SOAL UAS B.inggris Kelas VII Semester 1

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1. Rafael : Hi Tami, how’s life? d.

Glad to see you

Tami : ………………….. 5. You are sending a friend off at the airport. he

is going on a holiday. Just before she boards the
a. Thank you plane, you say to her.........
b. Never mind a. Have a safe journey
c. You’re welcome b. Drive carefully
d. Great c. Good job
2. Lina … cleaning the whiteboard now. d. I am fine
a. Is Ciko :(6)........., Where are you going?
b. Are Vita : Good Afternoon, I'II have lunch at the
c. Were canteen.

d. Was Ciko : let's go together

3. We are … English in the classroom right now. a. Good night

a. Studying b. Good day

b. Study c. Good afternoon

c. Studied d. Good morning

d. Have been studying 7. Before Widi goes to school in the morning,

what she says to her parents?

a. Please leave
Faiz and Rizqi is in the cinema to watch a movie.
Suddenly they meets Aji, Friend of Faiz outside b. Cheerio
of the cinema. c. Chase my way
Faiz : Hello Aji, Good Afternoon. d. Go away
Aji: : Good Afternoon, Faiz (4)..............? Aji : Hello Rizki, my name is Aji.(8)..........
Faiz : I'm fine thank you and how about you? Rizki : Hi, my name is Rizki. Nice to meet you
a. Where are you? too.

b. Nice to meet you a. Good afternoon

c. How are you? b. Nice to meet you

c. How are you 13. I have a mother. My mother has two sisters.
My mother's sister is my........
d. See you later
a. Mother
9. It's nine o'clock in the night. Gia will go to
sleep. She her parents b. Sister

a. See you c. Aunt

b. Good afternoon d. Uncle

c. Good bye 14. She ...... me a birthday cake today

d. Good night a. Had Made

10. Which one in the following is the expression b. Makes

of leave-taking?
c. Make
a. How are you today?
d. Made
b. I am fine thanks
15. Today is thursday. Tomorrow is.....
c. I am sorry, I have to leave now
a. Friday
d. We have had a wonderful time
b. Wednesday
11. It's seven o'clock in the morning. Gina will
go to school. She says his parents c. Monday

a. Good morning d. Sunday

b. Good bye 16. If you see your friend at 7 pm, so you will
c. Good day
a. Good afternoon
d. Good afternoon
b. Good evening
12. What does someone say when make a
mistake? c. Good bye

a. Thank you d. Good morning

b. I am so sorry 17. Students usually do not go to school

c. You are welcome a. Monday

d. Good night b. Saturday

c. Thursday
d. Sunday c. What is your hobby?

18. How old are you? I am (15) years old d. Where are you from?

a. Thirty 23. Father and mother is......

b. Twelve a. Parents

c. Fifteen b. Neighbour

d. Fourteen c. Guests

19. Which is statement one is NOT asking d. Teacher

someone's condition?
24. What do you say to thank someone?
a. Good to see you again.
a. I really appreciate it
b. How is life?
b. Good night
c. How are you doing?
c. I'm so sorry
d. How is everything?
d. See you tomorrow
20. like watching TV?
25. The following are expressing to ask for
a. Does opinion, except .......

b. Are a. What do you think about this?

c. Do b. Does this suit me?

d. Is c. Do I look good in this?

21. Now it is July so next month is? d. What do you mean by this?

a. June 26. I have a doll ...... Doll is a big as me

b. August a. Their

c. March b. My

d. September c. Her

22. A. ...................? d. His

B. I love dancing so much 27. You meet your friend Galang in the street,
what will you say.......
a. How old are you?
a. Good night
b. What is your name?
b. Good bye d. Bathroom

c. Hi 32. I ....... Busy last night

d. No way a. Is

28. I have....... At 08.00 am b. Am

a. Lunch c. Are

b. Breakfast d. Was

c. Dinner 33. We need a ball and net to do my hobby. So,

what is my hobby?
d. Brunch
a. badminton
29. Wulan : What is Susan doing?
b. swimming
Susan : She (cook) fried rice
c. volley ball
a. She is cooking fried rice
d. playing chess
b. She cooking fried rice
34. Afrisal : Good evening, mom.
c. She cooks fried rice
Mother : Good evening, Afrisal. Why do you
d. She is cooks fried rice come late?
30. .......... Patient, please! He will be here in a Afrisal : …… My motorcycle was broke.
few second
a. You are welcome
a. Do
b. I’m sorry
b. Please I
c. Sure
c. Be
d. Nice to see you.
d. Not
35. The apple tastes is ….
31. She takes a bath at ......
a. Salty
a. Kitchen
b. Sweet
b. Bedroom
c. Bitter
c. Living room
d. Sour

1. Explain the differences between physical features and personality traits and give examples?

2. Mention 5 the names of main meal?

3. Write down cardinal number of :

A. 85

B. 27

C. 18

D. 116

4. When you just meet new people, you will say?

5. Mention 5 the names of snack?

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