Envionmental Protection HW - Kovács Aurél Péter - 11.11.2023.

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Environmental Protection Homework

Kovács Aurél Péter – 11.BE – 11.11.2023.

#1 Using old EV batteries for grid-scale energy storage:

• PROBLEM: There are an increasing number of electric vehicles (EVs) hitting our roads. As far as
greenhouse gas emissions are concerned, this is excellent news. But electric cars have a
disadvantage, and that is lithium-ion batteries. All major EV manufacturers use Li-ion batteries
because it is the most suitable technology available (let’s just think about their solid capacity,
good energy-to-weight ratio, swift charge and recharge times, broad-spread recharging
infrastructure, manufacturing costs, reliability, etc.). But here’s the problem: given the nature
of Li-ion batteries, they are very difficult and rather expensive to recycle, or even just to
neutralize. Moreover, after 4-6 years of appropriate use, their efficiency decreases to 70-80%
of the original, and so they are no longer applicable and need to be replaced. This leads to
massive quantities of “dead” batteries being thrown away, contaminating ground waters and
other parts of our environment.
• SOLUTION: Fortunately, some CEOs realized that ~70% capacity is still plenty good for grid/large-
scale energy storage. For example, one company connects old Honda and Nissan batteries in
series, and stores electricity (generated by renewable methods) for peak-hours. This increases
the lifetime of EV batteries up to several decades (the rate at which these components lose
their efficiency is slowing, and the use is less demanding and more predictable).

#2 Reforestation programmes, for a better future:

• PROBLEM: Although deforestation has been around for a long time, its severe consequences
only emerged in the last 2-3 decades. The increasing need for farmland and the advancement
of logging technologies accelerated the whole process. Biodiversity and climate stability are in
• SOLUTION: Luckily, there are plenty reforestation movements worldwide and many of them are
supported financially by large corporations (corp. gains popularity, which improves public
opinion and gets new customers). These programs are not only helpful for the planet’s
ecosystem, but it is also a great opportunity to green our place of living and to do something
useful together.

#3 Regulating emissions by carbon taxes:

• PROBLEM: Many polluting technologies are wide-spread because they are more price-
competitive than their environmentally friendly counterparts (e.g.: price of 2-3000 single-use
plastic bags = cost of ONE canvas tote bag). Obviously, most people will choose products that
are more affordable.
• SOLUTION: So-called “carbon taxes” are governmental measures that increase the price of
products that leave a large ecological footprint. Taxing companies that emit significant amounts
of greenhouse gases is also a common method. The income from these taxes is used to lower
the prices of environmentally friendly products and services, thus making them a more
attractive choice in the eyes of consumers.

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