TED Talk - UNIT3

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TED Talk: How to speak so that people want to listen

By Julian Treasure

1. Name the seven sins of speaking.

2. Name the four cornerstones or foundations.

3. List the tools that are available when we say things.

4. Complete the sentences with a phrase:

a) There are a number of habits that we need to .....................

b) We complain about the weather, sport, about politics, about everything, but

actually, complaining is ......................

c) Some people have a blamethrower. They just pass it on to everyone else and don't


d) When facts and opinions ..................., you're listening into the wind. Somebody

………................ their opinions as if they were true.

e) The word is “hail”, and it has a great definition as well. I’m talking about this

definition, ………………………

f) A friend of Julian’s described authenticity as …………………

g) I’d like to ……………………. in this toolbox and pull out a few tools.

h) We vote for politicians with lower voices because ………………..

i) There are amazing things you can do with ……………………., and with exercises
to improve the timbre of your voice.

j) We don’t have to fill silence with ……………….. It can be very powerful.

k) Fantastic. Give yourselves a ………………..

l) What would the world be like if we ……………… and ……………….. for sound?

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