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Eco. Env. & Cons. 27 (October Suppl. Issue) : 2021; pp.

Copyright@ EM International
ISSN 0971–765X

Activities Mapping in the Three Mangrove Ecotourism

in East Java
Candra Adi Intyas1*, Mimit Primyastanto1, Agus Tjahjono1 and Diah Yustinaningrum2

Socio-Economy Fisheries and Marine Department, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science,
University of Brawijaya, Indonesia
Directorate General on Marine Spatial Management, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries,

(Received 25 November, 2020; accepted 20 January, 2021)

Mangrove forest plays a pivotal role in the land and sea ecosystem. The physical, economic, and ecological
function of mangrove has been widely unknown, so establishing mangrove ecotourism can be the medium
to educate society about the importance of mangroves. This study aimed to analyze the three developing
mangrove ecotourism, namely Beejay Bakau Resort Probolinggo, Kampung Blekok Situbondo, and Pancer
Cengkrong Trenggalek. The data were analyzed using Analysis Interactive by Miles and Huberman. The
result showed that Beejay Bakau Resort ecotourism was professionally managed by the private sector using
the concept of a combination of natural tourism (mangroves, beaches) and environmentally friendly artificial
tourism (attractions). Meanwhile, Blekok Situbondo Ecotourism and Pancer Cengkrong Trenggalek
ecotourism legally belong to the government managed by POKDARWIS and POKMASWAS, which use the
nature conservation concept. Besides that, Pancer Cengkrong ecotourism has developed more slowly due
to the lack of secondary actors’role.

Key words : Mangrove, Value chain, Ecotourism

Introduction important ecological functions is to provide nutri-

ents for sediment in coastal waters ecosystems. Be-
Fisheries resources, which are common property, sides, mangroves also protect the coastal area from
cause many parties to exploit marine products po- abrasion effects (Sambu, et al., 2018). One of the ef-
tential, which often negatively impacts water condi- forts to protect the mangrove ecosystem and repair
tions, one of which is the mangrove ecosystem. Glo- the damage is by establishing ecotourism.
bally, Indonesia has the largest mangrove ecosystem Anchored in the Minister of Home Affairs Regu-
area, with the highest biodiversity of around 3.4 lation No. 33/2009, ecotourism is a natural tourism
million hectares, of which 1.8 million hectares are in activity in the regions responsible for education ele-
a damaged condition (Ministry of Environment and ments, understanding and supporting natural re-
Forestry, 2017). source conservation efforts, and increasing local
Mangrove ecosystems have a vital role in various community income.
kinds of biota that live in coastal areas. Mangrove The concept of ecotourism combines five core el-
ecosystems have various functions, such as ecologi- ements, namely natural, environmental education,
cally, economically, and socially. One of the most ecological sustainability, having a positive impact on
S116 Eco. Env. & Cons. 27 (October Suppl. Issue) : 2021

local communities, and meeting visitor demands tion and preserving sustainable resources.
(Tanaya and Rudiarto, 2014).Several mangrove Ecotourism development activities are explored by
ecotourism areas in East Java are relatively devel- increasing the potential for priority diversity of flora
oped, including Beejay Bakau Resort Probolinggo, and fauna. The higher the potential for ecotourism,
Kampung Blekok Situbondo, and Pancer Cengkrong the more it will attract visitors to visit the area. Lo-
Trenggalek. The research objectives were formu- cal communities’ involvement, either directly or in-
lated from this background, namely, to analyze the directly, in ecotourism management, is needed to
activities and actors involved in ecotourism activi- support the sustainability, rehabilitation, and con-
ties in three locations. servation of mangrove (Honey, 1999). The profiles of
the three ecotourism areas are:
Research Method
Beejay Bakau Resort (BJBR) Ecotourism Pro
The method used for sampling at each location in
this study was a nonprobability sampling method Beejay Bakau Resort Ecotourism is a tourist spot that
with a snowball sampling technique. Snowball sam- provides mangrove ecotourism, which is located in
pling is a technique of determining a sample that is the Mayangan Beach Fishery Port area in
initially small in number, then enlarges. In determin- Mangunharjo Village, Mayangan District. Apart
ing the sample, one or two participants are selected. from providing natural tourism in mangrove
If the data obtained from those participants are not ecotourism, Beejay Bakau Resort also provides mod-
sufficient, the researcher will look for other knowl- ern artificial tours for young people and adults.
edgeable people to complete the data from two pre- Some of the exciting rides offered by Beejay
vious participants (Sugiono, 2015). Bakau Resort are games, restaurants, inns, and oth-
The data analysis method uses data analysis ers. The Rest Tent is a floating restaurant or restau-
model Interactive analysis from Miles and rant with a unique view of the sea, complete with
Huberman (1994), which divides analysis activities mangrove plants. Apart from providing a restau-
into several parts: data collection, data reduction, rant, Beejay Bakau Resort also provides lodging or
data presentation, and drawing conclusions or data family bungalows. This tour is equipped with other
verification. facilities such as a large parking area, a floating
1. Data collection collects data on the activities prayer room, toilets, cafes, water boom, flying fox. In
and actors involved in ecotourism activities car- Figure 1, the visitor can select one of the icons that
ried out through objective interviews, observa- appear when entering the Beejay Bakau Resort
tions, and field documentation. ecotourism area.
2. Reducing data is summarizing the data and
then selecting the compatible data with the re-
search objectives.
3. Data presentation is presenting data based on
compiled information.
4. Conclusions or verification is checking and
demystifying the data obtained after being ex-
amined to generate causal or interactive rela-
tionships, hypotheses, or theories.

Findings and Discussions

Ecotourism Profile
Fig. 1. Globe Tourist Icons
The biota’s diversity associated with mangrove for-
ests and various types of mangroves has made the Preservation of Beejay Bakau Resort mangrove
area developed as a tourist area. The development forest ecotourism provides direct benefits in the
of tourism areas with ecotourism is an effort to uti- form of green mussels, oysters, blue swimmer crabs,
lize nature as tourism-oriented towards conserva- and mangrove crabscatch. The community also get

greater benefits from the existence of ecotourism number in East Java.

because it provides employment for the surround- Ecotourism Pancer Cengkrong Trenggalek also
ing community (Fattah, Utami and Intyas, 2019). has several options for mangrove bridge tours, pi-
geons feeding, boat tours, and planting mangrove
Ecotourism of Kampung Blekok Situbondo
seedlings in the area. Currently, crab cultivation
Ecotourism in Kampung Blekok is a mangrove for- with cages is also being developed, as shown in Fig-
est that is a habitat for waterbirds, especially the ure 3 below.
Ardeidae species, with approximately 6.3 hectares.
Actors involved in Ecotourism Activities
Administratively, Kampung Blekok is located in
Pesisir Hamlet, Klatakan Village, Kendit District, Actors or stakeholders are divided into three: key,
Situbondo Regency. The first Ecotourism in primary, and secondary. Key actors are actors who
Kampung Blekok opened in December 2018 and are fully responsible for ecotourism activities legally.
was inaugurated on March 24, 2019 (Environmental Primary actors are the actors most directly affected
Service of Situbondo Regency, 2019). by positive or negative impacts and significantly in-
Ecotourism in Kampung Blekok is an ecotourism fluence activity. Then secondary actors are actors
area based on the conservation of mangroves and who have no direct interest in the activity. The ac-
Blekok and Egrets. Tourists can enjoy the beautiful tivities carried out but still have great concern for an
atmosphere of the mangrove forest and the atmo- activity (Crosby, 1991). The classification is based on
sphere of a well-maintained bird sanctuary. Tourists actors in the three ecotourism areas, as shown in
can also enjoy a beautiful beach tour along the river Table 1 below.
estuary from a wooden bridge. Table 1 will be explained as follows:
Ecotourism Kampung Blekok also provides shop- 1. Key actors are related to the business’s legality
ping tours for tourists who want to bring souvenirs at Beejay Bakau Resort Mangrove Ecotourism
in the form of accessories from Ecotourism related Service (Government).
Kampung Blekok. Locals also provide accessories in 2. Primary actors in the three ecotourism areas in-
Ecotourism Kampung Blekok with various types volve local suppliers to supply logistics and la-
and prices. These accessories are produced directly bor. At Beejay Bakau Resort, Probolinggo, the
from residents because most of the residents around primary actor, is manage by private sector. In
Ecotourism Kampung Blekok work as craftsmen Kampung Blekok Situbondo, there are
that located in one area as a culinary center, as Pokdarwis Kampung Blekok, and at Pancer
shown in Figure 2 below. Cengkrong Trenggalek, there are POKMASWAS
(community supervisory groups) Kejung
Samudera. Beejay Bakau Resort Probolinggo and

Fig. 2. Culinary Center of Ecotourism of Kampung

Blekok Situbondo

Pancer Cengkrong Trenggalek Ecotourism

Ecotourism Pancer Cengkrong is famous for its di-
versity of mangrove species found in the ecotourism
area opened in 2012. Currently, there are 16 man-
grove species found in this ecotourism, the largest Fig. 3. Crab breeding using cage
S118 Eco. Env. & Cons. 27 (October Suppl. Issue) : 2021

Table 1. Actors involved in Ecotourism activities

No Actors Beejay Bakau Resort Probolinggo Kampung Blekok Situbondo Pancer Cengkrong Trenggalek
1 Key Relevant Department Relevant Department Relevant Department
(Government) (Government) (Government)
2 Primary Private Company, local POKDARWIS Kampung POKMASWAS
suppliers, travel agency Blekok, local suppliers, travel Kejung Samudera, local
agency suppliers,
3. Secondary Local community, The local community, The local community,
companies, and visitors university, and visitors

Kampung Blekok Situbondo have travel agents tally friendly and sustainable for Beejay Bakau Re-
that have channel visitors, but it does not exist at sort. They also provide various interesting products
Pancer Cengkrong Trenggalek. and amusements, easy access to locations with vari-
3. Secondary actors in three areas have similar ous means of transportation, and comfortable ac-
communities and visitors. In Beejay Bakau Re- commodation and visitors’ logistical needs.
sort Probolinggo ecotourism, the government is
The local suppliers
a secondary actor, and in Kampung Blekok
Situbondo the secondary actors are from several Local suppliers supply food and drinks at several
types of government companies and private existing facilities in Beejay Bakau Resort, including
companies. Rest O-Tent, Café Tenda, BJ Mart, and BJ Mart
Wilaha. Fish supplies are obtained directly from
Activities in three ecotourism areas
fishers at Mayangan Fisheries Port. Meanwhile, veg-
Following the classification involved in ecotourism, etables and groceries are provided by local farmers
each ecotourism had a different actor’s role and ac- and traders in Probolinggo. Beejay Bakau Resort has
tivities. cooperation contracts with those suppliers.
1. Beejay Bakau Resort (BJBR) Probolinggo The local community
BJBR provides job opportunities that can increase
Bee Jay Bakau Resort (BJBR) Ecotourism Manage- the income and improve local communities’ econo-
ment involved various actors and activities that de- mies surrounding area. However, some other locals
scribed as follows: were not involved in ecotourism activities and did
not positively impact them.
The government
Travel Agency
The government of Probolinggo, as the key actors,
has the authority to issue a management license The collaboration between Beejay Bakau Resort and
through Youth, Sports, and Tourism Department travel agents is in the form of promotions to poten-
(DKOP). The government also promotes and man- tial visitors. If the travel agent gets visitors to Beejay
ages the activities in Beejay Bakau Resort and pro- Bakau Resort, the travel agent will get a 10% fee of
vides infrastructure such as bus and train stations, the price.
high-way, information centers, and signboards. In
Mayangan Beach Fisheries Port, Probolinggo, visi-
tors have to pay the port entrance fee before access Beejay Bakau Resort visitors come from domestic
to Beejay Bakau Resort with a ticket fee for motor- and foreign countries.
bike visitors of Rp. 2,000 / person and Rp. 5,000 /
2. Kampung Blekok Situbondo Ecotourism
car and sometimes Probolinggo citizens are free of
charge. The actor’s activities in Kampung Blekok Situbondo
Ecotourism were described as follows:
Beejay Bakau Resort (BJBR) Private Company
The Government
Private companies with license management from
the Probolinggo government combine natural and The Development of Ecotourism in Kampung
artificial tourism concepts that remain environmen- Blekok is one of the “Tahun Kunjungan Wisata”

program in 2019 by the Situbondo Regency Govern- Travel Agency

ment. Government agencies that act as key factors
Ecotourism Kampung Blekok has collaborated with
are the District Government, the Tourism Office, the
ASITA (Travel Association) East Java as a tourism
Environmental Agency (DLH), and the Village Gov-
travel agent. This collaboration has been stated in
the cooperation agreement letter between the
District governments play a role in making poli-
Situbondo Regency Government and the Regional
cies related to tourism, starting from repairing and
Leadership Council (DPD) no 130/0163 /
procuring infrastructure to facilitate access. One of
431.004.1.3 / 2019 and no 122 / DPD-ASITA / III /
them is repairing the main road in Situbondo Re-
2019 concerning the Tourism Development Program
gency, funding, and various other related policies.
in Situbondo Regency.
The Tourism Office plays a role in promoting
Ecotourism in Kampung Blekok through the official Company
website and official social media accounts and col-
Several private and Government companies have
laborating with districts/cities, one of which is coop-
contributed to the concept of CSR (Corporate Social
eration with Baluran Tourism, Banyuwangi Re-
Responsibility) for the development of Ecotourism
in Kampung Blekok, including Bank BRI (Bank
The Environmental Agency is responsible for
Rakyat Indonesia), PT. Paiton Operation & Mainte-
overseeing all activities in the Ecotourism Kampung
nance Indonesia (POMI), PT Paiton Energy, and PT.
Blekok by evaluating the performance of
Insurance Services Indonesia (PERSERO) KC Jember
POKDARWIS. This responsibility is regulated in the
Situbondo Regent Regulation No.13 of 2017 con- Local suppliers
cerning Biodiversity Conservation.
To fulfill Kampung Blekok’s ecotourism’s needs, the
The role of the Village Government is to form a
manager buys raw materials from the surrounding
POKDARWIS through the Decree of the Head of
community. The labor and logistics need such as
Klatakan Village, Kendit District, Situbondo Re-
food and beverages and souvenirs are obtained
gency No. 188/35/ 431.510.9.4/2017. They made
from local communities who are also members of
village regulations regarding the protection and de-
velopment of biodiversity, local economy, and cul-
ture of Kampung Blekok, which are written in the The local community
Village Head Regulation of Klatakan No. 7 of 2018
The local community is very supportive of
concerning Management of Kampung Blekok Tour-
Kampung Blekok Ecotourism. According to the
ism Objects.
community, Ecotourism in Kampung Blekok can
POKDARWIS of Kampung Blekok bring changes both from an economic, environmen-
tal, and social perspective. The community main-
Ecotourism in Kampung Blekok is managed by
tains the mangrove forest in Kampung Blekok. Hav-
POKDARWIS (Kelompok Sadar Wisata). Based on
ing mangrove forests can prevent beach abrasion
the Decree (SK) of the Head of Klatakan Situbondo
close to locals’ residence. Furthermore, when there
Village Number 188/35 / 431.510.9.4 / 2017 con-
are events at Ecotourism in Kampung Blekok, the
cerning the Determination of the Management of the
community participates by helping clean up the area
Tourism Awareness Group “Kampung Blekok”
of Kampung Blekok. That makes Kampung Blekok
Klatakan Village, Kendit District, Situbondo Re-
always looks clean.
gency, POKDARWIS is a community group that
takes care of all the needs and activities in Visitors
Ecotourism Kampung Blekok. They run ecotourism
Domestic visitors of Kampung Blekok Ecotourism
management, mangrove, egrets, Blekok birds con-
come from various regions, districts, and cities and
servation, and other activities by applying the Sapta
even from abroad, namely India and Singapore. The
Pesona concept (safety, orderly, beauty, coolness,
peak season occurred in January due to the end-
cleanliness, hospitality, and memories).
term holidays for school and college. The visitors
POKDARWIS is fully responsible for reporting
refresh by seeing the breathtaking view of Kampung
monthly tourist visits to the Environmental Agency
Blekok Ecotourism.
and Village Government.
S120 Eco. Env. & Cons. 27 (October Suppl. Issue) : 2021

3. Pancer Cengkrong Trenggalek Ecotourism concepts. Meanwhile, Kampung Blekok

Situbondo ecotourism and Pancer Cengkrong
The actor’s activities in Pancer Cengkrong
Trenggalek ecotourism are legally owned by the
Trenggalek ecotourism are described as follows:
government, which are managed by
The Government POKDARWIS and POKMASWAS with the con-
cept of conservation in nature.
The Government, the Fisheries and Maritime Affairs
2. Ecotourism Pancer Cengkrong Trenggalek is de-
Office of Trenggalek Regency, gives management
veloping slowly, even though it has support
permits and mentors POKMASWAS Kejung
from universities, but it has other secondary ac-
Samudra as managers and build accessible infra-
tors’ subordinate roles. For instance, it did not
structure ecotourism.
involve travel agents and the minimal involve-
POKMASWAS Kejung Samudra ment of private companies that carry out coop-
eration such as CSR (Corporate Social Responsi-
POKMASWAS Kejung Samudra is the primary ac-
bility) and internal conflicts between stakehold-
tor who manages the mangrove environment
around Cengkrong beach. POKMASWAS Kejung
Samudra has successfully done the nursery, plant- Suggestions
ing, maintenance, and processing of mangrove
1. Ecotourism Beejay Bakau Resort Probolinggo
needs to consider increasing the local commu-
Local Supplier nity involvement in ecotourism management of
environmental conservation and mangrove ar-
The members of POKMASWAS Kejung Samudra
come from the local community who were worked
2. Ecotourism Kampung Blekok needs to consider
as fishermen crew. All raw materials such as food,
the performance of each ecotourism manage-
building materials, and facilities for planting man-
ment activity and improve existing manage-
groves are obtained from traditional markets close
to the ecotourism location.
3. Relevant departments in Pancer Cengkrong
The local Community Trenggalek Ecotourism need to consider coop-
eration with private and public companies to
The surrounding community’s concern for
contribute through CSR programs and consider
ecotourism is still relatively low, which can be seen
cooperation with travel agents.
from the lack of knowledge about the importance of
sustainable ecotourism management. Besides that,
there is still much trash that can be found in the References
ecotourism area.
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