Activity 4

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Case X,

X is a female handball player age 18 that just transitioning from a professional career to high
performance. In addition to career promotion, X has a new role as a student athlete and she received
a sports scholarship from her university. The mobilization model will be use to analysed this case.

Problem Analysis
Elite athletes devoted his entire life to their sports career. They train extensively to achieve
their goals and in most cases, it consuming the majority time of their lives. They are also making
a lot of personal sacrifices to achieve their dreams. The sacrifices may include the financial,
academics, and social relationship sacrifices. Athletic career transition is a topic that frightening
for a lot of athletes. It is a concept that they do not think about in the near feature since it can
directly related to career termination.
The mobilization model is a six step model that can be used to help athlete with their career
1. Collecting and Classified various information of the athlete, including:
a. Personal Information
X is a female student athlete age 18 who was granted with a sports scholarship from
her university. She is an extrovert person who is passionate about her sports and
education. She wants be a lawyer like her dad. X is an organize person. She must follow
her plan and schedule, otherwise she might get anxious when thing went wrong.
b. Sports related information
X is a handball player and she has been playing handball since she was 10. Her goal is
to be eligible to play in Olympic with her best friend, Y.
c. Social Roles
X is quite busy with her practice, thus she could not manage to have any other activities
other than handball. She always want to join a debate club, and she wish she can have
time to do it while juggling between her practice, classes, and her time with his parents.
d. Current situation.
X is a bright person both in academic and sports area. However she’s been so anxious
about her new role as an university student. On top of that, she’s just transitioning from
a professional career to high performance athlete. From X perspective she has two main
responsibilities: maintaining her GPA, and show her optimal performance in sports.
e. Goals
For X, her goal is simple, she want to keep her scholarship and high performance career
until she graduates.
2. Identify Problems
a. X is anxious about her capability to juggling between academic and sports career.
3. Analyse athlete current state.
Strength: Weakness:
1. Law is a subject that X really like 1. Even though she is good with her
and she wants to become a lawyer writing her though, she did not
like her dad. confident with verbal assignment
2. She is at the top of her team. She has such as presenting her idea in front
the best body condition among her of her lecturer or peers.
team mates, and player with the 2. With her current situation as a high
longest experience. performance athlete, there is a big
3. She loves to read and write an essay, chance that she might missed a lot of
an advantage for a law student. classes.
Opportunity Threats:
1. One of her teammate is her senior at 1. She might lose her scholarship if she
the law faculty. She can ask her cannot maintain her GPA.
about some tips to get through the
2. Her dad always excited when X
asked him law related question.
3. X high school best friend also attend
the same class with her.

4. Coping strategies
To reach her goal, X will make a detail and time oriented plan. X must follow her plan and
schedule, otherwise she might get anxious when thing went wrong. Thus when she faces uncertain
situation or sudden change in plan, she might need to find an Emotional Focus Coping strategy to
ease her anxiety.
5. Objectives and Plans
a. She will need to have an extra study session with her friends to make up what she
missed in class.
b. She needs to find an activity for relaxation in between her hectic schedule.
c. She need to have this ‘acceptance mindset’, she doesn’t have to aim for perfect
GPA, as long as her GPA meet the scholarship requirement, she is ok.
6. Conclusion
Follow up meetings need to be done every in the beginning of the semester, in the middle
of semester, and in the end of the semester.

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