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2015 International Conference on Pervasive Computing (ICPC)

An Automatic Irrigation System using ZigBee in

Wireless Sensor Network
Pravina B. Chikankar
Computer Engineering Department Deepak Mehetre
K J College of Engineering &Management Research Computer Engineering Department
Pune, India K J College of Engineering &Management Research Pune, India
Soumitra Das
Computer Engineering Department
Dr. D.Y.PatilSchool of Engineering
Pune, India

Abstract—Wireless Sensing Technology is widely used essential to maintain the fertility of soil [2].Hybrid sensor
everywhere in the current scientific world. As the technology is network is a wireless network which is designed to
growing and changing rapidly, Wireless sensing Network (WSN) communicate with the soil [3]. ZigBee is a wireless
helps to upgrade the technology. In the research field of wireless communication device which operates under same frequency
sensor networks the power efficient time is a major issue. This
and transmits data to and from the sensing element and also
problem can be overcome by using the ZigBee technology. The
main idea of this is to understand how data travels through a compares the value [4]. IEEE 80215.4/ZigBee wireless sensor
wireless medium transmission using wireless sensor network and network which coordinates the whole network and optimized
monitoring system. This paper design an irrigation system which the power consumption using a PAN coordinator [5]. WSN is
is automated by using controllable parameter such as used in monitoring the condition of soil and to control the
temperature, soil moisture and air humidity because they are the energy consumption, MAC protocols play a vital role [6].
important factors to be controlled in PA(Precision Agricultures). Beacon based wireless sensor network for agricultural energy
monitoring system provide real time agricultural monitoring
Keywords—Energy consumes; Humidity sensor; PIC [7]. We can optimize the cost of intensive computation and
Controller; soil moisture sensor; Temperature Sensor; wireless
Sensor network; ZigBee.
hardware devices using sensor networks which are also small
in size and has a precise value [8]. Wireless mobile sensor
I. INTRODUCTION network conserve the usage of limited battery of sensor to
India is a developing country and to make it developed, increase the life of network for long and the redundant sensors
deforestation is taking place and many industrial can change their positions to increase overall network lifetime
developments have been taking place. To introduce some of the WSN [9]. The optimization and modelling of
technology and more development for making India transmission schemes are used to increase the network lifetime
developed, lot of power is required. Because of this farmer and consumption of energy in the transmitter circuit along
suffers a lot therefore it is difficult for the farmers to gain with that for data transmission [10].In this paper Audrino
information regarding soil weather that it is good for crop microcontroller with grove moisture sensor and water flow
production or not. These results into lots of power waste and sensor is used for automatic irrigation system. Moisture
to overcome this issue ‘ZigBee technology’ is used. This content of soil is sensed by Audrino microcontroller and data
proposed system ‘an automatic irrigation using ZigBee helps is transmitted using ZigBee protocol. When the moisture level
to know the conditions of the soil for the irrigation. There is a reaches the pre-set level, flow of water in the pipe adjusted
sensor which gives the information about temperature, accordingly. All the information such as flow, water pressure,
humidity and moisture content in the soil if the value of sensed moisture content etc. updated in the database along with time
data matches with the threshold values which are required for by which one can check the status of moisture level and motor
the proper crop production then it will start irrigation running time on display and also on mobile via GSM [11].This
automatically. paper provides a methodology for the establishment of large
scale automatic irrigation system using ZigBee as a wireless
II. THE RELATED WORK technology with the optimum use of labours and water.
Hardware architecture, software algorithm, portable controller
‘WSN’ will provide suitable means for the farmers in the
and coordinator in ZigBee wireless sensor network etc.are
development of agriculture and also will help them to invest
discussed here in detail [12]. In this paper Multifunctional
more and gain more profit[1]. In agriculture field sensor in
Probes (MFPz) were used for measurement of various soil
WSN senses the temperature, soil and humidity which are

978-1-4799-6272-3/15/$31.00(c)2015 IEEE
properties such as soil moisture, water flux, electrical
conductivity of soil etc. A multi- hop ad-hoc fashion network
using ZigBee as WSN was being used for the deployment of
MFPz across the large field area. IEEE 802.15.4 radio device
based wireless microcontroller was use as a core of
MFPzdevice [13]. In this paper the details of the design and
instrumentation of variable rate irrigation, a wireless sensor
network, and software for real-time in-field sensing and
control of a site-specific precision linear-move irrigation
system has been discussed [14].In this paper an automated
irrigation system was developed to optimize water use for
agricultural crops. It consists of distributed wireless sensor
system consisting soil moisture and temperature sensors fixed
near roots of plants. A microcontroller based gateway unit
controls the water quantity[15].In this paper, an effective
irrigation management system is described for the container
grown crops. For obtaining soil properties and environmental Fig1. Design sequence of proposed automatic irrigation system.
data continuously, a wireless sensor network is used. This
system searches the water deficient locations and intimates the A. Requirement Level
farmer via text massage [16].This paper proposed an
It is a first level of the design process of proposed an
automated system to make effective utilization of water
automatic irrigation system it is divided into two types and
resources for agriculture and crop growth monitoring using
they are as follows
GSM and ZigBee technology. The water use efficiency is
increased in drip irrigation system by using various sensors. I. Functional requirement
The signals from these sensors are obtained by the
microcontroller and transmitted to irrigation control centre Functional requirements consist of technical details,
(ICC) through ZigBee [17]. The rest of the paper is divided data manipulation and processing, sensing and
into 4 sections. II section describes the survey of related indication. The proposed system uses a sensing
papers. III section explains the design sequences of proposed device to detect soil moisture, temperature and
an automatic irrigation system. IV describes the result of an humidity. It uses an automatic indication to detect an
automatic irrigation system. Finally concluding remarks can automatic operation such as Motor Pump, Fan
be found in section V. (ON/OFF),Buzzer Blow.

III. DESIGN II. Non functional requirement

The proposed system design sequence is divided into two It is mutually exclusive of functional requirement.
methods one is Top –Down and other is Bottom Up method . The proposed system consists of monitoring and
The design process of the proposed system is divided into five controlling water level of soil, environrmental
levels and they are as follows. temperature and humidity. When this factor crosses
the threshold value of particular crop it
A. Requirement Level automatically start respective operation of Pump,
Fan and Buzzer.
B. Specification Level
C. Architecture Level B. Specification Level
D. Component Level Specification is a detailed assessment of requirements of
E. Integration Level devices. The table gives a specification of devices used
F. Application Level
Sr. no Devices Specification
Below figure shows the design sequence for the proposed 1 ZigBee module 10-100m Range
2 Microcontroller CAN bus, Inbuilt ADC,
PIC 18F458 high performance
3 Display LCD(16*2),

4 Sensors LM-35, SY-HS-220, Soil

C. Architecture Level II. Software component
It consists of the specified hardware device partition, It is interfaced between the hardware and PC. The features
performance and trouble shooting. The proposed system are inbuilt in a software application is called as a software
consists of three nodes .Node 1 and Node 2 called as sensing component
node and Node 3 called as receiver node.the receiver node
play an important role in an automatic irrigation system. In
Node 1 and Node 2 have same operation, but the address of
the destination is different.the address of the destination is set
on receiver node. Node 1 and Node 2 sensed the information
by using sensor this sensing information transmitted to ADC
.An ADC converts it from analog to digital then transmitted
the digital data to UART for serial communication. This is
inbuilt in PIC Microcontroller 18F458. ZigBee is used for
wireless transmission of data. ZigBee transmits data of Node 1 Fig 3. Diagram of software component
and Node 2 to the receiver node of ZigBee. This Receiver
E. Integration Level
node sends the data to PIC 18F458 microcontroller and
information display on the LCD of receiver node as well as System integration consisting of connecting all the
PC. If we want to monitor the particular crop, then pressed the components together and building a proper structure .It also
respective crop type and it will be the display threshold value consists of troubleshooting tasks in order to run the system
of crop on the LCD and PC and it compares the threshold smoothly. It is a difficult stage as we have to find why the
value of crop and running value. When running value crosses system is not working properly. The proposed system consists
the threshold value then automatic operation start. of a sensor which gives a signal to the microcontroller. There
are three channels respectively, for temperature sensor, soil
moisture sensor and humidity sensor. Sensory information is
converted into digitized with the help of ADC and it is
transmitted to LCD to display. Then this information is
transmitted to ZigBee using UART. ZigBee also compares the
sensor output with the set values and gives output to the
driver. The data are transmitted to ZigBee using UART to the
master node. It collects information from node1 and node 2.
There are four which can be used to select sets values of a
particular crop. Switches are interfaces to Port E Using
resister. There are three relays are used for Buzzer, Fan, Pump
Motor. This relay is interfaced to Pin RA0, RA1, RA2, BC547
is used to control more power create by a coil of the relay and
it amplifies the signal of PIC 17F458 microcontroller. The
information displays from Master Node LCD 16*4 and PC.
F. Application Level
G. The proposed system is applied in agriculture field to detect
the temperature, humidity, moisture, which will improve the
Fig 2. Architecture of proposed automatic irrigation system quality and quantity of crop productions .
D. Component Level
It is an important and independent part of system which
performs the function in the architecture .It is the most
important level for the design of the system. It consist of
hardware and software component
I. Hardware component
Hardware component is a physical device that is a part of the
system which connects the other component, provide input
and output to and from the application. The proposed system
hardware components are Temperature sensor, humidity
sensor, soil moisture sensor, ZigBee, PIC Microcontroller
18F458, Fan, Motor pump, Buzzer, Relay.
IV. RESULT process will done for remainging crops type such as
Wheat,Jawar ,Bajara.
1. 1. when irrigation system is OFF then the value o crop
temperature, humidity, soil moisture is normal .
2. 2. when Irrigation System is ON then the value of crop
temperature, humidity, Soil moisture crossed the threshold
3. I. when the humidity value crossed the threshold value of the
crop, then buzzer gets ON and displays on master node LCD
and PC.

Fig 9. Buzzer on when cross threshold value

Fig 7. System hardware setup
II. when Temperature value crosses the threshold value of the
crop, then Fan get ON and displays on master node LCD and

Fig 10. Fan on when cross threshold value

III. when Soil moisture value crosses the threshold value of

the crop then Pump get ON and displays on master node LCD
and PC.
Fig 8. Computer monitoring system connected with master node

The farmer has the ability to Monitor the Sensors information

at his/her home, the sensor information displays on the master
node LCD as well as PC. The farmer can set crop type such as
Wheat, Rice, Jowar and Bajara in the master node. Moisture,
temperature and humidity value required for a particular crop
are set in the microcontroller as a threshold value. Soil
Fig 11.Pump on when cross threshold value
moisture, temperature and humidity sensor fixed in the field As per the above result we experimentaly analysis that it
sense the actual values. These values are compared with the perform automatically opration without taking any man power
threshold values. If the actual value crosses the threshold it also take the accurate result for monitoring the soil content,
values then corresponding pump, fan or Buzzer switched ON. enviourmental content and efficient use of energy by using
The Farmer pressed his or her choice as 1 in master node, crop ZigBee.
type rice is selected, then actual values of moisture,
temperature and humidity for rice will bedisplayed on master VI. CONCLUSION
node as well as computer through Terminal v1.9b and
According to our final result we have obtained, a normal
comapre it and automatically perform the operation. same
farmer can connect this setup to his computer and select the
crop type and accordingly he can automatically monitor
irrigation system for the crops along with controlling humidity Wireless Communications and Trusted Computing ,vol. 1 , PP: 572
– 575, 2009.
and tempeature in his field. From this it is concluded that we
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