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Fourth Quarter/ Week 1/ Day 1

LAS 1: Analyzing How Visual and Multimedia Elements
Contribute to the Meaning of a Text
To identify visual and multi- media elements.

You have learned that there are ways to understand the text we are reading. One way of
doing so is through the graphics, pictures, sounds, or videos, supporting the words we
read. There are different kinds of visual and multimedia elements which can help us
understand it better.

Directions: Determine whether the following elements found below is a visual

element or multimedia element. Reflect your answer in your notebook.
1. line
2. video
3. audio
4. color
5. symbol

There are different elements that make text come alive and contribute to the reader's
understanding. Visual elements are included in the text to help the readers 'see' what
they're reading. These include:
• Pictures
• Drawings
• Comics and cartoons
• Diagrams
Multimedia elements combine more than one type of medium, typically in digital form,
such as on computers, audio players, tablets, smartphones, and other technology.
These elements help the reader use sight, sound, and sometimes even other senses to
experience what they are reading. Multimedia elements include:
• Video
• Audio recordings and sound effects

Prepared by: J.L San Pascual MELC CODE: EN5VC-IVd-1.7.1

Name: ______________________________________ Date: _______________

Teacher’s Name: ______________________________ Section: _____________

• Interactive images (images that let the reader click on certain images or words to
learn more information about them, including how the word sounds, its definition,
and important facts.

Activity 1
DIRECTIONS: Look at the pictures. Write sentences on how they contributed to
your study.

Activity 2
DIRECTIONS: Look at the visual presentation and answer the questions below.

1. What is a computer?
2. How was the computer discovered?
3. Why was the computer developed?
4. Is computer important? Why?

Prepared by: J.L San Pascual MELC CODE: EN5VC-IVd-1.7.1

Name: ______________________________________ Date: _______________

Teacher’s Name: ______________________________ Section: _____________

Activity 3
DIRECTIONS: Identify the visual and multimedia element. Encircle the correct
answer inside the parenthesis.
1. jigsaw puzzle (audio effect, comic and cartoon, interactive image)
2. video game sound (audio effect, video, visual effect)
3. Computer-generated imagery (audio effect, interactive image, visual effect)
4. Photoshop effect (cartoons, diagrams, picture)
5. Dynamic effect (audio effect, diagrams, photograph)

• Visual and multimedia elements can help readers clarify meaning while reading
in many ways. Visuals or interactive images help the reader understand the
vocabulary being used in the text.
• This is the basic element of multimedia it involves the use of text types, sizes,
colors and background color.
• A figure or drawing made to illustrate a statement or facilitate a demonstration
and a plan.
• If you didn't know about kryptonite, a picture of the rock and what it does to
Superman would let you know that it hurts him.
• Text classification also known as text tagging or text categorization is the process
of categorizing text into organized groups. By using natural language processing,
text classifiers can automatically analyze texts and then assign a set of
predefined tags or categories based on its contents.

Multimedia content helps to vary and enhance the learning process, and leads to better
knowledge retention. Educational video can provide more opportunities for students to
engage with the content. Students around the world can learn from course content
made available through video.

Prepared by: J.L San Pascual MELC CODE: EN5VC-IVd-1.7.1

Name: ______________________________________ Date: _______________

Teacher’s Name: ______________________________ Section: _____________

DIRECTIONS: Look at the table below. Encircle the different visual and multimedia elements
used in the text.

Prepared by: J.L San Pascual MELC CODE: EN5VC-IVd-1.7.1

Name: ______________________________________ Date: _______________

Teacher’s Name: ______________________________ Section: _____________

Fourth Quarter/ Week 1/ Day 2
LAS 1: Analyzing How Visual and Multimedia Elements
Contribute to the Meaning of a Text
How Visual and Multimedia Elements Contribute to the Meaning of a Text

Direction: Study the comic strip and read the dialogue of the characters. Then answer
the questions

What topic are they talking about?

Reading is more fun when there are colors, graphics, and designs. It contributes to the
reader’s understanding by widening their imagination as they read. These are visual
and multimedia elements.
Visual elements help convert a simple reading text to an adventurous tale where
readers can “see” or visualize the story. Pictures, drawings, comics and cartoons, and
diagrams are examples of visual elements.
Aside from visual elements, we also have multimedia elements. Multimedia elements
help the reader understand the text in a whole new level since it uses sight, sound, and
other senses to experience what they’re reading first hand. It also uses a variety of
combination with its medium. It can be used in a digital form through computers, audio
layers, tablets, smartphones, and other technology.
Multimedia elements include video, audio recordings and sound effects, interactive
images where readers may click the images or words to learn more information about
them, including how the word sounds, its definition, and important facts.
Visual and Multimedia elements can help the readers in many ways. Let us see the
ways it can do so.
1. Clarifying the Meaning of a text – visual elements can guide the readers in
understanding the vocabulary being used in the text. One example is the term,
“Bakunawa” which we can hear in the folktales of our grandparents. According to
Prepared by: J.L San Pascual MELC CODE: EN5VC-IVd-1.7.1
Name: ______________________________________ Date: _______________

Teacher’s Name: ______________________________ Section: _____________

the text, it is a monstrous dragon which appears during full moon to eat the moon
causing a lunar eclipse. A picture that supports the text read can help in making
the description more vivid. Take a look at this.

A video presentation can also clarify the meaning of the text by letting us see the facial
expressions and body language of the characters used in the text. It can also help us
understand the sequence of events in the text and help us properly visualize what
happened in a certain situation. An example is the video representation of the movie,
“Anak”(2000) made by Star Cinema.

This clearly show us how great a mother’s love is for her child. Videos also help us
relate and connect the sequence of the story.
Audio recordings of characters’ voices in multimedia can clarify the meaning of a
character’s words. Just by hearing how the lines are delivered, you can tell how the
character feels. The tone of voice by the narration also gives off the overall aura or
theme of the text read. Horror movies are often narrated with a deep mysterious voice
which is a completer opposite of a perky, high-pitched tone you can hear when hearing
a comedy story.

2. Communicating Tone – visual and multimedia elements reflect the writer’s

attitude towards the text. The writer’s tone gives a hint of how the story is all
about. The narration of the story varies depending how the writer wants to
portray it. It could be happy, sad, serious, comical, angry, etc.

Prepared by: J.L San Pascual MELC CODE: EN5VC-IVd-1.7.1

Name: ______________________________________ Date: _______________

Teacher’s Name: ______________________________ Section: _____________

There are different ways to let the readers know the tone of the text. For visual
elements, pictures with light background often represents comical, happy, and light
stories. However, dark background with fuzzy images gives off the mysterious tone for
serious, sad, or horror stories. These images clearly compare them.

Audio recordings also sets the tone of the story. You may have probably experienced
having goosebumps while listening to a narrator’s voice while entering an unknown
open gate inside the forest.

3. Enhancing Imagery – writers use narration to effectively describe the scenery of

the story. Imagery is the language used by writers to properly describe a certain
scene, appearance, or things which you can imagine based on the description.
Visual and multimedia elements are really helpful since it is letting us see and
somewhat experience what the author is describing in his story. It reinforces
Let us go back to how the Bakunawa is being described. The author describes it to be a
giant serpent, with a big mouth, it has whiskers, and it can eat the moon. This
description is enough for us to imagine how enormous this creature is. Through the help
of visual elements such as drawing, or graphics, we can clearly see Bakunawa coming
to life from the text.
We can also imagine the bapor tabo described by Jose Rizal in his famous novel called,
“El Filibusterismo”.

Prepared by: J.L San Pascual MELC CODE: EN5VC-IVd-1.7.1

Name: ______________________________________ Date: _______________

Teacher’s Name: ______________________________ Section: _____________

Activity 1
Directions: Write T if the statement of correct. Write F if it is not.
_____1. Visual and multimedia elements contribute in understanding the meaning of the
_____2. The clenched teeth and fist of the main character in comic strip show that he is
happy and satisfied of how the things turned out.
_____3. Multimedia elements cause confusion to the readers.
_____4. Videos about Simbang Gabi in the Philippines also help readers ‘see’ and
relate to the story about Christmas.
_____5. Horror stories need to be accompanied by happy and light background music
to set the author’s tone.

Activity 2
Directions: Analyze how visual and multimedia elements contribute to the text
1. Which of the following visual and multimedia elements shows the meaning of
“Achilles heel”?
A. A sound effect with a happy tone.
B. A video showing how Achilles was killed by an arrow in his ankle.
C. A picture of Achilles being immune to all attacks.
D. A narrator saying how string Achilles is.
2. The author wants to portray an image like this:

Which best describes the picture?

A. I can see an enormous hall filled with rich furniture. It was very elegant.
B. Look at the unsightly place with dark curtains make me cringe.
C. I am scared of the spooky and creepy building.
D. This hallway is so boring.

3. How can you make the story about sea adventure more interesting?
A. Add the sound of waves and the sea shell horn to set the tone of the story.
B. Add the sound of crickets and frogs.
C. Add a pop song to lighten the mood.
D. Add a melodramatic tone to set a sad aura.

Prepared by: J.L San Pascual MELC CODE: EN5VC-IVd-1.7.1

Name: ______________________________________ Date: _______________

Teacher’s Name: ______________________________ Section: _____________

4. A picture with roses and candle light with a table for two shows that the story has
a ____ theme.
A. Horror B. Comedy C. Romance D. Historical

5. The video showing salivating mouth, stomach grumbling, and widened eyes
while imagining a delicious ham burger tells us that the character is _______.
A. Hungry B. Bored C. Happy D. Sad

Activity 3
Directions: Create your own comics which describes Filipinos praying together
during this pandemic. Write 3 sentences below to support your work.

Direction: Fill in the blanks with words to complete the sentences in the
paragraph about what we have discussed today:
__________ ____________ help readers see what they’re reading and _______________
____________ combine more than one type of medium and is typically in digital form. Both
contribute to a text in different ways. They help the reader __________ _____ ____________.
They also help reflect the _______ or the narrator’s attitude towards the topic, and they also
enhance the __________, language that describes things you feel with your senses.

The use of video, audio, graphics, and animations can help to break up text-heavy content and
can make learning more interesting and memorable when employees need to retain important
information. Multimedia also ensures learning is accessible to a diverse range of learners.

Directions: Answer the following below. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
_____1. What multimedia element can best support a story about a strong storm?
A. Add a picture of children flying kites in the park.
B. Add a video showing a strong wind, flying roofs, and the sound of thunder.
C. Add a sound of a loud cheer coming from a concert hall.
D. Add a graphic art showing colorful mountains.
_____2. What multimedia element clarifies the mood the character wants to portray by
raising his voice?
A. Picture B. Drawing C. audio recording D. interactive image
Prepared by: J.L San Pascual MELC CODE: EN5VC-IVd-1.7.1
Name: ______________________________________ Date: _______________

Teacher’s Name: ______________________________ Section: _____________

_____3. What is the best way to express loneliness through pictures?
A. Emphasize sorrowful eyes with a smiling face
B. Emphasize a tear-eyed girl smirking
C. Emphasize a girl with bright eyes but is frowning
D. Emphasize a crying mother
_____4. What can generally affect the tone of the story?
A. Imagery C. visual/multimedia elements
B. Words of the text D. all of the above
_____5. Colors can also contribute to the meaning of the text. What does an intense red
color in a character’s face mean?
A. loneliness B. sorrowful C. shyness D. boredom

Prepared by: J.L San Pascual MELC CODE: EN5VC-IVd-1.7.1

Name: ______________________________________ Date: _______________

Teacher’s Name: ______________________________ Section: _____________

Fourth Quarter/ Week 1/ Day 3
LAS 1: Analyzing How Visual and Multimedia Elements
Contribute to the Meaning of a Text
Responding Appropriately to Messages of Different Authentic Texts

We had learned different facial expressions in our previous lessons. We learned when
to use expressions like happy, sad, excited, bored, amazed and many more in different

Authentic texts are defined as “written by members of a language and culture group for
members of the same language and culture group” (Galloway, 1998, p. 133, as cited in
Authentic texts are written for “real world” purposes and audiences: to entertain, inform,
explain, guide, document or convince. In fact, authentic texts need not even be written
words. Journal articles, blog posts and novels are just a few examples.
Here are some examples of authentic texts. Take a look at them.

Guided Practice 1:

Prepared by: J.L San Pascual MELC CODE: EN5VC-IVd-1.7.1

Name: ______________________________________ Date: _______________

Teacher’s Name: ______________________________ Section: _____________


Guided Practice 2:
Let us read a journal entry below.

Prepared by: J.L San Pascual MELC CODE: EN5VC-IVd-1.7.1

Name: ______________________________________ Date: _______________

Teacher’s Name: ______________________________ Section: _____________


How do you find this diary entry? Do you think it is fine to make excuses like this? If you
are the student in this situation would you do the same? Write your answer in your
Here’s another example of authentic text taken from the article of Jill Chua about “Food
for thought: This is what happens to food waste”

How about on this article? How do you think we can minimize garbage in our home?
Can you give ways in disposing it? Write your answer in your English notebook.
Those are some examples of authentic texts you may encounter.

Activity 1
Give at least five (5) examples of authentic texts.

Activity 2
Directions: Identify the authentic texts describe below. Write your answer on the
space provided before the number. Choose your answer from the box below.

1. It is always a periodical publication which is printed in glosscoated and matte

paper or electronically published. They are generally published on a regular
schedule and contain a variety of content.
Prepared by: J.L San Pascual MELC CODE: EN5VC-IVd-1.7.1
Name: ______________________________________ Date: _______________

Teacher’s Name: ______________________________ Section: _____________

2. It is a span of television programming produced and paid for by an organization.
It conveys a message promoting, and aiming to market, a product or service.
3. It is a periodical publication containing written information about current events
and is often typed in black ink with a white or gray background.
4. It is a narrative, either true or fictitious, in prose or verse, designed to interest,
amuse, or instruct the hearer or reader; tale.
5. It is a record with discrete entries arranged by date reporting on what has
happened over the course of a day or another period.

Directions: Read the paragraphs below and summarized it afterwards. After

summarizing the paragraph write a five-sentence response/reactions to the
message of the summary of the text.

To wrap everything up, I want you to find examples of authentic texts in your
home. List at least 10 of them.
Example: 1. Recipe suggestions in a can of milk.

Choose one from your list above. Write your response/reaction from the authentic
article you choose.
Example: Old journal of your sister.

Prepared by: J.L San Pascual MELC CODE: EN5VC-IVd-1.7.1

Name: ______________________________________ Date: _______________

Teacher’s Name: ______________________________ Section: _____________

Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before the

1. These are written for “real world” purposes and audiences: to entertain, inform,
explain, guide, document or convince.
A. advertisement
B. authentic text
C. magazine

2. The following are examples of authentic text except one.

A. blogs B. posters C. photocopies

3. Here’s one of the famous lines from the movie avengers “This is the fight of our
lives. We are going to win. Whatever it takes” said Steve Rogers. The following
are the meaning of the line except.
A. The Avengers perfectly encapsulated the spirit of the team.
B. The Avengers were willing are willing to do whatever it took to put an end to
Thano’s dark legacy.
C. The Avengers are willing to end their life.

4. “No one has ever become poor by giving.” – Anne Frank, diary of Anne Frank:
The Play. Which of the following response suit best on the line of Anne Frank?
A. It is our responsibility to give to others.
B. Giving to others is really a gift to ourselves.
C. Helping others can make us popular.

5. Authentic texts can be a non-written item that can be read or interpreted and
found in many places.
A. true B. false C. neither

Prepared by: J.L San Pascual MELC CODE: EN5VC-IVd-1.7.1

Name: ______________________________________ Date: _______________

Teacher’s Name: ______________________________ Section: _____________

Fourth Quarter/ Week 1/ Day 4
LAS 1: Analyzing How Visual and Multimedia Elements
Contribute to the Meaning of a Text
• Weekly Diagnostic Test/ Summative Test
• Performance Task


Directions: Identify the following images. Write V for visual elements and M for multimedia.

Directions: Analyze the following images and answer the questions.

Directions: Answer the following below. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. What multimedia element can best support a story about a strong storm?
A. Add a picture of children flying kites in the park.
B. Add a video showing a strong wind, flying roofs, and the sound of thunder.
C. Add a sound of a loud cheer coming from a concert hall.

Prepared by: J.L San Pascual MELC CODE: EN5VC-IVd-1.7.1

Name: ______________________________________ Date: _______________

Teacher’s Name: ______________________________ Section: _____________

D. Add a graphic art showing colorful mountains.
2. What multimedia element clarifies the mood the character wants to portray by raising his
A. Picture C. audio recording
B. Drawing D. interactive image
3. What is the best way to express loneliness through pictures?
A. Emphasize sorrowful eyes with a smiling face
B. Emphasize a tear-eyed girl smirking
C. Emphasize a girl with bright eyes but is frowning
D. Emphasize a crying mother
4. What can generally affect the tone of the story?
A. Imagery C. visual/multimedia elements
B. Words of the text D. all of the above
5. Colors can also contribute to the meaning of the text. What does an intense red color in
a character’s face mean?
A. loneliness C. shyness
B. sorrowful D. boredom
6. The following shows how visual and multimedia elements that help readers understand
the meaning of the text, except _____________.
A. It clarifies the meaning. C. It sets the communication tone.
B. It enhances imagery of the text. D. It gives confusing plots.
7. Which of the following in NOT an example of a visual element?
A. pictures C. video
B. drawings D. diagram
8. What multimedia element can be clicked to see more information about the text?
A. pictures C. video
B. interactive imagery D. audio recording
9. This is the language the author uses to effectively describe a scene in ways you can use
different senses to imagine it.
A. pictures C. artifact
B. imagery D. tone
10. What uses combined mediums to help readers understanding the text better?
A. multimedia elements C. sound effects
B. visual elements D. drawing

Prepared by: J.L San Pascual MELC CODE: EN5VC-IVd-1.7.1

Name: ______________________________________ Date: _______________

Teacher’s Name: ______________________________ Section: _____________

Title: Comics
What you need:
1. Coloring Materials
2. Oslo Paper
3. Pencils
What you need to do:
1. Research some examples of Comic Strips.
2. Brainstorm some ideas about social media.
3. Create your own comics which talks about SOCIAL MEDIA.
4. Write 3 sentences below to support your work.

Rubrics: Comic Strip Rubric

Category 4 3 2
Content There are There are very few There are no
references to the references to the references to the
topic assigned. assigned topic assigned topic
Graphics The graphics are The graphics are Little or no graphics
meaningful, scarce throughout were evident. It is
colorful, and the piece and not clear that the effort
appropriate. It is much time or effort was lacking and
clear that time and was put forth. they did not
effort went into their complete the
creation. assignment.
Accuracy All information used Some information None of the
to describe how we used to describe information used to
see color is how we see color is describe how we
accurate and in a accurate and in a see color is
logical order. logical order. accurate and/or in a
logical order.

Prepared by: J.L San Pascual MELC CODE: EN5VC-IVd-1.7.1

Name: ______________________________________ Date: _______________

Teacher’s Name: ______________________________ Section: _____________

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• JILL CHUA - Apr 5, 2019

Prepared by: J.L San Pascual MELC CODE: EN5VC-IVd-1.7.1

Name: ______________________________________ Date: _______________

Teacher’s Name: ______________________________ Section: _____________

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