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Virtual manufacturing as a way for the factory of the future

Article in Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing · January 2006

DOI: 10.1007/s10845-006-0041-1


71 3,689

3 authors:

Mariella Consoni Florenzano Souza Marco. Sacco

Ford Motor Company Italian National Research Council


Vieira Porto
University of São Paulo


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J Intell Manuf (2006) 17:725–735
DOI 10.1007/s10845-006-0041-1

Virtual manufacturing as a way for the factory of the future

Mariella Consoni Florenzano Souza · Marco Sacco ·
Arthur José Vieira Porto

Received: February 2005 / Accepted: January 2006

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2006

Abstract Virtual Manufacturing represents the Introduction

emerging approach the enterprises can use to improve
their processes, introducing new products more quickly More pressure has been placed on manufacturing com-
in the market in a cost effective way. The fundamen- panies, as customers are becoming more and more the
tal idea is to create an integrated and synthetic envi- focus of the market, mainly regarding the delivery of cus-
ronment, composed of software tools and systems such tomized and diversified products, quality improvement
as Virtual Reality and Simulation to support such pro- and time reduction. As products, processes and data are
cesses. This paper presents the Virtual Manufacturing becoming more complex, the decision making process
(VM) environment, highlighting the potential applica- in many disciplines such as product design, manufactur-
tion areas and the resulting benefits. The role of Sim- ing engineering, and production management involves
ulation Lab and ITIA-CNR in applying the VM is dis- the consideration and analysis of many variables. These
cussed, the research activities currently carried out by decisions often result in a long-term impact on the deter-
the institutes are presented and two significant cases mination of the success or failure of the organization. In
developed as example of the applicability of the con- most cases, making these decisions based just on instinct
cept are shown. and experience can be extremely risky for the company.
In order to achieve success in this context, manufac-
Keywords Virtual manufacturing · Virtual reality · turing companies need to develop capability to shorten
Data flow · Simulation · Integration the delivery of their products and to quickly respond to
customers’ needs and react to market changes, making
correct decisions as earlier as possible during the prod-
uct development process through efficient and fast eval-
uations. It is well known how a change in a project can
affect the product development process cost. The cost of
M. C. F. Souza (B) · A. J. V. Porto a change to a design in the Conceptual Design phase is
Laboratório de Simulação, IFM, essentially regarding engineering staff’s time to review
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos-USP, and modify a design. Reaching the Development phase
Av. do Trabalhador São-Carlense 400,
other considerations require modification as a result of
13566-590 São Carlos, SP, Brazil
e-mail: the change (process and work involved as example).
Once a design has been released and is in the Produc-
A. J. V. Porto
e-mail: tion phase, a change can require modification of man-
uals, processes, training, government approvals, etc. In
M. Sacco other words, the cost of a change to a design increases as
Istituto di Tecnologie Industriali e Automazione,
development advances from conception, project, proto-
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche,
Via Bassini 15, 20133 Milano, Italy type to production and release. In this environment, pro-
e-mail: vide production, quality and tests feedback to product
726 J Intell Manuf (2006) 17:725–735

designer as soon as possible can generate great results of this, the meaning of the term is still evolving and has
regarding maintenance of product family integrity, con- an even less agreed upon definition. The fundamental
tinuity of infrastructure and improved project and man- idea behind most of concepts however, is that VM is an
ufacturing investments (Tseng, Jiao, & Su, 1998). approach to achieve an integrated and synthetic envi-
In pursuing these capabilities, companies are using ronment to be used for concurrently simulating all of the
ever more frequently simulation technology, software activities involved throughout the life cycle of a prod-
tools and digital models to reduce costs and increase uct. The proposal is to provide a strategy to integrate
profitability. According to Uhlmann and Schaper (2004), all the processes, from engineering to manufacturing, to
the time to develop new products can be reduced if enhance all levels of decisions and controls providing
the product and manufacturing processes can be repre- the product development, validation and manufactur-
sented in a more realistic way, for example with the aid of ing virtually before realizing physically the real product
models and simulations, without the use of physical pro- (Lawrence Associates Inc., 1994).
totypes. Perhaps one of the most recent and interesting According to Banerjee and Zetu (2001), the Virtual
solutions in this area is Virtual Manufacturing (VM) that Manufacturing can be used in a wide variety of manufac-
proposes the creation of a synthetic and integrated envi- turing systems contexts, and can be defined as the mod-
ronment, composed by many software tools and systems elling of manufacturing systems and components with
as simulation and Virtual Reality (VR), offering turnkey the effective use of computers, audiovisual and sensory
solutions for the entire product development process displays to simulate or design alternatives for a manufac-
from design-to-manufacturing. The main objective is to turing environment. The main objective is to support the
provide a way for engineers to develop, evaluate and design of new systems and to predict potential problems
simulate a complex system entirely on a computer and a and inefficiencies in product functionality and manufac-
way to rapidly conduct experiments to predict and eval- turability before the real manufacturing is realized.
uate the results of alternative manufacturing decisions This digital environment can be more realistic with
before spending time and money on the construction of the use of Virtual Reality. This technology can provide
physical mock-ups. a better integration among designers and customers
Leading industries in many sectors such as aerospace requirements, allowing the interaction and immersion
and automotive companies are making use of VM to of the user in the virtual world based on graphical 3D
support many of the stages of their product develop- images created in real time by the computer. Immersed
ment process. Besides all the success and promises asso- in the virtual world, engineers can create and mod-
ciated to VM, it is unclear the way small and medium ify their projects in real time, verifying immediately
companies can implement this approach to their product the effects of these modifications. The main impact of
development process and a defined strategy to the adop- this technology in the Virtual Manufacturing regards
tion of VM is needed (Offodile & Abdel-malek, 2002). the products design and project, processes simulations,
Besides that, according to Bullinger, Warschat, and Fi- operations planning and training, and real time control
scher (2000), many technologies as CAD, CAM, Virtual of shop floor.
Reality, Virtual Prototyping, Simulation have been used Achieving that approach means to develop an inte-
in the last period, but the comprehension of how these grated solution environment composed of a set of sys-
technologies can be integrated in a easy and continue tems and software tools that operate throughout all
process is not defined. the phases of the product development process aiming
VM represents an important step toward the factory at realizing modeling, simulation, analysis of the new
of the future providing ability to make changes in a product and processes and to facilitate communications.
virtual environment, saving money and time, and result- Today, few commercially available virtual environments
ing in better designs. The purpose of this paper is to exist, and they will be of limited scope and they will have
discuss the VM environment approach, highlighting its a definitive focus. This will require engineering effort to
potentiality to many industrial processes, and describe tailor them to any specific set of business needs. Thus,
the researches carried out by Simulation Lab and ITIA- the actual challenge is to develop better and newer tech-
CNR in the field. nologies and integrate them with current and available
ones to create Virtual Manufacturing systems (Com-
mittee on advanced engineering environments, 1999).
The approach of virtual manufacturing environment Currently practice in big companies is often based on
creating ad hoc and inflexibly integrated toolsets that
VM is an approach that has been emerging in the manu- may lead to significant benefits. One of the main chal-
facturing area to improve industrial processes. Because lenges is overcome data import/export problems among
J Intell Manuf (2006) 17:725–735 727

systems (data interoperability barriers) to provide a case presented here briefly describes the framework that
complete VM environment. Industries as the automo- is being developed for the use of Virtual Manufacturing
tive and aerospace have to deal with the consequences concepts in the Product Development Process, includ-
of the lack of data and system interoperability. ing the analysis of neutral format files to achieve data
Once the lack of system interoperability is solved, interoperability in this environment.
VM will overcome engineering and operative ineffi- ITIA-CNR is the Institute for Industrial Technologies
ciencies and will enable companies to optimise critical and Automation of the National Research Council of
factors directly affecting the competitiveness of their Italy. As a promoter of industrial innovation, performs
manufactured products. The results of developing a pro- strategic activities of Scientific Research and Technolog-
duct, from concept definition to production steps, in a ical Development for the Competitiveness and Sustain-
virtual environment are the creation of virtual proto- ability of Italian and European Manufacturing Industries.
types that can be manipulated in real time, providing The RTD activities of the Institute aim at innovating
the parts interference verification before the physical Products, Processes and Organization: in this area,
prototype construction; the execution of manufactur- Virtual Manufacturing plays an important role.
ing and assembly processes simulations; and the inter-
action with the product in a virtual manner. It will allow Simulation lab case: Framework to guide the
one to rapidly analyze the factory performance, predict application of Virtual Manufacturing in the
results of process changes before the real implementa- Product Development Process (PDP) and analysis of
tion, reducing time and costs of development and prod- utilization alternatives of neutral formats files to
uct implementation. Besides VM provides accurate and enable data interoperability
efficient models to the evaluation and control of the
factory. Moreover the same system will be a good com- The main objective of Simulation Lab projects in this
munication and training tool once the product will be research area is to study the relationship between Vir-
developed. tual Manufacturing and PDP, emphasizing the impacts
The following section highlights the initiatives of two this approach can present to a development process and
research institutes in the Virtual Manufacturing field, the requirements and challenges to its use. As a result
describing two case studies. Some conclusions at the end of this analysis, the project has as purpose the develop-
of the two following paragraph summarize the major ment of a framework to provide initial guidelines for the
outcomes and show the potential steps forward. application of Virtual Manufacturing in a generic PDP,
presenting how product development activities can be
accomplished in the VM context. To the development of
The virtual manufacturing at simulation lab and ITIA this framework, the following tasks were accomplished:
(a) identification of the software tools proposed by VME
Simulation Lab and ITIA-CNR are two research entities and their main features; (b) identification of PDP phases
developing studies and projects on VME. and activities that can be supported by VME software
Simulation Lab is a research academic group, part of tools and how these tools can be used and systema-
IFM (Institute Factory of Millennium), in the Univer- tized to achieve advantages to PDP; and (c) analysis of
sity of São Paulo-USP, Brazil. The initial purpose of VM alternatives use of neutral formats files to enable data
research was to achieve a better comprehension of the interoperability. This framework is based on a generic
use of higher interactivity interfaces. This study resulted reference model of product development process and
in the development of a virtual prototype of the inter- can be conform to fulfil each companyć6s needs. A
lock of a CNC turning machine. The next step was the briefly description of the results achieved by this
creation of a framework to allow the generation of a project until now is presented.
concurrent and distributed environment.
Now, Lab’s efforts are to organize and systematize all Identification of VME software tools
the concepts and experiences developing a framework
to guide the application of VM in the Product Devel- In this work, the software tools proposed by Virtual
opment Process. This model considers the use of many Manufacturing Environment were classified in the fol-
software tools and systems that can be included in the lowing task groups: Product Project; Process Planning;
environment and the analysis of the data interoperabil- Resource Management; NC (Numerical Controlled)
ity question. The interchange with ITIA-CNR started Programming; and Validations (Fig. 1).
with the aim of exchanging of information and expe- All these software tools, working in an integrated way,
rience to conclude the development of the model. The can bring many benefits for the Product Development
728 J Intell Manuf (2006) 17:725–735

Fig. 1 VM task groups Process Planning

Assembly and
manufacturing process
Product Project Management

Concept/Surface Design
Detail Design (CAD) Machine and tool
Digital Mock-Up definition and desig
Virtual Prototyping Plan layout
Rapid Prototyping Data Labor requirement
Analysis software Management

Validations Programming

NC Machine Simulation
Robot Simulation
CMM Simulation NC Machine
Human Task Simulation CMM
Assembly Simulation Robot
Factory DMU

Process. It is well known that a PDP can be divided into Following, a briefly description of how the PDP
some project phases such as Conceptual Design, Product phases and activities can be done in a VME is pre-
Design, Process Design and Pilot Production, and these sented. The idea to this project is to reach as result
phases can be detailed in many activities that should be a more detailed framework, presenting for each phase
as much as possible performed concurrently and in an mentioned above which tools can be used and how these
integrated way. tools can be systematized in an integrated process flow.
While many of the technologies have to be used simul-
The product development process in a Virtual taneously during PDP, the initial focus is on product
Manufacturing environment Concept Design phase, which means a description and
initial representation of the product regarding its basic
Thinking about that, Virtual Manufacturing can bring functions, characteristics and structure, resulting in a
to the development process a new way to execute this conceptual model with necessary information for the
process because proposes a virtual interactive design- following phases. One of the main activities that can
build-test cycle where the design, validation and manu- be support by VM software tools is the generation and
facturing activities can be accomplished virtually before selection of alternatives of product concepts. In a Virtual
be accomplished physically in the real world. Besides Manufacturing environment, alternatives concepts of
that, VME provides a better way to achieve activities product can be defined using an advanced computer-
concurrence and a greater integration of Product and aided concept design tool that provides a more flexible
Process Design phases (Fig. 2). and integrated environment to 2D sketch and 3D mod-
VM can accelerate the interactive design-build-test elling and to represent product concepts. Besides that,
cycles present in all phases of PDP and move design product shape and styling can be molded and refined
problem identification and solution backward in time, with surface modelling software that permits develop-
to the earlier phases of PDP. In this environment, mod- ment teams to produce attractive and photo realistic
els are virtually built and tested very early in the devel- models while creating quality surface descriptions and
opment process well before any physical prototypes are precise geometry important to produce high-quality
created, reducing cost and time required to solve identi- molds and dies. This tool allows designers, if necessary,
fied problems. By validating engineering, tooling designs to analyse reflection lines and curvature from surfaces
and process plans earlier in the development process, and to manipulate the surface of digital models instead
costly mistakes can be detected earlier, more design of build many physical models to have this accurate look
alternatives can be evaluated and the overall project of the surface. Imperfections and inconsistencies in the
are optimized regarding costs, quality and time. shape of the product can be detected early in the process,
J Intell Manuf (2006) 17:725–735 729

Fig. 2 The development

process in a Virtual
Manufacturing environment
is not a linear process Design Validation Design Validation
environment environment environment environment


Design Validation Design Validation

environment environment environment environment

enabling many key design decisions to be made without all the technical information about the product includ-
the development of expensive clay modeling. ing shape, assembly structure, shape tolerances, mate-
Product ideas can then be initially verified and vali- rial, mass properties, kinematics properties and so on
dated using virtual and rapid prototyping technical is used as the basis for downstream activities. Product
before the project advances to the next phase. The cre- aesthetics, ergonomics and functionality can be verified
ation of a virtual prototype in this stage of PDP pro- and validated in a virtual environment where users can
vides the interaction with the product to verify and interact in real time with a virtual product and simulate
validate basic functions, the presentation of the new idea and predict its functional behaviour in the same man-
to managers, product and manufacturing engineers and ner one would interact with in the real world. With VP,
customers, to validate the project with industrial design- new products designs can be evaluated for form, fit and
ers, to analyse initially the product manufacturability function to improve styling, performance, ergonomics,
and permits the comparison of the concept alternatives manufacturability and maintainability and make sure
without the need to construct a physical prototype. Even they work as intended before something is physically
earlier in the PDP, designer can work with the customer built.
to better define requirements using a virtual prototype. Besides that, many types of computational behaviour
The framework proposed for this phase is briefly pre- simulations of products such as kinematics, mechanical
sented in Fig 3. dynamics and static behaviour, structural analysis and
Product Design phase can be enhanced in a VM con- finite element analysis, is performed aiming at optimis-
text as many tools can support the accomplishment of ing the overall system that is being created.In this phase
styling and shape refining and detailed design, verifica- the processes planning can be initiated.
tion and analysis of parts, systems and overall product In the Process Design phase, Virtual Manufacturing
(Fig. 4). In this phase, a product model that contains concepts are applied in the elaboration and validation

Fig. 3 Concept design in a

Virtual Manufacturing Project Validation
environment Environment Environment

VR Application
Conceptual VRML
Conceptual Development
Project System
Part Rapid Prototype

Feed back

A IGES Information:
UPR A: Conception alterantive description and representation;
B: Product specifications (materials, superficial finishing
and tolerances); C: Geometry; D: Manufacturing
information (tolerances and process planning information)
730 J Intell Manuf (2006) 17:725–735

Fig. 4 Product design in a Feedback

Virtual Manufacturing

STL VR Application
3D Product Project VRML Development
Conceptual 3D CAD
Environment Model
B, C STL Rapid
A STEP Proto typing
UPR Model
CAD System
B, C
Parts UPR
database Analysis Environment

3D CAD Dynamic Static

Simulation Simulation
STEP Feedback
B, C
UPR Tolerance
STL Simulation

Process Project
Process Environment
database Ergonomic
DMU Simulation

Model Information:
STEP A: Conception alterantive description and representation;
IGES B: Product specifications (materials, superficial finishing
UPR B,C,D and tolerances); C: Geometry; D: Manufacturing
STL information (tolerances and process planning information)

of many manufacturing and assembly processes plans program prior to execute the actual activity. This makes
including basic operations, welding, painting, numerical provides a greater feedback of manufacturing capability
controlled (NC) programs to machining, robotic and co- information and statistics to design department. Besides
ordinate measurement machines (CMM), application of that, a 3D virtual prototype of tools and fixtures can be
standard times and application of ergonomics aspects used to allow crash detection between the machine tool,
(Fig. 5). tool, and fixture and stock material and to be used as
In this environment it is also possible to have a 3D vir- the basis for manufacturing the fixtures and tools.
tual prototype of an assembly and import it in a assem- The framework also proposes ergonomics assessment
bly sequence simulation tool allowing a full kinematics of the design using a 3D ergonomic model to check
simulation of the proposed assembly sequence plan to for visibility, reach, access and strength required. Ergo-
check potential insertion paths for access clearance and nomic studies on human motion such as posture calcu-
clashes between parts and fixtures and for verify the lations and energy expenditure can be examined for the
fitness of interrelated parts. development of human task simulation model.
Another important contribution is to model opera- During Production Pilot phase, VME improves capac-
tions of NC machine and inspection program in virtual ities of new assembly and production lines and assures
reality, making possible the identification of access and an improved material flow. To support factory and cell
machining and fixturing problems in actual production design a key tool as factory simulation can be used to
systems before expensive orders are placed for equip- provide the possibility of achieving a macro-level model
ment and tooling. With a 3D fixture solid model it is pos- of manufacturing capability with a high degree of accu-
sible to perform a full kinematic simulation of machining racy. The framwork proposed for this phase is presented
or inspection process and validate the NC or inspection on Fig. 6.
J Intell Manuf (2006) 17:725–735 731

Fig. 5 Process design in a Product Project

Virtual Manufacturing Environment 3D CAD
Model B, C Tolerance
STEP Simulation
CAD System UPR
Process Analysis Environment
B, C IGES Simulation

STEP Simulation
Process Project Environment IGES
Process Planning MMC
System B,C, D Simulation
Process Task
database Task
ergonomic ergonomic
STEP STEP factors factors
UPR UPR Human tasks
STL STL Simulation
database Resource NC B,C,D
Management Programming
UPR C, D Validation Environment
3D CAD Virtual Environment
Model Development System
STL Information:
VRML A: Conception alterantive description and representation;
B: Product specifications (materials, superficial finishing
and tolerances); C: Geometry; D: Manufacturing
information (tolerance sand process planning information)

Feedback operation can be enhanced by change in system layout,

Validation and addition of workstations and resources or rearrange-
Factory Project
Visualization ment of plants.
Environment The text presented here showed a briefly view of the
Discret Event framework that is being proposed in the lab work. The
Factory Simulation main objective is to offer an initial guide for who wants
Layout Project to apply the VM. But, implement a VM environment,
System SDX with all the tools and systems integraded, is a big chal-
Factory Digital lenge. One factor that results in a challenge for the VM
implementation is data and system interoperability. The
next section has as objective to ilustrate one way that
companies can use to improve data interoperability in a
Products, Processes and Resources VM environment.

Fig. 6 Pilot production in a Virtual Manufacturing environment Data interoperability analysis

One of the challenges found to achieve a ideal Virtual

Simulation of a production system aims at visualiz- Manufacturing environment is the fact that software
ing the effects of changes of production constraints such tools, most of the time, need to share product and pro-
as investment costs on the system layout in terms of cess data and the data input and output formats are fre-
resource requirements in labour, machine and equip- quently different. As a consequence, the development of
ment and production volume. The execution of simula- standards in a neutral format is required. This approach
tion gives as results the production rate, machine and avoids the development and maintenance of many inter-
resource utilization, throughput time analysis and bot- faces of specific systems and allows applications to be
tlenecks identification. And thus, efficiency of the plant oriented directly to a shared file.
732 J Intell Manuf (2006) 17:725–735

Product Project Process and the information access have to be managed by PDM
Traditional CAD Planning
Operations systems pertaining to the product development process.
process Applications protocols STEP AP203 and AP214 have
STEP AP214 sequencing useful data architecture to the interoperability of many
VS-3D (*) VM systems, and they are the reference basis to com-
Proprietary Format characteristics pare other formats. Processes supported by AP203 are:
the development and exchange of design data with other
STEP AP214 Validations
STEP AP214 STEP AP203 steps of the life cycle of the product, the project devel-
STEP AP203 Information UPR, SDX CN
UP-3D VS-3D(*) Database VS-3D (*) VRML Verification opment and technical changes. The scope of AP214 is:
Discrete product definition, project, prototyping, process plan-
Management NC Programming
ning, quality control, tools design and production. SDX
Machine Facility STEP AP214
allows data exchange among simulation software,
selection layout STEP AP203 Machine integrating factory project and material handling to sim-
UPR, VS-3D(*) Center
ulation and analysis environment. VRML represents
machines multimedia and 3D objects with hyperlinks to another
Configurations Geometries
planning by operations object as texts, films and images, and allows the interop-
(*) 3D Simplified Visualization erability using the strategy of data integration through
database. UPR presents a great potential to data ex-
Fig. 7 Neutral formats to interface VM tasks groups change between traditional CAD systems and can be a
solution to the exchange or project representation based
on features. Neutrals formats of 3D visualization such
In this paper alternative to the use of standard for- as STL (Stereo Lithography) and CFL (Cubical Facet
mat files aiming at achieving a data interoperability List) can be used to store information internally in the
level in a VM environment is presented between task VM systems (Ravelli, Porto, & Souza, 2003).
groups presented above. These task groups need differ-
ent interoperability levels regarding information access ITIA-CNR case: the MPA-virtual factory
requirement, system association, information exchange
frequency and detail level of data converted among Towards the development of the Digital Enterprise,
these systems (Ravelli, 2003). In the end of this project, ITIA-CNR proposed an idea of integrating virtual real-
a more detailed analysis of data interoperability will be ity and discrete events simulation in the ManuFuturing
done regarding each tools used in each PDP phases. The project (Boër & Jovane, 1996; Sacco, Mottura, Viganò,
integration of product and process data in this environ- Avai, & Boër, 2000), which focuses on the development
ment will be possible with the presence of a mechanism of a new production system model for self-innovative
as a digital standard representation enabling the infor- and extended factory. A step forward it is applied in
mation sharing between the different VM systems. MPA project, where a factory is defined from its main
Figure 7 presents the proposed alternatives to allow modules and virtually reproduced in order to control
the interoperability to this data flow between product and test the shop floor performances (Viganò, Liao,
project and MV tasks. In order to achieve that proposal, Sacco, Mottura, & Boër, 2002).
studies and researches in this field (Greco 2002a, 2002b; The goal of this work is to define and to develop the
Marsan, Kumar, Dutta, & Pratt, 1998; Mecklenburg, “Virtual factory”: a system that allows the modeling and
2001; Schutzer & Henriques, 2002) have been analysed. the simulation of a factory in a virtual reality environ-
Some of the neutral formats that were considered ment where both the layout design and the production
here are STEP (Standard for Product data Exchange), process are taken into account. Moreover the factory
neutral formats to 3D imagine visualization, SDX (Sim- can be design in its structural components (i.e. offices,
ulation Data eXchange), UPR (Universal Product Rep- wall, stairs, etc.). The VR system is running on graphi-
resentation) and VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling cal workstation and mainly developed using C++, while
Language). the simulation system and the Standard Facility Library
Data created by a CAD system in the product pro- (SFL – the DB containing the whole factory resources
ject phase and data created or modified by systems of and building blocks) are based on PC and Java.
the VM environment are stored and managed by the In the MPA, the SFL maintains standard modules
database both in their proprietary font format as in neu- for virtual 3D design and the designed layout for suc-
tral formats. Automatic procedures to the generation cessive simulation. The VRE (Virtual Reality Environ-
of these additional files, the control of technical changes ment) provides a friendly 3D immersive interface for the
J Intell Manuf (2006) 17:725–735 733

in order to create a lighter environment that can be

Personal Computer SGI Workstation
used on PC avoiding the workstation and the expen-
sive immersive devices. After the simulation completes
the emulation process, it is designed to produce a XML
Simulation SW
record file to store all the simulation processes, including
SFL Virtual Reality the necessary parameters for the VRE to replay the sim-
Emulation SW Interface
ulation effect under 3D environment. This idea is similar
Control SW
to transferring the layout file from the SFL to the simu-
Graphical User lation. Consequently, the integrative method discussed
above could also be used to transfer the record file from
the simulation to the VRE. Utilizing XML file to imple-
ment data integration has the following advantages:
Fig. 8 The MPA logical architecture

• The learning curve is very shallow because XML is

a natural step up from HTML.
factory building or the shop floor design; thus, the users
• The programmers are not necessary to worry about
are able to select the desired resource objects from the
the complicated interface definition and interaction.
SFL, put them on the virtual factory floor, connect out-
What is only required to do are producing and
puts to inputs and verify the hypothetical layout against
receiving the XML file on the basis of W3C stan-
the existing spatial constraints. All the operations can
be executed in the virtual room of ITIA-CNR. Due to
• XML is good at handling matters that are hierarchi-
the high costs and heavy burden of the virtual room,
cal. The SFL database is a real hierarchical object
especially for SMEs, a GUI (Graphical User Interface)
tree that can be represented reliably and conve-
is envisaged as a complement of 3D interface in case
niently by XML document.
the dedicated hardware platform is not available. The
• Some APIs support the development, for example,
fundamental idea of emulation and control software is
Java provides powerful tools like JAXP, JAXB. The
to create a simulation tool that can support the analyses
disadvantages are:
and evaluations of factory building and shop floor lay-
• XML document is human-readable file whose secu-
out. The simulation data then can be fed-back to the 3D
rity is not so good as that of transferring file in binary
or 2D interface to get emulation effect.
format, like CORBA.
The pilot case to test the application and the overall
• The application has to parse or unmarshal the XML
framework is a factory layout plus the factory build-
document after receiving the XML file. It is less
ing modules (both the case come from real companies
inefficient and needs a more heavyweight client
data); the represented process is for manufacturing and
especially when the file is large and works with
assembling car air-condition system and, since in real-
parser DOM. Anyway, it sacrifices the performance
ity the process is replicated five times, in the factory the
as the return of simplicity.
pilot application deals with just one single line; the build-
• The programmer has to know which language (C++,
ing, as well, is reconstructed just in its more meaningful
Java) is used in the parsing side. Different languages
modular component.
should have corresponding parsers.
For the pilot application almost all the 3D modular
components have been modelled from scratch. In future
a conversion procedure will be foreseen.
3D factory layout builder
A brief introduction to the XML integration
of the simulation and the VRE A new step that allows the visualisation of Virtual fac-
tory on PC is to create a three-dimensional environment
The integration between the VRE and the simulation meant to represent a factory layout taking information
can be fulfilled in different ways: using SOCKET out of the SFL directly using XML. The environment
(Haverlock, 1998; Mahmoud, 2001), CORBA (Schmidt offers to the user navigation functionalities as an avatar
& Vinoski, 1996; Vinoski, 1997) or through XML inside the virtual factory.
(Mohseni, 1994; Sun Microsystems Inc., 2001). In the The tool is characterized by low hardware require-
MPA project the whole possibility have been studied ments (PC-based), user-oriented semi-immersive graph-
and tested; finally the XML solution has been adopted ical interface and a modular and open architecture.
734 J Intell Manuf (2006) 17:725–735

Fig. 9 The layout builder software Fig. 10 The virtual factory

All the information needed in order to create the Manufacturing approach leads to an integrated and syn-
virtual factory layout is stored in the SFL. The data- thetic environment to develop a product, from concept
base contains information related to the resources, their to market launching. However, applying Virtual Manu-
characteristics and spatial information (positions and facturing involves an effort to develop a good solution
orientations); the model repository collects all the 3D to integrate all the applications and data present in that
models in VRML format. In order to create a modular environment. An analysis has to be performed for each
system a “Database Interface” has been created so that case and alternatives have to be studied. The interoper-
the virtual layout builder can work without regards to ability barrier exists and a great deal of effort has been
the internal structure of the Information System. Mainly placed on this question. The authors have presented
two modules compose the Layout Builder; a Parser for just a brief overview of the problem and two case stud-
the layout representation based on the Schema men- ies where these aspects have been studied and applied
tioned above and a Loader, based on the VRML spec- to real companiesć6 cases. The work is on progress and
ifications, which loads the models pointed out by the some results coming from the evaluation campaigns will
XML file. The result of the layout builder is a virtual 3D be presented at the conference.
representation of the factory with a intuitive navigation
system and some reports about the resources informa-
tion in the factory.
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