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1. Acquire a taste for something- you begin showing passion of it

2. Be the apple of someone’s eyes- favourite
3. As cool as a cucumber- calm or relaxing situation
4. As easy as apple pie- super easy
5. As red as a cherry- embarrassed
6. As sour as vinegar- not friendly
7. As sweet as honey- friendly
8. Go back to the salt mines -remind something bad happened
9. Bear fruit-something will be successful
10. Be a big cheese- VIP person
11. Bite the hand that feeds you- not loyal to the person that supports you
12. Bitter pill to swallow- difficult to hard
13. Born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth
14. Bring home the bacon- the one that bring money
15. Butter someone up- hacer la pelota
16. Cheese someone off bother someone
17. Compare apple and oranges
18. Hire the cream of the crop
19. Cry over spilt milk
20. Not one’s cup of tea- you don’t like it
21. Eat humble pie
22. Eat like a bird
23. Eat out of someones hand - trust too much
24. Eyes are bigger than one stomach-
25. Grab a bite to eat-have a snack
26. Be a gravy train- earn money easily
27. Hard nut to crack
28. Have a lot on ones plate
29. Have a sweet tooth
30. Be the icing on the cake
31. Know which side ones bread is buttered
32. Life is a bowl of cherries
33. Like two peas in a pod
34. Make my mouth water
35. Jump out of the frying pan and into the fire- de mal en peor
36. Put all our eggs in the same basket
37. Be salt on the earth
38. Spill the beans
39. Take something with a grain of salt
40. Teach your grandmother to suck eggs
41. That is the way the cookie crumbles
42. Too many cooks spoil the stew
43. Spill the trea- spread rumors

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