Voiceover Script

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(happy music starts playing)

Everything Yeo Valley makes, whether it be cheese and yogurt or ice cream milk, comes from farms like
this. Here in Blagdon. Holt Farms is a 2000-acre farm that houses over 400 cows.

We're going to speak to Will Mayer to find out more about what goes on here and his role.

After learning more about the cows from will inside, he took us outside to show us one of Yeo Valley's
many efforts to keep the cows healthy and happy. That being the biodiversity in the soil.

After speaking to Will and hearing about how he cares for his animals, we're now going to take a trip to
Blagdon Manufacturing to learn how the milk is turned into the yogurt we all know and love.

After interviewing the process manager, we need to suit up and head in the factory to see the in-depth

First, they test for fats, proteins and antibiotics which could interrupt plant culture growth. Then, if the
sample has passed these tests, the rest of the milk is stored in a silo until it is used. Next, the milk is
chosen to be used and is pasteurized for being heat treated at 95 degrees and kept in an incubation
chamber at 42 degrees. These being the perfect temperature for culture growth. After being pasteurized,
the product takes around 12 hours until it is usable, and at which point the PH will go down from 6.8 to
4.5. Now extra of flavourings and ingredients can be added to give the yogurt its desired taste.
Afterwards its then packaged and shipped off.

Now that we know how the yogurt was made, we followed it all the way to Ilseport Distribution centre.

This is isle port distribution centre the only distribution centre for the whole of yeo valley they are
receiving over 1.5 million a DAY! Which is about 675000 litres of yoghurt that is a lot we decided to
speak to lead operative Gillian to get some answers

After we spoke to Gillian, we saw the yoghurt we had followed being brought in where afterwards it will
be sent off to whichever store it goes to
(warble to outro)

-outside house

-walking outside

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