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After answering the questions and seeing my score, I was very surprised.

I only got 3 out

of 10 correct and looking back I could have done better. While taking this quiz, I thought I was
going to do pretty well based off of my previous knowledge I have. The answers that surprised
me the most was questions #2 and #3. Question number 2 reads, “Where does the majority of the
work population live?”. I answered with “low-income countries” but the correct answer is
“middle-income countries”. Now that I am really thinking about it, I understand why middle-
income countries are the correct answer. If they were in lower income countries, they would not
be working for very much. Question number 3 is the one that surprised me the most. It reads, “In
the last 20 years, the proportion of the world population living in extreme poverty has . . .”. I had
answered “almost doubled” out of the three choices and the correct answer was “almost halved”.
I answered this way because when COVID-19 hit the world, many people lost their jobs.
MEaning that they couldn’t pay for their homes or cars so therefore had to start being homeless.
This is absolutely heartbreaking to think about. I am still unsure of why the answer is “almost
halved” but I think that it is great that not as many people are living in poverty. Since most
people, including myself, normally do terrible on this test I feel as though there could be a way to
change this. We can inform the public more about what is happening. Especially in schools, we
could start enforcing current events as a part of history classes. I think many people do not know
the truth either because they have not been informed about the particular information or they just
simply do not care. A lot of people nowadays have very short attention spans and do not care for
the news because it is so much information at one time; or it is information that is not cared for.
After watching the video, the world is balanced by a way of influence. It is statistically proven
that people do not do good on this quiz. We score this way because as humans we are very
influenced by the news and others so, a lot of the time we always assume the worst. The
perspective of the world is based on investigating the world, recognizing other perspectives,
communicating ideas, and taking action. Hans Rosling’s work is very inspiring because of all of
the things he has been a part of. For example, he is a part of the world health organization, he
was a medical doctor, and he was in Africa during the Ebola crisis. Him and his son were able to
create statistics together about when the Ebola crisis had peaked. I define the global marketplace
as very rocky. There is so much information that you have to weed through. Some skills you
need to thrive in this marketplace would be educating yourself on other cultures, understanding
technology, needing soft skills, and you need a process to go through all of the information.

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