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Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering, Kalavakkam – 603 110

(An Autonomous Institution, Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai)
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Continuous Assessment Test – III
Question Paper with Key

Degree & Branch B.E CSE Semester VII

Subject Code & Name UCS1703 & GRAPHICS AND MULTIMEDIA Regulation: 2018

Academic Year 2021-22 Batch 2018-22 Date 20.10.2021 FN

Time: 90 Minutes Answer All Questions Maximum: 50 Marks

Part – A (6×2 = 12Marks)

1. Compare and Contrast Cavalier and Cabinet projections.

Cavalier Cabinet

tan α = 1i.e α = 45º tan α = 2 i.e α = 63.4º

K2 Preserves lengths of lines Lines perpendicular to the viewing CO3

perpendicular to the viewing plane plane are projected at ½ of their length

3D nature can be captured but shape A more realistic view than the cavalier
seems distorted projection

2. What is a vanishing point? How many principal vanishing points can be

identified on a 3D coordinate system?
 A vanishing point is the projection of a point at infinity
• Each set of projected parallel lines will have a separate vanishing points.
K1 • The vanishing point for any set of lines that are parallel to one of the CO3
principal axes of an object is referred to as a principal vanishing point.
• We control the number of principal vanishing points (one, two, or three)
with the orientation of the projection plane

3. What is chromaticity?
K1 Refers to two properties of color characteristics purity and dominant frequency CO4

4. Identify the CMY values for the RGB values (0.4,0.6,0.5).

R =0.4, G = 0.6, B = 0.5
K3 C = 1 - R = 0.6 CO4
M = 1 - G = 0.4
Y = 1 - B = 0.5

5. What is multimedia? Mention some applications where multimedia is

K1 Multimedia is a combination of text, graphic, sound, animation, and video that CO5
is delivered interactively to the user by electronic or digitally manipulated
i. Information Systems
ii. Remote Representation
iii. Entertainment
6. What are MIDI and RTF file formats?
RTF - This format extends the range of information from one word processor
application or DTP system to another.
The key format information carried across in RTF documents are Character Set,
Font Table, Color Table, Document Formatting, Section Formatting, General
Formatting, Character Formatting, Special Characters
K1 CO5
MIDI - The MIDI file format follows music recording metaphor to provide the
means of storing separate tracks of music for each instrument so that they can be
read and synchronized when they are played.
The MIDI file format also contains chunks (i.e., blocks) of data. There are two
types of chunks: (i) header chunks (ii) track chunks.

Part – B (3×6 = 18 Marks)

7. Explain in detail the RGB and HSV color models.
RGB Model
8. All colors are generated from the three primaries R,G,B.
9. various colors are obtained by changing the amount of each primary
10. Additive mixing (r,g,b), 0≤r,g,b≤1
11. The RGB unit cube defined with R,G,B axes. Each color point within the
cube is given as (R,G,B)
12. A color is expressed as C=RR+GG+BB
13. Orgin=>black, 1,1,1=>white, .5,.5,.5=>gray
14. Vertices of cube axes=> primary colors
15. Other vertices=> complementary colors

K2 CO4

HSV Model
16. HSV stands for Hue-Saturation-Value
17. described by a hexcone derived from the RGB cube
18. Hue (0-360°); ”the color”,
19. Saturation (0-1); ”the amount of white”
20. Value (0-1); ”the amount of black”
21. Top of HSV hex cone is projection seen by looking along principal
diagonal of RGB color
22. Hue: ranges from 0° at red through 360°
23. Vertices of the hexagon are separated by 60° intervals-Y at 60°, G at 120°
24. Complementary colors 180° opposite
25. Saturation S ranges from 0 to 1 – ratio of purity of a selected hue to its
maximum purity at S=1.
26. Value V varies from 0 at apex(black) to 1 at top(white).
27. At
a. V=1 and S=1, pure hues
b. V=1 and S=0, white
c. V=0 and S=0 black

8. You are the lead animator of a new short film. Define your problem
statement and construct the steps involved in the design of that
animation sequence.

K3 - Storyboard Layout CO4

- Object Definitions
- Key-Frame specifications
- Generation of in-between frames

9. Explain in detail the multimedia architecture.

K2 • Multimedia encompasses a large variety of technologies and integration of CO5

multiple architectures interacting in real time.
• All of these multimedia capabilities must integrate with the standard user
interfaces such as Microsoft Windows.
• For each special devices such as scanners, video cameras, VCRs and
sound equipment-, a software device driver is need to provide the
interface from an application to the device.
• The GUI require control extensions to support applications such as full
motion video
Part – C (2×10 = 20 Marks)

10. Consider a 3D coordinate system where y-axis is vertical and z-axis is

pointing towards the viewer. A line with endpoints A(10,5,10) and
B(20,10,20) is projected onto XY plane. Apply Cavalier projection with φ
= 30 degrees and calculate the projected line endpoints.
tan 45 = 1 (cavalier projection)
K3 CO3
xp = x+z/tan 45(cos 30) = x+z(√3/2)
yp = y+z/tan 45(sin 30) = x+z(1/2)
A’ = (10+5√3, 10, 0) and B’(20+10√3, 20, 0)

11. Consider a 3D coordinate system where y-axis is vertical and z-axis is
pointing towards the viewer. A line with endpoints A(10,-10,10) B(10,-
10,0) is viewed from the point P(0,0,20). Apply perspective projection and
find where the endpoints AB would be projected on the screen. [Assume
XY plane is the view plane/screen]
zprp = 20,zvp = 0 (XY Plane)
K3 CO3
dp = zprp - zvp = 20 - 0 =20
xp = x(dp/ zprp – z), yp = y(dp/ zprp – z)
A’(20, -20) and B’ (10,-10)

12. (i) In an animation sequence, keyframe k has 12 vertices and keyframe k+1
has 16 vertices. Apply in-betweening process by equalizing vertex count.
Vmax = 16, Vmin = 12, Nls = 4, Np = 1, 8+4(2) = 16

(ii) Construct a time-line for an animation showing constant speed to space 4

K3 in-between frames with keyframe1 placed at time 10 and keyframe2 at time 25. CO4
Identify the time in the time-line to place the 3rd in-between frame.
Dt = t2-t1/n+1, Dt = 25-10/4+1 = 15/5 =3
tBj = t1 +jDt => tB3 = 10+3(3) = 19
The time splits are 10 | 13 | 16 | 19 | 22| 25
The 3rd in between frame is at 19
13. Make use of I, J, K as primaries and do the following:
(i) Construct the color gamut. Using the chromaticity diagram, identify how
K3 CO4
the dominant wavelength and complimentary color for any color C is
calculated in the gamut.
(ii) Make use of additive and subtractive color models to show how a color C is
defined in each. (5)
Additive colors
 we define the chromaticity of light mixtures as the proportional stimulation
induced in the separate L, M and S cones relative to the stimulation across
them all (the color's brightness).
 the "primary" RGB colors of your computer monitor.
 Mixing light wavelengths from the "red," "green" and "blue violet" parts of
the spectrum adds luminosity and negates hue to shift the mixture color of
lights from dim pure hues toward bright whites.
Subtractive colors
 kind of material mixture
 exemplars of the yellow, cyan and magenta
 A subtractive mixture absorbs light wavelengths that either colorant absorbs
by itself. Subtractive mixture always increases darkness in material colors.


Prepared By Reviewed By Approved By

Course Coordinator PAC Team HOD

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