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Doc Type: Training Schedule


Go through basic php syntax, Expressions, 1 Operators, Control Structures and Functions

Go through Date, Time, Arrays and String 2 functions

Go through Classes, objects, inheritance and 3 Exception Handling

4 Regular expressions

5 Database API

6 UTF-8 encoding and decoding


8 XML parser and reader

9 Reflections

10 Logical thinking

11 Web Concepts



Problem Sets 1. Build Pascal Triangle's_triangle 2. Flames 3.'s_algorithm

Convert the time duration into readable way like 2hours, 3minute etc.. For example, If I pass time stamp as 100000000 to your function, it should return 3 years, 2 months, 19 hours, 22 minutes, 16 seconds.

Implement a functionaly to calculate the area of some region. The region may be square, circle, triangle. If I pass dimentions and region type then it should return the area value. Implement this using classes and objects. Your code should also handle the Exceptions related to proper dimention values.

Convert urls in the string to links. Suppose if I pass "Please check this url" as argument it should return "Please check this url <a href='' target='_new'></a>" . The function has to work with all type of urls.

Create a CSV file which is having information about Employee details. Build a datamodel for Employee system. You need to use mysql. After the data model has been created, write a php script that will parses through the csv and load them into the database. Your php script must log information so that we can check the status of the database operations that are done.

Write a program which is find out the length of a string which is having utf8 characters.

Convert an array into object. if I pass array('first value', 'second value', 3, 4) as input the output should be an object lets say obj1 then obj1->0 should print 'first value', obj1->1 should print 'second value' etc.. If I pass array( 'me' => 'Sebastian', 'you' => 'Anonymous', 'he' => 'Bill' ); As input it should return object lets say obj2 then obj2->me should have value 'Sebastian' obj2->you should have value 'Anonymous' like that. Read this rss feed information and store that information in database. Follow steps a. Understand what data it is giving b. Build the database according data(Follow normalization) c. Read data and store in the tables

Download code from, and extract the content. Take Date.php file from the extracted directory. Take this file as input file and find out what are the classes, functions in that file. Output the class names followed by that class functions. If there are no classes output the function names

We have 3 container which hold x, y, z ounces of liquid respectively. The x ounces container is empty but y and z ounces containers are full. How can we measure out 'n' ounces by using only the three above mentioned contaienrs? Suppose if we substiture values for x=19, y=13, z=7 and n=10 Then output should be like this. 19Ounces 13Ounces 7Ounces 0 13 7 step1 7 13 0 step2 19 1 0 step3 12 1 7 step4 12 8 0 step5 5 8 7 step6 5 13 2 step7 18 0 2 step8 18 2 0 step9 11 2 7 step10 11 9 0 step11 4 9 7 step12 4 13 3 step13 17 0 3 step14 17 3 0 step15 10 3 7 At the final step we got 10ounces on 19ounces container. Finally we should have 'n'ounces on any of the x, y, z container. If can not make then raise exception saying not possible to make it.

Write a small application which will allow the users to store the friends list. It should have following pages. a. Login page where users will login to store the contacts. b. Registration page where new users will register c. After successfull registration or login the users should goto welcome page where it lists all his friends information. Provides list to add new friend details. It should provide forms to delete friend details, edit friend details etc.. d. Store the maximum friend details like name, email, website url, contact number etc.. e. Provide logout link when the user click logout, the user session details should be destroyed and it should redirect to login form. d. Use proper normalization for the database. e. Try to use single database connection in all pages.

Create a simple application which is similar to facebook status messages. a. Provide login, logout, register, forgot password for the application. b. Once user logged in, he should see a page similar to facebook home page. At the center of the page, it should display my friends status messages and it should allow me to add my status message. c. User should able to add comment, rate to his friends status messages. d. Through this application user should able to send invitation to his friend through email address. When you send an invitation an email should go to your friend email address. There might be 2 cases. i. If your friend already register in the application then he should see friend request on his home page. Once he click accept then you and your friend will become friends. ii. If your friend is not already register in the application then invitation email should have register link. Once the user register he should see your request on the home page same as first case. Once he accept the request then you and your friend will become friends in the application.

Simple application which shows the statistics of running. This application maintain the database of players with the running speeds. Suppose you can run 100 meters in 1 min. then your speed will be 1.6 meters per second. a. Provide login, logout, register, forgot password. b. Once user logs in he can add his speed by specifying I can run x meeters for y seconds or minutes on that day. These x, y fields are the input feeds. c. Use can add only one speed per day, but he can edit the speed of that day. d. Show rank of the user in the entire site by taking latest speeds of all users. e. Show last 10days spead in a chart, so that user can analyse progress. f. Provide following filter for the above chart i. Show my spped from last x days. ii. Show my speed from last x weeks. iii. Show my spped from last x months. Note: Create normalized database for the above applications.

How FLAMES works F = Friends L = Lovers A = Ancestors M = Married E = Enemy S = Sister Take the name of 2 persons. SANTY SUNNY Strike out the chars which are common in both the names which means S, N and Y will be removed from both the names. The remaining chars are ATUN Now count the total numbers which is 4. Parse through the word FLAMES and strike count the char which comes at 4. It means first, M should be striked. Then the next count should start from E and again strike out when you read end. So next time, L should be removed. This should be continued until you have 1 last character. Based on the above acronym for each character, print the relationship between the 2 persons. NOTE: The names should be taken as input by user.


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