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English for Academic Purposes

Worksheet # 2 - Tenses


Past simple / present simple / present perfect / future simple (will)

The present simple, past simple, and present perfect verb tenses account for approximately 80% of verb tense use in
academic writing. This handout will help you understand how to use these three verb tenses in your own academic
TASK 1) Place each example next to the definition it fits into.

The present simple tense is used:

1. To “frame” your paper. “So I’m walking through the park yesterday, and I hear
all of this loud music and yelling. Turns out, there’s a
free concert!”
“Shakespeare captures human nature so accurately.”

2. To make general statements, conclusions, or “The dinoflagellate’s TFVCs require an unidentified

interpretations about previous research or data, substance in fresh fish excreta” (Penrose and Katz, 330).
focusing on what is known now.

3. To give a sense of immediacy to past events “The data suggest…”

(called “the narrative present” or “the “The research shows…”
literary present”).

4. To introduce evidence or support. “There is evidence that…”

5. To cite a previous study or finding without In your introduction, the present simple tense describes
mentioning the researcher in the sentence. what we already know about the topic.
In the conclusion, it says what we now know about the
topic and what further research is still needed.

TASK 2) Present simple vs past simple

Identify the mistakes in the following sentences. Not all are incorrect.

1. The online payment system Stripe was a trustworthy payment processor.

2. In the UK, the first zero-waste shop opened in 2017.
3. Google, YouTube and Facebook combined received more than 150 billion visits per month.
TASK 3) Present simple vs present perfect

Highlight the correct form of the verb.

1. According to the BBC, almost 24,000 students apply/have applied to study medicine at UK universities next
2. Homeopathy uses/has used diluted substances which cause the body to heal itself.
3. Approximately 10% of the world’s population is believed/has been believed to be left-handed.

TASK 4) Past simple vs present perfect

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1. Green tea ________________________ a significant trend in the West. (become)

2. Dave Asprey _______________the first biohacking facility ‘upgrade labs’ in 2017. (set up)
3. PayPal charging customers whose accounts are inactive. (begin)

TASK 5) Present simple vs future simple with ‘will’

Highlight the correct option. If both are correct, highlight them both.

1. This essay argues/will argue that physical banks will disappear completely in the next decade.
2. In 2025, healthcare systems will adopt/adopt more preventative health approaches.
3. These findings suggest that more in-depth research in this field is required/will be required.


Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Use only active or passive structures of past
simple / present simple / present perfect simple / future simple.

1. Government income _____________ from indirect taxation such as import duties. (derive)

2. Unemployment _____________ when economic growth outstrips productivity growth. (fall)

3. Over the last five years, major exporting countries _____________companies caught bribing foreign officials to win
contracts. (prosecute)

4. Once the new resolution is approved, countries _____________to inspect any suspicious land, sea or air cargo,
including luxury goods. (require).

5. The findings are based on responses from 500 business owners around the country who _____________ fewer
than 100 employees. (have)

6. Every year, member states _____________ more available funding for agriculture subsidies. (demand)

Complete the gaps in the paragraph with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

Exams versus coursework

The most effective way to assess students (long debate) in the field of education. Two
of the most common methods are examinations and coursework. On the one hand, examinations
(allow) teachers to assess several students at the same time on the same content. Exams are also seen by
some as more flexible in relation to content, timing and question types. Indeed, a 2018 study led by Stanford
University (show) that male students (achieve) higher scores with multiple-choice
tasks whereas open-ended questions (enable) female students to perform better. On the other hand, …..

-------------------------------------- End of Worksheet # 2 --------------------------------------

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