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Presented To
Miss Grace Lawas

Presented By
Group 4
At the end of this chapter, you should be able to:
1 explain the international tourism organizations;

Learning 2
get acquainted with the regional tourism
Outcomes discuss the role of the national tourism office in
the promotion of tourism and hospitality;

explain the importance of national professional

4 tourism organizations in the development of
tourism and hospitality and;

enumerate the different national professional

5 tourism and hospitality organizations in the
Philippines and in the United States.
Tourism Organizations
Since tourism and hospitality is a diverse industry
made up of many different segments, there is a need
to interrelate and share information. This has led to
the establishment of several public and private
organizations at the international, national, regional,
state, and local levels.
International Organizations
United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)

The UNWTO is the cheif international organization in the field of

travel and tourism. It is an intergovernmental technical body which
deals with all aspects of tourism. It began its legal existence on
Members 2. Associate Members; and 3 Affiliate Members

International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)

The ICAO is an organization of around 134 governments
established for the purpose of promoting civil aviation on a
worldwide scale. It was established at the Chicago conference
of 1944. The 96 articles of the Chicago convention established
the privileges and restrictions of the member countries.
International Air Transport Association (IATA)
The International Air transport Association was establish in 1945 in
Havana. it was composed of airline operators attached to the
national delegations of the ICAO conference in Chicago. At present,
membership includes more than 112 scheduled airlines.

World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC)

The World Travel and Tourism Council is the only global forum
whose members are the top decision makers in the travel and
tourism industry. It is the only body representing the private
sector in all parts of the industry worldwide.
Regional Organizations
The organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
The OECD was set up in a convention signed in Paris on December 14, 1960. It provides that the
OECD shak promote policies design to achieve the highest sustainable economic growth and
employment and a rising standard of living in member countries, while maintaining financial
stability and contributing to the development to the world economy

Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA)

The Pacific Asia Travel Association was organized in Hawaii in 1951. It is composed of more than
1,000 organization, including governments, air and steamship lines, wholesale and travel
agencies, ground carriers, hotels, publishers, advetisers, public relations firms, and travel
associations with major interests in the Pacific area.
Caribbean Tourism Association (CTA)
The Caribbean Tourism Association was founded in 1951 to encourage and assist in
the development of tourism throughout the Caribbean area.
Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
Another organization which focuses on tourism and which recently achieved official
status as an international government organization is the Asia Pacific Economic
Cooperation (APEC).
Organization of American States (OAS)
The main objective of the Organization ofAmerican States is to strengthen relations
between American states by providing advisory services and training program in
many fields including tourism.

Other regional travel associations include the South American Toursim Organization
(SATO), the European Travel Commission (ETC), and the Common Market Travel
Association (CMTA), all of which have been established to coordinate tourist activities
among and within member countries.
Roles of National Organizations in Tourism
The government plays an important role in formulating policies to guide tourism
development and promotion in line with other national economic and social

1. Planning - attracts foreign investment and funds infrastructure

2. Employment and Training - determines manpower needs, develops
tourism training programs
3. Coordinating Public and Private Sectors - determine roles in mixed
National Tourism Office (NTO)
Countries tha5 are visited by tourist have an official organization that regulates and
encourage tourist activities. Its impotance varies from one country to another

The Department of Tourism in the Philippines

The Department of Tourism (DOT) is the primary government agency charged with the
responsibility to encourage, promote, and develop tourism as a major socioeconomic
activity; to generate foreign currency and employment

Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority (TIEZA)

Tieza or tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority, formerly known as PTA
or Philippine Tourism Authority, is a corporate body tasked to designate, regulate,
and supervise Tourism Enterprise Zones (TEZs) as well as develop, manage, and
supervise tourism infrastructure projects in the country, with the primary objective of
encouraging investments in TEZs.
TIEZA's main tasks include building tourism
infrastructure, designation, regulation and
supervision of Tourism Enterprise Zones (TEZs),
operation and management of TIEZA Assets , and
the collection of the Philippine Travel Tax.

TIEZA aims to standardize its four (4) core processes,

namely: Assets Management; Tourism Infrastructure
Project Management; Travel Tax Administration; and
Tourism Enterprise Zone Management, in order to
continually improve its business processes and deliver
quality customer service.
The TIEZA Board shall have the general powers of a corporation as
provided under the Corpotation Code. Furthermore, it shall also have
the following powers:
the TIEZA wants to run its business and carry out its mandates in an effective and affordable
the department works together to create and manage TEZs, amending rules and laws as
necessary to maintain legal compliance;
contracts between people, businesses, corporations, whether private or public, and foreign
governments must be made, entered into, performed, and carried out by the individual;
under specific terms and conditions, the corporation obtains loans, debt, and credit from
foreign governments, international financial institutions, and local or foreign private
commercial banks;
with regard to financing crucial initiatives and programs, the organization may sign deeds,
mortgages, pledges, trusts, or assignments of property;
together with local governmental entities and agencies, the agency is in charge of building,
owning, leasing, running, repairing, and monitoring public utilities inside TEZs;
undertake. may permit the implementation of, reclamation projects inside TEZs;
all national cultural treasures and shrines located within TEZs are being preserved, restored,
or rebuilt by the National Museum and other organizations;
receive and make use of gifts, grants, bequests, and help of all types from national and
international governments and the business sector;
cooperating with LGUs and other government organizations to provide the infrastructure,
utilities, and basic services needed by TEZs;
The TIEZA Board shall have the general powers of a corporation as
provided under the Corpotation Code. Furthermore, it shall also have
the following powers:

review and approve proposal for the designation of TEZs based on the criteria
provided herein, and approve, facilities, and assist in the organization of TEZ
regulate and supervise the operation of TEZ Operation, review and ensure
compliance with the development plans, and establish and implement other
policies, plans, and programs for the development and operation of TEZs;
register, monitor, and regulate enterprises seeking to invest and operate within
TEZ, and approve and grant incentives to such registered enterprises as
provided under R.A No. 9593.
The Department of Tourism Secretary and the Department of Tourism (DOT) are
supervised by the Tourism Promotion Board, a corporate body with a capacity of 250
million, to create integrated domestic and international promotions and marketing
The TPB is tasked with promoting the Philippines as a major global tourism destination,
focusing on attracting large-scale events, international fairs, and conventions. They aim
to increase tourist arrivals and investment, and may offer incentives to foreign travel
agencies to attract tourists and investments.

1. The Department Secretary, as Chairperson
2. The Tourism Promotion Board Chief Operating Officer, as Vice Chairperson
3. The Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority Chief Operating Officer
4. The Department of Foreign Affairs Secretary
5. The Department of Trade and Industry Secretary
6. The Department of Information and Communications Technology Secretary and the Secretary of the Department of
Transportation, formerly the Department of Transportation and Communications
7. A representative director from accommodation enterprises
8. A representative director from travel and tour services
9. A representative director from land, air, and sea tourist transport services
10. A representative director from conventions and exhibitions services and supplies
11. A representative director from other tourism enterprises
The president appoints representative directors for three years, based on tourism congress recommendations,
from a list of at least three nominees, with recognized competence in business management, marketing, finance,
and tourism.
The TPB shall have all the general powers of a corporation provided under the Corporation Code, and the
following powers and functions, among others:
1. develop and implement a plan to market the Philippines as a premier tourist destination;
2. direct and coordinate the resources and efforts of the government and the private sector in the tourist and allied fields
for the full realization of the tourism plans and programs;
3. develop and promote the Philippines as a center for international meetings. incentives, conventions, exhibitions. sports.
medical tourism, and other special events;
4. engage in the business of tourism perform acts in consonance therewith, such as, but not limited to, attending
conventions and other events abroad in representation of the country, encouraging sales promotions and advertising,
and implementing programs and projects with the objective of promoting the country and enticing tourists to visit its
tourism destinations and to enjoy its tourism products;
5. contract loans. indebtedness, and credit, and issue commercial papers and bonds, in any local convertible foreign
currency from international financial institutions, foreign government entities, and local or foreign private commercial
banks or similar institutions under terms and conditions prescribed by law, rules and regulations;
6. execute any deed of guarantee, mortgage, pledge, trust, or assignment of any property for the purpose of financing the
programs and projects deemed vital for the early attainment of its goals and objectives, subject to the provisions of
the constitution;
7. receive donations, grants, bequests, and assistance of all kind from local and foreign governments and private sectors
and utilize the same;
8. extend loans through government banks and financial institutions, provide grants and other forms of financial
assistance for manpower training, heritage preservation, infrastructure development, anf other programs of the
department; and
9. obtain the services of local and foreign consultants, and enter into contracts locally and abroads in the performace of
its functions.


DECREE NO. 1616.

The IA is “responsible for the orderly
restoration and development of Intramuros
as a monument to the Hispanic period of our
history. As such, it shall ensure that the
general appearance of Intramuros shall
conform to Philippine-Spanish architecture
of the 16th to the 19th century.”
The mission of IA is to protect and conserve the
historical and cultural value and significance of Formulate, coordinate and/or execute policies on the implementation
Intramuros while advancing and guiding urban of all programs, projects and activities of the government affecting
or relating to Intramuros–which includes the power to deputize any
development within, and contributing to the
official or agency of the government to perform any of its specific
strengthening of the Filipino’s national identity
functions or activities;
and sense of belonging and pride. Initiate, plan, undertake and supervise the restoration, upkeep and
maintenance of the Intramuros walls, including the ravelins, moat,
Sunken Garden and public places, plazas, streets and other
VISION government-owned or managed properties within Intramuros;
IA envisions Intramuros as model urban site of Enter into contracts with any private person or entity or any
Government agency, either domestic or foreign, whenever
national historical and cultural heritage, sustaining
necessary for the effective discharge of its functions and
people and life systems within, and contributing to
responsibilities under such terms and conditions as it may deem
national cultural and socio-economic progress. proper and reasonable;
Prepare, adopt, revise and enforce rules and regulations,
implementing guidelines and standards as are necessary for the
FUNCTION effective regulation of the land use and development activities in
IA’s powers and functions are stated in Section 3 Intramuros of both government and private entities and for the
of PD 1616 (as amended), among them: implementation of the Intramuros Plan
The National Parks Development Committee is an agency
of the Department of Tourism of the Philippines that is
mandated to develop, preserve, and manage Rizal Park
Luneta and Paco Park in Manila and other parks that may
be assigned to it.
undertake development of new
upgrade and maintain park
The National Parks Development Committee (NPDC) was created
by virtue of Executive Order No. 30, dated January 14, 1963. On facilities;
January 20, 1987 pursuant to Executive Order No. 120, NPDC develop and operate cultural
became an attached agency of the Ministry of Tourism, which is and educational programs; and
now the Department of Tourism (DOT).
facilities private sector
participation in appropriate
aspects of parks development
and maintanance

Provide the general public with access to and enjoyment
of an open park through well-managed and maintained
facilities and structures, a well-developed environment
through landscape design and plant ornaments, while
assuring their safety and security in and the orderliness
of the entire park.


01 02 03 04

Cinema in the Open Air Concert at the Park is a Labs Kita Sabado is Paco Park Presents is a
is a seasonal public weekly free concert another weekly free musical presentation
service of the NPDC in staged every Sunday in event staged every every Friday at 6PM in
the Rizal Park Open-Air the Rizal Park Open-Air Saturday from 6PM to Paco Park, Manila. The
Auditorium in Ermita, Auditorium from 6PM to 7PM. Modern musical is aired
Manila; 7PM. This event has won performances such as nationwide in front of a
the Catholic Mass Media ballet, pop concerts, “live” audience at PTV
Hall of Fame Award for theater performances, Channel 4.
Best Cultural Programs; acrobatics, and
acoustic nights;
The Ang Nayong Pilipino Foundation Inc., simply known as
the Nayong Pilipino Foundation or Nayong Pilipino is a
non-profit organization based in Manila, Philippines. It is
an autonomous government corporation under the
Department of Tourism.

The Nayong Pilipino Foundation Inc. was established in 1969 to

promote research in social sciences and humanities. It was given
land in Pasay, including the Nayong Pilipino Cultural Park. The park
closed in 2002, and its assets were transferred to the Manila
International Airport Authority. The foundation moved its
administrative office to the Orchidarium in 2013.
The Ang Nayong Pilipino Foundation, Inc. was created
primarily to promote research development project on
social science and humanities and related fields. It was
duly registered with the Securities and Exchange
Commission on May 7, 1969, as non-stock, non-profit

The Nayong Pilipino shall have the power to sue and be sued; to
contract and be contracted with; to own and hold such real and
personal property as shall be necessary for corporate purposes;
to receive real and personal property by gift, devise or bequest;
to adopt a seal and alter the same; to adopt by-laws, rules and
regulations not inconsistent with the provisions of this Decree; to
exercise all the general powers of a corporation established under
the Corporation Law; and to do all such acts and things as may be
necessary to carry into effect the provision of this Decree.
The DFPC shall have the exclusive authority to operate or franchise out
stores and shops that would sell, among others, duty- and tax-free
merchandise, goods, and articles, in international airports and seaports, and
in TEZs and ports of entry throughout the country in a manner that”
1.Is competitive with international standards;
2.Effectively showcase Philippine culture, craftsmanship, and industry; and
3.Efficiently and effectively generates foreign exchange.
Republic Act No. 6768 as amended by Republic Act No. 9174 “ An
act instituting a Balibayan Program” or also known as The
Balikbayan Law
-Provides balikbayans with special tax-free shopping privileges in government-owned and
controlled-operated duty-free shops. The law which is under the administration of the
Department of Tourism includes a Kabuhayan Shopping privilege allowing tax-exempt purchase
of livelihood tools and the opportunity of availing the necessary training to enable the
balikbayans to become economically self-reliant members of the society upon their return to
the country.
Philippine Retirement Authority (PRA)
-Is a government-owned and controlled corporation created by virtue of Executive
Order No. 1037 signed by President Ferdinand Marcos on July 4, 1985. Its control and
supervision were transferred to the Board of Investment (BOI) – Department of Trade
and Industry from the Office of the President on August 31, 2001.

-On May 12, 2009, Republic Act No. 9593, also known as the Tourism Act of 2009,
became an attached agency of the Department of Tourism and was placed under the
supervision of the Secretary of the said department.

To attract foreign nationals and former Filipino citizens to retire, invest, and reside in
the Philippines, with a vision to make our country a leading and significant destination
for the world’s retirees, seniors, and elderly.
Business Opportunities – PRA Business Guide
However, foreign nationals enrolled in the Retirement program are under the
Authoritiy’s existing Implementing Investments Guidelines, permitted after a holding
period of 30 days from the issuance of the SRR Visa, to convert their time deposits/s
into active investment/s in any or a combination of the following investments areas, to
1.Purchase or acquisition of a condo unit anywhere in the Philippines;
2.Long-term lease of house and lot for a period not shorter than 20 years; and
3.Purchase of golf or country club shares.
Special Resident Retiree’s Visa (SRRV)
The SRRV allows all its foreign retiree-members to retire and live in the Philippines for as
long as they want. An SRRV holder may come in and out of the country as often as he
desires, and enjoys privileges such as an exemption from securing the ACR I-Card (Alien
Certificate of Registration Immigration Card) from the Bureau of Immigration; exemption
from paying the travel tax at Philippine airports; and exemption from getting a Study permit
or Student’s Visa for their dependent-children who intend to pursue education in the
Through the PRA, foreign retirees who want to make the Philippines their international
retirement destination can now choose from four SRRV options:
1. SRRV SMILE – for active/healthy principal retirees, 35 years old and above, who would just
like to maintain their visa deposit of US$20,000.00 in any of the PRA-designated banks;
2. SRRV CLASSIC – for active/healthy principal retirees who would not opt to use their visa
deposit of US$10,000.00 or US$20,000.00 (50 years old and above) or US$50,000.00(35 to
49 years old) to purchase condominium units or use for long-term lease of house and lot;
3. SRRV COURTESY – for former Filipinos (35 years old and above) and foreign nationals (50
years old and above) who have served in the Philippines as diplomats, ambassadors, officers/
staff of international organizations. The visa deposit is US$1,500.00.
4. SRRV HUMAN TOUCH – for ailing principal retirees, (35 years old and above), who are shown
to have medical/clinical needs and services. Under this option, the retiree only needs to have a
visa deposit of US$10,000.00, a monthly pension of at least US$ 1,500.00, and a Health
Insurance Policy.
Philippine Commission on Sports Scuba Diving (PCSSD)
Republic Act No. 7160, also known as the Local Government Code of 1991, endeavored that
local government units be self-reliant and that in addition to the powers they can currently
In pursuit of its mission, as set forth in LOI No. 745, the Commission is mandated to perform the
following functions:
1. To develop programs and projects geared toward the development of the country as a
premier diving destination in Asia;
2.To formulate rules and regulations, safety standards, and operating procedures to
implement the development of sports scuba diving;
3. To issue licenses and regulate dive establishments and dive professionals to ensure the
safety of domestic and international diving tourism;
4. To promote, market, and develop diving-related infrastructures to ensure the growth of
diving tourism;
5. To undertake studies, research, and surveys for possible incentives to the private sector
for the development of scuba diving tourism, within the framework of related laws; and
6. To develop and initiate programs on marine conservation, particularly those areas
with high touristic values.

Professional Tourism and Hospitality Organizations

·The United States Travel Data Center
-Is an independent, nonprofit research and educational organization that aims to improve
the quality and range of statistical data describing travel and tourism. It published several
studies which provide information pertaining to the travel industry in the United States.
Examples are “ A National Travel Survey,” “ Impact of Travel on State Economies,” and “
Travel Outlook Forum.’

• Travel Industry Association of America (TIAA)

- A nonprofit association of companies and government organizations which was formed to
promote travel to and within the United States. Its main objective is to develop and implement
programs that benefit the travel supplier and consumer. It concentrates its activities on those
programs that represent a national industry need but which no single component in the tourism
industry could be expected to carry out.
-The programs are classified into the following categories:
1.Marketing facilitation – promotes and facilitates travel to and within the United
States through special promotions and travel marts;
2.Tourism research – works with the United States Travel and Tourism Administration
(USTTA) and the US Data Center in order to promote an understanding of the
economic and social well-being of the nation as a result of travel;
3.Governmental affairs - active in legislation issues in an effort to represent the views
of the travel industry, it assists the government in the development of tourism
programs, policies, and legislation;
4. Educational programs -provide a communication network for travel-related
information for educational purposes; and
5. Travel promotion – encourages and promotes reciprocal travel between nations
and acts as a watchdog on programs that would restrict travel.

· Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA)

-It is concerned with travel research, specifically in improving the quality and
effectiveness of research in the travel industry.
· ·American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA)
--It is one of the largest travel associations in the United States. It includes travel
agencies and tour operators from the United States and Canada.

• Universal Federation of Travel Agents Association (UFTAA)

-The objectives of the Universal Federation of Travel Agents Association are: to act as
a negotiating body for the various branches of the tourism and travel industries on
behalf of travel agents; to give professional and technical advice and assistance to
travel agencies on the world economy and tourism; and to improve the prestige and
public recognition of travel agents.

• World Association for Professional Training in Tourism (WAPTT)

-It is concerned with vocational training.

• Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education (CHRIE)

-The Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Educational was founded in 1946
as a nonprofit association for schools, colleges, and universities offering programs in
hotel and restaurant management, food service management, and culinary arts.
• Association of Travel Marketing Executives (ATME)
-It is a nonprofit research and educational organization of individual travel marketing
executives. It aims to assist travel marketing executives toward greater personal
achievement, success, and satisfaction.
ATME activities include;
1.monthly newsletter to and for its members entitled Travel and Tourism Executives
2.special reports on travel marketing;
3.encouragement and assistance in developing and promoting regional group
chapters and meetings throughout the world;
4.seminars and workshops of timely interest to ATME affiliates;
5.annual Registry of Registered Travel Marketing Professionals and Associates; and
6.possible election to Fellow status.
ATME affiliate classifications include:
1. Registered travel marketing professional – is a career travel marketing executive. He or
she is entitled to all rights and privileges of association and affiliation;
-1.Travel marketing associate – includes students, suppliers, and others wishing to
participate in ATME programs but do not meet the requirements for registered professional
and may become an associate of ATME; and
2. Fellow–qualified individuals who have been a registered travel marketing professional for
at least one year. After the one-year anniversary date, the registered professional may apply
for fellow status. A fellow requires a more detailed personal and professional history and at
least five years of full-time experience as a travel marketing professional.

·The Society of Travel Tourism Educators (SOTTE)

The Society of Travel and Tourism Educators was founded in 1980. The aims of SOTTE are the
1. To increase professional knowledge through interaction with all levels of travel and tourism
2. To develop a network of peers with whom the members can learn and grow;
3. To share ideas, strategies, and research with the other members;
4. To promote a closer working relationship between educators and the industry;
5. To organize meetings and conferences in which travel and tourism educators and industry
executives will discuss the education and training needs of the industry;
6. To publish a newsletter with the latest information on educational issues, opportunities,
and resources; and
7. To promote the image and understanding of travel and tourism education within the larger
arenas of the industry and academic world;

The members are classified into the following categories:

1. Active members – are educators who are actively engaged in teaching courses or doing research
in travel and tourism in certificate or degree-granting institutions;
2. Associate members – are non-educators who are actively engaged in the travel tourism industry
as officers or employees of organizations whose principal function is the promotion and
development of travel and tourism and who are interested in enhancing the quality of travel and
tourism education;
3.Corporate members - are organizations or institutions that are directly involved in the education
of travel and tourism students or which employ graduates of such programs;
4. Student members – are students currently enrolled in certificate or degree-granting programs in
travel and tourism; and
5. Allied members – are organizations other than an educational institution which have an
interest in supporting and enhancing travel and tourism education.

Tourism and Hospitality Organizations in the Philippines

• Philippine Travel Agencies Association (PTAA)
-It was established in 1979 and was born out of the union of the national associations of the
outbound travel agencies and inbound tour operators. It aims to foster unity in the travel industry
and to promote the welfare of its members and traveling public.
The objectives of the PTTA are;
1.To unite the members in a common purpose, working in a close bond of cooperation, fellowship,
and assistance in furthering and protecting the interest of its members;
2. To strive toward the attainment of the highest standards of services and facilities for travelers
and tourists;
3. To uphold the dignity and ethics of the travel and tour business and to strive toward its
1. To work for the general welfare of the members by acting as the true
representatives of the travel and tour agency sector of the industry;
2. To cultivate friendly relations between the Philippines and other countries and
among their peoples;
3. To act as an effective liaison with government agencies and other trade
organizations involved in local, regional, or international tourism and travel for the
benefit of its members; and
4.To encourage support, and help develop Philippine tourism.
The four categories:
1. Regular members - are firm duly licensed by the appropriated government agency as
travel and tour agencies and admitted to membership by the Board of Trustee;

2. Associate members – are branches of regular members duly licensed by the

appropriated government agency as travel and tour agency branch offices and admitted
to membership by the Board of Trustees;
2. Associate members – are branches of regular members duly licensed by the
appropriated government agency as travel and tour agency branch offices and
admitted to membership by the Board of Trustees;
3. Allied members – are airlines, convention organizers, handicraft stores, hotels, inns,
nightclubs, resorts, restaurants, shipping companies, tourist transport operators, and
other entities related or engaged in the tourism industry whether directly or indirectly,
duly licensed by the Department of Tourism and/or other government agencies and
admitted to membership by the Board of Trustees; and
4. Affiliate members – are regional or provincial associates of travel and tour agencies
as duly organized as an association and registered with the appropriated government
agency and admitted to membership by the Board of Trustees.

The PTAA is the Philippine representative to:

1.ASEAN Tourism Association (ASEANTA);
2.Federation of ASEAN Travel Association (FATA); and
3.Universal Federation of Travel Agents Association (UFTAA);
Locally, it represents the travel/tour agency sector in:
1. Tourism Council of the Philippines (TCP);
2. Air Safety Foundation (ASF);
3. Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI);
4. Hotel and Tourism Institute of the Philippines (HTIP); and
5. Tourism Industry Board Federation, Inc. (TIBFI).

The Hotel and Restaurant Association of the Philippines (HRAP)

It was founded on September 12, 1952, by the executives from the leading hotels and
restaurants in Manila. Its main objective is to upgrade the management skills and personnel
services to maintain proper standards at home as well as keep abreast with progressive
trends abroad.
The HRAP membership includes the following:
1. Hotel sector – comprise hotels, resorts, apartelles, pension houses, and transport establishments
with accommodations and food service facilities;
2. Restaurant sector - comprises restaurants, clubs, pubs, bistros, music lounges,
catering, and quick-service establishments;
4. Allied sector – comprised established suppliers of products, equipment, and
services for hotels, restaurants, and food service establishments;
5. Associate division – comprises schools offering hotel and restaurant
management/administration or tourism-oriented degrees courses;
6. Affiliate sector - comprises other organizations of professionals working in the
hotel and restaurant industry;
7. Provincial chapters – are established in provinces, chartered cities outside of
Metro Manila duly recognized, accredited, and governed by the by-laws of the HRAP;
8. Honorary members – are persons recognized for their exceptional and
outstanding contributions to the development of hospitality and tourism activities;
9. Life members – are persons recognized for having rendered outstanding service
to the Association either as officer, director, or member.

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