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Individual Action Project

Archana Yaramala

St. Francis College


Professor Donnika Carroll


Overview and Setting of Red Cross

The Red Cross, officially known as the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

(IFRC), is a prominent humanitarian organization with a rich history dating back to its founding in 1863 by

Henry Dunant and Gustave Moynier. It operates worldwide, providing essential assistance to vulnerable

populations during times of crisis (International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, 2021).

The Red Cross is guided by a set of fundamental principles, including humanity, impartiality, neutrality,

independence, voluntary service, unity, and universality (International Committee of the Red Cross, 2021).

These principles underscore the organization's commitment to alleviating human suffering and ensuring

respect for human dignity.

One of the core functions of the Red Cross is to provide humanitarian aid during disasters and emergencies.

This assistance can take various forms, including disaster response, relief, and recovery efforts. For

example, the Red Cross plays a crucial role in responding to natural disasters like earthquakes, hurricanes,

and floods by providing emergency shelter, food, water, and medical care to affected communities

(International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, 2021).

Additionally, the Red Cross is actively involved in humanitarian diplomacy and advocacy. It works to

promote the respect of international humanitarian law and the protection of civilians in armed conflicts. The

organization's emblem, a red cross on a white background, is recognized globally as a symbol of protection

and neutrality (International Committee of the Red Cross, 2021).


The Red Cross also plays a significant role in healthcare and blood services. Many national Red Cross and

Red Crescent societies operate blood donation programs, ensuring a safe and steady supply of blood and

blood products for medical treatments and emergencies (International Federation of Red Cross and Red

Crescent Societies, 2021).

Furthermore, the Red Cross is engaged in community-based programs aimed at strengthening resilience and

reducing vulnerability. These programs encompass health promotion, disaster preparedness, and support for

marginalized groups, such as migrants and refugees (International Federation of Red Cross and Red

Crescent Societies, 2021).

The organization's volunteer network is a cornerstone of its operations. Red Cross volunteers, often referred

to as "Red Crossers," play a crucial role in delivering aid and services on the ground, providing care and

support to those in need during emergencies (International Committee of the Red Cross, 2021).

The Red Cross operates on a global scale, with a presence in virtually every country. It collaborates with

governments, non-governmental organizations, and other partners to ensure an effective and coordinated

response to crises (International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, 2021).

In conclusion, the Red Cross, through its commitment to humanitarian principles, extensive volunteer

network, and global reach, plays a vital role in responding to disasters, providing healthcare services,

promoting humanitarian values, and advocating for the protection of vulnerable populations. Its work

continues to make a significant impact on the lives of millions of people around the world (International

Committee of the Red Cross, 2021; International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies,


My role as Youth Volunteer at Red Cross

As a youth volunteer at the Red Cross, my role is not only a privilege but also a significant responsibility. It

encompasses a wide range of tasks and duties that collectively contribute to the organization's humanitarian

mission and my local community's well-being.

My foremost responsibility is to actively engage with my local community. I serve as a link between the Red

Cross and the people it serves. I work to identify the unique needs and vulnerabilities within my community

and raise awareness about critical humanitarian issues. Through organizing events, workshops, and

campaigns, I strive to educate community members about disaster preparedness, health, safety, and the

fundamental principles of the Red Cross. My outreach efforts are aimed at building a more informed and

resilient community.

In times of disaster or emergency, I am on the frontlines, ready to provide immediate assistance and support.

My training equips me with the necessary skills and knowledge to be effective in these critical situations.

Whether it involves distributing emergency supplies, setting up and managing shelters, or offering emotional

support to those affected, I am dedicated to helping my community recover from adversity swiftly and with


I take pride in being a certified trainer in first aid and CPR through the Red Cross. This role enables me to

empower others with life-saving skills. Whether it's fellow volunteers, students in schools, or employees in

workplaces, I am committed to teaching these essential skills. By doing so, I contribute to a community

where more individuals can respond effectively in emergencies, potentially saving lives.

I play an active role in organizing and promoting blood drives within my community. These initiatives are

vital in ensuring a stable supply of blood and blood products for medical treatments, surgeries, and

emergencies. Knowing that my efforts directly contribute to the well-being of patients in need of

transfusions is incredibly fulfilling.


I engage in health education initiatives, focusing on topics like hygiene, disease prevention, and healthy

lifestyles. My aim is to educate individuals and communities on ways to stay healthy and prevent illnesses.

These initiatives have a lasting impact on public health outcomes and the overall well-being of my


Recognizing the leadership potential in youth volunteers like myself, the Red Cross provides opportunities

to take on leadership roles within the organization. Serving on youth councils or participating in planning

committees allows me to contribute to the Red Cross's mission more effectively. Additionally, I am

passionate about advocating for humanitarian causes, social justice, and the rights of vulnerable populations.

My advocacy efforts have the potential to influence policy changes and bring about positive societal change.

I actively engage in fundraising activities, such as organizing charity events, conducting donation drives,

and launching online campaigns. These efforts are crucial in raising essential funds for disaster relief,

community projects, and humanitarian programs. I understand that my contributions ensure the Red Cross

can continue its vital work.

I aspire to participate in international projects and exchange programs. This will provide me with the

opportunity to collaborate with Red Cross and Red Crescent societies worldwide, gaining a global

perspective on humanitarian challenges and solutions.

My role as a youth volunteer offers more than just contributing to the community—it's also about personal

growth and development. Through volunteering, I acquire leadership, teamwork, communication, and

problem-solving skills. These experiences shape my character and pave the way for my future career path.

In summary, my role as a youth volunteer at the Red Cross is dynamic and impactful. I am honored to serve

as a catalyst for change within my local community and beyond. My dedication, compassion, and

commitment to the Red Cross's humanitarian mission make me an invaluable asset in building more

resilient, compassionate, and prepared communities. This role also provides me with opportunities for

personal growth and development, enriching both my character and my future aspirations.

In the realm of organizational behavior, two critical and interconnected topics are Decision Making and

Leadership. These aspects profoundly influence an organization's effectiveness, culture, and overall success.

Decision Making is at the core of every organizational process, influencing both day-to-day operations and

long-term strategic planning. It involves identifying problems or opportunities, gathering relevant

information, and selecting the most appropriate course of action (Robbins & Judge, 2019). However,

decision-making in organizations is not always straightforward, and various factors can impact the process.

One influential factor in decision-making is cognitive biases. These biases can cloud judgment and lead to

suboptimal decisions (Kahneman, 2011). For instance, confirmation bias can cause leaders to seek

information that confirms their pre-existing beliefs, ignoring contradictory evidence. To mitigate biases,

organizations can implement structured decision-making processes and encourage diversity of thought

among decision-makers (Kahneman, 2011).

Moreover, group decision-making processes are common in organizations. Group dynamics, such as

groupthink (Janis, 1972), can affect the quality of decisions. Leaders must create an environment where

team members feel comfortable sharing diverse viewpoints and where dissent is encouraged (Robbins &

Judge, 2019).

Leadership is another fundamental aspect of organizational behavior, as it shapes an organization's culture,

influences employee motivation, and ultimately determines its success (Northouse, 2019). Effective

leadership involves guiding and inspiring others to achieve common goals.


One prominent leadership theory is Transformational Leadership (Bass & Riggio, 2006). Transformational

leaders inspire and motivate employees by fostering a shared vision and encouraging personal growth and

development. This style of leadership can positively impact employee engagement and organizational


Another influential leadership theory is Situational Leadership (Hersey & Blanchard, 1977). This theory

suggests that effective leadership style varies depending on the situation and the readiness of employees.

Leaders must adapt their approach, ranging from a directing style for inexperienced employees to a

delegating style for those who are highly capable and motivated (Northouse, 2019).

The connection between decision making and leadership is evident in the leader's role in organizational

decision-making processes. Effective leaders must make informed decisions while considering the interests

and perspectives of their teams (Yukl, 2013). They must also communicate decisions transparently and

provide a rationale, fostering a sense of inclusivity and shared ownership (Yukl, 2013).

In conclusion, Decision Making and Leadership are critical topics in organizational behavior, intricately

linked in their influence on an organization's functioning. Decision-making processes are prone to cognitive

biases and group dynamics, necessitating structured approaches and open communication. Leadership styles,

such as Transformational and Situational Leadership, impact organizational culture and employee

motivation. Effective leaders must navigate complex decision-making scenarios while fostering

collaboration and ensuring alignment with organizational goals (Bass & Riggio, 2006; Hersey & Blanchard,

1977; Janis, 1972; Kahneman, 2011; Northouse, 2019; Robbins & Judge, 2019; Yukl, 2013). Mastering

these concepts is essential for creating a resilient and successful organization.


Within organizations like the Red Cross, the topics of Decision Making and Leadership hold paramount

importance, influencing the ability to effectively respond to humanitarian crises and fulfill their mission.

Decision Making plays a pivotal role in the daily operations and strategic planning of the Red Cross. The

organization constantly faces complex choices in allocating resources, responding to disasters, and

prioritizing aid efforts. A study by Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (2015) emphasized the

significance of structured decision-making processes within the organization, particularly during emergency

responses. Decision-makers must swiftly identify critical needs, assess available resources, and determine

the best course of action to save lives and alleviate suffering (Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, 2015).

However, the decision-making process in a humanitarian context is often fraught with challenges.

Humanitarian emergencies are characterized by uncertainty, urgency, and moral dilemmas. This

environment can amplify cognitive biases and decision errors (Dietz & Stern, 2008). To counter these

challenges, the Red Cross incorporates training in decision-making and ethical considerations into its

volunteer and staff development programs. These efforts aim to enhance the quality of decisions made in the

field (Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, 2015).

Leadership within the Red Cross is instrumental in guiding the organization's efforts and inspiring

volunteers and staff to carry out their mission. Effective leadership, particularly during times of crisis, is

crucial for maintaining morale, coordination, and resilience (Balcik et al., 2010). Red Cross leaders often

exemplify Transformational Leadership (Northouse, 2019), fostering a shared vision of humanitarian service

and motivating volunteers and staff to go above and beyond in their roles. This leadership style inspires a

sense of purpose and dedication within the organization (Northouse, 2019).


Additionally, Red Cross leaders must be adaptive and situational in their approach (Hersey & Blanchard,

1977). The dynamic nature of humanitarian work requires leaders to assess the readiness and capabilities of

their teams, adjusting their leadership style accordingly. During disaster responses, leaders often employ a

more directive approach to provide clear guidance, whereas in routine operations, a more participative style

may be appropriate (Hersey & Blanchard, 1977).

The synergy between decision making and leadership is evident in the Red Cross's organizational structure.

Leaders at various levels are responsible for making critical decisions that align with the organization's

mission and values. They must effectively communicate these decisions to their teams, providing context

and rationale (Yukl, 2013). Transparent and inclusive decision-making processes foster a sense of ownership

and unity among Red Cross volunteers and staff (Yukl, 2013).

In conclusion, within the Red Cross, the topics of Decision Making and Leadership are intertwined and of

paramount importance. Effective decision making is essential for allocating resources and responding to

humanitarian crises, while leadership styles like Transformational and Situational Leadership inspire

dedication and adaptability within the organization (Balcik et al., 2010; Hersey & Blanchard, 1977;

Northouse, 2019; Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, 2015). The ability to navigate complex decisions

and lead teams with empathy and adaptability is crucial for the Red Cross to fulfill its mission and provide

vital humanitarian assistance to those in need.

The Red Cross organization offers several strengths to its employees, volunteers, and members:


Humanitarian Mission: The Red Cross's core mission of alleviating human suffering is a powerful motivator

for its employees, volunteers, and members. Knowing that their work directly contributes to saving lives and

helping communities in need provides a sense of purpose and fulfillment.


Training and Skill Development: The organization provides extensive training and development

opportunities, equipping its workforce with valuable skills in disaster response, first aid, leadership, and

more. This not only enhances their abilities but also boosts their confidence and self-esteem.

Global Network: The Red Cross is a part of a vast global network of organizations, allowing its employees,

volunteers, and members to collaborate on an international scale. This offers a unique chance to work on

diverse projects and gain cross-cultural experiences.

Inclusivity and Diversity: The Red Cross values diversity and inclusivity, creating an environment where

individuals from various backgrounds can come together to work toward a common goal. This fosters

creativity, innovation, and a sense of belonging.

Teamwork and Camaraderie: Collaborative teamwork is encouraged within the organization. Employees,

volunteers, and members often form strong bonds while working together on humanitarian projects, creating

a sense of camaraderie and support.

Opportunities for Leadership: The Red Cross recognizes leadership potential in its workforce and offers

avenues for leadership development. This allows individuals to take on greater responsibilities and have a

more significant impact on the organization's activities.

Ethical Climate:

The Red Cross is known for its strong ethical climate, characterized by a commitment to the principles of

humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service, unity, and universality (International

Committee of the Red Cross, 2021). These principles guide the organization's actions and decision-making,

ensuring that humanitarian assistance is provided without discrimination and with the utmost respect for

human dignity. The ethical climate fosters trust and credibility, both internally and externally.

Improvement and Recommendations:

While the Red Cross organization has many strengths, there is always room for improvement

Enhanced Communication: The organization can improve communication channels to ensure that

employees, volunteers, and members are well-informed about ongoing initiatives, opportunities, and

achievements. Regular updates can boost morale and engagement.

Recognition and Appreciation: Recognizing and appreciating the contributions of individuals is essential.

Implementing a formal recognition program can motivate and retain volunteers and employees.

Feedback Mechanisms: Establishing structured feedback mechanisms allows employees, volunteers, and

members to voice their concerns, suggestions, and ideas. This can lead to process improvements and a

greater sense of ownership.

Training Customization: Customizing training programs to align with individual goals and interests can

further enhance skill development and engagement. This personalization can help individuals see how their

growth contributes to the organization's mission.

Mentorship and Career Pathways: Creating mentorship programs and clearly defined career pathways can

provide a sense of direction and long-term commitment for volunteers and employees.

Emphasizing Diversity and Inclusion: Continuously fostering an inclusive environment is essential. The

organization should work to ensure that diverse voices are heard and represented at all levels.

In summary, the Red Cross organization possesses several strengths that motivate and engage its employees,

volunteers, and members. It has a strong ethical climate that aligns with its humanitarian mission. To

improve engagement and motivation, the organization can focus on better communication, recognition,

feedback, training customization, mentorship, and diversity and inclusion. These recommendations aim to

further enhance the positive impact of the Red Cross on communities in need while nurturing a motivated

and engaged workforce.



Red Cross organization stands as a beacon of humanitarianism, driven by a steadfast commitment to

alleviating human suffering and preserving human dignity. Its strengths lie in its noble mission,

comprehensive training programs, global network, commitment to diversity, and the sense of camaraderie it

fosters among employees, volunteers, and members. The organization's ethical climate, guided by the

fundamental principles, ensures that assistance is provided impartially and independently, enhancing trust

and credibility.

Nevertheless, there is always room for improvement. The Red Cross can further engage and motivate its

workforce by enhancing communication, recognition, feedback mechanisms, customized training,

mentorship, and its commitment to diversity and inclusion. These efforts will not only empower its

dedicated workforce but also reinforce the organization's ability to fulfill its vital humanitarian mission,

leaving an indelible mark on communities in need worldwide. As the Red Cross continues to adapt and

grow, its unwavering commitment to humanity remains at the heart of its enduring legacy.


Bass, B. M., & Riggio, R. E. (2006). Transformational leadership (2nd ed.). Psychology Press.

Hersey, P., & Blanchard, K. H. (1977). Management of organizational behavior: Utilizing human resources

(3rd ed.). Prentice-Hall.

Janis, I. L. (1972). Victims of groupthink: A psychological study of foreign-policy decisions and fiascoes.

Houghton Mifflin.

Kahneman, D. (2011). Thinking, fast and slow. Farrar, Straus and Giroux.

Northouse, P. G. (2019). Leadership: Theory and practice (8th ed.). Sage Publications.

Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2019). Organizational behavior (18th ed.). Pearson.

Yukl, G. (2013). Leadership in organizations (8th ed.). Pearson.

Balcik, B., Beamon, B. M., Krejci, C. C., Muramatsu, K. M., & Ramirez, M. (2010). Coordination in

humanitarian relief chains: Practices, challenges and opportunities. International Journal of Production

Economics, 126(1), 22-34.

Dietz, T., & Stern, P. C. (2008). Public participation in environmental assessment and decision making.

National Academy Press.

Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. (2015). Decision-making in complex emergencies: The case of the

Red Cross and Red Crescent. International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

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