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Important Proverbs

Sr. No

1. Self-done is well-done. ‫ج۔‬ ‫آپ ج‬

2. All covet, all lose. ‫۔‬ ‫رى‬ ‫آد ر‬ ‫ڑ رى‬ ‫آد‬
3. Do not put of till tomorrow, what you can do today. ‫ڑو۔‬ ‫آج م‬
4. Take care of today, tomorrow will take care of itself. ‫۔‬ ‫آج آج‬
5. The dead are soon forgotten. ‫آج ے دو ادن۔‬
6. A man is known by the company he keeps. ‫۔‬ ‫آد ا‬
7. Out of the frying pan into the fire. ‫ا ر ا ۔‬ ‫آ ن‬
8. Out of sight, out of mind. ‫۔‬ ‫ڑاو‬ ‫آ او‬
9. Money for money, interests besides. ‫ں دام۔‬ ‫آم آم‬
10. Haste makes waste. ‫ر۔‬ ‫ن ۔آ دوڑ‬ ‫ى م‬
11. It is useless to cry over spilt milk. ‫۔‬ ُ‫ں‬ ‫ت‬ ‫اب‬
12. Blood is thicker than water. ‫۔‬ ، ‫ا ا‬
13. Every potter praises his own pot. ‫۔‬ ‫ا‬
14. Every cock fights best on his own dunghill. ‫۔‬ ‫ا‬
15. Sweep before your own door. ‫ڈال د ۔‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ا‬
16. To blow one’s own trumpet. ‫۔‬ ‫ں‬ ‫ا‬
17. To rob peter to pay Paul. ‫۔‬ ‫ى د‬ ‫ا‬
18. Tit for Tat. ‫۔‬ ‫و‬ ‫۔‬ ‫اد‬
19. Penny wise, pound foolish. ‫۔‬ ‫ں‬ ‫ں‬ ‫ا‬
20. To carry coal to new castle. ‫۔‬ ُ‫ا‬
21. After us is deluge. ‫۔‬ ‫آپ ے‬
22. A mother’s bowl earns for his own child. ‫دے۔‬ ‫ا ں‬،‫ر ڑ ں‬ ‫ا‬
23. A blind man is no judge of colours. ‫ر۔‬ ‫ا‬
24. A figure among cyphers. ‫را ۔‬ ‫ں‬ ‫ا‬
25. A blind man’s wife needs no paint. ‫ر۔‬ ‫ے‬ ‫ى‬ ‫ا‬
26. The grapes are sour. ‫۔‬ ‫ا ر‬
27. Physician, heal thyself. ‫۔‬ ‫اوروں د ں‬
28. Charity begins at home. ‫درو ۔‬ ‫اول‬
29. Let us see which way the wind blows. ‫۔‬ ‫وٹ‬ ‫د او‬

30. A giant will starve on what surfeits a dwarf. ‫ز ہ۔‬ ‫او‬
31. Much cry, little wool. ‫ان۔‬ ‫او د ن‬
32. Better lose a jest than lose a friend. ‫۔‬ ‫قآ‬ ‫دو‬ ‫اقا‬ ‫ا‬
33. To kill two birds with one stone. ‫دو ر۔‬ ‫دو ج۔ا‬ ‫ا‬
34. Silence is golden. ‫ار ۔‬ ‫ا‬
35. A black sheep spoils the whole flock. ‫۔‬ ‫ا‬ ‫رے ب‬ ‫ا‬
36. Two of a trade seldom agree. ‫۔‬ ‫ن دو ار‬ ‫ا‬
37. It takes two to make a row. ‫۔‬ ‫ا‬
38. Lost reputation is seldom regained. ‫آ ۔‬ ‫توا‬ ‫۔‬ ‫آ و آ‬
39. If you are good there is nothing wrong. ‫۔‬ ‫آپ‬
40. It is useless to shut the stable door after the horse is ‫ر ۔‬ ‫اں د‬ ‫آگ‬
41. To make mountain of a molehill. ‫۔‬ ‫ت‬
42. Great boast, little roast. ‫م ر۔‬ ‫ںد‬
43. A word spoken is like an arrow. ‫۔‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ت‬
44. Every dog has his day. ‫۔‬ ‫دن‬ ‫روڑى‬ ‫رہ ل‬
45. Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown. ‫ا۔‬ ُ ‫وں د‬
46. Pride hath a fall. ‫۔‬ ‫ور‬
47. A wolf in sheep’s clothing. ‫رامرام۔‬ ‫ى‬
48. A pitcher that goes often in the well must break at ‫۔‬ ‫ے ں‬
49. Who will bell the cat? ‫؟‬ ‫ن‬
50. A close mouth catches no fly. ‫د ۔‬ ‫ں دودھ‬ ‫رو‬
51. It is good sometimes to hold the candle to the devil. ‫۔‬ ‫پ‬ ‫ورت‬
52. An uninvited guest never welcome. ‫۔‬ ‫ن‬
53. Little drops make an ocean. ‫۔‬ ‫ب‬
54. Brave deeds need no show. ‫م۔‬ ‫درى م‬
55. Make hay while the sun shines. ‫۔‬ ‫د‬
56. An idle brain is a devil’s work shop. ‫۔‬ ‫ن‬ ‫رد غ‬
57. Occupation is the salt of life. ‫۔‬ ‫ ے اد‬، ‫ر ش‬
58. Better wear out than rust out. ‫۔‬ ‫۔ رى‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ر‬
59. Something is better than nothing. ‫۔‬ ‫ر‬

60. Let sleeping dogs lie. ‫و۔‬ ‫وں‬
61. Errors and omissions excepted. ‫ل ك د ۔‬
62. Casting pearls before swine. ‫۔‬ ‫آ‬
63. His bread is buttered on both sides. ‫۔‬ ‫ں‬
64. Prevention is better than cure. ‫۔‬ ‫ج‬
65. Look before you leap. ‫۔‬
66. First deserve than desire. ‫۔‬
67. It is foolish to expect grapes out of thistles. ‫۔‬ ‫آم ں‬، ‫ل‬
68. To cry before one is hurt. ‫از گواو ۔‬
69. Man proposes, God disposes. ‫۔‬ ‫رِ ا‬ ‫ز ہ ہ۔و‬ ‫ہ‬
70. Sweep before your own door. ‫ڈال د ۔‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ا‬
71. He gives twice that gives in a trice. ‫ن۔‬ ،‫تدان‬
72. There is no cure against bad luck. ‫۔‬ ‫آ‬
73. Health is wealth. ‫۔‬ ‫ار‬ ‫ر‬
74. Necessity does the work of courage. ‫در‬ ‫دل‬ ‫آ ۔ ورتاور‬ ‫آ‬
75. Empty vessel makes the most noise. ‫۔‬ ‫ز دہ ر‬ ‫۔‬
76. Should not throw stones at others. ‫ڑا ل د ك ل۔‬
77. See which way the wind blows. ‫د رد ۔‬ ‫د‬
78. Penny wise, pound foolish. ‫دے۔‬ ‫دے‬ ‫ت‬
79. Where there is life there is hope. ‫آس۔‬
80. The boughs that bears most, hand lowest. ‫۔‬ ‫ا‬
81. The more the sweat the more the reward. ‫۔‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ڈا‬
82. Cut your coat according to your cloth. ‫ؤ۔‬ ‫ؤں‬ ‫در‬
83. As many mouths, so many opinions. ‫۔‬ ‫ا‬
84. Who hath God, hath all. ‫۔‬ ‫رباُد‬
85. A bad workman quarrels with his tools. ‫۔‬ ‫آ‬ ‫چ‬
86. Might is right. ‫۔‬ ‫اُس‬
87. Fair is not fair but that which pleased. ‫۔‬ ‫و‬
88. East or west, home is best. ‫رے۔‬ ‫رے‬
89. Barking dog seldom bite. ‫۔‬ ‫وہ‬
90. Nothing comes out of a sack but what is put into it. ‫۔‬ ‫ى‬ ‫ى‬ ‫۔‬ ‫ا‬

91. Come what may. ‫۔‬ ‫۔ اہ‬
92. He who seeks finds. ‫۔‬ ‫وہ‬ ‫ڈ‬
93. There is no rose without a thorn. ‫ں لو ں ۔‬
94. Where there is will, there is a way. ‫و ںراہ۔‬،‫ں ہ‬
95. Where there is rice in your dish I am your ‫رىرات۔‬ ‫و ں‬،‫ات‬ ‫ںد‬
96. Do in rome as the romans do. ‫۔‬ ‫د و‬
97. As you sow so shall you reap. ‫و ۔‬ ‫و و‬
98. Like saint, like offering. ‫۔‬ ‫روحو‬ ‫۔‬ ‫پو‬
99. Like dog, like stick. ‫۔‬ ‫و‬،
100. Like father, like son. ‫۔‬ ‫پو‬
101. A silver key opens every door. ‫دروازے۔‬ ‫ى‬
102. Those who live in glass house should not throw ‫۔‬ ‫ار‬ ‫ج‬
stones at others.
103. Beauty is short lived. ‫ىرات۔‬ ‫ى ا‬ ‫ردن‬
104. He who digs a pit for others, himself falls in it. ‫د‬ ‫ا د‬ ‫۔وہ دو وں‬ ‫ہ را ہدر‬
‫۔‬ ‫اس‬
105. Nearer the church, farther from God. ‫ا۔‬ ‫اغ ا‬
106. Small wit, great boast. ‫ى ت۔‬
107. A wolf may lose its teeth but not its habits. ‫۔‬ ‫ى‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ر رى‬
108. A guilt conscience needs no accuser. ‫۔‬ ‫ر داڑ‬
109. Forbidden fruit is sweet. ‫۔‬ ‫رى‬
110. Sold worth is not sullied by slender. ‫۔‬ ‫كڈا‬
111. He who eats a good meal shall have a good meal. ‫۔‬ ‫د‬ ‫رے‬ ‫ا‬
112. Cursed cows have short horns. ‫دے۔‬ ‫ا‬
113. If God be for us, who can be against us? ‫ر۔‬ ‫ا در ر‬
114. When the old cock crows, the young cock follows. ‫۔‬ ‫زہر‬ ‫زے د‬
115. Murder will be out. ‫۔‬ ‫ن‬
116. To build castles in the air. ‫ؤ ۔‬
117. A timid cat makes a proud mouse. ‫۔‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ں‬ ‫د‬
118. There is something wrong at the bottom. ‫۔‬ ‫دا ل‬
119. Money makes the mare go. ‫م۔‬ ‫دام‬

120. A wise enemy is better than a foolish friend. ‫۔‬ ‫داندو‬ ُ ‫دا د‬
121. Cooks are not be taught in their own kitchen. ‫۔‬ ‫دا‬
122. A tree is known by its own fruit. ‫۔‬ ‫ا‬ ‫در‬
123. It is hard to live in Rome and fight with the Pope. ‫۔‬ ‫ر‬ ‫در‬
124. Love begets love. ‫۔‬ ‫دل دل راہ‬
125. It is easier to build a new home than to patch and old ‫ا ۔‬ ، ‫د ى‬
126. A burnt child dreads the fire or once bitten, twice ‫۔‬ ‫دودھ‬
127. A friend in need is a friend indeed. ‫مآ ۔‬ ‫وہ‬ ‫دو‬
128. Between two stools you fall to the ground. ‫۔‬ ‫ن‬ ‫دو وں‬
129. Distant drums sound sweeter. ‫۔‬ ‫دور ڈ ل‬
130. A rolling stone gathers no moss. ‫ٹ۔‬ ‫د‬
131. To many cooks spoil the broth. ‫ام۔‬ ‫دو ؤں‬
132. Hope sustains life. ‫۔‬ ‫د ا‬
133. Honesty is the best policy. ‫۔‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ارى‬ ‫د‬
134. Even walls have ears. ‫۔‬ ‫ن‬ ‫د ار‬
135. Look before you leap. ‫مر ۔‬ ‫ل‬ ‫د‬
136. Silent waters run deep. ‫ا۔‬ ‫د ا‬
137. The fox preys farthest from the den. ‫۔‬ ‫ڑ‬ ‫دس‬ ‫ڈا‬
138. A drowning man catches at a straw. ‫را۔‬ ‫ڈو‬
139. Great cry, little wool. ‫۔‬ ‫ا‬ ‫رات رو‬
140. Early to bed early to rise, makes a man healthy, ‫۔‬ ُ‫ےا‬ ‫ى اور‬ ‫رات‬
wealthy and wises.
141. The safest way round is the shortest way home. ‫۔‬ ‫دورا‬ ‫وا‬ ‫راہرا‬
142. Money attracts money. ‫۔‬ ‫رو‬ ‫رو‬
143. What all men say is always true. ‫۔‬ ‫رہ ا‬ ‫زن‬
144. A sweet tongue is a good weapon. ‫ى۔‬ ‫زن‬
145. There is no fence against gold. ‫زر زور را۔‬
146. Better give the wool than the whole sheep. ‫۔‬ ‫آد د‬، ‫را د‬
147. Something is better than nothing. ‫۔‬
148. A burnt child dreads the fire. ‫۔‬ ‫ڈر‬ ‫ڈ ر‬

149. Truth is ever green. ‫۔‬ ‫آ‬
150. All looks yellow to a jaundicated. ‫۔‬ ‫آ‬ ‫ا ا‬ ‫ون ا‬
151. Speech is silver, silence is golden. ‫۔‬
152. Truth is bitter. ‫۔‬ ‫وا‬
153. Fortune’s mishap at the very outset. ‫ے۔‬ ‫اُو‬ ‫ا‬
154. A constant guest is never welcomed. ‫نو ل ن۔‬ ‫ا‬
155. I ask for a forks and you bring a rake. ‫ال م اب ۔‬
156. A sleeping fox catches no poultry. ‫۔‬ ‫ن‬
157. Slow and steady wins the race. ‫۔‬
158. Old birds are not caught with chaff. ‫آ ۔‬ ‫اداؤ‬
159. Spend and God will send. ‫۔‬ ‫د‬ ‫ا‬ ‫رے‬
160. A fair face may hide a foul heart. ‫ت اں۔‬ ‫ں‬
161. He is not lost who comes at last. ‫۔‬ ُ‫ا‬ ‫آ‬ ‫م‬
162. Society moulds man. ‫۔‬ ‫ا ن‬
163. Cleanliness is next to godliness. ‫۔‬ ‫دو ےدر‬ ‫ر‬
164. Necessity is the mother of invention. ‫ورتا د ں ۔‬
165. All that glitters is not Gold. ‫۔‬
166. A nod to the wise and a rod to the dunce. ‫رہ۔‬ ‫ا‬،‫ا رہ‬
167. Love and must can’t be hide. ‫۔‬ ‫اور‬
168. Knowledge is power. ‫۔‬ ‫ى دو‬
169. Fair exchange is nor robbery. ‫ارد۔‬ ‫ض و‬
170. Pride hath a fall. ‫۔‬ ‫ور‬
171. Fetters even of gold are heavy. ‫ى۔‬ ‫ہ‬
172. To err in human, to forgive divine. ‫۔‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ا ن م‬
173. To owe is woe. ‫۔‬ ‫ض ى‬
174. Little drops make an ocean. ‫د در ۔‬ ‫ہ ہ‬
175. Contentment is a blessing. ‫۔‬ ‫ى‬
176. What cannot be cared must be endured. ‫ندرو ۔‬ ‫درو‬
177. Handsome is he who handsome does. ‫م۔‬ ‫م را‬
178. Practice makes perfect. ‫۔‬ ‫م م‬
179. You can’t befoul the people all the time. ‫۔‬ ‫رر‬
180. Two of a trade seldom agree. ‫ى ۔‬

181. Small in work, strong in dispute. ‫ط۔‬ ‫ت‬
182. One slaps, another pays. ‫ے ۔‬ ‫ے‬
183. Birds of a feather flock together. ‫واز۔‬
184. Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown. ‫۔‬ ‫وا‬ ‫وا رو‬
185. Evil pursuits bring evil repute. ‫۔‬ ‫ں د‬
186. If you cannot bite, never show your teeth. ‫۔‬
187. An old dog will not learn new tricks. ‫۔‬ ‫ڑ‬
188. A maintain in labour and a mouse the result. ‫۔‬ ‫دا ڑ‬
189. He who ploughs himself reaps rich harvest. ‫۔‬
190. A neighbour’s hen is a goose. ‫۔‬ ‫رى‬
191. To swallow a camel, to strain at a goat. ‫۔‬ ‫ز‬
192. To rip up old grievances. ‫دےاُ ڑ ۔‬
193. Let the dead past bury its dead. ‫را ۃ۔‬
194. Time once gone cannot be recalled. ‫آ ۔‬ ‫و‬
195. A prophet is seldom honoured in his own country. ‫ھ۔‬ ،
196. Dry bread at home is better than roast meal abroad. ‫۔‬ ‫رى‬ ‫آد‬
197. The innocent get punished with the guilty. ‫۔‬ ‫وا‬ ‫م‬
198. Rod is the logic of the fools. ‫۔‬ ‫ت ں‬ ‫ں‬
199. The butcher looked for the knife when he had it in ‫۔‬ ‫ڈ ورا‬
his mouth.
200. A good name is better than bags of gold. ‫۔‬
201. Ill got, ill spent. ‫امر ۔‬ ‫ام د‬
202. Easy come, easy go. ‫دل ر ۔‬ ‫ل‬
203. An uninvited guest is seldom welcomed. ‫ا ن۔‬ ‫ن ن‬
204. Death with friends is a festival. ‫دارو۔‬ ‫گا ہ‬
205. An open door will tempt even a saint. ‫ل۔‬ ‫اب‬
206. If you play with a fool at home, he will play with ‫۔‬
you in the market.
207. Friends fall off in a adversity. ‫د ۔‬
208. Death defies the doctor. ‫۔‬ ‫ج‬ ‫ت‬
209. Death keeps no calendar. ‫۔‬ ‫ا ر‬ ‫ت‬
210. Death devours the lamb as well as the sheep. ‫ان۔‬ ‫ڑ‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ت‬

211. The cheaper buyer takes bad meal. ‫ر ر۔‬ ‫رو‬ ‫ر‬ ‫رو ا‬
212. Fair exchange is no robbery. ‫۔‬ ‫ے‬ ‫ں ىرا‬
213. Let him stew in his own fat. ‫۔‬ ‫ں‬ ‫ں‬
214. Poverty breeds strife. ‫۔‬ ‫وں‬
215. Great boast, little roast. ‫۔‬ ‫م ادر‬
216. Ever spare, ever have. ‫۔‬
217. To pose as a saint after a life of vice. ‫۔‬
218. What the eye sees not, the heart rues not. ‫۔‬ ‫د‬
219. A bird in hand is worth two in the bush. ‫ااُد ر۔‬
220. If the sky falls, we shall catch the larks. ‫۔‬ ‫راد‬
221. Beauty needs no ornament. ‫ا دى۔‬ ‫جز ر‬
222. Well begun is half done. ‫ا م۔‬ ،‫آ ز‬
223. Let not the left hand know what the right does. ‫ڈال۔‬ ‫در‬
224. Between the devil and the deep sea. ‫ن۔‬ ‫د‬
225. Virtue survives the great. ‫۔‬ ‫ز ہر‬
226. Little knowledge is a dangerous thing. ‫ہ ن۔‬
227. Time is a great healer. ‫۔‬ ‫ز ں‬ ‫و‬
228. They are chips of the same block. ‫۔‬ ‫وہا‬
229. Gone is the goose that laid golden eggs. ‫۔‬ ‫اُڑا‬ ‫ن‬ ‫وہدن‬
230. It is harping on the same true. ‫ىراگ۔‬ ‫و‬
231. Rome was not built in a day. ‫۔‬ ‫ں‬
232. Self evident needs no proof. ‫۔‬ ‫آر‬
233. All that glitters is not gold. ‫۔‬ ‫وا‬
234. Christmas comes but once a year. ‫ا رد ۔‬ ‫روز‬
235. Jack of all trades. ‫۔‬
236. Every tide has its ebb. ‫زوال۔‬
237. New lords, new laws. ‫۔‬ ‫رت‬ ‫آ‬
238. Nothing venture, nothing have. ‫۔‬ ‫ےا ن‬
239. God helps those who help themselves. ‫ د ا۔‬،‫داں‬
240. There is many a slip between the cup and the lip. ‫۔‬ ‫د دورا‬
241. Honey is not for the ass’s-mouth. ‫ر دال۔‬
242. A good name is better than riches. ‫ دام۔‬، ‫م‬

243. Coming events cast their shadows before. ‫ت۔‬ ‫ر وا‬
244. Little drops make an ocean. ‫ا ا دو رہ۔‬
245. Disputing about the skin before catching the bear. ‫۔‬ ،‫س‬ ‫ت‬
246. Give an inch and he will take an ell. ‫۔‬ ‫ا‬
247. By the mouth expressed, by the world possessed. ‫۔‬ ، ‫ت‬
248. A scalded child fears cold water. ‫۔‬ ‫دودھ‬
249. Brevity is the soul of unit. ‫ر ۔‬ ‫ا‬
250. Lay by gone be by gone. ‫را ۃ۔‬
251. Blue blood. ‫۔‬ ‫ا‬
252. Dutch courage. ‫درى۔‬
253. French leave. ‫۔‬ ُ‫ا ع ر‬
254. Rainy day. ‫دور۔‬ ُ
255. Royal road. ‫آ نرا ۔‬




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