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The Kaizen Implementation into British Enterprises

The Kaizen Implementation into British Enterprises

In a business context, implementing the Kaizen approach in management across different

British companies is one of the key determinants and promoters of successful organization

performances (Hosono 94). Research studies portray the Kaizen approach as an effectual method

that focuses on improving company products by using the present new and advanced resources

surrounding the individuals, thus achieving continuous and incremental success. Consequently,

(Tekin et al. 21) show that implementing the Kaizen approach in British enterprises considers

leveraging all the small changes rather than utilizing expensive monument equipment for

investments to achieve more outstanding performances. Based on Kaizen's past philosophy, the

great goal of the approach is to improve productivity and quality while minimizing wastage; an

act achieved through small and relatively simple actions and measures (Omoush et al. 43). As a

result, every individual in an organization should learn and implement the method regardless of

their skills or educational status. Major industries that have adopted the Kaizen approach in the

United Kingdom have utilized practical improvement steps as outlined in Toyota Kaizen

Method. These are; discovering the improvement potential, analyzing currently available

methods, generating original ideas, developing and implementing the plan, and evaluating the

new methods (Saxena et al. 174). Overall, the approach is utilized in many industries, including
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healthcare facilities, life coaching, physiotherapy, banking organizations, and government


Major Companies that Implement Kaizen Approach in the UK

Since the first introduction of the Kaizen approach in 1986 by Masaaki Imai in Japan, the

most significant benefits associated with its implementation have made different organizations

adopt the method across the globe. The approach was first implemented at the Kaizen Institute of

the UK in the United Kingdom. This leading firm provides consultation services for company

growth and performance (Omoush et al. 42). The organization prides itself on more excellent

breakthrough results associated with performance. On the other hand, several financial

companies uphold the Kaizen approach in their daily operations; these include firms like Lloyds

Banking Organization, AIB Group, Alpha Bank of London, and ADIB Ltd (Petryk 62). Among

these companies, adaptability is the key to their survival. The businesses and team members are

structured with a flexible architecture that quickly acts and responds to changes and

organizational challenges, thus meeting the best solutions on matters of financial security

(Macpherson et al. 37).

Health care facilities have also been implementing Kaizen approaches in different ways

to better their performances, especially in the United Kingdom (Hosono 96). Based on studies,

Kaizen helps in levelling the capacities and demand of teams in hospitals, increasing patient

safety and satisfaction, reducing the costs and supply chain control, and minimizing the total

waiting time for patients (Jnjic et al. 17). Conquest Hospital, Croydon University healthcare, and

imperial healthcare units incorporate Kaizen Approach in their continuous improvement

practices along with other methods. Other facilities that adopt the crucial steps of continuous

improvement include; Fakenman Business consultant UK and Kaizen Int. Limited. Along with
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the provision of efficient services, these companies uphold the virtue of training at their core and

transform their clients into more excellent players in the industries, capable of promoting change

in their respective workplaces (Tekin et al. 18). These organizations are also dedicated to

assisting staff in making positive changes in their lives, through a comprehensive, organized

strategy that includes agile, technology, and lean resources (Zahoor et al. 128). The motivation is

to create exceptional competitive benefit with managers by achieving market-leading

performance in areas like administration, sales and marketing, product innovation, and support

activities (Kikuchi 147).

Differences between Kaizen Implementation in Japan and the UK

The Kaizen approach is extensively known and upheld by the Japanese government than

in significant companies in the United Kingdom (Jin 54). This is mainly because the introduction

of Kaizen was initiated by Toyota Production Company in Japan, thus leading to improved

production and overall performance of the organization (Saxena et al. 171). The popularity and

top-notch advantages associated with using the process influenced other organizations within the

Japanese government to incorporate it into their businesses. However, Kaizen Method has not

gained much popularity in other developed countries since major organizations are still learning

and adapting to new improvement changes that have arisen in recent times (Petryk 61). This is

the case in the United Kingdom, where despite the implementation of the system by several

organizations, the highest promotion of organizations is yet to come to terms with the familiarity

of Kaizen.

Kaizen has integrated itself into the Japanese industrial system and significantly

contributed to the manufacturing success over the past forty years of its development. In Japan,

Kaizen has developed into the practically ubiquitous method used by manufacturing divisions to
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meet their strategic objectives (Jnjic et al. 19). It functions differently in every firm, depending

on the situation, but they all view it as essential. Unlike what may be anticipated, it is more

adaptable and accommodating and can tolerate cultural variances but not social barriers. On the

other hand, a few industries that incorporate the Kaizen approach in the United Kingdom have

reported significant benefits arising from its implementation (Villar-Fidalgo et al. 642). Kaizen

activities have continuously enhanced all aspects of a company's operations, from production to

promotion and from the Executive to the workers employed in different organizations in the UK

(Tekin et al. 23). Additionally, the procedure improves regulated processes and procedures,

which reduces waste in all organizational systems. Major Kaizen sectors in the UK have

demonstrated that the practice goes beyond merely enhancing production (Macpherson et al. 37).

When carried out correctly, the procedure makes the work environment more human, gets rid of

labor that is too strenuous, and teaches workers how to identify and get rid of waste in

organizational procedures.

Many of the features of Japanese companies that have already been associated with their

achievement are included in Kaizen. For instance, Kanban, recommendation systems,

recognition programs, automation, timely delivery, and suggestion schemes are part of the

Kaizen management consulting system. According to the Toyota business model, regular

incremental changes add significant advantages (Zahoor et al. 128). They lead to increased

customer satisfaction, quicker deliveries, reduced prices, and higher safety productivity. In

addition to these advantages for the business, workers in Kaizen-based organizations typically

find their jobs more straightforward and more pleasant, which leads to improved employee

attitudes and reduced turnover rates (Saxena et al. 168). Kaizen entails establishing criteria and

then continuously raising them. In order to promote higher moral standards, Kaizen also entails
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giving staff members the instruction, resources, and oversight they require to fulfil the stricter

aspirations and sustain their continuous competence to do so (Omoush et al. 45).

In Western businesses, the Kaizen philosophy is relatively weak since it is frequently

neglected without understanding what it implies (Goyal et al. 106). This explains why businesses

in Europe have been operating unchanged for years. According to the Kaizen philosophy, there

should not be a day that passes without an enhancement being performed inside the business.

Most Japanese businesses had to rebuild themselves after World War II (Zocca et al. 35).

Managers and employees faced new obstacles each day, and by rising to them, both groups made

progress. Kaizen became a way of life due to constant improvement to continue in business

(Goyal et al. 107). Failure to completely engage in creating Kaizen, the foundation of an

organization's strategy, is among the causes of kaizen failure in the UK. Kaizen is a lengthy

philosophy in which every worker is dedicated to improving processes rather than just a

collection of tools for execution.

Kaizen Implementation Challenges,

As many businesses see the necessity of implementing Kaizen in the workplace, not all

businesses are competent in accomplishing this goal. This is due to the difficulty of coordinating

Kaizen initiatives. In addition, the idea of Kaizen is relatively easy to grasp, challenging to

perfect, and it takes time for employees to grasp it (Villar-Fidalgo et al. 635) fully. The

fundamental issue with adoption is that businesses frequently anticipate a rapid response and

consistency in KPIs yearly; when neither occurs, organizations write off Kaizen as a failure

process (Macpherson et al. 39). The dearth of remuneration and motivation, inadequate staff

training, and lengthy processing times for proposals, some firm's experiences struggled to engage

their workforce in Kaizen initiatives (Wicaksono 126). Before beginning their Kaizen,
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businesses that incorporate it within their company should take additional safety measures.

Businesses frequently build a strategic route without solid communication between high

leadership and low-level personnel. (Deti et al. 13) states that a lack of personnel also hampers

the adoption of Kaizen to complete the tasks, a lack of focus brought on by business pressure,

and a lack of awareness of the need for transformation. For instance, management struggles to

adapt to rigorous and demanding Kaizen practices and persuades workers on the production floor

that they ought to adapt.

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Work Cited

Deti, Hailu Beyecha. "The Achievements and Challenges of Kaizen Implementation: A Case

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Goyal, Ankur, et al. "Waste reduction through Kaizen approach: A case study of a company in

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Hosono, Akio, John Page, and Go Shimada. Workers, managers, productivity: Kaizen in

developing countries. Springer Nature, 2020.

Kikuchi, Tsuyoshi, and Momoko Suzuki. "Kaizen and standardization." Applying the Kaizen in

Africa. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2018. 111-149.

Macpherson, Wayne G., et al. "Kaizen in Japan: transferring knowledge in the workplace."

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Janjić, Vesna, Jasmina Bogićević, and Bojan Krstić. "Kaizen as a global business philosophy for

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Petryk, Ilona. "Restructuring of business processes for sustainability: revealing the potential of

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Omoush, Majd, Monira Moflih, and Reem Almetrami. "Evaluating the Five Kaizen Success

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Tekin, Mahmut, et al. "An application of kaizen in a large-scale business." The International

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Zocca, Renan, et al. "Kaizen Approach for the systematic review of occupational safety and

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Zahoor, Sadaf, et al. "A Combined VSM and Kaizen Approach for Sustainable Continuous

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Villar-Fidalgo, Luis, Maria del Mar Espinosa Escudero, and Manuel Domínguez Somonte.

"Applying kaizen to the schedule in a concurrent environment." Production Planning &

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Jin, Kimiaki. "Role of Kaizen in Japan’s Overseas Development Cooperation." Applying the

Kaizen in Africa. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2018. 31-68.

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