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Unit II: Work Study 2 marks

1. What is meant by work study?

The study of human work in all aspects in order to increase the effectiveness with the work is done.
Work study = Method study + Work measurement

2. Mention few applications of work study. NOV-2012

i. Scope of work study is not restricted to manufacturing industries only.
ii. It can effectively be used in service sector.
iii. It can be applied in offices, hospitals, and other service organisations.
3. What are the objectives of work study?
i. To find the most economical way of doing the work.
ii. To simplify and standardise the methods, materials, tools and equipments.
4. What is meant by method study? (Or) Define method study? APR-2015, May-2014, MAY 2012
i. Method study is the systematic recording and critical examination of existing ways of doing work,
as a means of developing and applying easier.
ii. More effective methods and reducing costs.
5. What are the objectives of method study? NOV-2013, NOV-2014, NOV 2011.
i. To improve the processes and procedures
ii. To improve the plant layout.
iii. To improve safety standards
iv. To improve the use of men, materials and machines
6. What is SIMO chart? Define SIMO chart? .May-2013, NOV-2012
SIMO-- stands for Simultaneous Motion cycle chart
SIMO chart is used to record simultaneously on a common time scale the activities of two hands
of workers body during the performance of a single cycle of operation.
7. What are therbligs? APR-2008
i. Therbligs are the symbols used to denote the various activities and movements done for different
ii. Therbligs refer primarily to motions of the human body at the work place.
8. Define the term route sheet.APR-2008
i. The route sheet, also known as operation sheet, instruction sheet, planner, and traveller lists the
production operations
ii. The machine tools process for each component and subassembly of the product.
9. Name the important techniques used in method study.NOV-2009
i. Chart- (outline chart –SIMO chart- flow chart –two handed process chart etc.)
ii. Diagrams – (flow Diagrams , string Diagrams, cycle graph Diagrams, chronocycle graph Diagrams)
10. What are the benefits of motion study?
i. It eliminates unnecessary and wasteful motion.
ii. It makes the work faster and better.
iii. It increases productivity.
11. What are the principles of motion economy?
i. Use of the human body
ii. Arrangement of the work place
iii. Design of tools and equipment.
12. Define standard data?
Standard data is a work measurement technique for building up the time for a job or parts of the job at a defined level
of performance by totalling element times obtained previously from time studies on other jobs containing the elements.

13. What are the tools and techniques used in method study?
i. Outline chart –SIMO chart- flow chart –two handed process chart etc.
ii. Flow Diagrams - string Diagrams, cycle graph Diagrams, chronocycle graph Diagrams.
14. What are the application used in tools and techniques?
Material handling, design, building construction, army, agriculture, marketing,offices,banks.
15. What is work measurement? May 2012, NOV 2011
i. It is the application of techniques designed to establish the time for a qualified worker to carry out a specified
job at a defined level of performance.
ii. Work measurement is also known by the name ‘time study”
16. What are the objectives of Work measurement?
i. To determine time standards
ii. To estimate that cost of a product
iii. To eliminate or reduce ineffective time.
17. What are the general rules to be followed in breaking down a task in to elements? NOV-2013
i. A new job, new component or a new operation.
ii. When new time standard is required.
iii. To check the correctness of the existing time standard.
iv. When the cost of operation is found to be high.
v. Before introducing an incentive scheme.
vi. When two methods are to be compared.
18. Define rating.May-2013
i. Rating is the assessment of the rate of working of the operator by the work study man.
ii. The work study man does this rating based upon his idea of standard performance.
iii. Standard performance is the rate of output which qualified worker will give on an average.
19. Write down any two important applications of Work measurement.
i. It can be used the time standard.
ii. The effective use of people, plant and equipment.
iii. It can used in production, planning and scheduling.
20. What are techniques used in work measurement?
i. Stop watch time study
ii. Work sampling
iii. Pre-determined time standard
iv. Standard data

21. Define standard time. Apr-2015

i. It is the time allowed to an operator to carry out the specified task under specified conditions defined level of
ii. Total time in which a job should be completed at standard performance.

22. What is Ergonomics? Or Define Ergonomics? May -2014, Nov -2014

Ergonomics also known as “Human engineering and Human factors engineering” Study of relationship between
“man and his working environment”

23. Write down any two important applications of Ergonomics.

i. Automobiles
ii. Production equipment.
iii. Housing
iv. Aircraft
v. Computers
vi. Transportation system
vii. Town and country planning
24. What are the objectives of Ergonomics?
i. To improve the efficiency (doing things right)and effectiveness(doing right things)
ii. To reduced errors
iii. To improve productivity and accuracy.
25. What are the charts used for method study?

i) Operation process chart, ii). Flow process chart. iii). Multiple activity chart,
iv) Two handed process chart, v). Travel chart, vi). Simo chart.

26. What are the diagrams used for method study?

i) Flow and string diagram, ii). Models and templates, iii). Cycle graph and chronocycle graph.

27. What is outline process chart?

The chart gives the bird’s-eye view of the whole process by recording only the major
activities and inspections involved in the process.

28. What is time study?

The application of techniques designed to establish the timer for a qualified worker to carry
out a specified job at a defied level of performance.

29. What is work sampling?

A technique in which a statistically competent number of instantaneous observations are
taken, over a period of time, of group of machines, process or workers. Each observations
recorded for a particular activity or delay is a measure of the percentage of time observed by
the occurrence.

30. What is multiple activity chart?

It is a chart on which the activities of more than one subject are each recorded on a common
time scale to show their interrelationship.

31. What is Simo chart?

It is used to record simultaneously on a common time scale the activities of two hands or
other parts of worker’s body during the performance of single cycle of operation being
32. What are therbligs?
Therbligs are the symbols used to denote the various activities and movements done for
different purposes.

33. What is memo motion study?

Memo motion study is a form of time-lapse photography which records activity by the use of
cine camera adapted to take picture at longer intervals than normal.

34. What is PMTS?

A work measurement technique whereby times established for basic human motions are used
to build up the time for a job at the defined level of performance.

35. Define – Outline Process Chart

An outline process chart is a process chart given an overall picture by recording in
sequences only the main operations and inspections.

36. What is flow process chart?

It is a process chart setting out the sequence of the flow of a product (Or) a procedure by
recording all events under review using the appropriate process chart symbols.

37. What are the types of flowchart?

(i)Man Type
(ii)Material Type
(iii)Equipment Type
38. What is two handed process Chart?
It is a process chart in which the activities of a workers hand (or limbs) are recorded in
the irrelation ship to one another.

39. Define – Multiple Activity Charts

It is a chart on which the activities of more than one subject are each recorded on a
common time scale to shoe their inter relation ship.

40. What is string diagram?

It is a scale plan or model on which a thread is used to thread is used to trace and measure
the path of workers, material or equipment during a specified sequence of events.

41. What is cycle graph?

It is a record of path movement, usually traced by a continuous source of light on a

42. What is chronocycle graph?

It is a special form of cycle graph in which the light source is suitably interrupted so that
the path appears as a series of pear-shaped dots.

43. What is micro motion study?

It is used to make a detailed motion study employing either videotapes or motion pictures
operating at a constant and known speed, when picture camera is utilized for study, then the
procedure is known as micro motion study.

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