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Subject: English I Guide number/Total number of
Code: 27603017 guides: 1 de 3
Services / Plan: 1029

Theme Unit: Academic Term: 2023/I

-Meeting people
-My Things
-All About Me
Theory and Practice subject Credits: 3

Classroom working time: 3 hours Weekly working time: 3 hours

Hours during the week: 3 Total hours directed: 3

Autonomous weekly time: 6 Autonomous total weekly time: 12

Presentation of the Learning Guide

Through the implementation and apprehension of theory and practice actions
aimed at achieving effective communication. For that, it is requirement students
learn vocabulary, grammar structure and follow the instructions, use the
necessary technology resources.

Thus, students will produce through chat, forum, wiki and padlet different oral
and written short communicative events about introducing themselves, their
possessions and preferences showing their collaborative team working,
creativity, responsibility and autonomous.

Objectives of the Guide

Conceptual (Cognitive Procedural Attitudinal

Level) (Psychomotor Level) (Subjective Level)
Identify, understand Construct and produce Value your own effort,
and internalize the short oral and written respect and listen to the
grammatical structure of texts using linguistic interventions of others;
the present simple, expressions involving appropriating new
personal pronouns, grammar, vocabulary

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demonstratives and and pronunciation to knowledge to real
vocabulary to improve introduce oneself. events.



 Meeting people
 Simple present of the verb be
 Yes/no questions with the verb be
 Articles: a, an
 Demonstrative pronouns: this, that, these, those


● Demonstrative Pronouns: this / that / these / those
● Articles: a/ an
● Simple Present tense
● Live + preposition in, at, on
● Question word where and prepositions in, from, on
● English Project: First assignment

Activities Extra-tutorials (Autonomous Task)

TEMA 1: All about me

Theory: Comprehension skills: Listening and reading

1. Go to the UAN Virtual Campus and enter the course, enter the Moodle
platform, check and read the program content
2. Download the PDF document about “Greetings and Farewells and
Meeting people”
3. Watch the video “How to introduce yourself” watch the videos at
4. Go to the ELLevate platform - Level 1 - explore the first topic “What
makes you unique?” Perform the first exercise "Introduce Yourself" and
exercises with Simple Present of the Verb be.

Practice: Productions skills: Speaking and Writing skill

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5. Complete the chart with your personal information. Take into account the
tips given in class. The file must be creative and remember to upload in
Moodle platform deadline (February 17,23:59pm)
6. As an exercise of interaction, participate in Activity 1 corresponding to
the Forum arranged in the Moodle platform with the name “Who are you”.
Make a brief presentation taking into account what you have learned in
points 3 and 4. Afterwards, you must select at least two interventions
from your classmates (forum- “about me”) and greet them. You must use
expressions from Greetings and Farewells (pdf). Deadline (February 15,
7. Prepare a little introduce yourself in the classroom according to exercise
¨complete the chart in the activity 1. The student shows and describe
each one of the items showed in the chart.
8. Participate and develop the questionnaires in Moodle platform according
to the verb to be and WH questions about the specific information.
Deadline (February 22, 23:59pm).
9. Practicing the song in class about the general topic in the unit using the
vocabulary and general context.


Theory: Comprehension skills: Listening and reading

1. Go the Moodle platform and check the resources according to the topic.
2. Go to ELLevate platform and do the exercises in My Things. Demonstrative
pronouns: this /that /these /those / Articles: a/an.
3. According to the topic Demostrative and Jobs and occupations complete
the exercise in context using the vocabulary.
4. Talk about the countries and nationalities with the famous person,
recognizing the correct pronunciation.
5. Participated in the listening activity using the present simple tense.
6. With a simple exercises and workshops apply the grammar worked in the
7. According to the topic, develop and practice with the reading and
comprehension exerices, applying the topics in the topic 2.
8. Activity 2 Prepare and show in the classroom and the classmate a song
where including the present simple tense and the uses of rules about it.

TEMA 3: Check the information

Theory: Comprehension skills: Listening and reading, reading and


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1. Go to the Moodle platform and develop the exam of First Term applying
the topics worked in the term, grammar and vocabulary. Activity 3

Practice: Productions skills: Speaking and Writing skill

2. Go to the Moodle platform, you will find a support resource in Word

format with the name "My own Profile" to complete your profile
(personal information, likes, dislikes, favorite food, drinks, music, toys)
Note: It is for you, it should not upload.

4. Activity 4 English Project first part, brochure according to the topic.

Principal person that motived for study your career.

The student service hours are on Mondays; you can also contact Likewise, you can access the Forum of concerns
permanently arranged on the Moodle platform.
Tutorial Activities or Class Meetings
Socialization in groups the forum Activity 1,2,3,4 take into account the
vocabulary, expressions, Greetings, and farewells and the grammar structure
present simple
Learning Results
The students can introduce themselves, ask for and give basic personal
information understanding and using simple phrases, expressions and
vocabulary about his belongings and tastes orally and in writing.

Evaluation Criteria
Activity 1:

Type of
Competences to competence Strategy of Type of
assess Institucio
evaluation evaluation
Communication in
English: you can -Evidence-
introduce yourself participation
and others, ask for in the forum
and give basic . “about me” Heter/evalua
X 20%
personal and I greet tion
information about two
your address, your colleagues.
belongings and the Activity 1
people you know.

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Type of
Competences to competence Strategy of Type of
assess Institucio
evaluation evaluation
Total 20%

Activity 2:
Type of
Competence to competence Strategy of Type of
assess Institucion
evaluation evaluation

Use the
technological tools
and instruments
necessary to “Class song” - Heteroevalu
enhance X Participation ation 30%
communication Activity 2 - Coevaluation
skills (speaking,
writing, reading
and listening)
Total 30%

Activity 3:

Type of Strategy
Competence to competence Type of
of %
assess Institucion evaluation
Program evaluation
Valora su trabajo y
esfuerzo y el de los
demás, destacando - Heteroevaluat
aspectos negativos Exam First
y positivos en la X term 30%
implementación de Activity 3 Selfevaluation
tecnológicas para
el aprendizaje
Total 30%

Página 5 | 9
Type of Strategy
Competence to competence Type of
of %
assess Institucion evaluation
Program evaluation
Valora su trabajo y
esfuerzo y el de los
English - Heteroevaluat
demás, destacando
Project: ion
aspectos negativos
First -Coevaluation
y positivos en la X 20%
implementación de Selfevaluation
Activity 4
tecnológicas para
el aprendizaje
Total 20%

Term Activity Percentage

Activity 1:Forum arranged 20%
Activity 2:Song of Class 30%
Activity 3:Exam first term 30%
First Term
Activity 4:English Project First
Total 100%

Information Sources o references

Textos Guía Online
ELLevate English Course Level 1. McGraw Hill

Textos complementarios
ELLevate English Course Level 1. McGraw Hill

Referencias directas de las bases de datos UAN- SINABI

Curso de Idiomas


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Referencias en idioma extranjero

Aguillón-Lombana, A. and Marín-Juanías, J. (2020) A Mismatch between the

Policies in Preservice Teachers Training and Their Jobs in the Colombian
Education System. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 8, 429-439. doi:

Frank, Michael C; Tenenbaum, Joshua B. Three ideal observer models for rule
learning in simple languages. Cognition, 2011, Vol.120 (3)

Hubbard, Philip, 1952- | Levy, Mike, 1953-. Teacher education in CALL.

Computers in Human Behavior, July 2017, Vol.72, ebrary, Inc. Series:
Language learning and language teaching; v. 14 Publicado por John Benjamins
Pub. Co., (Philadelphia, PA :) P. 354

Hubbard, Philip, 1952- | Levy, Mike, 1953. Language and languages--

Computer-assisted instruction. | Language teachers - Training of. | Electronic
books. 2006

Pinto-Llorente, Ana Mª; Sánchez-Gómez, Mª Cruz; García-Peñalvo, Francisco

José; Casillas-Martín, Sonia. Students’ perceptions and attitudes towards
asynchronous technological tools in blended-learning training to improve
grammatical competence in English as a second language . Computers in
Human Behavior, July 2017, Vol.72, pp.632-643

Recursos en línea

Salamanca, Carolina; Montoya, Sara I. Using CLIL Approach to Improve

English Language in a Colombian Higher Educational Institution. English
Language Teaching (Toronto), 2018, Vol.11 (11), p.19

Referencias de material producido por la UAN


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Niveles Adecuado Apenas Bueno Ejemplar Punto
de adecuado s
Escala 1 2 3 4
o Indicadores de Desempeño
Contenido El contenido es Incluye Incluye Cubre el tópico
mínimo o hay información conocimiento a profundidad
varios errores esencial sobre s esenciales con detalles y
factuales. el tópico pero sobre el ejemplos. El
hay uno o dos tópico. El conocimiento
errores conocimiento del tema es
factuales. parece estar excelente.
Organizació No hay una Usa una Usa una Usa una
n estructura estructura estructura estructura
organizacional organizacional organizaciona organizacional
clara o lógica, vagamente l que agrupa que incluye
sólo muchos definida, con alguna de la agrupamiento
hechos y la intentos de información de información
información es agrupar relacionada, relacionada,
difícil de aspectos con el define el
entender. similares. vocabulario, vocabulario, las
expresiones y expresiones y
oraciones y las oraciones
presenta un apropiadamente
orden en el . Presenta un
contenido orden coherente
en el contenido.
Precisión Más de cuatro Cuatro errores Tres o menos Sin errores
errores ortográficos y errores ortográficos o
ortográficos y gramaticales. ortográficos y gramaticales.
gramaticales. No más de gramaticales. No hay errores
Cinco o más cuatro errores No más de de HTML en el
errores de de HTML en dos errores de Wiki (enlaces
HTML en la la contribución HTML en la rotos, videos
contribución del del estudiante contribución que no se ven,
estudiante al al Wiki del estudiante etc.).
Wiki. al Wiki.
Etiqueta en Exhibe el Exhibe un Exhibe Exhibe etiqueta
el Wiki desconocimient conocimiento etiqueta en el en el Wiki y
o de la etiqueta mínimo de la Wiki la mayor respeta el
en el Wiki y etiqueta en el parte del trabajo de los
falla en el Wiki y con tempo y otros.

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respeto al frecuencia generalmente
trabajo de los falla en el respeta el
otros. respeto al trabajo de los
trabajo de los otros

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