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Records should be maintained whether the vessel is on

international voyages or not. Records may be kept either

in paper format or electronic means provided such
information can be readily available.
Log books and engine movement (bell) books should be
checked to ensure that they are up to date with entries
properly made in ink and not in pencil. All entries must be
truthful and factual as the event occurs. Empty lines are
not allowed, and any correction should be such that the
original entry is readable.
Information which should be recorded includes that
concerning position, course and speed, the times and
positions when passing waypoints, land or sea marks,
weather and sea conditions and incidents and events
including pilot embarkation/disembarkation, times of
attendance and connection and disconnection of tugs,
times of berthing and un-berthing, hazardous occurrences
and accidents. Effectiveness of the radar(s) as measured
by the performance monitor(s) should be recorded by the
OOW at the end of each watch whenever the radar(s) are
operational to ensure that optimal efficiency is being
maintained. A numeric, percentage, graphical, or other
measurement value should be recorded.
Running logs such as Bridge Movement book, Deck Log
Book, Cargo Operation Log Kook and Engine Movement
Books are key documents that are looked at, in order to
establish the chronology of events and activities being
undertaken onboard ship, prior to, during and after any
No records or scanty details - are a clear indication that
the officers onboard do not recognize the importance of
recordkeeping and casts doubt on the level of watch
keeping undertaken by the officers on watch.
With respect to Cargo, Ballast and Tank Cleaning
operation on Tankers, the CCR log serves to record that
the operations are being conducted as per the plan, which
serves to also record the deviations from the plan, if any.
The log must include details of all major events including
starting and stopping of main cargo and ballast pumps,
tanks being worked and any deviations from the original
Confirmatory entries in the CCR log in respect of the
communications exchanged, between persons within the
ship and also between Ship & Shore, further serves to
confirm the actions or activities, for example, a request to
reduce the loading rate to the agreed ‘topping off’ rate,
followed by a further entry in the CCR log that it has been
confirmed reduced by the shore side provides written
evidence of closure of the communication loop.
Recognizing that OOW’s may not have been fully briefed
or may not be genuinely aware of their responsibility
towards record keeping whilst on watch, it is considered
appropriate to highlight the below points:
1. WHAT IS TO BE RECORDED: ‘Anything and
everything’ that an OOW feels will serve as evidence
to prove that he/she kept a proper watch and that the
required procedures were complied with, must be
recorded. If the OOW is in doubt, whether to or not to
record, then it must be recorded.
and truthful record keeping first and foremost serves
as the OOW’s primary evidence that a proper watch
was maintained. Proper watch keeping supported by
proper record keeping provides the ship’s owner the
primary evidence needed to defend a case, fend off
false claims and allegations.
Following a short templates-reminder on essential
details to be logged in various ogbooks:
Bridge Movement(Bell) Book: Arrival OR Dep Port Entries

 Date / Arrival drafts / Displacement

 1/ 2 hours notice to E/R for maneuvering + power on
winches / windlass Vessel in Confined water.
 Anchors clear ( Status of Lashings)
 Watch keeping level on Bridge entered
 Called Master and CON handed over to Master
 Abeam (All principle marks) / Transit bearings / lights in
a line
 BNWAS switched On/Off ( Master's Discretion)
 Called Port/Pilot station to announce ETA + berthing
prospects + reply ...... EOSP / Commenced slow down /
 Commenced Load Down Program
 ROB: HFO / DO / MGO / FW /Etc
 Vessel on hand/Auto steering in narrow channels /
approaching pilot station Steering Gear tested as per
Solas Chap V reg 26 , All indicators in Sync. Controls
tested, clocks synchronized,
 Timing on each set of steering pumps in each mode
(system 1 / 2/ NFU) Main Engines Tried out Astern and
Ahead ( Telegraph Location)
 All navigational equipment in order - any defects Master
made aware.
 Bridge Equipment Pre-Arrival/Departure Check list BR3
completed Vessel passing Abort Point / PNR ( point Of
No Return)
 Free Pratique requested / granted
 UKC + OHC + expected squat recorded
 Any other event / incident / happening during your watch
If Anchoring

 Received Anchoring Co-ordinates from

 Vessel entered Designated Anchorage Area
 Check List BR6 completed
 Commenced Lowering Port/ stbd Anchor (Vsl spd: ##.#
kts over Ground) Anchor Touched Bottom ( Hdg : no of
Shackles: Gps Position : ) Vessel Anchored:
 Type of sea bed : Charted Depth : UKC: No of shackles :
Informed Port control of Anchoring Position / Time NOR
 FWE / Engine on short / 1 hr / 10 mins / Cont Readiness
 ROB: HFO / DO / MGO / FW
 Any other event / incident / happening during your watch
If Pilot Boarding, berthing at jetty / SBM

 Vessel at Pilot station / Rendezvous position

 Completed Pilot boarding Check list BR7 / Ship -
Helicopter Check list
 Pilot boat / helicopter alongside and away / boarding by
 POB + Name of Pilot
 Completed MPEX Check list BR 8.
 Passage plan discussed with Pilot till berth
 Mooring plan + Pilot's advice to make fast with eg: 4 + 2
 If berthing at SBM - port OR stbd shore hawser + chain
 Names of tugs assisting + made fast + ships rope of
tugs rope used
 Passing buoy number / passing under bridge / passing
lighthouse etc etc
 Approaching berth / SBM – at least some distances to
berth recorded
 Abeam (All principle marks) / Transit bearings / lights in
a line
 ( Fdw and Aft)Tool Box Meetings Completed
 First line ashore + All fast at berth / SBM number xxxxx
with eg: 4/2/2
 NOR Tendered
 Gangway down / on board
 Commenced Loading Arm / Hose connections
 Pilot Away
 Tugs Cast off
 FWE / Engine on short / 1 hr / 10 mins / Cont Readiness
 ROB: HFO / DO / MGO / FW
 AIS status + GMDSS aerial status + bridge secured
 Any other event / incident / happening during your watch
STS operations

 Anchor Aweigh
 Vessel At Rendezvous (RV) position
 Check List Completed : Commenced Operations
 Check List Completed: Commenced Final Approach
 ( Fdw and Aft)Tool Box Meetings Completed
 10 Cm Radar switched Off
 Status of ICCP
 Vsl Spd : Hdng:
 Wx condition Sea;BF XX Scale, Swell; M, Visibility;
 Mother/Daughter Vessel Alongside
 Commenced Mooring
 Detail the entire mooring Operations
 All Fast
 Commenced Hose connection
 Vessel Turing to Port / Stbd. ROT:
 Entries appropriate to Anchoring / Drifting as mentioned
 Any other event / incident / happening during your watch
STS Departure

 Anchor aweigh
 Completed Check List No 5
 Vsl Spd : Hdng:
 Commenced Unmooring
 All Lines Clear
 Vessels Separated
 Service Vessel clear of STBL Turning to Port / stbd at
 Any other event / incident / happening during your watch

 Time ----------: Tested Primary and Secondary steering

gear internal control communications, alarms, Standby/
Emergency Generator and Emergency Lighting.
 Time -----------: Conducted Emergency steering drill as
per 33 CFR 164.25(d)
 Any other event / incident / happening during your watch

 Notice to E/R for main engine

 Date / Departure drafts / Displacement
 Steering Gear tested as per Solas Chap V reg 26, All
indicators in Sync.
 Controls tested, clocks synchronized,
 Timing on each set of steering pumps in each mode
(system 1 / 2/ NFU)
 Completed Pilot boarding Check list BR 7/ Ship -
Helicopter Check list
 Pilot boat / helicopter alongside and away / boarding by
 POB + Name of Pilot
 Completed Check list BR 7 and R 8 Master Pilot
information exchange.
 Passage plan discussed with Pilot from berth till fairway
 Mooring plan + Pilot's advice to make fast with eg: 4 + 2
 If berthing at SBM - port OR stbd shore hawser + chain
 Names of tugs assisting + made fast + ships rope of
tugs rope used
 Only after g'way up : Engine tested on air & fuel
 Main Engines Blown Through
 Commenced singling up fore & aft
 ROB: HFO / DO / MGO / FW
 Main Engines Tried out Astern and Ahead ( Telegraph
 Watch keeping level on Bridge entered
 All cast off forward / all cast off aft + propeller clear
 Vessel moving away from jetty / SBM + vesel clear from
 Tugs cast off + tug away
 Abeam (All principle marks) / Transit bearings / lights in
a line
 All Reporting’s Made
 Pilot boat / helicopter alongside and Pilot away
 COSP given at xxxx
 ROB: HFO / DO / MGO / FW
 Vessel secured for sea - all anchors + loose gear lashed
 BNWAS switched On
 Con Handed Over to OOW
 Any other event / incident / happening during your watch
CCR Movement Book: Arrival Port Entries

 All cargo Lines and COW lines pressure tested

 Testing of all COP, Compressors & Inert Gas system
alarms and trips
 O2 analyzer zero calibrated (for oil Tankers)
 Inspection of Ballast tank samples - no traces of oil
 Completed Pump room Entry Permit Check list (For Oil
 Completed Compressor room Entry Permit Check list
(For LPG/C)
 Loading / Disch plan discussed with all deck officers and
 Controls tested, clocks synchronized, engines tried out
 Arrival / SBE : Drafts + HFO / DO / MGO / FW ROB's
 Completed Pre arrival check list
 2 hours notice to E/R for COP's / IG / Ballast Pump /
Stripper steam
 Cargo hydraulic oil topped up and system tested
 Current Displacement / Cargo quantities / Ballast
 First line ashore / All fast / g'way down
 Gangway ready for boarding with safety net
 NOR tendered + received / Free Pratique granted
 Agent / Immigration / SIRE / PSC / FSC / Customs /
Supdt / Etc boarded
 If boarding by basket / helicopter / boat - times alongside
& away
 Cargo Surveyor onbd + Commenced / gauging /
sampling / Cargo Survey Commenced / completed
Cargo / Vapor hose connection e.g; 1 x 8" etc
 Commenced Safety meeting with terminal Completed
Check list
 Max loading / disch rates + topping up rates xxxxxx
cumtr per hour
 Ship Ready to load / disch + Shore ready to load / disch
 Completed Cargo Gear readiness check list C2 (LPG/C)
TKR 4 (For Oil Tankers) Awaiting shore readiness
 Commd IG plant / IG pressure / O2 content each hour
(Tankers) Manifold/Vapor valves OPEN / SHUT
 Ballasting / Deballasting changed over from xx tank to xx
 Manifold pressure / rpm reduced by shore / shore c/over
 Moorings tended to between xxxx LT and xxxx LT
 SBM watch / Manifold / rounds made on deck +
Ship/shore c/list verified
 Ldg / disch quantities verified with shore at least each
 Comparisons of Liquid levels Manual/COT gauges with
Remote readings each watch
 If applicable Cargo Ventilating log OP 20
 During Cargo work Checklist in progress
 Checklist in use during Cargo work
 Checklist in use Pre-Ballasting of Cargo tanks (For Oil
 Prior COW Checklist TKR 8 (For Oil Tankers)
 COW preparation / commenced / completed - details in
COW log (Tankers) Notice given to terminal for slowing
down for TOPPING UP tanks
 Ceased Disch ashore for internal COW & Stripping
 Resumed disch / commd final line displacement through
MARPOL line Completed loading / discharging /
ballasting / deballasting .
 Completion of checklist upon completion of cargo work
 Completion of checklist TKR 7 upon completion of
cargo/Ballast Commenced / completed gauging + cargo
 Hoses connected / disconnected + documents on board
 LOP's + Ship shore difference + BL's signed + OBQ
 Departure Drafts + HFO + DO + MGO + FW + Ballast +
 Agent / Immigration / SIRE / PSC / FSC / Customs /
Supdt disembarked POB + Gangway up + commenced
singling up + all cast off
 Propeller clear + Engines tried out on air & fuel
 Commd / completed bunkering + FW + stores + Lubes +
 Sign ON / sign OFF crew + times boat a/s & away.
 Port & Terminal regulations complied with - enter at least
twice a day
 Any other event / incident / happening during your watch
CCR Movement Book: Departure Port Entries

 2 hours notice to E/R for sailing

 All cargo + Ballast tanks and W/T doors secured for sea
 Controls tested, clocks synchronized, engines tried out
 Departure / SBE : Drafts + HFO / DO / MGO / FW ROB's
 POB: Embarked/disembarked + Name of Pilot + Names
of tugs made fast
 Current Displacement / Cargo quantities / Ballast
 G'way up & propeller clear if need to try put engines
 POB: Embarked + disembarked + Name of Pilot +
Names of tugs made fast
 Agent / Immigration / SIRE / PSC / FSC /supdt
 If disembarking by basket / helicopter / boat - times
alongside & away
 Commenced / gauging / sampling + Surveyor
 Commenced / completed hose connection e; 1 x 8" etc
 Stopped IG plant /Final IG pressure / Mast riser shut
 Manifold valves SHUT and secured
 Commenced / completed Loading / Discharging
/Ballasting / deballasting
 COP's / Ballast pump / stripper pump : Stopped
 Hoses disconnected + documents on board
 Departure Drafts + HFO + DO + MGO + FW + Ballast +
 Agent / Immigration / SIRE / PSC / FSC / Customs /
Supdt disembarked
 POB + Gangway up + commenced singling up + all cast
 Propeller clear + Engines tried out on air & fuel
 Commd / completed bunkering + FW + stores + Lubes +
 RFA + all ropes secured for sea voyage
 ROB's: HFO / GO .MDO / FW
 Any other event / incident / happening during your watch
Engine Room Movement Book: Arrival OR Dep Port Entries

 Free Pratique requested / granted

 Controls tested, clocks synchronized
 Engine room watch keeping level xxxxx maintained
 Starting & taking additional generator on load
 Warming up & start up of boiler
 M/E slowed down and stop + tried out astern - all in
 Engines ready for maneuvering in all respects
 Check depths in approach channel c/over to High/Low
sea suction
 EOP - M/E counter + M/E + A/E + Boiler flow meter
readings + M/E cyl oil + Alfa Lubricator counter
 FWE - M/E counter + M/E + A/E + Boiler flow meter
readings + M/E cyl oil + Alfa lubricator counter
Arrival US waters:

 All checks carried out as per CFR

 If anchoring: Main engine on xxxxx notice
 If berthing directly:
 IG Oxygen analyzer calibrated prior arrival
 COP's and Ballast Pump warming up
 All fast at berth / SBM number xxxxx
 FWE + HFO / DO / MGO / FW / Distilled water = ROB's

 2 hours notice received from Bridge for main engine

 Controls tested, clocks synchronized
 Engine room watch keeping level xxxxx maintained
 Steering gear tested in conjunction with Wheel house
and timing recorded
 After confirming Propeller clear - Turning of M/E on
Turning gear
 Engines blown through & ready for testing on fuel
 M/E tried out - all satisfactory
 SBE - M/E counter + M/E + A/E + Boiler flow meter
readings + M/E cyl oil + Alfa Lubricator counter
 SBE: HFO / DO / MGO / FW ROB's
 RFA - M/E counter + M/E + A/E + Boiler flow meter
readings + M/E cyl oil = Alfa Lubricator counter
 RFA: HFO / DO / MGO / FW ROB's
 Unloading of extra A/E and other auxiliaries
 Any other event / incident / happening during your watch

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