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1. Why was Dr Sadao not sent with the troops?

A) Dr Sadao had not been sent with the troops because the General was being treated by
him, and he could trust no other Japanese surgeon. Secondly, Dr Sadao was perfecting a
discovery that would render wounds entirely clean.
2. What was his father’s chief concern for Sadao?
A) Sadao’s father was chiefly concerned about Sadao’s education. He took a lot of pains and
sent Sadao to America to study surgery and medicine. He came up to his father’s
expectations by becoming a famous surgeon as well as a scientist.
3. Where and when and how did Dr Sadao meet Hana?
A) Dr Sadao met Hana in America when he was studying surgery there. He met her at a get
together arranged by an American professor at his home for foreign students.
4. In what condition did Dr Sadao find the American soldier at the sea shore?
A) Dr Sadao found the the American soldier in a wounded condition at the seashore. He was
very weak and pale,had a bullet stuck in his wound and his back was stained with blood . He
was almost on the verge of death.
5. How did Hana help Dr Sadao?
A) First,Hana washed the wounded man’s face and body with warm water till it was quite
clean. She,then,assisted Dr Sadao during the operation. She brought in the towels and
though she was not comfortable at the sight of the bleeding wound,she gave anaesthesia to
the patient.
6. Why did Dr Sadao treat the American soldier even though,it was an unpatriotic act on his
A) It was Dr Sadao’s moral and ethical duty as a doctor to treat the ill,wounded or injured
irrespective of the person’s nationality. So,he treated the wounded American soldier ,even
though it would seem an unpatriotic act on his part.
7. What made a cool surgeon like Sadao speak sharply to his wife and what was her reaction?
A) Hana had never seen an operation before .So, when Sadao started operating and blood
began to flow. Hana Choked. Sadao sharply told her not to faint because if he stopped, the
wounded man would surely die. Hana clapped her hands to he mouth and ran out.
8. What forced Dr Sadao to be impatient and irritable with his patient?
A) Hana had never seen an operation and the sight of Dr Sadao operating on the soldier
made her sick and she rushed out to the garden to retch. Dr Sadao knew how distressed
Hana was and his inability to go to her made him impatient and irritable with his patient.
9. In what context does Hana remember the cruel nature of GeneraL Takima ?
A) Hana remembered General Takima who used to beat his wife cruelly. She inferred that if
he was so cruel with his wife, he would be extremely cruel with the American prisoners.
10. How does the writer indicate that Dr Sadao’s father was a very traditional and
conventional man?
A) Sadao’s father was a true patriot and took immense pride in Japanese culture and
traditions. He did not like any foreign things in his room.Secondly he would not allow Sadao
to marry any other girl other than a pure Japanese.
11. Why was Dr Sadao not arrested on the charge of harbouring an enemy?
Dr Sadao was not arrested on the charge of harbouring an enemy because the old General
was being treated by Dr Sadao. If he was arrested, there would be no one to operate upon
the General in case of an emergency. Further, Dr Sadao had informed the General about the
presence of the American in his house.
12. What happened on the seventh day after Dr Sadao had typed the letter?
A) On the seventh day after Dr Sadao had typed the letter, two things happened. The
cook,the gardener and the maid Yumi packed their belongings and left together. The second
thing that happened was the arrival of a messenger to tell Sadao that he had been called to
the palace as the general was in pain again.
13. Dr Sadao was a patriotic Japanese as well as a dedicated surgeon . How could he honour
both the values?
A) Dr Sadao was a doctor and his duty towards his profession was to save a human life. Dr
Sadao resolved the clash of values in a creative way. He treated the American soldier by
operating him to remove the bullet,thus fulfilling his duty towards his profession.
Simultaneously, he informed the General about the presence of the American, thus fulfilling
his patriotic duty towards his country.
14. How did Dr Sadao plan the American prisoner’s escape?
A) Dr Sadao planned out everything beforehand. He put his boat on the shore with food and
extra clothing . He asked the American prisoner of war to row to a little island near the coast
and then wait for a korean fishing boat.
15. How did Dr Sadao ensure that the American sailor left his house but he himself remained
safe and secure?
A) Dr Sadao helped the American sailor by giving him a boat,rations,clothes and even a torch
light with which he could indicate in case his supplies ran out . When Dr Sadao received no
signal, he was convinced the prisoner had escaped safely. He made sure that the soldier was
strong enough to take his chance and save his life.

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