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Poulton 1

Seneca Poulton

Processor Bowers

Worlds Religion

August 1, 2023

Why do People Practice Religion ?

Religion is practiced for many many reasons, maybe some want knowledge or happiness
and peace. Others could be wanting to make improvements in their life. Whatever the reason is,
let me assure you that need is met when one chooses a religion to follow if desired. Following a
religion that truly aligns with your personal beliefs and valves can give you some what of an
instruction guide to live by. Personally Christianity is the religion that guides my life, through
the text there will be my reasons for why I practice.
For me religion was something that had been introduced at a young age and upheld through my
raising. As a young person I have travelled and studied other religions but still choose to keep
my Christian Faith. My first example is The Ten Commandments, they are simple and easily
understood rules that if followed will Produce a positive outcome in a community. That is the
type of security that can bring peace to one worried about their environment, especially with the
crime rates rising. These Commandments are found online or in the Bible, it is easy to follow
these and worth following even if you do not want to adopt the faith.
Fallowing Jesus’s word and fully trusting him has kept me content in my life. When Ill feeling
come my way, turning them over to the lord in prayer gives me some type of release. Depression
is a real struggle many and has unfortunately even claimed the lives of others. In times of
sadness and loneliness his love could cure. Another reason to be a Christian is the family and
support you gain when becoming a church member. Finding a congregation that makes you
comfortable when practicing religion will help one overcome Depression or issues of that kind
that could hinder one.
In conclusion the world is filled with sickness and turmoil but having religion it can be
more manageable. Your burdens and fears are turned over to the lord when you submit your life
to him and living a Christian life will get you into Heaven where there is no pain or suffering,
that is the goal of Christians. This live style and religion lays out a way to live that full of
positivity and that is what suits me best. The Christian life can be as simple or complex as you
please.If you are intrigued by a life like this then checking into Christian based religions

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