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Directions: Please use pages 27-35 to complete the following questions.

1. _______Ova___________________Another term for egg, the female reproductive cell

or gamete.

2. ______Vagina___________________ Known as the birth canal; a hollow muscular

passage from the uterus outside of the body.

3. _______Ovaries___________________ This the the gland where eggs are produced

4. ____Progesterone___________ _____estrogen_____________These are two

female hormones that are responsible for female physical reproductive changes.

5. _____Menopause________________________This occurs between the ages of

45-55 when a female no longer menstruates or has a period due to the slow
down of their hormone production.

6. ____Ovulation_________________________ This is the process that allows an

egg to be released from the ovary.

7. _______Fallopian tubes_________________ This is the location where the egg

travels and could potentially be fertilized by a sperm.

8. _______Menstration_______________________ This process occurs about

once a month when an egg has been released from the ovary but NOT fertilized.

9. ____Uterus___________________________This is a hollow structure where the

embryo grows into a baby. Also known as the womb.

10. ___Toxic Shock Syndrome____________________________This is a rare but

serious bacterial infection that has been associated with the use of tampons.

11. _____Mammogram__________________________ This is test should be

conducted after a woman turns 40 to check for any breast abnormalities.

12. ___Pap smear____________________________ This is a test that all females

should have around age 18 or when she becomes sexually active. It is
performed to look for abnormalities or cancer of the cervix (cervical cancer).

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