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Submitted to :
Dr. Santosh Satyanarayan Baheti
Assistant Professor, School of Business and Management
Christ (Deemed to be University), Bengaluru

Submitted by :
Aakash Mittal
Learning from CIA 1

For the first assignment, we have to create data for a bookstore with three branches across
three cities and five different genres, each with its own code. The number of books sold, the
cost per unit, the percentage of fixed and variable costs, and the total costs are all expected to
be determined here. After that, we must format all of the data in accordance with the
instructions that were given to us and use them to execute the HLookUp and VLookUp
The primary takeaway from this assignment was learning and comprehending the basic
operations of HLookUp and VLookUp, two of the most important M.S. Excel functions. Both
can be classified as lookup functions; HLookUp is used to search a table or array of data
horizontally, and VLookUp is used to search a table or array of data vertically. The lookup
value, which is the value to be searched for in the table or array, the table array, which is the
range of cells containing the table or array to be searched for, the column index number,
which is the column number of the table or array from which the corresponding value is to be
returned, and the range lookup, which is an optional argument that specifies whether an exact
match is to be looked for or the next closest approximate match, are the four arguments that
must be examined for both of these functions.
Task automation can be achieved by utilising the two in a multitude of ways. The two, for
example, can be used to create dynamic dashboards, like one that shows the most recent sales
data for various product categories, or complex formulas, like finding a value in a table and
using the value returned to look up a value in another table through VLookUp.
Overall, HLookUp and VLookUp rank among the most important functions in Microsoft
Excel. Gaining knowledge and comprehension of its application can help one increase
productivity by automating repetitive tasks that require searching for and retrieving data. This
will not only save time but also improve the accuracy of the work produced.
Learning from CIA 2

In this assignment, we’re required to download a set of data from such websites as NSE,
BSE, etc., and make use of such tools of M.S. Excel as sum, count, minimum, maximum,
average, consolidation, etc. In line with the prompt, the sets of data that I had picked up were
relevant to the equity market, FII turnover, and currency market turnover, for a range of years
up till the financial year of 2023 – 24, in order to perform the aforementioned functions on
each of the same..

Counting the number of customers in a database or the number of items in a list, finding the
lowest price for a product or the lowest test score, finding the highest price for a product or
the highest test score, calculating the average sales for a month or the average inventory of a
product, creating a summary report or a dashboard, and many other scenarios are just a few
examples of the many uses for all these tools.

Overall, it was a really worthwhile experience that taught me how to use Microsoft Excel for
both basic and advanced data analysis. I also learned how to summarise large amounts of data
and carry out increasingly complicated calculations with greater accuracy. Furthermore, these
tools help with the automation of time-consuming tasks, saving both effort and time, as well
as the identification of important data, making it simpler to spot patterns and solve a variety
of real-world issues.

Learning from CIA 3

Three of the core ideas of Microsoft Excel—correlation analysis, regression analysis, and
what-if analysis—are examined in this assignment. To carry out the what-if analysis, we must
create a set of data that represents the sales figures for a hypothetical company. Then, using
the Data Table feature, we must do a one-variable analysis on these figures, assuming that the
company's profit margin was 20%. We are expected to choose a novel set of two related
variables for the correlation analysis., for which I measured weights and heights, computed
and interpreted the correlation coefficient between the two, and then depicted the results in a
scatter plot. Finally, but just as importantly, we should use the same dataset as before to
conduct a linear regression analysis, which we should then interpret and represent as a scatter
Learning the fundamentals of what-if analysis, correlation analysis, and linear regression
analysis as well as how to apply them to solve practical issues were the outcomes of this
assignment. What-if analysis is a useful tool in decision-making because it allows one to
investigate various scenarios and how they affect the outcome. It is a means of examining the
influence of various variables on a desired outcome. A technique for determining the
direction and strength of any relationship between two variables is correlation analysis.
Furthermore, predictions about the former based on the values of the latter can be made using
regression analysis, a tool for modelling the relationship between a dependent and an
independent variable.
The aforementioned commands can be utilised in multiple ways to achieve task automation.
Consider using a what-if analysis to investigate the impact of different sales prices on profits,
or the impact of different interest rates on mortgage payments; correlation analysis to
determine the associations between various marketing channels and sales; a range of
employee attributes and their productivity at work; regression analysis to develop a model to
predict customer attrition; or sales forecasting based on a variety of economic indicators, etc.
In general, all three of the aforementioned tools can be utilised to help make better decisions
and perform better by supporting the analysis of large data sets, interpreting statistical
analysis results, drawing insightful conclusions, and clearly communicating the findings of
statistical analyses.

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