Farm To Fridge Script 3

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Scene 1 – Intro

- Wide shot of house follows into a wide shot of the kitchen and fridge. Shows Seth walking to
- Seth opens fridge, camera inside showing him reaching in and grabbing yoghurt
- Movies to table, sits down and opens yoghurt, looks up and thinks

Seth (Out loud): I wonder where Yeo Valley Yoghurt comes from?

- Eddie spawns in the room, camera pans to him. Seth is startled.

Eddie: Let me tell you all about it...

- B roll of the farm, introducing it (the name, where it is)

Eddie: Everything Yeo valley makes whether it be cheese and yoghurt, or ice cream and milk comes
from farms like this. Here in Blagdon, Holt farms is a –: acre plot that houses --: cows and produces
an average of --: gallons of milk a day. We’re going to speak to (insert name) to find out more about
what goes on here

- Interview with whoever is at the farm

Questions: How did you get started in the dairy industry? Are Yeo Valley a good business
partner/customer? What is your favourite part of the job? What's your favourite yoghurt?

- Goes to factory, b reel with narration

Eddie: Now that we’ve secured our main ingredient it’s time to see the magic behind all your
favourite Yeo Valley products, welcome to (factory name). This --: sq foot factory makes --: products
with there being over --: different varieties. But we’re not here for these products we’re here for Yeo
Valleys bread and butter; Yoghurt. This factory produces --: tonnes of yoghurt a day with there being
--: different types. Let’s head inside...

- Walk through factory (similar questions to the farmer when interview happens)

Eddie: Now you understand where your yoghurt comes from but now, you’re probably sat there
wondering how YOU got it? Isleport distribution is the Yeo Valley transport centre for the southwest
and it is vital. It’s held over a --: plot and moves an average of --: different products a day. They
transport goods to over --: different shops and suppliers.

- Interview with Factory worker (same sort of questions)

- Add facts like the factory but focused more on how much is the daily average.

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