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Annexure 1


Minor Misconduct

The following shall constitute acts of minor misconduct:-

 Entering Leaving or attempting to enter or leave the premises except in accordance with the
service conditions or any rules or instructions given by the company.
 Entering or driving the company’s vehicle without proper permission.
 Absent without leave for a day.
 Low production or leases work on any day due to negligence.
 Late attendance or leaving work earlier.
 Clearing or contributing to unsanitary and unhygienic conditions.
 Closing door of the guestroom while rendering housekeeping or other service.
 To bring food and utensils out of associate restaurant Urbane. Associates should never help
premise for their personal consumptions. In addition eating at unauthorized area is prohibited.
 Lack of proper personal appearance, sanitation and cleanliness.
 Abetment of or incitement to commit any act of minor misconduct.
 Wearing uniform while off-duty including shoes.
 Failure to notify the human resource of changes in personal details – which include address,
marital status etc.
 Smoking in unauthorized areas and chewing pan/tobacco in the hotel premises.
 Soliciting tips or collecting contribution for any purpose whatever, habitual borrowing from co-
associates/ subordinates.
 Food & Beverage must not be taken from the premises without proper written permission of
the head chef or appropriate manager.
 The company’s or customer’s time, material or equipment must not be used for any
unauthorized/personal work.
 Associates must never help themselves to any drinks from the bars.
 At no time shall a living out associates stay overnight in the hotel unless authorized by the
Management (HOD/ExCom).
 Associates staying in the hotel overnight from work purpose must not entertain friends.
 Associates staying in the hotel overnight for work purposes must not entertain friends.
 Associates should avoid using the guest entrance unless in an emergency.
 All associates must park their vehicles in the areas allocated to them unless otherwise agreed by
 The bar, lounge, restaurant (including subcontractors’ premises) or any other public areas are
not to be used on or off duty by associates without the proper permission of the ExCom/General
Manager and inform HR and Security. Associates invited to the hotel for a private function, e.g. a
wedding, must obtain prior permission of the ExCom/General Manager and inform HR and
 Associates are not allowed in the residential sections of the hotel unless required by their work
 Off-duty associates entering the hotel must report to a Manager on the entry.
 All authorized notices displayed are expected to be read and observed.

Major Misconduct
The following shall constitute acts of major misconduct:-
 Impertinence, insubordination, rude and arrogant behavior, disobedience, willful or otherwise,
whether alone or with others, of any lawful and reasonable orders of a superior, including the
order which the company may issue under any conduction.
 Striking work either singly or with other in contravention of service conduction or infringement
of any statute, law, rule or enactment for the time-being in force, participating or inciting any
workman to strike work or bring out activities detrimental to the interest of the company or any
interruption in work whatsoever.
 Hunger strike, go slow, dharna, gherao, stay-in-strike for any of its departments or not allowing
the loyal and willing associates to enter the hotel premises. Wearing badges and black banc not
supplied by the company or distributing or affixing any handbill, poster, etc. or canvassing any
unauthorized activity or personal work without written permission of the company.
 Carrying out unhealthy/unauthorized trade union activities within the premises/precincts of the
hotel without prior intimation/permission.
 Theft, fraud, misappropriation or dishonesty in connection with the company’s business or
property of another person, guest or associate on the premises of the company. Holding of the
company/guest property in associate’s locker will tantamount to theft/misappropriation.
 Habitual absence without leaves, or absence without leave for more than eight consecutive days
or overstaying the sanctioned leaves without sufficient cause or absence of duty on refusal of
leave by the management.
 Causing dislocation of work or inconvenience to other associate due to unauthorized absence
from duty.
 Causing financial loss to the company by the associate himself or in connivance with any guest
associate or any other person.
 Soliciting tips or collecting contribution for any purpose whatsoever, habitual borrowing from
 Gambling or drinking intoxicating liquor or taking drugs prior to or during working hours,
without permission, is forbidden. Associates are not permitted to purchase alcoholic liquor from
the bars at time whether on or off duty.
 The company reserves the right to require associates to agree to submit their person or
property to being searched whilst on the company premises, or at any time at the requirement
of the Head of Department/Assistant or Duty Manager.
 No associates other that on-duty receptionist and management are allowed behind the
reception desk.
 Any discussion of the hotel matters must be carried out in the back office and not over the
reception desk.
 Accepting, obtaining or agreeing to accept or attempt to obtain from any person, for himself or
for any other person, any gratification, in kinds or cash, other that authorized/legal
remuneration or payment, as a motive or reward for showing or for bearing to slow favor or
disfavor to any person, in exercise of official duty/function.
 Dishonestly misappropriating or otherwise converting for his/her own use any property
entrusted to him/her or under his/her control as an associate.
 Obtaining for himself or for any other person by corrupt means or pressure, or by using official
position, any valuable things or pecuniary advantage from any other associate working under
him/her or depending on him/her for any official function or from any guest or supplier.
 Riotous, disorderly or indecent behavior or use of profane or obscene language with superiors
or co-associates or wrongfully interfering with the work of other associates or spreading rumors
or any improper act within the company premises or in the vicinity of the hotel or preaching or
inciting violence.
 Omission or commission of any act of the rules/regulations laid down by the management from
time to time.
 Manhandling, misbehaving and using profane or obscene language with the lady associate and
guest in the restaurant/rooms.
 Willful or deliberate neglect of work or gross or habitual negligence, carelessness of duties.
 Breach of service conduction or any provision of the law for the maintenance and running of any
department or equipment.
 Damage to or loss of, willfully or due to irresponsible action, any property of the company or the
guest or tampering with any equipment, thing or any written record, including notices put on
the notice board.
 Organizing, holding or attending any meeting within the company premises without proper
written permission of the company or picketing or holding demonstration at the place of
residence of director, general manger or delegate/deputy general manager officers of the
 Disclosing to any unauthorized person information in regards to the process of the company
which may come into possession of the associates in the course of his/her employment.
 Gambling or drinking alcohol within the premises of the company or being under the influence
of alcohol or drugs during working hours.
 Frequently smoking within the company premises except where smoking is permitted.
 Commission or complicity in a company offence involving moral turpitude and punishable under
any law in force.
 Refusal to accept a charge sheet, order or any other communication served in accordance with
these orders and refusal to give explanation when asked for.
 Unauthorized possession of any lethal weapon on the company premises.
 Engaging in any other employment and/or studies while still in the service of the company.
 Sleeping during working hours.
 Making or publishing false, derogatory or malicious statements against the company or
destruction of records of the company.
 Willful falsification, defacement or derogatory or records of the company.
 Manhandling, assaulting, threatening or intimidating or coercing, abusing and misbehaving with
superiors or a co-associate or deliberately interfering with any associate within the company
premises or outside for anything in connection with the work of the company.
 Habitual commission of any act of minor misconduct (three times or more).
 Failure to deposit any lost article found in the hotel premises.
 Swiping of any other associates ID card to register attendance.
 Willful negligence of work.
 Aiding, abetting or inciting any act of major misconduct.
 Impertinence, insubordination or disobedience whether alone or in combination with others, of
any lawful or reasonable order/s of superior. If any associate doubts the validity, legality or
reasonableness of an order of superior, the associate can raise objection only after complying
with the said order and will not refuse to obey it.
 Quarrelling or fighting with co-associates within the company premises.
 Disobeying any legal and /or reasonable order of the management or of superior officer
generally and in particular, refusing to carryout orders of transfer, refusing to work overtime,
refusing directly or indirectly to receive any written communication/notice from the company,
and refusal to endorse the fact of having received the same on the duplicate copy of the
document itself.
 Habitually, coming late on duty or leaving early by 15 minutes or more on three occasions or
more within a month.
 Obtaining or attempting or attempting to obtain leave of absence on false presence.
 Misbehavior during an enquiry being held into the charges of misconduct.
 Any act or omission resulting in loss of confidence in the associate.
 Any act intended to or causing damage to the company’s reputation or business.
 Eve teasing, molest or outraging the modesty of female associate or guest of the company.
 Willfully making a false statement knowing it to be such.
 Consuming/smoking, selling or abetting use of drugs.
 Drawing and/or writing profane, obscene, filthy and/or abusive language/diagrams on the
walls/doors or anywhere in the premises of the company.
 Idling and/or loitering during duty hours or visiting another department without work and
missing from workplace.
 Knocking on guest room door when not required.
SOP - Hotel School InternshipProgram

I promise to abide by the Code of Conduct and House Rules of the Hotel.
I have attended and understood the contents of the following programs and hereby agree to abide by
a. Welcome to AccorHotels
b. Unit Brand Promise
c. Introduction to hotel safety & security
d. Introduction to fire safety
e. AccorHotels social media charter
f. Crisis Management

Signature of the Intern

Name _____________________________________
Institute _____________________________________
Address _____________________________________

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