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Course Title: Fundamentals of Computer

Course ID: ESG-1104

Chapter 6: Internet and Multimedia

Bipul Roy
Dept. of Environmental Science and Geography
Islamic University, Kushtia-7003, Bangladesh

Bipul Roy; Lecturer; Dept. of ESG, IU. Course Title: Fundamentals of Computer.; ESG-1104; Session: 2019-20 1

Internet; Usenet;
Basic services of Internet; World Wide Web (W.W.W.)
E-mail; Elements of search engines;
File transfer protocol; Some popular search engines;
Telnet; Uses of internet;

 Multimedia;
 Multimedia computer system;
 Multimedia components;
 Multimedia applications;

Bipul Roy; Lecturer; Dept. of ESG, IU. Course Title: Fundamentals of Computer.; ESG-1104; Session: 2019-20 2

The Internet is the global system of interconnected computer

networks that uses the Internet protocol suite to communicate
between networks and devices.
It consists of private, public, academic, business, and
government networks of local to global scope, linked by a broad
array of electronic, wireless, and optical networking
Initially used only by research organizations and universities to
share and exchange information.

Bipul Roy; Lecturer; Dept. of ESG, IU. Course Title: Fundamentals of Computer.; ESG-1104; Session: 2019-20 3
Basic Services of the Internet

Electronic Mail (e-mail): Allows user to send a mail (message)

to another Internet user in any part of the world in a near-real-
time manner.
File Transfer Protocol (FTP): Allows user to move a file from one
computer to another on the Internet.
Telnet: Allows user to log in to another computer somewhere
on the Internet.
Usenet News: Allows group of users to exchange their

Bipul Roy; Lecturer; Dept. of ESG, IU. Course Title: Fundamentals of Computer.; ESG-1104; Session: 2019-20 4
Electronic Mail

 Electronic mail (e-mail) is a computer-based application for

the exchange of messages between users.
 A worldwide e-mail network allows people to exchange e-mail
messages very quickly. E-mail is the electronic equivalent of a
letter, but with advantages in timeliness and flexibility.
 Email entered limited use in the 1960s, but users could only
send to users of the same computer.
 Some systems also supported a form of instant messaging,
where sender and receiver needed to be online simultaneously.

Bipul Roy; Lecturer; Dept. of ESG, IU. Course Title: Fundamentals of Computer.; ESG-1104; Session: 2019-20 5
Advantages of Electronic Mail

Email can increase efficiency, productivity and your business

readiness. Using email in business is:
 cheap - sending an email costs the same regardless of distance
and the number of people you send it to
 fast - an email should reach its recipient in minutes, or at the
most within a few hours
 convenient - your message will be stored until the recipient is
ready to read it, and you can easily send the same message to a
large number of people
 permanent - you can keep a record of messages and replies,
including details of when a message was received

Bipul Roy; Lecturer; Dept. of ESG, IU. Course Title: Fundamentals of Computer.; ESG-1104; Session: 2019-20 6
Disadvantages of Electronic Mail
Despite the host of benefits, there are certain weaknesses of email
that you should be aware of, such as
 Spam - unsolicited email can overwhelm your email system unless
you install a firewall and anti-spam software.
 Viruses - easily spread through email attachments.
 Sending emails by mistake - at a click of a button, an email can go
to the wrong person accidentally, potentially leaking confidential
data and sensitive business information. You should take care to
minimize the likelihood of business data breach and theft.
 Data storage - electronic storing space can become a problem,
particularly where emails with large attachments are widely

Bipul Roy; Lecturer; Dept. of ESG, IU. Course Title: Fundamentals of Computer.; ESG-1104; Session: 2019-20 7
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

 The File Transfer Protocol is a standard communication protocol

used for the transfer of computer files from a server to a client on
a computer network.
 FTP is built on a client–server model architecture using separate
control and data connections between the client and the server.
 Anonymous ftp sites are called publicly accessible sites because
they can be accessed by any user on the Internet.

Bipul Roy; Lecturer; Dept. of ESG, IU. Course Title: Fundamentals of Computer.; ESG-1104; Session: 2019-20 8

Telnet is an application protocol used on the Internet or local area

network to provide a bidirectional interactive text-oriented
communication facility using a virtual terminal connection.
Some common uses of telnet service are
 Using the computing power of the remote computer;
 Using a software on the remote computer;
 Accessing remote computer’s database or archive;
 Logging in to ones own computer from another computer.
Telnet service enables an internet user to log in to another computer
on the internet from his/her local computer.

Bipul Roy; Lecturer; Dept. of ESG, IU. Course Title: Fundamentals of Computer.; ESG-1104; Session: 2019-20 9
Usenet News

 Usenet is a worldwide distributed discussion system available on

 Several usenet news groups exist on the Internet and are called
 In a moderated newsgroup only selected members have the
right to directly post (write) a message to the virtual notice
board. Other members can only read the posted messages.
 In a nonmoderated newsgroup any member can directly post a
message to the virtual notice board.
 Netiquette (network etiquette) deals with rules of framing
messages that will not hurt others.

Bipul Roy; Lecturer; Dept. of ESG, IU. Course Title: Fundamentals of Computer.; ESG-1104; Session: 2019-20 10
World Wide Web (W.W.W.)

 The World Wide Web, commonly known as the Web, is an

information system where documents and other web resources
are identified by Uniform Resource Locators, which may be
interlinked by hyperlinks, and are accessible over the Internet.
 Network of computers across the world interconnected together
on the internet, and using the concept of hypertext to link
internet sites and information on the internet.
 W.W.W. is the most popular and promising method of organizing
and accessing information on the internet.

Bipul Roy; Lecturer; Dept. of ESG, IU. Course Title: Fundamentals of Computer.; ESG-1104; Session: 2019-20 11
World Wide Web (W.W.W.)

 Hypertext documents on the Internet are known as web pages.

 Web pages are created by using a special language called
HyperText Markup Language (HTML).
 WWW uses the client-server model and an Internet Protocol
called HyperText Transport Protocol (HTTP) for interaction among
the computers on the Internet

Bipul Roy; Lecturer; Dept. of ESG, IU. Course Title: Fundamentals of Computer.; ESG-1104; Session: 2019-20 12
Major Elements of Internet Search Engines

 Search request interface;

 Information discoverer;
 Presenter of search results;

Bipul Roy; Lecturer; Dept. of ESG, IU. Course Title: Fundamentals of Computer.; ESG-1104; Session: 2019-20 13
Some popular Internet Search Engines

 Google;
 Bing;
 Baidu;
 Yahoo;
 Ask;

Bipul Roy; Lecturer; Dept. of ESG, IU. Course Title: Fundamentals of Computer.; ESG-1104; Session: 2019-20 14
Uses of Internet
Some important current strategic uses of the Internet are
 On-line communication;
 Software sharing;
 Posting of information of general interest;
 Product promotion;
 Feedback about products;
 Customer support service;
 On-line journals and magazines;
 On-line shopping;
 World-wide video conferencing;

Bipul Roy; Lecturer; Dept. of ESG, IU. Course Title: Fundamentals of Computer.; ESG-1104; Session: 2019-20 15
 Media is something that can be used for presentation of
 Two basic ways to present some information are
Unimedia presentation: Single media is used to present
information. Example: Music system (Only sound)
Multimedia presentation: More than one media is used to
present information. Example: TV system (Sound and video)
 Multimedia presentation of any information greatly enhances the
comprehension capability of the user as it involves use of more of
our senses.

Bipul Roy; Lecturer; Dept. of ESG, IU. Course Title: Fundamentals of Computer.; ESG-1104; Session: 2019-20 16
Multimedia Computer System
 Multimedia computer system is a computer having capability to
integrate two or more types of media (text, graphics, animation,
audio, and video).
 In general, size for multimedia information is much larger than
plain text information.
 Multimedia computer systems require
Faster CPU;
Larger storage devices (for storing large data files);
Larger main memory (for large data size);
Good graphics terminals;
I/O devices to play any multimedia;

Bipul Roy; Lecturer; Dept. of ESG, IU. Course Title: Fundamentals of Computer.; ESG-1104; Session: 2019-20 17
Multimedia Components
 Text
It contains alphanumeric and some other special characters.
Keyboard is usually used for input of text; however, there are
some internal (inbuilt) features to include such text.
 Graphics
It is technology to generate, represent, process, manipulate, and
display pictures. It is one of the most important components of
multimedia application. The development of graphics is supported
by a different software.
 Animation
Computer animation is a modern technology, which helps in
creating, developing, sequencing, and displaying a set of images
(technically known as ‘frames’). Animation gives visual effects or
motion very similar to that of a video file.
Bipul Roy; Lecturer; Dept. of ESG, IU. Course Title: Fundamentals of Computer.; ESG-1104; Session: 2019-20 18
Multimedia Components

 Audio
This technology records, synthesizes, and plays audio (sound). There
are many learning courses and different instructions that can be
delivered through this medium appropriately.
 Video
This technology records, synthesizes, and displays images (known as
frames) in such sequences (at a fixed speed) that makes the creation
appear as moving; this is how we see a completely developed video.
In order to watch a video without any interruption, video device
must display 25 to 30 frames/second.

Bipul Roy; Lecturer; Dept. of ESG, IU. Course Title: Fundamentals of Computer.; ESG-1104; Session: 2019-20 19
Multimedia Applications
 Presentation
With the help of multimedia, presentation can be made effective.
 E-books
Today, books are digitized and easily available on the Internet.
 Digital Library
The need to be physically present at a library is no more necessary.
Libraries can be accessed from the Internet also. Digitization has
helped libraries to come to this level of development.
 E-learning
Today, most of the institutions (public as well as private both) are
using such technology to education people.
 Movie making
Most of the special effects that we see in any movie, is only because
of multimedia technology.
Bipul Roy; Lecturer; Dept. of ESG, IU. Course Title: Fundamentals of Computer.; ESG-1104; Session: 2019-20 20
Multimedia Applications
 Video games
Video games are one of the most interesting creations of multimedia
technology. Video games fascinate not only the children but adults
 Animated films
Along with video games, animated film is another great source of
entertainment for children.
 Multimedia conferencing
People can arrange personal as well as business meetings online
with the help of multimedia conferencing technology.
 E-shopping
Multimedia technology has created a virtual arena for the e-

Bipul Roy; Lecturer; Dept. of ESG, IU. Course Title: Fundamentals of Computer.; ESG-1104; Session: 2019-20 21
Bipul Roy; Lecturer; Dept. of ESG, IU. Course Title: Fundamentals of Computer.; ESG-1104; Session: 2019-20 22

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