Comp II Essay 1

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Poulton 1

Seneca Poulton

Mrs. Davis

Composition II

September 6, 2023

Protecting the Vulnerable

Depression is becoming more of a threat to society, and it is affecting more than just the

younger generation. According to the United Way of Central Oklahoma nineteen percent of

Oklahomans over the age of sixty-five have been diagnosed with depression. I’ am fortunate to

still have my Elderly Grandma along with some other grandparents. Over time my grandma has

lost her ability to travel or stay our long periods of time. Unfortunately, this caused her to lose

connections to some family and friend and instances like this can cause depression. But I want to

focus on how I protect my vulnerable Grandmother. Treating others with the same care and

kindness that I myself expect will most certainly create a positive impact on your community.

Instead of spreading hate and hostility choose kindness and acceptance. In the text On

Being Neighborly Brotherton mentions a few ways that this can be demonstrated. For starters

waving and smiling at the neighbors shows acceptance. Also mentioned is taking them a pie, it

isn’t necessary nor doesn’t have to be food, but a small gesture is appreciated. That is an
Poulton II

excellent way to demonstrate kindness. I know that my grandmother likes a certain snack from

the restaurant I work at, so I occasionally bring her that treat. That is one way I spread kindness.

We can all help fight elderly depression by being a proactive citizen and not a dreamer.

To support the Elderly with depression we need to be proactive, meaning we are going to take

action. Not set and wait for medical professionals to find a cure. Brotherton has an article titled

On Being Neighborly, he mentions dilapidated housing, loneliness and elderly shut ins. These are

all issues that can be solved with being a proactive citizen. If there is an elderly neighbor that

might need help maintaining their property offer to lend a hand or direct them to someone that

can. Simply taking a short visit to an Elderly neighbor's home could help improve their well-

being if they are shut in or depressed. I try to visit my grandmother every few days or so just to

make sure she isn’t being down and blue. At the time it might seem like it is wasted time, but it

will most surely pay off.

There’s a cliché saying I have been told over time and it goes something like hard work pays off.

Not that visiting with an elderly grandma is hard work but being a proactive citizen is. In the

Article that Brotherton wrote titled On Being Neighborly, there is a great example of being

proactive and the payoff included. Vicky Reir who worked as the City of Denver Assistant

Manager states that in thirteen years she had never went thru winter without receiving any calls

regarding the elderly needing their driveway shoveled. She believes that it is correlated too the
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neighboring movement mentioned in the text. I include this example to prove that showing

kindness and being proactive will be noticed. I know that visiting my grandma brings joy and

happiness and that is something that is easily shown. I always leave her house feeling better

knowing that I’m protecting a vulnerable citizen.

In conclusion there is ample ways to protect a vulnerable citizen and make a positive impact

where it is needed. If we each seek out a vulnerable person needing protection in the

community and show them the positivity, they need then a change in the community is

bound to happen. There could be less elderly fighting depression in our state. I will continue

to protect my vulnerable individual and be a proactive citizen.

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Annotated Bibliography

Brotherton, Marcus. “On Being Neighborly.” The Art of Manliness, 30 May 2021.

The art of Manliness is not just for men, I a female found it revolutionary. It is full of short

story examples of how communities improved themselves. Brotherton the author, has been

on both sides of this article, a good neighbor and not so good neighbor. This article has

been available for ten years, this is for anyone who wants to be a better neighbor. I consider

this to be a recent and reliable source.

Samarripas, Nick. “Aging in Central Oklahoma.” Https://Www.Unitedwayokc.Org, 2019.

The United Way released statistics and information pages about the elderly in Oklahoma. This is

where I found my stats on the percentage of depressed elderly. The research char Nick

Samarripas wants to inform the public about the elderly needs our help. This article was

released in 2018, there were eighteen agencies that helped fund the research needed to

make this information possible. The info provided is available for anyone to view online. It

is a reliable and accurate source.

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