; (b) the size of O,. 4.2.2 Ifitis further given that FA = DA, find with reasons, the size of A, Copyright Reserved © ¢ @ ® 6 [18] Please turn over Mathematics P2 1 Common Test June 2016 Nsc QUESTION 5 5.1 In the diagram below O is the centre of the circle. G, H, J and K are points on the circumference of the circle. GOH is a diameter. Chords GH, JH, KH, KJ and GK have also been drawn. A, =26°. Calculate, with reasons, the size of S41 RK. (a) $42 4, @) 5.2 GAFE and FCDE are two circles. Chords GA, AR, EE, CP, CD and DE aie drawn. GPC is a straight line. DC produced meets GA produced at B. £, = 28" and £, = 64°. Calculate, with reasons, the size of 521 6 @ 5.2.2 B @ [10] Copyright Reserved Please tum over ‘Mathematics P2. 8 ‘Common Test June 2016 NSC In the figure PR and PQ are two tangents drawn from point P to circle AQR. The straight line drawn through P parallel to AR meets QR produced at S, and QA produced at T. ‘The tangent PR cuts QT at B. LetR, 6.1 Prove that PTRQ is a cyclic quadrilateral. (5) ¢ : 6.2 If itis further given that QA = RA, prove that; 621 S=x ©) 6.2.2 PQ=RS (5) 62.3 PTS isa tangent to circle TAR, © : 19} TOTAL MARKS: [100] Copyright Reserved Please tum over i 1 i 1 i 1 1 1 i i 1 1 I 1 1 1 ' 1 i i i 1 I I i ! t ' ) TEAR-OFF SHEET Mathematics P2 DIAGRAM SHEETS: HAND IN WITH YOUR ANSWER BOOK NAME: QUESTION 1.2 QUESTION 2.1 QUESTION 3.2 Copyright Reserved 9 NSC GRADE: ‘Common Test June 2016 BC-4; -3) Please turn over Mathematics P2 10 ‘Common Test June 2016 NSC QUESTION 4.1 AL B ‘C QUESTION 4.2 QUESTION 5.1 x Jr 2 6 0 Copyright Reserved Please turn over Common Test June 2016 u NSC Mathematics P2 QUESTION 5.2 Z = a 3 o IAAHS JAO-UVAL Copyright Reserved | Pro mm ssoig jo Supnyou09 por —syenbe suopaxt ov jo rpaud se Buyaogs 03 V ha Jo-an 205 V1 onmpsqns 395 YT Bu 30-94 3} VOL onmsans 39} V1 ssa Be TOR Ha WHTOTAS] THAI uaRs | Toemey Rea WERT Ton -sofed g Jo sssuo> umpursomom stu, @ msi 295 VOI ithe | whe BLVOISILYIO HOINSS sonmnsqns 0) V1 2 fo-t}+ 0-= Barna f= fhe -ov te | s06 305 ¥OT , WAGNVYOWSN ONDRIVAL (2.2). onmpsans aos yt | “er aa) o1oz ANAL zit (wiwste) w - Ls ove Ine yr ow somsue 305 VL en Vvoldav HLNOS 4o oNanday , ‘nase. v1 +s uoneonpa o1seg Jo quaunsedag jeeN-ninzemy D seasweag vi] (eo ve uoneonp; olseg ern ota amy OONYHONAN IS TNOLISAND ~ ou ~ ca os eg smoumenoid yummy o THO £30.9088305 VDL ee xyo.nqea.05 vor ae i oe as : sodas 295 VO 1 eo ttet : suopenbo on Sano 205 Yt pees 3 ere, (Grace os) sos 205 YL 7 ‘opmsgns 93 YO sees 22} VOT Hae ok seo waxovxt= “worms 205 VOT +O =z meee Pat 080g xf = cee “ie 30 80940 JousH 295 ¥OT wo x0 ‘uopeabe 405 VO pstee & ‘opmsgns 95 VL 2 rete wonmapsgne 205 V1 (na) a Mad i riz w jo swotpeif Supenba 05 VE fen baw = Bie TZ sue 395 YOL ‘cNoMsand ($420) ayo sempre ' Ls J WoRTURSGNS 205 VIE | o swisur pare te pond ree osm cy (1) Jo opr 95 VOT 2 Fe(djso-=1 su amp a0 59H S| oweabe ¥0 eb 95 VOT 2 vex0s-= 6 © rwoypest ve? san 305 VOL Bo (0) J Wong 305 VOT Pan ees (01:0) age sewsunpz009 :LV Jo woneabo pes pu (0) aUNEGRS J WoRRSGES 2 VOL € LY s0 pei 205 VI } ost= : gabe: Sree ventionmane i aan amt ; , emu é a vel es earn aabeee naNvNOREN-O5N | , aS vung tac ome 7 wa sero um emig o +2 e~ 998291 Ye= oyaz= 263 = 908 Met (v sore 2ou219) (2p eb ayseldo 20= = OVD M1 Ayu wst A (v sooimsoumne) z= TQ: ws 1» (pis enbo ausodo sofiue) ag (=) vo=ao = oy #1 youd oponssH09 BANOO 30} WT A oi paar pus oY meg wonmasI) Ty PNoUsand Te © Jaies8 1 ¥OL Pl = 0+ St = spss stex way ‘oproustdaus 95 Yor AOE yee ‘oxeapsgns 9100405 YZ saree 9 gp mesaust A (outed) V+ dO= OV eve ; atist | (pio so odpm or oj jo anuso was om) 4 @=aV ITE D _woysysu00 29109205 SL A powemorvinapiadids) TE eNousand RONYYORN-95N er siamang stam ° ~ tama oun sna poumesliog Tar oy d3o.onpea Vor Arad reed 0=C-Do+d, ‘wonmoyyduas VOL Pee Asatte = Sanh Yor AED + 0-8 opmpsqns 95 Vt 2 (E19) + o-0 = 5 50 a YT as avy =a x0 x0 4 yo onpea 303 VOT rad tad opad 0=@-A) (pr a) 0 =G-4+.ay woop 105 Vor 20m e~d8+ y (ORT) JO woRMSNS 205 YT tp +d +99 = O01 AY Jo womans 103 YT 2 le + fo~ Oy = ogn ‘Suyrenbs 20y WL 7 (at)= av ouc= av ove @ 7 O1= MSU 395 VT Us wonmnsqes 13 YE 2 hir)+ 0-9) =v 177) o suse 30} VOL 7 9601 = Das wwonoesgns 505 VOT P chO'rl Sel = deS 2186 soaut99 295 YT 7 SEL = SAX resaxum aaah Awl = Dax onenbo 5 ‘paxoo von 305 VI rhe dam pre -enwHOHE~OsN sr pang stacy = ~ = | - petwa tug oun etd | rows alg a sw | Ion aT © aL] (war0oq proge wa :osaatoa) UV spo or aBaRL es SL @ — si AGT = WOH) VEL "L ast (> (ois ours og usm) z= Sy + Y= ma _ ey f= 1g9 3-96 aLESL aat (> (quae 2am 2 59808) == HE = 1D zs. ust (A (casoany royp um) x= Y= 'D @ ae x0 x0 res at] (eatooxp prowp um ssemaneo) yy. spo oF ee Sd cc) el st 2 Gt 20) FY= 5 wst ws ee wsl A (penb aah030 7 s0pan9) §] = wD, i ers SI (penoud Spee $x = 4D) p *7= wD oO wST A Gpsapeas ¥ a afB08) .05= "F WSL LP (assa0arp proyo um) x= "y= 'D to 1 rs @ ‘St 7 Sa=da¥ SNOLLSAND wisi (7 (od sums og sauaBue 2} » Da = Ya aT ws! 2 67 sausodéosops) Si=¥d © atist 1 (pnb 248030 7 s0HEH) » 06 = Y st Game)» 9= 9 : 06 = a9 ¢ Fupeoy=9 95 St 2 e206 = DEL © 3 i SI wST avy J087 Jormms) » ‘wet st (opis renbs eusoddo sayBue) ‘> aDV = OGY" oO a “va= nq) -VO= Va tte uns xp use “senauos) je=ReEPEN @ WES] 7 CORINA 7 FEATS 7) 7 R= DOT (= Mog) @rer asst 2 Galay 87 3) p= Ty= ow WEST FW pesifuewiaT) » T= aust P (wawoonr-proge-we) » x=TY="] 19 USE|» (opis enboansoddo sour WO= VD) » Fa y= 9D 9 NoLsaNd ENV HOHE aaRvAORE-O8N evemamey toe : ca seme sonxming pt0r 20% i ase

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