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Practice Set of Applied Digital Logic Design (ESCM301)

Some MCQs:

What is the value of a binary number consisting of n number of bits

a) N2 – 1 b) 2n
c) 2 d) 2n - 1
What is the minimum number of bits required to assign binary roll to 60 students
a) 5 b) 6
c) 7 d) 8
What is the numbers of binary numbers that can be created with 8-bits.
a) 32 b) 64
c) 128 d) 256
Convert the number system (7654)8 = (?)2.
a) 110011001000 b) 111110101100
c) 100100111110 d) 111100001010
Calculate the 2’s complement of 2’s complement of the binary number 101000110
a) 110000110 b) 101000110
c) 101100110 d) 101000111
Base of Octal Number System is-
a) 2 b) 8
c) 10 d) 16
What is the code where all successive numbers differ from their preceding number by
single bit
a) Alphanumeric Code b) BCD
c) XS-3 d) Gray Code
What is the Gray code of 1011?
a) 1011 b) 1010
c) 0100 d) 1101
What is the maximum number by adding two valid BCD numbers-
a) 9 b) 15
c) 18 d) None of these
(1000)2 = (?)XS-3
a) 1000 b) 1111
c) 1011 d) 1010
AND gate followed by an inverter
a) NOR b) NAND
If output is 1 for same combination of inputs, then identify the derived gate-
a) AND b) OR
c) XOR d) XNOR
(163.875)10 = (?)2
a) 10100011.111 b) 10100001.001
c) 10101011.100 d) 10101011.101
base of Hexadecimal Number System.
a) 2 b) 8
c) 10 d) 16
For invalid BCD number, ____ will be added
Practice Set of Applied Digital Logic Design (ESCM301)

a) 0110 b) 0111
c) 1110 d) 1111
Universal Gate is
a) AND b) NOR
c) NAND d) Both (b) and (c)
Memorize that each decimal digit is represented by ___ bits binary number
a) 1 2
c) 3 4
Select the correct base of Decimal number system
a) 2 8
c) 10 16
Identify the Derived Gate
In ASCII, select the total number of supported characters
a) 64 128
c) 256 d) 64
In E-ASCII, select the total number of supported characters
64 128
256 64
Select the correct base of Hexadecimal number system
2 8
10 16

Some short and long questions:

Octal to Hexadecimal conversion - A Anand Kumar (Fourth Edition), Fundamentals of Digital

Circuits – Section 2.2

Binary to hexadecimal conversion - A Anand Kumar (Fourth Edition), Fundamentals of Digital

Circuits – Section 2.2

NOR Gates can be used as an inverter. - A Anand Kumar (Fourth Edition), Fundamentals of
Digital Circuits – Section 4.5

2’s complement method of subtraction - A Anand Kumar (Fourth Edition), Fundamentals of

Digital Circuits – Section 2.3

Gray Code. - A Anand Kumar (Fourth Edition), Fundamentals of Digital Circuits – Section 3.4

half adder and full adder. - A Anand Kumar (Fourth Edition), Fundamentals of Digital Circuits
– Section 7.3

NAND Gates can be used as an inverter. - A Anand Kumar (Fourth Edition),

Fundamentals of Digital Circuits – Section 4.5
Practice Set of Applied Digital Logic Design (ESCM301)

BCD Code. - A Anand Kumar (Fourth Edition), Fundamentals of Digital Circuits –

Section 3.2

Different types of Adders. - A Anand Kumar (Fourth Edition), Fundamentals of Digital

Circuits – Section 7.3

Compare Between Half Adder and Full Adder - A Anand Kumar (Fourth Edition),
Fundamentals of Digital Circuits – Section 7.3

Select the best Adder among CPA and CLA - A Anand Kumar (Fourth Edition),
Fundamentals of Digital Circuits – Section 7.5 and 7.8

Deduce the intermediate carries from the initial carry in a 4-bit CLA - A Anand Kumar
(Fourth Edition), Fundamentals of Digital Circuits – Section 7.8

Explain how a 4-bit Carry Look Ahead Adder works - A Anand Kumar (Fourth Edition),
Fundamentals of Digital Circuits – Section 7.8

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