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ojo - Oviented preguemmng font Tay Concept focuses on srenpLifyng Complex, Systems ty eepres citi) : essential a ators and er unnecessary | etalls TH helps mansge Com ple fy and Promotes a Cleo Frterjoce . Ans Is 1 Abstvaction t D+ Class and Objects? DOP Ia bared oO” the Conceph 2 Classes and Object , Chasses deine the bloc paiok ov temptate jor objects , otle objets aie fater Pustances a Chass + 3: Grcapsutodion § This Concept Invelves Igond Mus dota and methocs thor opesates ov Hott data wid a Slugte uWt . Tt enforces asta, Wawa | and abstraction ,enhonclug dec and modotostt te . : 4. Trheritance & Tx altos 9 Neo Class -to Inhe propertion and behoviorrs, gro ¢ exiativg Coors . I promotes Code beboeen (EWE S: Polymowphiam? Tt evobtes olects « Clorses to be eo ae Common Superctass t OverstcLi , _ flenibtly ond 6. Dynami « Bindlegs \n COP ot wordime , altoudng Synamie lind wo \ sah alae J ° DIY Aeutiabe b/s obsteadt ae gust e . oe te Arbosbsuct kee methods , | ogee eter abateact methods , e Subclased must Provide Concrete Jos abstract methods , ywoord fe Used to dectoe AE Chassed o* Frstantiated 1 ond +he 4 May Coben J frnplemeudadior Java absheact Chass Shape $ abstsact void deat) ff Abstract method Ss | Claas “Ctscle extends Shape J Veid dra (). 9 3 pehy % Systern coud. pant In (" Drawing a Cede ) y ee Clos matn Ry ee public Ctatid Veld ex cl amp) § @ | as oe tt Shape Shape = Nes CS) Mh Gero’ -Cahinot inifete an t | i j _ abstea ct Chass a 4s Crete C ‘i civete = wes t Shape Ciscte. dear Cy, > Methed Muecsdvdten 6 7 e r Qo» Static keyword ty used ito dectere, Vardabtes f phe e ee ox methods het betovg to the gy the Chass. (tow , not pratances | oe Yatic membous Can be accessed trslyg the Class rame itthout reat eg objects. ava Chace Math Utits ¥ Static int acd Cinta, Int b ) 5 1 rsetusn ath } ; 3 Public Chass Main $ public Statte Votd inadn (Steing Cd a~gs) o int Sem = MoahVtis add (53) 5 System. oubs privat In ("Sem " ¢ Sem ) 5 % § 3+ Finod keyooed ts used fo dectare Vaml methods o» Uemed that Cannot b Ovesidden ,o* eoxtenced, s Fina Vortable Connet be veastlgned Canned be wvenvidden , and a extended , Java Class Civcle Syste out pstattin (CAveg 4! +h * wea "ta Pulotic Chass Maly a Public Stetie veld Mech in (String C3 args) ¢ Civcte Cirele = neo Chelet J) Circle . pI Die la , Connet 7 modify 4 Final Voriable Cxsor) | | => Metedd Raa Bd MOT ' 2) ave ty kaon as g pleffan —neutrel (rupuage becatiyg, ; i 1B r90, estgrad fo un on an any platform. ov ofestig SGAHm —ubloolt mecleficotion thes poder Herdra li y ve es | (tS acheved Haougl he Use af He Jove Vafeab Machine (JVM) ‘ Deva Byfelode | 1dlan you Coyle a jove propre it fa vot Competecl olirectly into platforn-sfeaffe maine tole. hstead it is Compiled rato an Prtomediate fom Called Joa Syfelede.. This Byfelede. 5 Fatfom Indspoost 2) Jove Virkal Mathie C IVA) Java afblicationg dw erecuted by fh JUM wick b ffotfow peciic rurbne evurronecd . Each platform hay Lts oda JUMY fnparwitetion , Machiug bat thay ale Unolerstood and ba execute hom Lyfecede tafe machine Co 42 Teta on. Bie oe Te JOH thovstaes ee for the HeHfie [esforn, lon port of lene Veen Mookie , Tu J VAs g Crile postal tor Java Platfow Cal tt Cruits of sereral Conperadh > ae ni loader * The Clary loader x rerforsile Jor leading | Cle and tutorfacc oh recht Jt load, 5 classes fiom fir cls pe & veuftes fir. 2) Ruwbine Doda Aven’ Tle Runde Data Area dy the rrensty abe tppar fe JVM alloctes Iremory for Vartows hating, OH ip comets of fle Methed arta , heap, J™* stechs, Q nette methed stacks. (2 Decuton Begnas The Cecio. Ba bs vefoyhle Pr ened i animale §+ inclubty Hoe (ust Tims) CIID) bombil , lich Pevslates ; bute Code fifo Nakive Machine Coco fe better wee popenan ee, : hee ‘ i 4) Native Juerface The, ved te Interface provi | oe, for fave progioms & trlaact bite WMative [(brabies rtf tr (ouguags Uke 5s) Wate Metled! lybrssses | Thuy Wbaarles fonfed, Netive MeKecl hat xe Uacol Ye Sater with the Unilertairg Dfeudi framevork fiat allovs hoa th te JVM to doll Rte Ge echplarcect{ors & |ibyahiey. ey fertres of Jere Javea hes Several feadores fhod woke 4 fopuleor aad foverfudl Pel ent} Se d fletfoon — Sncteperdence Seer eats = Jaa bb 4 P (aber pap atloveg 4 fo Atm om “4 wlth “2 compifable JVM, 2) Dbject Drferded : Joa na preely Chyect Orrested I hath promote, te HF clsvok objeck for steuchoig Code « 2) Stings ie Easy. devet's Sylar fe Anlecte CR CH, uoking dt crebetiiely OH do lesan for developers . 4) Robust ° Jere cludes fester Uke audonotie mesg pa Cyprbage Cltecton 1, Cacelton telly & Shs igfe ay fe help ape Q prevent errors at Compile tre Be Matt . 5) Gene, Jana bes bbl Sorel, feakoes Ihe bade & byte Coe verification 0 lyf — Praicfers Coole. 7 ant 1) ey (leiled ti seme cog” thet Other Methedy on Piel are “Aichertied. Constuckore any Shetek Methools used fa Ahilteliga bh jects of « cless dnd hey Re Lota pote He Chassis Juterface that & Vtble Js sud-cleszes, Hows Cut, toe are Ailes and fethauista fiat alles @ sb clays 40. Coll a pared clan's lorstrucfor alaig fhe prsceys of Crete ig, ae objet. | ‘3 ‘ Goo aches tee SAMMI Gh ieee He Gratonctors af dts farm Clats but am Smpliiclt tall fo Supen Class can call fle Contre iter aphaile ei Beet, ng j fhe Cerstruckr af Super Clab> rmbt cd befine te (ostractr df tte Sub clogs dp ye coal Thedford) stale net a The SuperC)t mat be He fii apes 1 | qhe long 7UL for of ple Bert | | G The this" aad ‘ouper’ ky words, Oru soserved words. dog plore Sbbey, , SuhA_C) The Cusrent bit me 4 te port Clay js pad oxy fe Spor eyusord a0 the cusracd tatance of the Clays p. efraaded | by Huds keg Wore = od pulrte GU te Bef te a Drder fo ol the lancer fe A ponent | depardt (on seretor T Clore. comer the | | of Pe loner (lain 02 Gm | Suber ee 3 | Use Ai, opto “the “lds lomstancter sport The Gere object Z j4 & Used Ww Invsk4 te Capen Ones qa w wd poet fF ke “fa. porwuatalgpd : aeeacar its aH > Method Oversidlaa t Te - a ; ee con 7 Recnrng Thread be “1 ” . )- By en, thread Class’ Se can be aun by evoking a Ynstonee. of the class and Call i#s stavtC) meshed. implement si public class Main entends Treads § public. Static yord Mam Cstringl tysdd Mairy +h = meio Hot dd) ‘ah. stased (2) Sastem, out. prota Cli thaend. 2} ° . -insteooe D fy Runnable interface , Jk sun by fomed at all Jars 40 qroead Object Constructor fe Ther call t | : : d chet) Method - public clas Hain inploner Kumabl , public state Vote Hale Cstrikg C SJarga dt main obf= mew Mail / cqhecad th mers fiscead Cohj 9, gna Stat © a r . «so? ('Theuad ; org Dub ic val tur ff R ppt pee Saat : 1 * 5 Method Ovesriclaa ? TH - = ay ] Loti iat 4 (ike Progen hak Creates Sheds fc ib whl ah for’ ? diffrent darks | lars —TarkA implements Qurwable. pullic void yunt) £ gout CM Thswad tour!) Pept Ae Thoued sleep (3000; j Cage (SateouteGneptin e) & e@. print stack hace; ioe S0.01.7 Ci Tlocadl wy ff “Jak & ymplements Runreble { puslic vodlol ie run Cle SoU Te Sort | he ¢ mA e. prie-ctedefagal 5 Set (Stora 4h fisted’) 5. - tls , Clos Task C -imgbleneats Russable £ pbc werd raOL Sou tC" Thread © 6 Spotty) Pe Trad. sleep (1000) ; 3 ety hy, Es 0) E j Teouad Yhayedth = 010 Thad (nex By Tas ACD) ) Thad theeed B =z 420 Thad fs Sy Fark BO); fe lod Hseed l= 128 Taco ee? i : ee & Txskee >) } i b { FKasdh. sfot0) | red 8 stat OF 4 tured C-stet ly a peti geld | red eh | Hel - ph] 5 cath (rome & ic pet sicck 5 S.0.4-T (Heb Metind Ouexidlng 2 Tt occas +04 - a Tu Diff. behvens ae yl) ad Let) inetlods t flat The unl) methed enecuteA the tere dr Pe Care Thrtcd .igltch mass it does abt ceode 4 new Prad . 4 i Gat 2 normal meth all fist uns oe for ex: Parca unc), jn the onan Hered wilh eneadte fre tak Ain fle trade thrend & Meck unfill if frdstes. Ta Goth) hetid Crete « 100 Horaol A riche the HC) “ethed om fiat tired Dhith Werks 14 <1 fret eek asypclasossly fer en: Hoedf trl); in He mer fae Ht ah create 4 new fread for an, Seah | He tle Otine GR ib Meader. wi Gr pve wited > Method Ouewddlng § Th mrernxs ot ¢ Hayle + Ans 5* “These, AAC Gous type of Inher | Se A Chose Con Inher qven one | . Srgde Inher fance* m_ Substan SupenUess » Java Appts Single inhewitance jer qeiases , 9 Mulbiple Inhewitonce. * 4 than one Supertioss, Jove Support 4 only Through interfaces not Aherough Chauke’s, | tA Coss Con Hine from Won’ | bi ModHievel \whedtancet Dn tts o Chose, Inherits, grow another Cones , vohich Ls fom Inhestt4 | dro onothen Coss , This yore 0 Choin 4 | (whewtance F Ws Hierarchical Inheritance + Tn dis multiple. Csssea inherit droma Single Coes » It ‘ Ina teee Like tepetse where muss Aubslosses shore a Common Super Ua) Example of Single Inhewitance == Java Chass Animod $ oe Nola ce : oy System vout. pratt in ("Ant bagel 6 Chass Hey extends An\ Veld Io System , oud. prin A Public Clase Inher} tance Erample ¥ public Static Votd main CShing ea args )3 eo my Dog = new Dog oy, my Dog » eat CJ lle Inhewited Prom Animad Clacs Di Bog » Pork () > Example Muttate Inhexitance , Java . Intepace AY Veid method AC) 5 : od eommreeg Mtagoce Sas Veld method & ¢J\ e Usss My Class |mplements A, Oe : pubuc veld method AC) 9 System cout, pric \n te Methad A ema PR pubic Cho se Ire Mulitple Inhertance Boneh Fal PU Stetic Ye main (Stalag C3 ones) sal My Cres ob} My thos C)) a ob} Methad AC) ) Ob). Method BC), & 5 Exomple of Muttilevel Inheritance _ Java ‘ Ctass A §$ Veid method LC) > System veut. priubln ("Methed A aj ClassA") } 5 g Closs B extends A 3 Vold Method & OC) $ System .oud, pst In (“'Methed @ o} Cass B")* 5 ' 8 Chass © Method Overddlng t Tt occurs wohen a Subetacs 7 7 provides a Specpic fiplementod: Hon dev a method that tr aoe defined fr tts Superchars . The ovenstdden method Pr the cub elace Shoutd have the Sedoey type RX oud Chocs Antmed a Veld make Sound LY 4 | System oud, Pevtln (Animal makes a | Aenesic Sound." 5 4 Chass Cot extends Animal % @ @ Ove wide Vold make Sound () System souk, pavtln ("Cot meows, Same pame, , and parameters , ae CSoes M24hed Overiding Crample o public Modic Yoid mosh { Steing CI anys) § Cod my Cot my Cot .make Sov Ovewddden method 4

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