The Effects of Overgrazing On Soil Microbial Community and Fertility in The Chaco Dry Savannas of Argentina

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Applied Soil Ecology 12 (1999) 159±167

The effects of overgrazing on soil microbial community

and fertility in the Chaco dry savannas of Argentina
A. Abrila,*, E.H. Bucherb
Departamento de Recursos Naturales, Laboratorio de MicrobiologõÂa AgrõÂcola, Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias,
Universidad Nacional de CoÂrdoba, Casilla de Correos 509, 5000, CoÂrdoba, Argentina
Centro de ZoologõÂa Aplicada, Universidad Nacional de CoÂrdoba, Casilla de Correos 122, 5000, CoÂrdoba, Argentina
Received 13 April 1998; accepted 3 November 1998


We identi®ed and measured changes in soil characteristics, nutrient availability and microbial activity to a gradient of grazing
intensity in the Chaco region of northwestern Argentina (248 430 S and 638 170 W). Three sites were selected for comparison:
1. highly restored (no grazing for 20 years);
2. moderately restored (eight years of restoration); and
3. highly degraded (a typical Chaco campesino dwelling, extremely overgrazed).
On each site two sets of soil and litter samples were taken during the dry and wet season, respectively. The following
parameters decreased as grazing intensity increased: soil moisture (from 4.5% to 2.25%), organic matter (from 4.68% to
1.45%), and nitrogen content (from 0.28% to 0.14%). Salt content increased from 1.8 to 5.0 d smÿ1. Microbial activity ranged
from 0.89 mg CO2 gÿ1 7 dayÿ1 at the restored sites to 0.22 mg CO2 gÿ1 7 dayÿ1 at the highly degraded site. The seasonal
variations in density and activity of microorganisms increased from the highly restored to the highly degraded site, probably as
a response to an increased lack of humidity. The cellulolytic and nitri®er groups were the most affected, whereas the
ammoni®er and free-living nitrogen-®xing organisms decreased in the highly degraded site only. Nitrogen ®xation was more
intense at the moderately restored site followed by the highly degraded site. The observed values are interpreted as resulting
from the interaction between organic matter availability (as energy source) and nitrogen de®ciency. Our results suggest a
strong in¯uence of overgrazing on the soil fertility, as well as on the soil ability to buffer water stress during the dry season.
When compared with other savannas of the world, soils at the restored sites show high soil nutrient and organic matter levels,
probably as a result of high phosphorous availability resulting from their recent geological origin. # 1999 Elsevier Science
B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Savannas; Chaco; Overgrazing; Nutrients; Soil microorganisms; Argentina

1. Introduction

Ecosystem degradation due to overgrazing in

*Corresponding author. Tel.: +54-51-334116; fax: +54-51- semi-arid savannas is a very pervasive and well-
544118; e-mail: known process over the world, being responsible for

0929-1393/99/$ ± see front matter # 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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160 A. Abril, E.H. Bucher / Applied Soil Ecology 12 (1999) 159±167

increasing poverty and emigration of the rural popula- 2. to compare our results with similar observations
tion, particularly in underdeveloped countries made in other savannas of Africa and South Amer-
(Skarpe, 1992). A dramatic example of that can be ica; and
seen in the Chaco region of South America, a vast 3. to discuss their implications in terms of range
semi-arid plain of more than 1.2 million of km2 management and vegetation restoration.
extending over parts of Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay
and Argentina (Bucher, 1982).
In large portions of the Chaco, the original vegeta- 2. Materials and methods
tion dominated by a mosaic of forest, woodlands,
savannas and grasslands has been drastically altered 2.1. Study area
after a short, but intense period of overgrazing that
followed introduction of cattle by the Europeans. The study was conducted at the Los Colorados
Grasslands disappeared rapidly, being replaced by a Biological Station, located in the province of Salta,
dense, thorny shrubland dominated by several species Argentina, 110 km northwest of the city of Joaquin V.
of Acacia and Mimosa (Morello and Saravia Toledo, Gonzalez (248 430 S and 638 170 W). The station,
1959; Bucher and Scho®eld, 1981). This process of 10 000 ha in size, belongs to the FundacioÂn para el
shrub encroachment is among the most intense Desarrollo del Chaco (FUDECHA) based at Salta,
recorded in savannas (Huntley and Walker, 1982). Argentina. It is managed by a cooperative research and
At present, it still continues expanding into the rela- development program that integrates researchers from
tively untouched Chaco regions of Bolivia and FUDECHA, the Centro de ZoologõÂa Aplicada (Uni-
Paraguay. versity of CoÂrdoba) and the FundacioÂn Miguel Lillo
Although the overall impact of overgrazing in the (University of TucumaÂn).
Chaco is well documented, much less is known about Annual rainfall in the area averages 550 mm, con-
the changes induced by overgrazing at the soil level. centrated during the summer (October±March). The
However, an adequate understanding of the connec- dry season extends during winter (April±September).
tion between overgrazing and both the nutrient cycling During this period, the water balance is negative,
and soil microbial activity is essential to understand resulting in a soil moisture de®cit. Mean temperature
the dynamics of the Chaco savannas. This question is of the warmest month (January) and coldest month
still more appealing if we consider that the Chaco soils (July) are 28.88C and 16.68C, respectively. The exist-
are in general richer than soils of other subtropical ing literature (Vargas Gil, 1990) describes the local
savannas of the world due to their recent origin soils as deep, loam in texture, from eolic and alluvial
from eolic and ¯uvial materials (Bucher, 1982; origin, neither saline nor sodic. Slope is very slight, of
Huntley and Walker, 1982). Comparison of the around 0.5%. Organic matter content is around 1.5%.
effects of overgrazing between nutrient-rich savannas Taxonomically they belong to the ``Aridic Haplustoll''
like the Chaco with nutrient-poor savannas like the group (USDA Soil Taxonomy), with the following
Cerrado in South America or the Miombo in Africa is, horizon sequence: A1, B2, B3, C; the B2 horizon
therefore, of particular interest in order to understand being light structured.
the role played by availability of nutrients in shaping Vegetation at the station is the typical xerophyllous
vegetation and ecosystem processes in savannas subtropical woodland of the Western Chaco with a
(Huntley and Walker, 1982; Scholes and Walker, ground cover of cacti and grasses. Canopy species
1993). include Schinopsis quebracho-colorado (quebracho
The objectives of this study are: colorado) and Aspidosperma quebracho-blanco
(quebracho blanco). The dense 3±4 m high shrub
1. to identify and measure the changes in soil layer is dominated by species of Acacia, Mimosa,
characteristics, nutrient availability and microbial Prosopis, and Celtis, with grasses intermingled
activity resulting from different grazing pressures (Bucher, 1982).
in the drier, western portion of the Chaco in The general area where the ®eld station is located
Northwestern Argentina; was heavily grazed, since approximately 1930 (when
A. Abril, E.H. Bucher / Applied Soil Ecology 12 (1999) 159±167 161

the railroad reached the area) until about 1976, when a

restoration project started. The ®eld station was fenced
and all grazing from domestic herbivores gradually
excluded, allowing the natural vegetation to recover.
The surrounding areas outside the station remained
exposed to continued and severe overgrazing, mostly
by cattle and goats. They are occupied by Chaco
campesinos (``puesteros'') that live in poor mud
houses around an artesian well, the only source of
water during the dry season (Bucher and Scho®eld,
1981). Cattle and goats are free ranging and grazing,
and is not managed, leading to concentric rings of
increasing overgrazing and vegetation degradation
towards the water source (Morello and Saravia Toledo,
1959). Therefore, availability of both recovered and
degraded areas closely located provides a unique
opportunity for long-term monitoring and compara-
tive analysis.

2.2. Sampling design

Three sites were selected for sampling along a 6 km

long gradient of increasing grazing pressure and Fig. 1. Location of the study area and sites in the Los Colorados
environmental degradation (Fig. 1). Otherwise, the Field Station and the adjacent Campo Grande puesto in Salta
area was homogeneous in terms of soil and vegetation Province, Argentina (HR ± highly restored, MR ± moderately
restored and HD ± highly degraded). Dots are smapling locations.
characteristics. The extent of the Chaco region in South America is shown.
Site 1: Highly restored (HR). Located at the center
of Los Colorados Biological Station. This site had no
livestock or forest falling in the previous twenty years.
Before, large quebracho trees were cut for wood. At pressure and forest cutting (for timber and charcoal
present, species composition and structure is close to production) for the past 60 years. Originally cattle
the original, unexploited forest (Saravia Toledo, were the dominant herbivore, but were replaced later
1987). by goats, when carrying capacity decreased because of
Site 2: Moderately restored (MR). Located along vegetation degradation. Domestic herbivores have free
the road that connects sites 1 and 3, 2 km from site 1, access to the only watering point available. Zones of
and 3 km from site 2. Still within the Los Colorados increasingly degraded vegetation develop around the
reserve, but with a shorter history of restoration, its watering point, the central area being almost denuded
vegetation condition being intermediate between the of grasses and herbs, with only a few trees remaining
other two sites. The site was very degraded by over- (see a detailed description of the ``puesto'' vegetation
grazing and deforestation at the moment of being in Morello and Saravia Toledo, 1959).
fenced eight years ago. There is a noticeable increase On each site, two sets of samples were taken: the
in grass cover and a large number of young trees, ®rst during the dry season (August 1993) and the
including grazing-sensitive species as Schinopsis second during the wet season (April 1994). Each set
quebracho-colorado. consisted of thirty soil and litter samples selected at
Site 3: Highly degraded (HD). A typical Chaco random along a 200 m linear transect. Each litter
campesino dwelling, known locally as ``puesto'', sample was collected form a core of 25 cm2 in area.
located 5 km SE from site 1 (248 430 5000 S and 638 Soil samples consisted of soil from 0±20 cm in depth,
170 2100 W). This site has been under heavy grazing of around 300 g each.
162 A. Abril, E.H. Bucher / Applied Soil Ecology 12 (1999) 159±167

2.3. Soil and litter measurements Therewere speci®c differencesamongsites, however,

most of them resulting from overgrazing and trampling
Soil samples were air dried for 24 h, sieved through a (Tables 1 and 2). Soil moisture and organic matter
2 mm mesh, and stored at 48C until processing. For each content showed a substantial decrease along the grazing
soil sample, the following physical and chemical char- intensity gradient, particularly, in the highly degraded
acteristics were measured: soil moisture by dry weight at site, whereas salinity increased. In accordance with the
1058C, bulk density using the cylinder of Kopeki (Blake, observedfall inorganicmatter,nitrogenlevelsdecreased
1982), pH, organic matter by the wet method of Walkley whereas soil bulk-density increased.
and Black (Nelson and Sommer, 1982), total nitrogen by Litter biomass was slightly higher at the restored
the micro-Kjeldahl technique modi®ed to colorimeter site than at the moderately restored site, but non-
and spectrophotometer by Apostolatos (1984), N±NO3 existent at the highly degraded site. Litter under trees
with potentiometer (Keeney and Nelson, 1982), extrac- was dominated by leaves from woody species (parti-
table phosphorus by the Bray method (Olsen and cularly Schinopsis quebracho-colorado, Aspido-
Sommer, 1982), salinity by electrical conductivity sperma quebracho-blanco, Celtis sp. and Capparis
(Rhoades, 1982), and soil texture (Day, 1982). spp.), whereas grass and herb materials were predo-
In litter samples we measured: biomass (material minant in open spaces. Lichens and algae of the genus
dried at 608C), total nitrogen by the micro-Kjeldahl Phormidium (Cyanobacteria) were present in the mod-
technique (Apostolatos, 1984), organic carbon by the erately restored site only, suggesting an early step in
wet method of Walkey and Black modi®ed for plant the soil recovery process.
material (Nelson and Sommer, 1982), and litter com-
ponents by direct identi®cation of whole leaves. 3.2. Site and seasonal variations of microbial
Soil microbial communities were estimated by populations
counting cellulolytic, ammoni®ers and nitri®ers, using
the most probable number methods (NMP) in liquid Microbial density and activity (measured as soil
medium (Alexander, 1982), and free-living dinitro- respiration) differed between sites, being in most cases
gen-®xing microorganisms by counting in Petri dishes higher at the restored site (Table 2). These differences
(DoÈbereiner, 1980). Soil respiration was estimated were smaller during the wet season. The seasonal
through CO2 evolution at 288C in samples incubated variations in microbial density and activity between
for seven days (Alef, 1995). Measurements were made the wet and dry season were small and non-signi®cant
in the lab under standardized soil moisture conditions at the highly restored site, but much more important at
at 60% of ®eld capacity. Nitrogenase activity in soil the moderately restored site and particularly at the
was measured using a modi®ed version of the acet- highly degraded site, probably as a response to an
ylene reduction assay (ARA) (Limmer and Drake, increased loss of humidity in the unshaded, bare soils
1996). To estimate the amount of N2 ®xed annually, during the dry season.
we used a conversion factor of 1/3 N2 reduced per The observed decrease in microbial density during
acetylene reduced (Burris, 1974). the dry season varied in intensity among functional
groups. The cellulolytic and nitri®er groups were the
3. Results most affected (probably due to their lack of resistance
forms and reduced diversity), whereas a reduction in
3.1. Soil characteristics the ammoni®er and free-living nitrogen-®xing groups
was observed in the highly degraded site only, under
Soils of the three sites were similar in terms of their extremely adverse conditions (Table 2).
general physical characteristics. Soil texture was simi-
lar, the sand component being slightly higher in the 3.3. Soil nitrogen fixation
highly restored site, probably due to the in¯uence of
an old riverbed close to the sampling site (which did The number of free-living nitrogen ®xing organisms
not affect its topography). Extractable phosphorous was similar in the highly and moderately restored sites
and pH were also similar (Table 1). (8.55  0.43 SD and 7.45  1.11 SD log 10 gÿ1,
A. Abril, E.H. Bucher / Applied Soil Ecology 12 (1999) 159±167 163

Table 1
Soil and litter characteristics at the three study sites (average of all seasonal samples)

Highly restored (site 1) Moderately restored (site 2) Highly degraded (site 3)

Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD

Soil moisture (%) 4.5 1.30 a 2.05 0.3 b 2.25 1.00 b

Bulk density (g cmÿ3) 0.91 0.11 c 1.09 0.11 b 1.22 0.13 a
pH 6.97 0.32 a 6.94 0.17 a 6.95 0.16 a
Organic-matter (%) 4.68 0.08 a 3.05 0.34 b 1.45 0.10 c
Total nitrogen (%) 0.28 0.03 a 0.18 0.13 b 0.14 0.08 b
N±NO3 (ppm) 14.6 1.30 b 24.0 1.51 a 8.50 1.33 c
Extractable P (mg kgÿ1 ) 52.5 9.52 a 45.5 8.01 a 51.8 7.21 a
Salinity (ds mÿ1) 1.8 1.8 1.1 1.1 5.0 5.0
Texture Sandy loam Coarse silt-loam Silty-clay loam
Litter biomass (kg haÿ1) 4.779 0.31 a 3.869 0.40 a 0.00 0.0 b
Litter total nitrogen (%) 2.03 0.80 a 1.68 0.35 a
Litter C/N 20/1 3.9 a 32/1 1.1 a ± ±
Differences between the values of same variable followed by the same letter are not significant at P<0.05.

respectively) with smaller values in the highly of free-living nitrogen-®xing organisms at each site
degraded site (5.15  1.01 SD log 10 gÿ1). When (p<0.05 level), suggesting that nitrogen-®xing activity
compared in terms of relative abundance with the by free-living microorganisms may increase when
ammoni®ers group, the free-living ®xing group was nitrogen is scarce. There was no indication that nitrate
more abundant in the moderately restored and highly concentrations could reach high enough levels to
degraded sites (by a ratio free-living ®xers/ammoni- repress nitrogenase activity in any of the study sites,
®ers of 1.25 and 1.12, respectively), being smaller at given that there was no correlation between soil nitrate
the highly restored site (0.96). content and nitrogen ®xed.
Differences in nitrogen ®xation among sites did not
show a direct relationship with nitrogen de®cit
(expressed in terms of the differences in N content 4. Discussion
with the highly-restored site), as could have been
expected. Nitrogen ®xation was more intense at the 4.1. The impact of overgrazing in soil dynamics
moderately restored site, followed by the highly
degraded site, with the lowest values at the highly The striking differences found between sites in
restored site (Fig. 2). We found no correlation terms of soil humidity, salinity, organic matter, nitro-
between the amount of nitrogen ®xed and the number gen content and microbial activity clearly indicate that

Table 2
Seasonal differences in the soil microbial community at the three study sites

Highly restored (site 1) Moderately restored (site 2) Highly degraded (site 3)

Wet season Dry season Wet season Dry season Wet season Dry season
Ammonifiers (log10 g ) 8.6 A 9.1 a 6.7 B 5.3 b 7.6 B $ 1.8 c
Nitrifiers (log10 gÿ1) 3.8 A 2.3 a 3.6 A $ 0.1 b 2.8 B $ 0.1 b
Cellulolytics (log10 gÿ1) 7.2 A 5.4 a 7.2 A $ 0.8 b 6.2 B $ 1.4 b
N2 fixing (log10 gÿ1) 8.2 A 8.9 a 8.4 A 6.5 b 7.9 B $ 2.4 c
Soil respiration (mg CO2 gÿ1 7 day)ÿ1 0.85 A 0.89 a 0.58 B 0.66 b 0.40 C $ 0.22 c
$: significantly different at P<0.05. Differences between values of same variable followed by the same letter (capital letter: wet season; small
letter: dry season) are not significant at P<0.05.
164 A. Abril, E.H. Bucher / Applied Soil Ecology 12 (1999) 159±167

Fig. 2. Relationship between N deficit, organic matter availability and N2 fixed (kg haÿ1 yÿ1) according to site conditions in the studied
Chaco soil. N deficit is expressed as the difference in percentage between the value found at the highly restored site (which is assumed to
correspond to the no deficit situation) and the other sites; organic matter availability is expressed as a percentage of the highly restored sites
value (assumed to be 100%). Notice that N2 fixation is maximum in the combination of nitrogen deficit (that stimulates N2-fixing activity) and
adequate availability of organic matter as energy source for highly demanding metabolic process as N2 fixation.

overgrazing in the Chaco has a profound impact on (Bezuidenhout, 1978; Mazzarino et al., 1991), being
soil fertility. Overgrazing leads to soil compaction, in agreement with previous work on the in¯uence of
decreased water retention, increased salinity, and loss vegetation cover on the biological activity in soils of
of some nutrients, particularly nitrogen. the western Chaco of Cordoba, Argentina (Abril et al.,
Our results also suggest a strong in¯uence of over- 1993).
grazing and its associated changes in vegetation con- Restoration of the original soil conditions after
dition on the soil ability to buffer water stress during removal of cattle seems to be a slow process in the
the dry season. Of particular interest is the fact that in Chaco, as suggested by the fact that conditions in the
the restored area, microbial populations and soil moderately restored site after eight years of enclosure
respiration remain at about the same level along the are closer to the overgrazed area than to the fully
wet and dry season, probably as a response to the restored site. Litter consumption by cattle associated
buffering effects of a high organic matter content (and with intense overgrazing (Morello and Saravia Toledo,
the associated water-retention capability) combined 1959) may be one of the key factors limiting soil
with more shaded environment due to a greater recuperation under savanna conditions (Newbould,
plant cover. In contrast, microbial activity is 1989). It may also affect nutrient cycling by depriving
highly seasonal in degraded areas. From the point soils of nutrients captured by the deep root system of
of view of soil dynamics, conditions at the restored Chaco trees, or capture from precipitation inputs (such
site are much closer to those found in a non-seasonal as an increased cation-exchange capacity in the soil
forest than in a typical savanna, the opposite being the beneath trees, and an increased soil±moisture±reten-
case at the degraded site. Our ®ndings contrast with tion capacity at these sites) resulting in preferential
the widespread idea that biological processes are enrichment around trees (Kellman, 1979; Abril et al.,
almost exclusively seasonal in semi-arid regions 1993).
A. Abril, E.H. Bucher / Applied Soil Ecology 12 (1999) 159±167 165

4.2. Factors affecting nitrogen fixation by free-living 4.3. The Chaco as a nutrient-rich savanna
Our results indicate that soils under the restored or
We expected that nitrogen ®xation by free-living original Chaco forest are very fertile, in agreement
organisms should be highest at the highly degraded with reports from several sites within the same sample
site, considering that nitrogen ®xation usually region (Casas et al., 1978). Contrasting with our
becomes particularly apparent in successional com- ®ndings, there is a widespread belief that Chaco soils
munities (in this case, the early stage along the are limited in terms of their fertility (Vargas Gil,
restoration gradient) (Silver et al., 1996). However, 1990). We presume that this underestimation results
the fact that the highest level of nitrogen ®xed was from assuming that samples obtained from degraded,
found in the transition site might suggest that N2 overgrazed sites (which are predominant in the Chaco)
®xation is adversely affected at the most degraded are representative of average soil conditions from the
areas. original forest or restored areas.
The observed values could be interpreted as The Western Chaco soil nutrient contents are rela-
resulting from the interaction between nitrogen tively high when compared with other savannas of the
de®ciency and organic matter availability, considering world, most of which are located in soils of much older
that other factors as pH or nitrate content were origin, having being exposed to long periods of weath-
not limiting in our case (Nohrstedt, 1982; Limmer ering and leaching (Huntley and Walker, 1982). The
and Drake, 1996). When nitrogen and organic values found in the Chaco were of similar order, but
matter availability are high, as in the restored somewhat higher than those recorded at the Nysvley
site, nitrogen ®xation from the atmosphere should Savanna in South Africa (organic matter: 4.1%; nitro-
decrease as the microorganisms shift to alternative, gen: 0.18% and phosphorus: 32 ppm) (Scholes and
energetically less-expensive sources of N in the Walker, 1993). They were also higher than the typical
soil. On the other extreme, when nitrogen availability soils of the Brazilian Cerrado (organic matter: 1.3%;
and organic matter are low (as in the highly degraded nitrogen: 0.06%, phosphorus: 10 ppm) (Eiten, 1982).
site), nitrogen ®xation would also be limited, despite The Cerrado is a typical example of a wet, nutrient
its scarcity, by the lack of carbon-related energy poor savanna, where soils are of much older origin.
sources (organic matter) required for a highly The same applies to the Australian Savannas (organic
energy-demanding process such as N2 ®xation matter: 1.7%; nitrogen: 0.08%, phosphorus: 10 ppm)
(Fig. 2). (Walker and Gillison, 1982; McKeon et al., 1991).
We conclude, therefore, that nitrogen ®xation by It is very likely that high nutrient availability (par-
free-living microorganisms is an important process in ticularly phosphorous) should play a key role in
the Chaco, particularly in degraded areas. However, allowing nitrogen ®xation (by both free-living and
lack of organic matter in the soil resulting from symbiotic organisms) and organic matter production
overgrazing and litter remotion in severely degraded in the Chaco, which in turn shapes vegetation structure
areas may affect N ®xation and result in a substantial and function, including response to overgrazing. For
delay in the soil recovery process. As long as example, the Western Chaco is dominated by dense
energy from organic matter becomes again available shrubs with thorns and small compound leaves and
(after cattle is removed and vegetation recovers), the high palatability grasses, characteristics that clearly ®t
increasing activity of N2 ®xing microorganisms with the pro®le given by Huntley (1982) and Scholes
allows other microorganisms to multiply, the and Walker (1993) for nutrient-rich savannas. It is also
resulting biomass becoming the most important nitro- possible that the comparatively very intense shrub
gen source in the Chaco soils, as mentioned by encroachment process observed in the Chaco as
Mazzarino et al. (1991, 1997). Further research would response to overgrazing may also be linked to soil
be needed to increase our understanding of these key richness, especially if we consider that most of the
aspects of the Chaco nutrient dynamics, with impor- invading species are leguminous species with nitro-
tant implications in terms of ranching and restoration gen-®xing capability and (probably) high require-
practices. ments of phosphorous and other nutrients.
166 A. Abril, E.H. Bucher / Applied Soil Ecology 12 (1999) 159±167

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biology Department, Faculty of Agronomical (Eds.), Ecology of Tropical Savannas. Springer, Berlin, pp. 25±
Sciences, University of CoÂrdoba for technical advice. 47.
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