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Report on Hand wathting N ¢ b) 7 ( ‘ pater, be Courrce ttle: practical (Basic computere Covise codes Esa- tloz bade of cebmicsion: 06/41/2021 Submidsded to, Trochere Nome: Bipul Roy designation $ department of Fnvisonmerlal Science and Ties Islamic Univetesity -7008 Submitted bY, Grows names CShahidure Rahaman Tamim Roll No: 4981022 Rog Not 2262 Session 2 2044-20 bepartmnt of Envinonmertal Science and Goognat Telamic Univer site. Report on eer Tr duct to dd Prowessi minodvetion D wored tous OLD LISI Definiton of Wwored-Proessors A word prroessore is software ore a device hod allows vsercs f» crecle, edit, and print document s, T+ enables us to write text, store electronically , dis ploy thon a Semeen, Tmo dity if by coercing commands and Chorcacters from the. Ke boared, and prod HL OF all computer opelications, word Processing ig the most commen Pes In dhe world, therte arte many by of Word Pprroeessore suck as most uses M.S. Word prod Modewn word prowacers also hae rma ny fraWrees one cosevved fore desklop publiohi “Yolem, such a6 dable atoation and iimpocl | | (ieaphic timnages, Hh Funelons of wored preoesssing } s of d_tmocnssing 5 There ore 4 primary functions of word Processing tf we Figured the peeing ne 1 Piva eessting oo coving] £ iquee: word pro ssingy B_Featvees of wored proerseing: The main feotures oftword PITOeeKS Ore R Creeating editing, sawing and printing documents. a Copying. pasting, mene and deleting text w Hla ry a document A Formabting Jot. such as font tees q dest. d bol ding , Undentis a: ot q Yt Creating and adding tables \ 4 | BH Features of ms. word prowesing s In dhe world, most common uses of Wortd proessore is m.g ward prroussot when we open in ms word PoLessol, We See- © File tab ® Quick Aewes baw M Ribbm ® Tite bar © status bar D doewment Awa @) 200m control and rant offar deatores. when we open cach of the features we Home tab- we see thats O Font type options @ Bold text options @ ondercline text options @ pholictext Options. Y Bulet options @ Text poston options. Pagewo-¢ ©®e@e8eee © oe 9 @G Q Table options @) chart | | pus (i) Semmnshot and | ine | Online pichnes nay offer Seatvres. | Leong | BD Models | Smart Art | otter features ane- design Page layout Referenees Malbings Review view. Re pores Vinod “ on | . Jeon te power paint PININS ARA DLA ARETE behiniton of Power, potnd + Power point is 4 Procenta i: emotion appliedion thot ers ates a olde Show 2° important one ation, Charcts. a : a nd images to disploy ducing 9 pragenaton Q } ' Powerpoint is eompulen fot by Microsoft, whieh Jews Ya vser ts Create sliks With recordings nase transiting and hyn teotunes -in ond CAS to praesent inforrnah Reent adveattages advaners in Powerpoint in elude er alle on Slides, preecenterc cook, intertachve features, and ofur enhanecd , Pogewo oO ——] Hee | Rading removing and raancanging | ae | O ade 1 ny, cemoving and changin a meng c | Slide 4ransitions. @ Plaging slide Animafions. @ Adding, removing, and changing Slide animations. There are also mane ottere function of Powerpoint, Now, we leannt (hof, Powerpoint 15 fundioned be varqovg types of prasentation. Paqeno- oF Ee orvtures of MS powe (epoinhs o o- | Bchtore Ly lhe World, mocl common | sot | OPP ication Presembadion software in mG pe/ Poti. a. M.S powerpoind when We opened we Saw many types of feotursé— Svalias ¢ © tome tab Animations Slide transitions Tmage from Insercttab ® ® ® OQ Menge shaves oO & Teons powerepoint notes, Poge No: 0 [ Report on Inhduetion to M.S Exod, ON Micwcosoft Exes: Oa EE Miaosolt Exel is a gorse shes? Preoarcagn used +o record and anayre Dumerci cal and statistical deda- WMerosott Exenk provides muttele deaturees 2 : \gcies, perform vartious operadions ike Cobevs eae macro- pera” | pivot tables, qicark tools, ete. This compatible wider multiple OS likg. windows, macos, Android and i0S- HH Microsoft Exedl presents Anbles of yodves arcanges in mows and celomns rok Gon be manipulated moathemadi col using Page wo-0 Bion baste oo Saas od comply arithmetic operations and funcions, Bl benicar Sree! SSS Varkoug editing and foremodting| con be done On an Exedt Spraadsheet- Diseussed below | | Ore the various featvees OF M.S Exeel. | \ O Home tab: comprises options leke ton+ size, font siyles, font colour, background colour, alignment, focmabhy| Options. and styles, Inserz lation. and deletion Of eddlc and editing options, © _ansets Comprtises options like table for mat avnd stule, inserting images and Figurees, adding grarhs, charcts , headere. Page vo PAS = Adding ditfenonts of fewry's® e — C Addition, mutipiedion, iricien A) oe Adding, external dade M.S word Prooecco, me power Poimt and MS txc8 's the compinotion of mg officer suite. Micicosott office is extree unby popular. Tig Casy of use, acucgibility ,interactvit¢, and adaptability accross, will luna Campancs arround ‘the world, foge rio: 4

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