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No to solar panels! Vandalism in Spain makes solar panels economically

According to a Red Eléctrica report, 33% of solar panels in Spain have been damaged.

Spain has long been considered a sun-drenched paradise, with its abundant sunshine and
warm Mediterranean climate. As such, solar energy has been heralded as a green solution to
combat climate change and reduce dependence on fossil fuels. But the reality is quite
different, according to the Renewable Energy Summary Report 2022 made by Red Eléctrica,
1 in 3 solar panels have to be repaired every year due to vandalism.

The number of solar panels destroyed in our country is increasing. The so-called "energy
thieves" are groups of vandals who are profiting from solar energy by stealing parts. On July
18 the Civil Guard arrested two people who were stealing solar panels in an industrial
building, the value of the stolen material amounted to 50,000 euros. In total, 3 gangs
dedicated to this activity have been dismantled and 52 people have been arrested in the last 5
years. According to the police, these groups take advantage of the location of these panels,
usually far from the population and cities, to act with total tranquility and steal the parts to
sell them on the international market.

This group of people make huge profits from this illicit business, a single solar panel can be
worth between 5,000 and 10,000 euros. The thieves sell separately the solar panels
themselves and the copper for less than the original cost to different international companies.

This destruction of solar panels generates a much higher than expected public expense that
exceeds the cost of installing other types of energy. According to the Renewable Energy
Summary Report 2022, solar energy in Spain is not profitable because of this additional
expense and it is better to use other types of energy. Wind generates twice as much energy as
solar and does not present this type of problem and other non-renewable energies, although
they pollute more, are much more effective.

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