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«Comparison or contrast essay»

Before this module about «Comparison or contrast essay,» I used to struggle with organizing my
thoughts and arguments in a coherent manner. I often found myself jumping from one point to another
without a clear structure. However, after completing this module, I have learned valuable techniques
that have helped me improve my writing skills.

Now, I understand the importance of creating a strong thesis statement that clearly outlines the purpose
of my essay. I have also learned how to effectively compare and contrast different ideas or concepts,
making my arguments more compelling and engaging. Additionally, I have gained insights into using
appropriate transitional words and phrases to enhance the flow and cohesion of my essays.

This newfound knowledge is important because it has transformed the way I approach writing
comparison or contrast essays. I no longer feel overwhelmed by the task but rather have a systematic
approach to organizing my thoughts and arguments. This has not only improved the quality of my essays
but also increased my confidence in presenting my ideas.

During the module, I created a classroom routine called «Comparative Brainstorming» that I could use to
facilitate discussions and analysis in my class. This activity involves dividing students into groups and
assigning them specific topics to compare and contrast. I plan to use this routine during English literature
classes to encourage critical thinking and enhance analytical skills.

I like this routine because it encourages collaborative learning and helps students develop a deeper
understanding of the texts we are studying. By comparing and contrasting different elements, students
are able to explore diverse perspectives and gain a broader appreciation of the literature.

However, I might need to modify the «Comparative Brainstorming» routine for my classroom because
each group may require different levels of guidance and support. Some students may need more
structure in their discussions, while others may thrive with a more open-ended approach. Therefore, I
will adapt the routine to cater to the specific needs of my students and ensure that everyone is actively
engaged in the activity.

Overall, this module has equipped me with valuable tools and strategies for writing comparison or
contrast essays. I am excited to apply what I have learned in both my academic and professional
endeavors, knowing that I now have a solid foundation to build upon.

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